1 American Association for Artificial Intelligence
Американская ассоциация по искусственному интеллекту
См. www.aaai.org.
[Л.М. Невдяев. Телекоммуникационные технологии. Англо-русский толковый словарь-справочник. Под редакцией Ю.М. Горностаева. Москва, 2002]Тематики
- электросвязь, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > American Association for Artificial Intelligence
2 American Association for Artificial Intelligence
Общая лексика: Американская ассоциация по искусственному интеллектуУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > American Association for Artificial Intelligence
3 American Association for Artificial Intelligence
= AAAIEnglish-Russian electronics dictionary > American Association for Artificial Intelligence
4 American Association for Artificial Intelligence
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > American Association for Artificial Intelligence
5 Association
- Association for Information Systems Professionals
- Association for Machine Translation and Computational Linguistics
- Association for Systems Management - American Software Association
- American Standards Association - Data Processing Management Association - National Association of Broadcast Engineers and Technicians
- National Association of Communication System Engineers
- National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters
- National Association of Securities Dealers - Radio Manufactures Association
- Recording Industry Association of America - Systems and Procedures Association
- Telecommunication Industry Association -
6 Association
в соч.- American Communication Association
- American Radio Association
- American Radio-Telegraphists Association
- American Software Association
- American Standards Association
- Association for Computing Machinery
- Association for Information Systems Professionals
- Association for Machine Translation and Computational Linguistics
- Association for Systems Management
- Association for Women in Computing
- Association of Cinematograph and Television Technicians
- Association of Computer Users
- Association of Data Processing Service Organizations
- Association of Machine Translation and Computational Linguistics
- Association of Microelectronic Professionals
- British Engineering Standards Association
- British Robot Association
- British Videogram Association
- Canadian Standards Association
- Cellular Telecommunication Industry Association
- Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association
- Data Interchange Standards Association
- Data Processing Management Association
- Electronic Engineering Association
- Electronic Industries Association of Japan
- Electronic Industries Association
- Electronic Messaging Association
- European Computer Manufactures Association
- Exchange Carriers Standards Association
- Fiber Channel Association
- Independent Computer Consultants Association
- Information Systems Security Association
- Infrared Data Association
- Interactive Multimedia Association
- International Communication Association
- International Computer Facsimile Association
- International Computer Security Association
- International Standards Association
- International Trademark Association
- Japan Electronic Industry Development Association
- Japanese Industrial Robot Association
- Message-Oriented Middleware Association
- MIDI Manufacturer's Association
- Multimedia Telecommunications Association
- National Association of Broadcast Engineers and Technicians
- National Association of Broadcasters
- National Association of Communication System Engineers
- National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters
- National Association of Securities Dealers
- National Cable Television Association
- National Computer Graphics Association
- National Computer Security Association
- National Electrical Manufacturers Association
- National Electronics Distributors Association
- Optical Storage Technology Association
- Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
- Radio and Electronics Engineering Association
- Radio Manufactures Association
- Radio-Electronics-Television Manufacturers Association
- Recording Industry Association of America
- Scientific Apparatus Manufacturers Association
- SCSI Trade Association
- Semiconductor Industry Association
- Special Libraries Association
- Surface Mount Equipment Manufactures Association
- Systems and Procedures Association
- Telecommunication Industry Association
- Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association
- Video Electronic Standard AssociationThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > Association
[American Association for Artificial Intelligence] Американская ассоциация по искусственному интеллекту -
American Association for Artificial Intelligence - Американская ассоциация по искусственному интеллекту -
= American Association for Artificial Intelligence -
(American Association for Artificial Intelligence) Американская ассоциация искусственного интеллекта, ассоциация AAAIнекоммерческая организация, основанная в 1979 г. Занимается популяризацией ИИ, повышением уровня обучения в этой области, проведением ежегодных конференций, издательской деятельностью (выпускает журнал AI Magazine и др.) и т. д.см. тж. www.aaai.orgАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > AAAI
1) Сокращение: American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Association of Australian Aerospace Industries, American Association of Artificial Intelligence, Американская академия астмы и иммунологии (American Academy of Asthma and Immunology)2) Театр: Art, Artists, Audiences, and Intimacy3) Вычислительная техника: American Association for Artificial Intelligence (organization, AI, USA)4) Общественная организация: African American Arts Institute -
- Американская ассоциация по искусственному интеллекту
- американская ассоциация искуственного интеллекта
Американская ассоциация по искусственному интеллекту
См. www.aaai.org.
