1 aircraft procurement, Army
APA, aircraft procurement, ArmyEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > aircraft procurement, Army
2 aircraft procurement
1) Общая лексика: architectural planning assignment, Accreditation of Prior Achievement2) Компьютерная техника: Arithmetic Processing Accelerator3) Американизм: Advance Procurement Authorization, Alaska Power Administration, Allowance for Project Adjustment, Asian Pacific American5) Военный термин: Advanced Processor Assembly, Aerospace Program Agency, Allied Pilots Association, Army Parachute Association, Army Procurement Agency, additional personal allowance, advance of pay and allowance, aircraft patrol area, aircraft procurement, Army, airlift prohibited area, annual procurement agreement, automatic pulse analyzer8) Железнодорожный термин: Apache Railway Company9) Юридический термин: Administrative Procedure Act10) Ветеринария: African Pigeon Association11) Сокращение: Adaptive Power Applique, Advanced Pilot's Aid, Aircraft Procurement - Army (US Army), All Points Addressable, American Patents Association, American Pharmaceutical Association, American Philological Association, American Philosophical Association, American Pilots Association, American Planning Association, American Press Association, American Protestant Association, American Psychiatric Association, American Psychoanalytical Association, American Psychological Association, Amphibious transport, Apache Languages, available phosphoric acid, дисплей с адресацией пикселов, графический режим вывода "все точки адресуемые", полноадресуемый дисплей (all points addressable)12) Физиология: Air Pathway Analysis, Alkaline Phosphatase Activity, Anti Polymer Antibody13) Хирургия: цианокобаламин, внешний фактор Касла, витамин В1214) Электроника: Advanced performance algorithm15) Вычислительная техника: графический режим вывода "все точки адресуемые", дисплей с адресацией пикселов, полноадресуемый16) Биохимия: Amino Penicillanic Acid17) СМИ: Amateur Press Association18) Образование: Administrative Procedures Act, American Phonetic Alphabet19) Сетевые технологии: Adaptive Packet Assembly20) Автоматика: axial pressure angle21) Медицинская техника: automatic protocol assistance22) Макаров: absolute proton affinity23) Рыболовство: (At-sea Processors Association)Ассоциации Морских Переработчиков24) Должность: American Payroll Association25) NYSE. Apache Corporation -
APA, additional personal allowance————————APA, advance of pay and allowance————————APA, Aerospace Program Agency————————APA, aircraft patrol area————————APA, aircraft procurement, Army————————APA, airlift prohibited area————————APA, Allied Pilots Association————————APA, annual procurement agreement————————APA, Бр Army Parachute Association————————APA, automatic pulse analyzerEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > APA
5 PA
1) Общая лексика: portable audio, passport agency, персональный ассистент, личный помощник (personal assistant)2) Компьютерная техника: Precision Architecture3) Биология: protective agent4) Медицина: posterior-anterior5) Американизм: Palestinian Authority, Past Action, People Authority, Personal Assassin, Post Apocalyptic, Process The Acronym, Public Address7) Латинский язык: physiotherapy aid8) Военный термин: Performance Accountability, Personal Authority, Physician Assistant, Picatinny Arsenal (СВ), Powered Armor, Precautionary Approach, Probability of Arrival, Processing Activities, Procurement Agency, Procurement Army, Procurement, Army, Product Assurance, Public Affairs, Pulse Amplitude, pack artillery, participating activity, patient, patrol aircraft, pattern analysis, penetration aircraft, permanent appointment, personal affairs, personal assistant, personnel allocation, phased antenna, physician's assistant, pilot's associate, point of aim, port agency, position area, position of assembly, post adjutant, practice ammunition, preavailability, prelaunch area, preliminary acceptance, primary armament, probability of acceptance, procurement appropriations, program