1 American Association of Advertising Agencies
орг.сокр. AAAA рекл., амер. Американская ассоциация рекламных агентств (ассоциация, объединяющая крупнейшие рекламные агентства США и оказывающая помощь в регулировании рекламной деятельности)Syn:See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > American Association of Advertising Agencies
2 American Association of Advertising Agencies
1) Техника: Ассоциация рекламных агентств СШАУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > American Association of Advertising Agencies
3 American Association of Advertising Agencies
сокр AAAAПрофессиональная организация, создана в 1917 с целью совершенствования рекламного дела и представления интересов рекламных агентств. Объединяет около 700 агентств (2003). Штаб-квартира в г. Нью-ЙоркеEnglish-Russian dictionary of regional studies > American Association of Advertising Agencies
4 American Association of Advertising Agencies
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > American Association of Advertising Agencies
5 American Association of Advertising Agencies
Американская ассоциация рекламных агентств (Нью-Йорк; создана в 1917; объединяет ведущие рекламные агентства США)Patent terms dictionary > American Association of Advertising Agencies
6 American Association of Advertising Agencies
English-Russian media dictionary > American Association of Advertising Agencies
7 Standards of Practice of the American Association of Advertising Agencies
док.рекл., амер. "Стандарты рекламной практики Американской ассоциации рекламных агентств"* (стандарты компетентности, разработанные Ассоциацией: напр., рекламные агентства не должны препятствовать развитию конкуренции в отрасли; должны соблюдать рекламную этику, создавать правдивую рекламу и т. д.; соответствующие этим стандартам рекламные агентства могут претендовать на членство в Ассоциации)See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > Standards of Practice of the American Association of Advertising Agencies
8 American Association of Advertising Agents
* * *
abbrev.: AAAA American Association of Advertising Agents Американская ассоциация рекламных агентов (США): организация, созданная в 1917 г. для развития бизнеса рекламных агентств и помощи членам в совершенствовании их деятельности.Англо-русский экономический словарь > American Association of Advertising Agents
9 Association
10 advertising
сущ.1) рекл. реклама (совокупность каких-л. рекламных объявлений; обычно употребляется с указанием места, где размещается данная реклама)Over 60 percent of alcohol advertising [on television\] is shown during sports programming
Asian governments have attempted to limit excessive consumptions by instituting strict control over the content and amount of advertising in the media.
Advertising [on buses\] is one of the important advertising means to which companies and establishments attach great importance because this type of advertisement is a mobile one seen by all.
two-thirds of the food and drink advertising for children under 12 — две трети всей рекламы продуктов питания для детей младше 12-ти лет
Last month, 10 companies that produce almost two-thirds of the food and drink advertising [for children\] under 12 agreed to start cutting back on advertising junk foods.
No person shall within the city distribute [printed\] advertising by placing it within or upon parked automobiles.
2) рекл. реклама, рекламирование (процесс осуществления рекламы; как правило, употребляется с указанием рекламируемого продукта)Alcohol advertising is the promotion of alcoholic beverages by alcohol producers through a variety of media.