[Л.М. Невдяев. Телекоммуникационные технологии. Англо-русский толковый словарь-справочник. Под редакцией Ю.М. Горностаева. Москва, 2002]Тематики
- электросвязь, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > AAAI
сокр. от American Association for Artificial IntelligenceThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > AAAI
сокр. от American Association for Artificial IntelligenceEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > AAAI
сокр. от American Association for Artificial IntelligenceEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > AAAI
16 AIS
1) Компьютерная техника: Accelerated Indexing System, Adaptive Intelligent System, Amadeus Information System, Automated Indexing System, Automated Information Systems, advanced ionospheric sounder, airborn imaging spectrometer2) Авиация: Air Information Service, Anti Ice Sensor3) Медицина: Abbreviated Injury Scale, adenocarcinoma in situ (аденокарцинома in situ), ASIA Impairment Scale5) Военный термин: ADN Interface Simulator, Accountable Instruction System, Advanced Indication System, Advanced Indications Structure, Advanced Indications System, Advanced Instructional Systems, Adversary Information System, Air Intelligence Service, Air Intelligence Squadron, Airborne Intelligence System, Army Industrial School, Army Infantry School, Army Information System, Army Intelligence School, Army Intelligence Survey, Army intelligence and security, Army intelligence summary, Artillery Intelligence School, Audio Intercommunications System, Automated Indicator System, Automatic Identification System, Autonomous Intelligence Submunition, action information system, administrative information system, advanced instructional system, air intelligence section, air intelligence summary, aircraft inspection system, aircraft instrument subsystem, alternate interim successor, artificial intelligence system, avionics intermediate shop6) Техника: Air Force intelligence service, Automatic Intercity Station, accumulator injection system, acoustic image system, advanced isotope separation, airborne imaging spectrometer, airborne infrared spectrometer, airborne instrumentation system, airlock illumination subassembly, analog instrumentation subsystem, automated instrumentation system, автоматическая система опознавания7) Юридический термин: Ask In Silence8) Бухгалтерия: Accounting Information Systems, accounting information system, система учётной информации (accounting information system)9) Страхование: Associate in Insurance Services10) Автомобильный термин: automatic idle speed, air injection system (Chrysler)11) Металлургия: альтернативное металлургическое сырье (alternative iron sources)12) Оптика: acoustic imaging system13) Телекоммуникации: Alarm Indication Signal, «все единицы»14) Сокращение: Academic Instructor School (USA), Acoustic Intercept System, Action / Automated Information System, Active Interference Suppression, Address Information System, Advanced / Airborne Instrumentation Subsystem/System, Aeronautical Information Service, Aircraft Information Subsystem, Attitude Indicating System, Avionics Integrated Support, Association of Industrial Scientists, Automatic Intercept System, автоматизированная система идентификации (Automated Identification System (NCIC))15) Университет: Academic Information Systems, Academic Intervention Services, Adventures In Supercomputing16) Физиология: Artificial Immune System17) Электроника: Adhesive Interconnect System, САР, система автоматического распознавания18) Вычислительная техника: Account Information Security, Autonomous Intelligent System, Applied Information Sciences (Hersteller), Applied Information Systems (Hersteller), Alarm Indication Signal (UNI, ATM, OAM, DS3/E3)19) Транспорт: Advanced Inland Security, Air Idle Speed, Air Intake Sensor20) Воздухоплавание: Altitude Indication System21) Фирменный знак: Akita Interpretation Service, American Information Systems, American Internet Services, Atlantic Information Services, Inc.22) Деловая лексика: Advanced Inventory System23) Образование: Activity In School24) Сетевые технологии: Application Integration Suite, automated information system, (Alarm Indication Signal) сигнал аварийной индикации25) Программирование: Ascii Individual Stream26) Химическое оружие: acceptable intake for subchronic exposure27) Золотодобыча: (accounting information system) система обработки учётных данных28) Расширение файла: Array of Intensity Samples Graphics file, Automated Identification System (NCIC)29) SAP.тех. информационная система архива30) Нефть и газ: распределительное устройство с воздушной изоляцией31) Общественная организация: Alzheimer's Information Site, American Indian Services32) Должность: Administrative Information Services -
17 ais