account, program administrator, program analyst, program assessment, program authorization, project administration, proper authority, property administrator, proponent agency, protected area, prototype aircraft, provision allowance, purchasing authority, ЭКЛ, электронный ассистент лётчика, электронный консультант лётчика, электронный помощник лётчика9) Техника: page address, paging amplifier, parametric amplifier, particular average, performance analysis, personnel area, phase angle, phosphorus per acre, phthalic anhydride, physiotherapy aid, picric acid, polarizer-analyzer, polyacrylamide, polyacrylate, position approximate, postulated accident, power amplification, preamble, precomputed altitude, preliminary amplifier, present altitude, pressure alarm, primary air, probability of acceptance, process average, processor architecture, procurement authorization, production association, program address, program authority, protected area, protective agent, pseudoatom, pulse amplifier, pulse amplitude, purge alarm10) Шутливое выражение: Palestinian Assassins, Pathetic Australian, Pokey Award11) Химия: Protactinium, Proton Affinity, ПА, Pro Analyse (чистый для анализа)12) Математика: вероятностный автомат (probabilistic automaton)13) Британский английский: личный секретарь (he is my PA)14) Железнодорожный термин: Physicians Assistant15) Юридический термин: Personnel Administration, Polar Angle, Prevention Advocate, Private Action, Public Act16) Бухгалтерия: Pre Approved, Public Administration, personal allowance17) Автомобильный термин: power antenna, pressure air (Honda)18) Биржевой термин: Portfolio Artifact19) Грубое выражение: Pigs Arse, Piss Ant, Pissed Asshole, Pretty Arse, Private Actress20) География: штат Пенсильвания, США (Pennsylvania)21) Кино: Parental Advisory22) Музыка: сценическое звуковое оборудование23) Телевидение: pulse amplifier24) Телекоммуникации: Pointer Adjustment, Preamble (LAN)25) Сокращение: Panama, Paraguay (NATO country code), Pennsylvania (US state), Per Annum, Phased Array, Play Aid, Power of Attorney, Preparing Activity, Press Agent, Press Association, Limited, Private Account, Publishers Association, Punjabi, passenger agent, prearm, price and availability, procurement authorization, purchasing agent, Program Access, Program Attention, particular average loss, posteroanterior, pulmonary artery, Pennsylvania (штат Пенсильвания (США)), Bureau of Public Affairs, Pakistan Army, Pale Ale, Palermo, Sicilia (Italian province), Palestinian Authority, Pali (linguistics), Palo Alto (California), Pan Am (airline), Panama, Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma, Paniagua y Asociados (Guatemala, consulting agency), Pantothenic Acid, Paper Advance, Para (Brazil), Paraguay, Paralegal, Paralyzed Age (band), Paramedic's Assistant, Parapsychological Association, Inc (Petaluma, California), Parental Advisory, Parents Association, Parliamentary Assistant (Ontario Government), Parti de l'Action (French: Action Party, Morocco), Partial Agreement, Participatory Appraisal, Particle Accelerator, Partido Arnulfista (Arnulfista Party, Panama), Partner Association, Party Animal, Pass Along, Pass-through Applications, Passenger Address, Passenger Announcement (airlines), Pastoral Administrator, Pastoral Assistant, Pathologists' Assistant, Patients Association (UK), Patronato Antialcoho'lico (Guatemala), Paulus Apostolus (Apostol Paul), Pax Americana, Pay Attention, Paying Agent, Payload Accommodations, Payroll Area, Peace Agreement, Peace Arch (US/Canada border), Peano Arithmetics, Peer Advisor, Pending Availability, Pennsylvania (US postal abbreviation), Penny Arcade (comic strip), Pension Adjustment, People's Alliance, People's Association (Singapore), Pepper-Ann (TV show), Perfect Attack (gaming, Dance Dance Revolution), Perfect Attendance, Perforate Artery (Darke Age of Camelot game), Performance Appraisal, Performance Assurance, Performing Activity (CEFMS), Permit Authority, Persistent Asthma, Persisting to an Older Age, Personal Accident (insurance), Personal