the control of medicines advertising in the UK — контроль за рекламой лекарств в Соединенном Королевстве
ATTRIBUTES: accessory 2. 1), advance 3. 2), aerial 3. 1), agricultural, air 2. 1),
alternative 2. 3), ambient 1. 1), audiovisual, auxiliary 2. 1), block 1. 4) а), boastful, broadcast 2. 1), n1, classified 1. 1), commercial 1. 4) а), comparative, competing 1. 1) а), competitive 1. 2) а), concept 1. 2) а), consumer 1. 1) а), continuity 1. 1) а), controversial 1. 1) а), cooperative 2. 1), n2, coordinated, corporate 1. 2) а), б, corrective 1. 1), creative, deceptive, demographic, denigratory, dissipative, domestic 1. 2) а),
foreign 1) б), global, professional 1. 3) б), regional, repeat 3. 3) б), strategic, superior 3. 1) б), test 3. 3) б), traditional
Syn:See:accessory advertising, advance advertising, advocacy advertising, aerial advertising, agricultural advertising, air advertising, aisle advertising, alternative advertising, ambient advertising, analogy advertising, association advertising, audiovisual advertising, auxiliary advertising, bait advertising, bait and switch advertising, bait-and-switch advertising, bank advertising, banner advertising, bargain advertising, bargain-basement advertising, block advertising, boastful advertising, brand advertising, brand image advertising, brand name advertising, breakthrough advertising, broadcast advertising, burst advertising, business advertising, business paper advertising, business publication advertising, business-to-business advertising, car-card advertising, cause advertising, challenged advertising, charity advertising, children's advertising, cinema advertising, classified advertising, combative advertising, commercial advertising, comparative advertising, comparison advertising, competing advertising, competitive advertising, concept advertising, consumer advertising, continuity advertising, controversial advertising, co-op advertising, cooperative advertising, coordinated advertising, corporate advertising, corporate image advertising, corrective advertising, counter advertising, counteradvertising, coupon advertising, creative advertising, deceptive advertising, demographic advertising, demonstration advertising, denigratory advertising, direct advertising, direct response advertising, direct-action advertising, direct mail advertising, direct-mail advertising, directory advertising, display advertising, dissipative advertising, domestic advertising, door-to-door advertising, educational advertising, electric advertising, electrical advertising, e-mail based advertising, entertaining advertising, ethical advertising, export advertising, eye-catching advertising, factual advertising, false advertising, farm advertising, fashion advertising, film advertising, financial advertising, flexform advertising, follow-up advertising, foreign advertising, fraudulent advertising, full-page advertising, gender advertising, general advertising, generic advertising, global advertising, goodwill advertising, group advertising, hard-sell advertising, hard-selling advertising, heavy advertising, help wanted advertising, high-pressure advertising, house advertising, house-to-house advertising, idea advertising, illuminated advertising, image advertising, impact advertising, indirect action advertising, indirect-action advertising, individual advertising, indoor advertising, industrial advertising, information advertising, informational advertising, informative advertising, in-house advertising, initial advertising, innovative advertising, institutional advertising, in-store advertising, insurance advertising, international advertising, interstate advertising, introductory advertising, intrusive advertising, issue advertising, joint advertising, large-scale advertising, launch advertising, legal advertising, local advertising, mail advertising, mail-order advertising, mass advertising, mass-media advertising, media advertising, military advertising, misleading advertising, mobile advertising, mood advertising, movie theatre advertising, multimedia advertising, multinational advertising, national advertising, non-business advertising, non-commercial advertising, novelty advertising, obtrusive advertising, offbeat advertising, off-season advertising, on-line advertising, on-target advertising, opinion advertising, oral advertising, outdoor advertising, out-of-home advertising, package advertising, periodical advertising, personality advertising, persuasive advertising, point-of-purchase advertising, point-of-sale advertising, political advertising, postal