American Standard Codefor Information Interchange, ASCII, American Standard Code for Information Interchange, standard 7-bit code used to numerically represent characters during the transfer of text data (Computers) -
• American standard code for information interchange -
3 Amerikaans
♦voorbeelden:het Amerikaanse congres • CongressAmerikaanse onafhankelijkheidsverklaring • Declaration of IndependenceAmerikaanse whiskey • bourbon, rye, corn whiskeydoor en door/op-en-top Amerikaans • American through and through, all-American -
4 Amerikaan
n. American, resident of the United States, person of American origin -
5 AngloAmerikaans
adj. Anglo-American, American of English descent -
6 Apache
n. Apache, member of the Apache tribe (American Indian tribe); name of an American military helicopter -
7 Indiaans
adj. Indian, of or pertaining to Native American Indians, of Native American origin -
8 amerikanisme
n. Americanism, characteristic feature of American English; custom or trait peculiar to America; devotion to or preference for American traditions and ideals -
9 chachacha
n. cha-cha-cha (in Spanish chachachá), Latin American style of dance music derived from the rumba and mambo; Latin American dance, Cha-cha, Chacha -
10 Amerikaan
11 Engels-Amerikaans
1 Anglo-American, English-AmericanVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > Engels-Amerikaans
12 door en door/op-en-top Amerikaans
door en door/op-en-top AmerikaansAmerican through and through, all-AmericanVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > door en door/op-en-top Amerikaans
13 indiaan
14 Afro-Amerikaans
adj. Afro-American -
15 Amerikaans
adj. American, of or from the United States; of or from North or South America -
16 Amerikaanse
n. American female citizen or resident -
17 Amerikaanse zeearend
n. bald eagle, species of large North American eagle with brown plumage on the body and wings and white plumage on the head and tail (national symbol of the United States) -
18 Atlantische Oceaan
n. Atlantic Ocean, ocean which spreads out between the American continent and the European and African continents -
19 DES
DES, Data Encryption Standard, (Computers) American standard for encoding data that uses a private key algorithm (encodes data in a manner that is extremely difficult to crack) -
20 DowJonesindex
Dow Jones, stock market index which measures stocks traded on the American stock market
См. также в других словарях:
American — may refer to: * A person, inhabitant, or attribute of the United States of America * A person, an inhabitant, or attribute of the Americas, the lands and regions of the Western Hemisphere * A person or attribute of the indigenous peoples of the… … Wikipedia
American VI — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda American VI Álbum de Johnny Cash Publicación Octubre de 2007 Género(s) Country … Wikipedia Español
American — aloe (century plant); American beauty (crimson rose); American buffalo (bison); American cheddar (also called American cheese or store cheese); American cheese (cheddar); American cloth (oil cloth); American cotton (upland cotton); American… … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
American Hi-Fi — Жанр Поп панк,[1] альтернативный рок, панк рок, пауэр поп[2] … Википедия
American — A*mer i*can ([.a]*m[ e]r [i^]*kan), a. [Named from Americus Vespucius.] 1. Of or pertaining to America; as, the American continent: American Indians. [1913 Webster] 2. Of or pertaining to the United States. A young officer of the American navy.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
American IG — is the name of a company, and it owes its genesis to a German business conglomerate, namely, Interessens Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG, or IG Farben for short. The business and the industrial empire, which the “IG” controlled and commanded has… … Wikipedia
American Hi-Fi — Pays d’origine Boston, Massachusetts États Unis Genre musical Pop punk Années d activ … Wikipédia en Français
american — AMERICÁN, Ă, americani, e, s.m. şi f., adj. 1. s.m. şi f. Persoană care face parte din populaţia de bază a Statelor Unite ale Americii sau (mai rar) din populaţia de bază a unui alt stat al Americii. 2. adj. Care aparţine (populaţiei) Statelor… … Dicționar Român
American — [ə mer′i kən] adj. 1. of or in America ☆ 2. of, in, or characteristic of the U.S. or its people or culture [the American language] n. 1. a person born or living in North or South America; specif., a) Obs. an American Indian b) a citizen of the… … English World dictionary
American — A*mer i*can ([.a]*m[ e]r [i^]*kan), n. A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginal inhabitants, but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America, and especially to the citizens of the United States. [1913 Webster] The … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
American BD — est une revue de l éditeur de Petit format Aventures Voyages qui a eu 6 numéros d octobre 1985 à février 1986 (+2 recueils de 3 numéros). Revue grand format et couleurs, elle a adapté du matériel Marvel de science fiction. Le succès n est pas au… … Wikipédia en Français