Adviser, Personal Agent, Personal Alarm, Personal Appearance, Personalausweis (German: identity card), Personnel Action, Perverted Ass, Perverts Anonymous, Philippine Army, Phillips Academy (Andover), Photoinduced Absorption, Physical Abuse/Assault, Physical Affair, Physician's Association, Picatinny Arsenal, Pierce Armor (Age of Kings game), Pilote Automatique (French: Autopilot), Pinkerton Academy (New Hampshire), Planet of the Apes (movie), Planetarion (online game), Planning Authority, Plant Air, Plate Appearance (Baseball), Platinum Aero (band), Playahead (Internet community), Plaza Automotriz (Guatemala car dealer), Plein Air (Quebec), Point A, Point Analysis, Points Against, Poke'mon Aaah! (website), Police Academy, Policy Analyst, Political Affairs (journal of the Communist Party of the United States of America), Political Agent (Pakistan), Polk Audio, Pollution Abatement, Polyacryl, Pooling Administrator, Port Adapter (Cisco), Port Angeles (Washington), Port Authority (of NY and NJ), Porte-Avions (French, aircraft carrier), Position Adaptivity, Position Angle (astronomy), Post-Apocalyptic, Posterior Anterior (radiology), Power Act (gaming), Power Automation, Pre-Arbitrated, Pre-Auditing, Precision Approach (avionics), Precision Attack, Prednisolone Acetate (eye medication; usually followed by %), Preferred Address, Preferred Alternative, Premier Agendas, Inc. (US), Preplaced-Aggregate (concrete), Press Association (British National News Agency), Pressure Alarm, Pressure Altitude, Preventative Action, Prince Albert (Canada), Princess Anne (high school in Virginia Beach, Virginia), Principal Administrator, Prior Authorization (Pharmacy Benefits), Privacy Act, Privacy Advocate, Privatization Agency, Problem Analysis, Process Allocator, Process Analysis, Process Area, Processing Activities, Procurement Aide/Assistant, Producing Ability (breeding), Product Accumulate (linear code), Production Acceptance, Production Agency, Production Assistant, Produktaansprakelijkheid (Dutch: product responsibility), Professional Association, Professional Audio System, Professor's Assistant, Program Account/Allocation, Program Announcement, Program Assistant, Programmatic Agreement (USACE), Programmed Amount (USACE), Programmer/Analyst, Programming Assistant (campus residential officer), Progressa\PAo Aritme'tica, Prohibited Areas, Project Administrator, Project Agreement, Project Analyst, Project Architect, Project Arrangement, Project Audit, Project Authorization, Propionic Acidemia, Prosecution Attorney, Protected Area (conservation), Protective Antigen (microbiology), Protocol Analyzer, Proton Affinity, Proxy Agreement, Prune Agar, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacteria), Psoriatic Arthritis, Psychoanalysis, Public Accounting, Public Administration, Public Aid (Medicaid), Public Announcement, Public Appearance, Public Assistance, Public Attorney, Public Audio, Publish America (book publisher), Punk Ass, Purchasing Aide/Assistant, Put Away, Putt and Approach (disc golf)26) Университет: Papers Applied, Partial Accreditation, Performing Arts, Psychology Annex27) Физиология: Passive Aggressive, Pernicious Anemia, Physician's Assistant, Posterio Anterior, Postero Anterior, Pulmonary Artery28) Электроника: Power Adaptor, Preamplifier29) Вычислительная техника: Play Aid, Power of Attorney, Precision Architecture, Press Agent, Private Account, Purchasing Agent, printer agent, program address, Precision Architecture (HP)30) Нефть: pressure drop per annulus section, Пильтун-Астохское месторождение, анализ технических характеристик (performance analysis), среднее качество изделий при данном процессе изготовления31) Стоматология: PA mode, photoablative mode, режим фотоабляции, фотоабляция32) Картография: position approximate33) Банковское дело: аудитор (public accountant), присяжный бухгалтер (public accountant)34) Биотехнология: photoactivatable35) Организация производства: provisional acceptance, временная приёмка36) Фирменный знак: Physical Agents, Professional