advertising, postcard advertising, poster advertising, postmark advertising, pre-launch advertising, premium advertising, press advertising, prestige advertising, price advertising, primary advertising, print advertising, private sector advertising, problem-solution advertising, procurement advertising, producer advertising, product advertising, product-comparison advertising, professional advertising, promotional advertising, public relations advertising, public sector advertising, public service advertising, public-affairs advertising, public interest advertising, public-issue advertising, public-service advertising, radio advertising, railway advertising, reason-why advertising, recruitment advertising, regional advertising, reinforcement advertising, remembrance advertising, reminder advertising, repeat advertising, retail advertising, retentive advertising, saturation advertising, scented advertising, screen advertising, seasonal advertising, selective advertising, self-advertising, semi-display advertising, show-window advertising, sky advertising, slide advertising, social advertising, social cause advertising, soft-sell advertising, specialty advertising, split-run advertising, spot advertising, store advertising, strategic advertising, street advertising, strip advertising, subliminal advertising, sustaining advertising, switch advertising, tactical advertising, target advertising, taxi top advertising, teaser advertising, television advertising, test advertising, testimonial advertising, tie-in advertising, tombstone advertising, total advertising, trade advertising, trademark advertising, traditional advertising, transformational advertising, transit advertising, transportation advertising, truthful advertising, truth-in-advertising, two-step formal advertising, unacceptable advertising, unfair advertising, untruthful advertising, visual advertising, vocational advertising, wall advertising, word-of-mouth advertising, written advertising, yellow pages advertising, advertising abuse, advertising action, advertising aids, advertising analysis а), advertising appeal, advertising approach, advertising audience, advertising awareness, advertising balance, advertising band, advertising believability, advertising break, advertising brochure, advertising catalogue, advertising circular, advertising claim 1) а), advertising clutter, advertising column, advertising communication, advertising competition 2) а), advertising copy, advertising coupon, advertising credibility, advertising cue, advertising decay, advertising deception, advertising device, advertising emphasis, advertising exaggeration, advertising exposure 2) а), advertising factor а), advertising film, advertising folder, advertising frequency, advertising gift, advertising gimmick, advertising handbill, advertising hoarding, advertising image, advertising impact, advertising impression, advertising influence, advertising insert, advertising intensity, advertising jingle, advertising label, advertising leaflet, advertising letter, advertising literature 1) а), advertising location, advertising magazine, advertising material, advertising matter, advertising media, advertising medium, advertising novelty, advertising operation 2) а), advertising page, advertising pamphlet, advertising panel, advertising penetration, advertising perception, advertising personality, advertising playback, advertising point, advertising posttest, advertising pretest, advertising puffery, advertising pylon, advertising race, advertising readership, advertising recall, advertising response, advertising retention, advertising sample, advertising section 2) а), advertising site, advertising slogan, advertising space, advertising specialty, advertising sponsorship, advertising spoof, advertising spot, advertising standards, advertising structure, advertising supplement, advertising test, advertising testing, advertising text, advertising threshold, advertising time, advertising vehicle, advertising wearout, advertising wedge, Canadian Code of Advertising Standards, Code of Advertising Practice, Defining Advertising goals for Measured Advertising Results, Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act, ICC Guidelines / Code on Advertising and Marketing on the Internet, ICC International Code of Advertising Practice, ICC International Code of Environmental Advertising, ICC International Codes of Marketing and Advertising Practices, Standard Advertising Register, Standard Directory of Advertising Agencies, Standards of Practice of the American Association of Advertising Agencies, Advertising Association, Advertising Association of the West, Advertising Checking Bureau, Advertising Club of New York, Advertising Council, Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc. 2), Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc.3) рекл. рекламное дело, рекламная деятельность, рекламный бизнес (реклама как вид деятельности безотносительно каких-л. конкретных продуктов; реклама как одна из функций организации)advertising counsellor [consultant\] — рекламный консультант, консультант по рекламе