1) Компьютерная техника: Accelerated Indexing System, Adaptive Intelligent System, Amadeus Information System, Automated Indexing System, Automated Information Systems, advanced ionospheric sounder, airborn imaging spectrometer2) Авиация: Air Information Service, Anti Ice Sensor3) Медицина: Abbreviated Injury Scale, adenocarcinoma in situ (аденокарцинома in situ), ASIA Impairment Scale5) Военный термин: ADN Interface Simulator, Accountable Instruction System, Advanced Indication System, Advanced Indications Structure, Advanced Indications System, Advanced Instructional Systems, Adversary Information System, Air Intelligence Service, Air Intelligence Squadron, Airborne Intelligence System, Army Industrial School, Army Infantry School, Army Information System, Army Intelligence School, Army Intelligence Survey, Army intelligence and security, Army intelligence summary, Artillery Intelligence School, Audio Intercommunications System, Automated Indicator System, Automatic Identification System, Autonomous Intelligence Submunition, action information system, administrative information system, advanced instructional system, air intelligence section, air intelligence summary, aircraft inspection system, aircraft instrument subsystem, alternate interim successor, artificial intelligence system, avionics intermediate shop6) Техника: Air Force intelligence service, Automatic Intercity Station, accumulator injection system, acoustic image system, advanced isotope separation, airborne imaging spectrometer, airborne infrared spectrometer, airborne instrumentation system, airlock illumination subassembly, analog instrumentation subsystem, automated instrumentation system, автоматическая система опознавания7) Юридический термин: Ask In Silence8) Бухгалтерия: Accounting Information Systems, accounting information system, система учётной информации (accounting information system)9) Страхование: Associate in Insurance Services10) Автомобильный термин: automatic idle speed, air injection system (Chrysler)11) Металлургия: альтернативное металлургическое сырье (alternative iron sources)12) Оптика: acoustic imaging system13) Телекоммуникации: Alarm Indication Signal, «все единицы»14) Сокращение: Academic Instructor School (USA), Acoustic Intercept System, Action / Automated Information System, Active Interference Suppression, Address Information System, Advanced / Airborne Instrumentation Subsystem/System, Aeronautical Information Service, Aircraft Information Subsystem, Attitude Indicating System, Avionics Integrated Support, Association of Industrial Scientists, Automatic Intercept System, автоматизированная система идентификации (Automated Identification System (NCIC))15) Университет: Academic Information Systems, Academic Intervention Services, Adventures In Supercomputing16) Физиология: Artificial Immune System17) Электроника: Adhesive Interconnect System, САР, система автоматического распознавания18) Вычислительная техника: Account Information Security, Autonomous Intelligent System, Applied Information Sciences (Hersteller), Applied Information Systems (Hersteller), Alarm Indication Signal (UNI, ATM, OAM, DS3/E3)19) Транспорт: Advanced Inland Security, Air Idle Speed, Air Intake Sensor20) Воздухоплавание: Altitude Indication System21) Фирменный знак: Akita Interpretation Service, American Information Systems, American Internet Services, Atlantic Information Services, Inc.22) Деловая лексика: Advanced Inventory System23) Образование: Activity In School24) Сетевые технологии: Application Integration Suite, automated information system, (Alarm Indication Signal) сигнал аварийной индикации25) Программирование: Ascii Individual Stream26) Химическое оружие: acceptable intake for subchronic exposure27) Золотодобыча: (accounting information system) система обработки учётных данных28) Расширение файла: Array of Intensity Samples Graphics file, Automated Identification System (NCIC)29) SAP.тех. информационная система архива30) Нефть и газ: распределительное устройство с воздушной изоляцией31) Общественная организация: Alzheimer's Information Site, American Indian Services32) Должность: Administrative Information Services -
18 AID
1) Общая лексика: Advertisement Investigation Department2) Компьютерная техника: Automated Intelligence Discovery3) Авиация: Интерфейсное устройство ЛА (Aircraft Interface Device), Aircraft Installation Delay5) Военный термин: ASARS Interface Device, Accident, Incident, Deficiencies, Aerospace Information Digest, Army Information Digest, Army Intelligence Department, Autodin Interface Device, U.S. Agency for International Development, abbreviated item description, accident, incident, deficiency, active integral defense, advanced integrated display, attached inflatable decelerator6) Техника: Automatic Interrogation Distorted, accident identification display, aerosol ionization detector, air inlet damper, airport information desk, area identifier, auditory information display, automatic interaction detector, automatic internal diagnostics7) Шутливое выражение: American Idol Divas8) Оптика: airborne intelligent display, area imaging device9) Сокращение: Agency for International Development (USA), Agency for International Development, Air Information Dataset, American Institute of Decorators, American Institute of Interior Designers, Association for International Development, Attention Identification10) Физика: Also Includes Drugs11) Физиология: Amputee Identity Disorder12) Вычислительная техника: application identifier, associative interactive dictionary, automatic information distribution, Application IDentifier (APDU), AUTODIN Interface Device (AUTODIN, Mil., USA), Attention Interrupt Device (key, IBM)13) Иммунология: autoimmune disease14) Банковское дело: automatic identification (автоматическая идентификация), автоматическая идентификация15) Биотехнология: auxin-inducible degron16) Автоматика: (Automatic incident detection) Автоматическое обнаружение аварии17) Макаров: automatic internal diagnosis, avalanche-injection diode18) Автодорожное право: Agency of International Development, Агентство международного развития19) Программное обеспечение: Autonet Information Director -