Association37) Экология: preferential adsorption38) СМИ: Performance Audio40) Бурение: Piltun-Astokhskoye41) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Piltun-Astokhskoye field, Plug and abandoned, peak amplitude, plugged and abandoned, procurement assistance, public address42) Менеджмент: product assurance43) Образование: Paranoids Anonymous, Performance Assessment, Phonemic Awareness, Pretty Average, Public Accountant44) Инвестиции: public accountant45) Сетевые технологии: Port Adapter, performance analysis, анализ производительности, анализ рабочих характеристик46) Полимеры: phthalic anhydride, polyacrylate, polyamide, pressure absolute47) Программирование: Printable Ascii48) Автоматика: pressure angle49) Контроль качества: process average51) Сахалин Р: Piltun Astokhskoye, Piltun-Astokhskoye, public address system52) Химическое оружие: Picatinny Arsenal [NJ], Procurement Appropriation, Public affairs, performance analyzer, performance assessment, pinacolyl alcohol, pinacolyn alcohol, preliminary assessment, program analyzer, programmed amount, Public address (system)53) Авиационная медицина: perceptual asymmetry54) Безопасность: Privacy Act55) Нефть и газ: plant air, proportional band calculation value56) Военно-политический термин: Division of Political Affairs57) США: Pennsylvania58) Имена и фамилии: Prince Albert59) Общественная организация: Peace Action, Push America60) Должность: Per Annum, Performance Artist, Personal Accident, Personal Assistant, Personal Author, Physical Aptitude, Production Assistant, Psychological Associate61) Правительство: Palo Alto, California, Punta Arenas62) Федеральное бюро расследований: Privacy Act of 1974 -
6 Pa
1) Общая лексика: portable audio, passport agency, персональный ассистент, личный помощник (personal assistant)2) Компьютерная техника: Precision Architecture3) Биология: protective agent4) Медицина: posterior-anterior5) Американизм: Palestinian Authority, Past Action, People Authority, Personal Assassin, Post Apocalyptic, Process The Acronym, Public Address7) Латинский язык: physiotherapy aid8) Военный термин: Performance Accountability, Personal Authority, Physician Assistant, Picatinny Arsenal (СВ), Powered Armor, Precautionary Approach, Probability of Arrival, Processing Activities, Procurement Agency, Procurement Army, Procurement, Army, Product Assurance, Public Affairs, Pulse Amplitude, pack artillery, participating activity, patient, patrol aircraft, pattern analysis, penetration aircraft, permanent appointment, personal affairs, personal assistant, personnel allocation, phased antenna, physician's assistant, pilot's associate, point of aim, port agency, position area, position of assembly, post adjutant, practice ammunition, preavailability, prelaunch area, preliminary acceptance, primary armament, probability of acceptance, procurement appropriations, program account, program administrator, program analyst, program assessment, program authorization, project administration, proper authority, property administrator, proponent agency, protected area, prototype aircraft, provision allowance, purchasing authority, ЭКЛ, электронный ассистент лётчика, электронный консультант лётчика, электронный помощник лётчика9) Техника: page address, paging amplifier, parametric amplifier, particular average, performance analysis, personnel area, phase angle, phosphorus per acre, phthalic anhydride, physiotherapy aid, picric acid, polarizer-analyzer, polyacrylamide, polyacrylate, position approximate, postulated accident, power amplification, preamble, precomputed altitude, preliminary amplifier, present altitude, pressure alarm, primary air, probability of acceptance, process average, processor architecture, procurement authorization, production association, program address, program authority, protected area, protective agent, pseudoatom, pulse amplifier, pulse amplitude, purge alarm10) Шутливое выражение: Palestinian Assassins, Pathetic Australian, Pokey Award11) Химия: Protactinium, Proton Affinity, ПА, Pro Analyse (чистый для