advertising expert — рекламный эксперт, эксперт по рекламе
Syn:See:above-the-line advertising, below-the-line advertising, flat fee advertising, investment advertising, per inquiry advertising, advertising account, advertising activity, advertising agency, advertising agent, advertising agreement, advertising allowance, advertising analysis б), advertising appropriation, advertising assistant, advertising audit, advertising brief, advertising broker, advertising budget, advertising business, advertising campaign, advertising canvasser, advertising claim 2) б), advertising club, advertising code, advertising community, advertising company, advertising competition 1) б), advertising contract, advertising contractor, advertising control, advertising cooperative, advertising copywriting, advertising cost, advertising coverage, advertising customer, advertising department, advertising director, advertising directory, advertising drive, advertising effect, advertising effectiveness, advertising efficiency, advertising environment, advertising ethics, advertising exchange, advertising executive, advertising expenditures, advertising expenses, advertising exposure 1) б), &3, advertising factor б), advertising firm, advertising guide, advertising industry, advertising injury, advertising landscape, advertising legislation, advertising leverage, advertising liability, advertising linage, advertising literature 2) б), advertising man, advertising management, advertising manager, advertising method, advertising mix, advertising monopoly, advertising network, advertising objective, advertising office, advertising operation 1) б), advertising order, advertising outcome, advertising outlay, advertising output, advertising people, advertising performance, advertising personnel, advertising plan, advertising planner, advertising planning, advertising portfolio, advertising practice, advertising practitioner, advertising professional, advertising programme, advertising purpose, advertising rate, advertising register, advertising representative, advertising research, advertising restrictions, advertising sales agents, advertising schedule, advertising section 1) б), advertising self-regulation, advertising services, advertising specialist, advertising spending, advertising statistics, advertising strategy, advertising substantiation, advertising support, advertising talent, advertising theory, advertising value, advertising variable, advertising weight, media buy, copywriting, advertology
* * *
реклама, рекламирование: использование печатных, теле-, радио- и иных посланий, оплаченных рекламодателем, для благоприятного воздействия на потенциальных покупателей товара или клиентов.* * *размещение объявлений; размещение рекламы; рекламирование. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *эмоционально окрашенная информация об основных характеристиках отдельных видов страхования и страховых операций с целью формирования устойчивого спроса на страховые услуги-----средство распространения информации и убеждения людей через прессу, телевидение, радиовещание, объявления, плакаты и другим образом -
11 press association
American Association of Advertising Agencies - Ассоциация рекламных агентств США -
13 AAA
1) Общая лексика: (Aaa) высшая степень надёжности, Объединённые художники Америки (организация профессиональных художников — живописцев, скульпторов и графиков) (сокр. от Allied Artists of America), Американо-австралийская ассоциация культурных связей (сокр. от American-Australian Association), Управление регулирования сельского хозяйства2) Компьютерная техника: Adequation Algorithm Architecture, Advanced Accelerator Applications, Algorithm Architecture Adequation, Automatic Artwork Alignment3) Авиация: Anti-Aicraft-Artillery, консультативный район аэропорта, консультативная зона аэропорта (сокр. от), Ассоциация антикварных аэропланов (США) (сокр. от Antique Airplane Association)4) Медицина: abdominal aortic aneurysm5) Американизм: прослушавший двухлетний курс по прикладному