19 aid
1) Общая лексика: Advertisement Investigation Department2) Компьютерная техника: Automated Intelligence Discovery3) Авиация: Интерфейсное устройство ЛА (Aircraft Interface Device), Aircraft Installation Delay5) Военный термин: ASARS Interface Device, Accident, Incident, Deficiencies, Aerospace Information Digest, Army Information Digest, Army Intelligence Department, Autodin Interface Device, U.S. Agency for International Development, abbreviated item description, accident, incident, deficiency, active integral defense, advanced integrated display, attached inflatable decelerator6) Техника: Automatic Interrogation Distorted, accident identification display, aerosol ionization detector, air inlet damper, airport information desk, area identifier, auditory information display, automatic interaction detector, automatic internal diagnostics7) Шутливое выражение: American Idol Divas8) Оптика: airborne intelligent display, area imaging device9) Сокращение: Agency for International Development (USA), Agency for International Development, Air Information Dataset, American Institute of Decorators, American Institute of Interior Designers, Association for International Development, Attention Identification10) Физика: Also Includes Drugs11) Физиология: Amputee Identity Disorder12) Вычислительная техника: application identifier, associative interactive dictionary, automatic information distribution, Application IDentifier (APDU), AUTODIN Interface Device (AUTODIN, Mil., USA), Attention Interrupt Device (key, IBM)13) Иммунология: autoimmune disease14) Банковское дело: automatic identification (автоматическая идентификация), автоматическая идентификация15) Биотехнология: auxin-inducible degron16) Автоматика: (Automatic incident detection) Автоматическое обнаружение аварии17) Макаров: automatic internal diagnosis, avalanche-injection diode18) Автодорожное право: Agency of International Development, Агентство международного развития19) Программное обеспечение: Autonet Information Director
См. также в других словарях:
American Association for Artificial Intelligence — AAAI son las siglas de Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence , entidad que inicialmente se llamó American Association for Artificial Intelligence . Es una organización norteamericana dedicada al estudio de la inteligencia… … Wikipedia Español
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence — Formation 1979 Headquarters Menlo Park, California President Henry Kautz Website … Wikipedia
History of artificial intelligence — The history of artificial intelligence begins in antiquity with myths, stories and rumors of artificial beings endowed with intelligence and consciousness by master craftsmen. In the middle of the 20th century, a handful of scientists began to… … Wikipedia
International Association for Computing and Philosophy — The International Association for Computing and Philosophy ( [http://www.ia cap.org IACAP] ) is a professional, philosophical association emerging from a history of conferences that began in 1986. Adopting its mission from these conferences, the… … Wikipedia
Intelligence — For other uses, see Intelligence (disambiguation). Human intelligence Abilities and Traits Abstract thought Communication · … Wikipedia
Intelligence Animale — Note : Par souci de concision, cet article ne traite pas de l intelligence des êtres humains, bien qu ils soient eux aussi des animaux intelligents. Pour un article spécifique sur l intelligence humaine, voir intelligence. Une comparaison du … Wikipédia en Français
intelligence — /in tel i jeuhns/, n. 1. capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc. 2. manifestation of a high mental capacity: He writes with… … Universalium
Intelligence animale — Note : Par souci de concision, cet article ne traite pas de l intelligence des êtres humains, bien qu ils soient eux aussi des animaux intelligents. Pour un article spécifique sur l intelligence humaine, voir intelligence. Une comparaison du … Wikipédia en Français
John Horgan (American journalist) — Infobox journalist name = John Horgan birthname = birth date = birth place = age = education = Columbia University School of Journalism (1983) occupation = Science writer, Author alias = Chip Horgan gender = male status = title = family = spouse … Wikipedia
AAAI — American Association for Artificial Intelligence … Acronyms
AAAI — American Association for Artificial Intelligence … Acronyms von A bis Z