анализа)12) Математика: вероятностный автомат (probabilistic automaton)13) Британский английский: личный секретарь (he is my PA)14) Железнодорожный термин: Physicians Assistant15) Юридический термин: Personnel Administration, Polar Angle, Prevention Advocate, Private Action, Public Act16) Бухгалтерия: Pre Approved, Public Administration, personal allowance17) Автомобильный термин: power antenna, pressure air (Honda)18) Биржевой термин: Portfolio Artifact19) Грубое выражение: Pigs Arse, Piss Ant, Pissed Asshole, Pretty Arse, Private Actress20) География: штат Пенсильвания, США (Pennsylvania)21) Кино: Parental Advisory22) Музыка: сценическое звуковое оборудование23) Телевидение: pulse amplifier24) Телекоммуникации: Pointer Adjustment, Preamble (LAN)25) Сокращение: Panama, Paraguay (NATO country code), Pennsylvania (US state), Per Annum, Phased Array, Play Aid, Power of Attorney, Preparing Activity, Press Agent, Press Association, Limited, Private Account, Publishers Association, Punjabi, passenger agent, prearm, price and availability, procurement authorization, purchasing agent, Program Access, Program Attention, particular average loss, posteroanterior, pulmonary artery, Pennsylvania (штат Пенсильвания (США)), Bureau of Public Affairs, Pakistan Army, Pale Ale, Palermo, Sicilia (Italian province), Palestinian Authority, Pali (linguistics), Palo Alto (California), Pan Am (airline), Panama, Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma, Paniagua y Asociados (Guatemala, consulting agency), Pantothenic Acid, Paper Advance, Para (Brazil), Paraguay, Paralegal, Paralyzed Age (band), Paramedic's Assistant, Parapsychological Association, Inc (Petaluma, California), Parental Advisory, Parents Association, Parliamentary Assistant (Ontario Government), Parti de l'Action (French: Action Party, Morocco), Partial Agreement, Participatory Appraisal, Particle Accelerator, Partido Arnulfista (Arnulfista Party, Panama), Partner Association, Party Animal, Pass Along, Pass-through Applications, Passenger Address, Passenger Announcement (airlines), Pastoral Administrator, Pastoral Assistant, Pathologists' Assistant, Patients Association (UK), Patronato Antialcoho'lico (Guatemala), Paulus Apostolus (Apostol Paul), Pax Americana, Pay Attention, Paying Agent, Payload Accommodations, Payroll Area, Peace Agreement, Peace Arch (US/Canada border), Peano Arithmetics, Peer Advisor, Pending Availability, Pennsylvania (US postal abbreviation), Penny Arcade (comic strip), Pension Adjustment, People's Alliance, People's Association (Singapore), Pepper-Ann (TV show), Perfect Attack (gaming, Dance Dance Revolution), Perfect Attendance, Perforate Artery (Darke Age of Camelot game), Performance Appraisal, Performance Assurance, Performing Activity (CEFMS), Permit Authority, Persistent Asthma, Persisting to an Older Age, Personal Accident (insurance), Personal Adviser, Personal Agent, Personal Alarm, Personal Appearance, Personalausweis (German: identity card), Personnel Action, Perverted Ass, Perverts Anonymous, Philippine Army, Phillips Academy (Andover), Photoinduced Absorption, Physical Abuse/Assault, Physical Affair, Physician's Association, Picatinny Arsenal, Pierce Armor (Age of Kings game), Pilote Automatique (French: Autopilot), Pinkerton Academy (New Hampshire), Planet of the Apes (movie), Planetarion (online game), Planning Authority, Plant Air, Plate Appearance (Baseball), Platinum Aero (band), Playahead (Internet community), Plaza Automotriz (Guatemala car dealer), Plein Air (Quebec), Point A, Point Analysis, Points Against, Poke'mon Aaah! (website), Police Academy, Policy Analyst, Political Affairs (journal of the Communist Party of the United States of America), Political Agent (Pakistan), Polk Audio, Pollution Abatement, Polyacryl, Pooling Administrator, Port Adapter (Cisco), Port Angeles (Washington), Port Authority (of NY and NJ), Porte-Avions (French, aircraft carrier), Position Adaptivity, Position Angle (astronomy), Post-Apocalyptic, Posterior Anterior (radiology), Power Act (gaming), Power