искусству (сокр. от Associate in Applied Arts)6) Спорт: Anglers Of All Abilities, Australian Anglers Association, Average Amateur Attempt, Атлетическая любительская ассоциация Англии и Уэльса (сокр. от Amateur Athletic Association of England and Wales)7) Военный термин: Access All Areas, Allied Airborne Army, Anarchy Armageddon Annihilation, Antiaircraft Association, Army Appropriation Account, Army Audit Agency, Authority Authorization Auditing, Authorization Accounting Activity, adviser on aircraft accidents, all American aviation, antiaircraft armament, antiaircraft artillery, approved as amended, awaiting aircraft availability9) Сельское хозяйство: Agricultural Adjustment Act, Animal Analysis Associates, aminoacetic acid, Американская ассоциация специалистов по разведению ангусской породы крупного рогатого скота (сокр. от American Angus Association)10) Шутливое выражение: Alcoholic Apes Anonymous, Always Add Acid, Anime Addicts Anonymous, Athlon Addicts Anonymous, Awful Agonizing And Aggravating11) Математика: Angle Angle Angle12) Юридический термин: Against All Authority, Ассоциация слушателей и бывших слушателей Гаагской академии международного права (сокр. от Association of Auditors and Former Auditors of the Hague Academy of International Law)13) Экономика: аналитическая и консультативная помощь (analytical and advisory assistance (World Bank terminology)), Ассоциация сельскохозяйственной авиации (США) (сокр. от Agricultural Aircraft Association)14) Бухгалтерия: Accumulated Adjustments Account, Association of Accounting Administrators, Американская ассоциация бухгалтеров (American Accounting Association), Бюджетно-контрольное управление (сокр. от Office of Accounting and Audit)15) Страхование: American Academy of Actuaries, American Agents Association, Association of Average Adjusters of the United States16) Ветеринария: Animal Agriculture Alliance17) Грубое выражение: Anal Ass Americans18) Испанский язык: Ассоциация артистов-любителей, Ассоциация художников-любителей (Asociación de Artistas Aficionados (Amateur Artists’ Association) (Перу))19) Музыка: Acoustic And A-capella, Adult Alternative Acoustic, Adult Alternative Album, Adult Alternative Albums, Американская ассоциация аккордеонистов (сокр. от American Accordionists Association)20) Сокращение: Actors and Artistes of America, Adaptive Antenna Array, Amateur Athletic Association, Amelioration de l'Autodefense Anti-missile (Ship self-defence programme (France)), American Academy of Advertising, American Airship Association, American Anthropological Association, American Association of Anatomists, American Automobile Association, Anti-Air Armament, Anti-Aircraft Artillery, Australian Army Aviation, Automated Airline Assignment, Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Army Aviation Association (Ассоциация армейской авиации (США)), Archives of American Art (наименование американского периодического издания по истории искусства), ACTH-Resistant Adrenal Insufficiency, Achalasia and Alacrima, AEGIS Acquisition Agent, ANSI Artists of America, AOES (Advanced Orbital Ephemeris System) Accuracy Assessment, ASP Application Aggregator, Academia de Automovilismo Andrade (Guatemala), Access All Areas (Sony music project), Access Approval Authority, Accountability and Assessment, Accumulated Adjustments Account (US Federal Income Tax), Accuview anti Aliasing, Aces of ANSI Art, Achalasia-Addisonianism-Alacrima (Syndrome), Acquisition Approval Authority, Action Awareness Alert, Action on Alcohol Abuse, Active Antenna Array, Acute Anxiety Attack, Adaptive Array Antenna, Addisonian-Achalasia Syndrome, Adjust for ASCII Addition (X86), Administration, Authorization, and Authentication (Software Security), Advanced Account Access, Advanced Acoustic Analysis, Advanced Acoustic Array, Advanced Adaptive Autopilot, Advanced Aircraft Analysis, Advanced Assault Amphibians, Aeiou's Alien Archeology (NASA explores), Aerospace Engineering, Applied Mechanics, and Aviation, African Action on AIDS, African Awareness Association, Against All Authority (gaming clan), Age Anaesthesia Association, Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, Agro-Action Allemande, Aiesec Alumni Association (CIS), Air Avenue of Approach, Airborne Array Aperture, Airborne Assault Area, Aircraft Alert Area, Airport Airspace Analysis, Alacrima-Achalasia-Addisonianism, Alacrima-Achalasia-Adrenal Insufficiency (neurologic disorder), Alaska Activities Adventures Plus Tours, Album Adult Alternative (radio format), Alianza Anticomunista Argentina (Argentinian paramilitary organization, 1970s), Alien Adoption Agency, Allgrove Syndrome, Alliance Against AIDS, Allocations, Assessments, and Analysis, Alpha Associates Alliance (Knoxville, Tennessee), Alstyle Apparel & Activewear (clothing), Alternate Assembly Area, Amateur Astronomers Association (New York City, NY), American Abstract Artists, American Academy of Addictionology, American Academy of Audiology, American Accordionists' Association, American Airlines Arena (Miami Florida), American Allergy Association, American Ambulance Association, American Andalusian Association, American Angus Association, American Armwrestling Association, American Association of Advertising Agencies, American Audit Associates, American Avalanche Association, Amino Acid Analysis, Amyloid of Aging and Alzheimer Disease, Analog/Analog/Analog (audio CD format, recording/mixing/mastering), Ancylostomiasis (endemic anaemia of ancient Egypt), Anesthesia Administration Assembly, Angels and Airwaves (band), Angle Angle Angle (geometric proof), Animal Acupuncture Academy, Animal Agriculture Alliance (veterinary), Animal-Assisted Activity, Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology, Anti-Acronym Abuse, Anti-Air Assist (gaming), Anti-Attack Aura (Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, game), Antiaircraft Antiarmor (Weapon), Anticipative Adaptive Array (frequency-hopping communications), Antique Airplane Association, Antique Automobile Association, Anygame Anytime Anyplace (gaming clan), Anything, Anytime, Anywhere, Aperture Antenna Analysis, Appraisers Association of America, Archaiologika Analekta Ex Athenon (Athens Annals of Archaeology), Area Advisory Authority, Area Agency on Aging, Ariana Afghan Airlines, Arkansas Activities Association (North Little Rock, Arkansas), Arkansas Aluminum Alloys, Inc (Hot Springs, Arkansas), Arkansas Ambulance Association, Armenian Assembly of America, Army Ammunition Activity, Aromatic Amino Acid, Ascii Adjust after Addition, Asian American Action (fund), Asian American Alliance, Asian American Association, Asian Awareness Association, Asistencia Asesoria y Administracion (Mexico wrestling), Asociacio'n Asperger Andaluci'a, Asociacio'n de Amigos en Accio'n (Guatemala), Asociacion Anticomunista Argentina, Asociacion Argentina de Actores, Aspen Achievement Academy, Assessment of Aircraft Attrition, Assign Alternate Area, Associac,a\AAAo dos Alcoo'licos Ano^nimos (Portuguese Alcoholics Anonymous Society), Associate of Applied Arts, Association Against Acronyms (Facebook group), Association Algerriene d'Alphabetisation, Association of Active Shareholders (France), Association of Avatar Artists, Astronaut-Actuated Abort, Athiest and Agnostic Association, Atlas of Ancient Archaeology, Attitude, Awareness and Accountability (ski safety program), Auburn Adventist Academy (Auburn, Washington, USA), Australian Archaeological Association Inc., Australian Association of Accountants, Australian Automobile Association, Austrian Automotive Association, Authentication, Authorization and Access, Authorized Accounting Activity, Automated Airlift Analysis, Automatic Anti-Aircraft (DOD), Autoridad de Acueductos y Alcantarillados (Aqueduct and Sewer Authority, Puerto Rico), Battery Size, Highest Level of League (minor league baseball), Triple antibiotic ointment (bacitracin, neomycin, polymixin), arrival and assembly area, Alive, Alert, Aggressive21) Университет: Academic Achievement And Advising, Academics, Athletics, and Arts, Arts Academics And Athletics, Atlantean Academic Archaeologist22) Физика: Advanced Applications Of Accelerators23) Хирургия: аминоуксусная кислота24) Иммунология: American Academy of Allergy25) Связь: Authentication, Authorization and Accounting26) Банковское дело: Американская арбитражная ассоциация (American Arbitration Association), Американская ассоциация ревизоров (American Accounting Association)27) Транспорт: Arrival Arrangements Agreements, Auckland Automobile Association28) Фирменный знак: Anthony's Adoption Agency, The Automobile Association Of America29) Экология: alternating aerobic-anaerobic30) СМИ: Adult Album Alternative31) Деловая лексика: Advanced Available And Affordable, Alter, Avoid, or Accept, Американская ассоциация ( страховых) оценщиков недвижимого имущества (сокр. от Appraisers Association of America), Австралийская ассоциация бухгалтеров (сокр. от Association of Accountants of Australia)32) Образование: Active Accelerated Academy, Awareness Action And Accountability33) Инвестиции: American Accounting Association, American Arbitration Association34) Сетевые технологии: опознавание пользователя, санкционирование доступа и бухгалтерский35) Полимеры: acetoacetanilide, amalgam, amino-acid-amide36) Безопасность: Accounting Authentication And Authorization, Authentication, Authorization, and Accountability37) Интернет: Authentication, Authorization, Accounting38) Расширение файла: App Cam Automation file, Xtal Backup file39) Общественная организация: Anti Aircraft Association, Arrowhead Accountability Association40) Должность: Asian Art Appreciation41) Чат: Awesome Awesome Awesome42) Аэропорты: Anaa, Tuamotu Islands43) Программное обеспечение: Automated Atlantis Assistants44) Федеральное бюро расследований: Army Security Agency -
1) Американизм: Authentication Authorization Accounting And Auditing3) Военный термин: Army Aviation Association of America4) Шутливое выражение: Americans Against Acronym Abuse5) Ветеринария: Association for Applied Animal Andrology6) Испанский язык: Аргентинская ассоциация «Друзья астрономии» (сокр. от Asociación Argentina Amigos de Astronomía - Argentine Friends’ of Astronomy Association)7) Сокращение: Amateur Athletic Association of America, American Association for the Advancement of Atheism, American Association of Advertising Agencies, Army Aviation Association of America Inc., Australian Aerial Agricultural Association (Австралийская ассоциация сельскохозяйственной авиации), Associated Actors and Artists of America (Объединённые актёры и эстрадные артисты Америки (профсоюз)), Association Against Acronym Abuse8) Транспорт: Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association9) Реклама: Американская Ассоциация Рекламных Агентств11) Безопасность: Authentication Authorization Auditing Accounting12) Общественная организация: Action Against Ageing Association, Arizona Asian American Association13) Правительство: Ann Arbor Administrators Association14) Хобби: Alberta Aerial Applicators Association -
15 aaaa
1) Американизм: Authentication Authorization Accounting And Auditing3) Военный термин: Army Aviation Association of America4) Шутливое выражение: Americans Against Acronym Abuse5) Ветеринария: Association for Applied Animal Andrology6) Испанский язык: Аргентинская ассоциация «Друзья астрономии» (сокр. от Asociación Argentina Amigos de Astronomía - Argentine Friends’ of Astronomy Association)7) Сокращение: Amateur Athletic Association of America, American Association for the Advancement of Atheism, American Association of Advertising Agencies, Army Aviation Association of America Inc., Australian Aerial Agricultural Association (Австралийская ассоциация сельскохозяйственной авиации), Associated Actors and Artists of America (Объединённые актёры и эстрадные артисты Америки (профсоюз)), Association Against Acronym Abuse8) Транспорт: Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association9) Реклама: Американская Ассоциация Рекламных Агентств11) Безопасность: Authentication Authorization Auditing Accounting12) Общественная организация: Action Against Ageing Association, Arizona Asian American Association13) Правительство: Ann Arbor Administrators Association14) Хобби: Alberta Aerial Applicators Association -
* * *
abbrev.: AAAA American Association of Advertising Agents Американская ассоциация рекламных агентов (США): организация, созданная в 1917 г. для развития бизнеса рекламных агентств и помощи членам в совершенствовании их деятельности. -
17 Four A's
Экономика: АААА (American Association of Advertising Agencies) -
18 four A's
Экономика: АААА (American Association of Advertising Agencies) -
(4 A's); см. American Association of Advertising Agencies -
1) Французский язык: Швейцарская ассоциация рекламных агентств (сокр. от Association d’Agences Suisses de Publicité = Swiss Association of Advertising Agencies)2) Военный термин: Army automation security program3) Ветеринария: American Association of Swine Practitioners4) География: American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists5) Сокращение: American Association for Social Psychiatry (Американская социально-психиатрическая ассоциация)6) Университет: Adopt A Student Program, Asian American Studies Program, Association Of African Studies Programs7) Вычислительная техника: ASCII Asynchronous Support Package (ASCII)8) Образование: Adopt A Student Project9) Расширение файла: ASCII Asynchronous Support Package10) Общественная организация: American Association For Single People, Asian Association Of Social Psychology
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См. также в других словарях:
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