Automation, Pre-Arbitrated, Pre-Auditing, Precision Approach (avionics), Precision Attack, Prednisolone Acetate (eye medication; usually followed by %), Preferred Address, Preferred Alternative, Premier Agendas, Inc. (US), Preplaced-Aggregate (concrete), Press Association (British National News Agency), Pressure Alarm, Pressure Altitude, Preventative Action, Prince Albert (Canada), Princess Anne (high school in Virginia Beach, Virginia), Principal Administrator, Prior Authorization (Pharmacy Benefits), Privacy Act, Privacy Advocate, Privatization Agency, Problem Analysis, Process Allocator, Process Analysis, Process Area, Processing Activities, Procurement Aide/Assistant, Producing Ability (breeding), Product Accumulate (linear code), Production Acceptance, Production Agency, Production Assistant, Produktaansprakelijkheid (Dutch: product responsibility), Professional Association, Professional Audio System, Professor's Assistant, Program Account/Allocation, Program Announcement, Program Assistant, Programmatic Agreement (USACE), Programmed Amount (USACE), Programmer/Analyst, Programming Assistant (campus residential officer), Progressa\PAo Aritme'tica, Prohibited Areas, Project Administrator, Project Agreement, Project Analyst, Project Architect, Project Arrangement, Project Audit, Project Authorization, Propionic Acidemia, Prosecution Attorney, Protected Area (conservation), Protective Antigen (microbiology), Protocol Analyzer, Proton Affinity, Proxy Agreement, Prune Agar, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacteria), Psoriatic Arthritis, Psychoanalysis, Public Accounting, Public Administration, Public Aid (Medicaid), Public Announcement, Public Appearance, Public Assistance, Public Attorney, Public Audio, Publish America (book publisher), Punk Ass, Purchasing Aide/Assistant, Put Away, Putt and Approach (disc golf)26) Университет: Papers Applied, Partial Accreditation, Performing Arts, Psychology Annex27) Физиология: Passive Aggressive, Pernicious Anemia, Physician's Assistant, Posterio Anterior, Postero Anterior, Pulmonary Artery28) Электроника: Power Adaptor, Preamplifier29) Вычислительная техника: Play Aid, Power of Attorney, Precision Architecture, Press Agent, Private Account, Purchasing Agent, printer agent, program address, Precision Architecture (HP)30) Нефть: pressure drop per annulus section, Пильтун-Астохское месторождение, анализ технических характеристик (performance analysis), среднее качество изделий при данном процессе изготовления31) Стоматология: PA mode, photoablative mode, режим фотоабляции, фотоабляция32) Картография: position approximate33) Банковское дело: аудитор (public accountant), присяжный бухгалтер (public accountant)34) Биотехнология: photoactivatable35) Организация производства: provisional acceptance, временная приёмка36) Фирменный знак: Physical Agents, Professional Association37) Экология: preferential adsorption38) СМИ: Performance Audio40) Бурение: Piltun-Astokhskoye41) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Piltun-Astokhskoye field, Plug and abandoned, peak amplitude, plugged and abandoned, procurement assistance, public address42) Менеджмент: product assurance43) Образование: Paranoids Anonymous, Performance Assessment, Phonemic Awareness, Pretty Average, Public Accountant44) Инвестиции: public accountant45) Сетевые технологии: Port Adapter, performance analysis, анализ производительности, анализ рабочих характеристик46) Полимеры: phthalic anhydride, polyacrylate, polyamide, pressure absolute47) Программирование: Printable Ascii48) Автоматика: pressure angle49) Контроль качества: process average51) Сахалин Р: Piltun Astokhskoye, Piltun-Astokhskoye, public address system52) Химическое оружие: Picatinny Arsenal [NJ], Procurement Appropriation, Public affairs, performance analyzer, performance assessment, pinacolyl alcohol, pinacolyn alcohol, preliminary assessment, program analyzer, programmed amount, Public address (system)53) Авиационная медицина: perceptual asymmetry54) Безопасность: Privacy Act55) Нефть и газ: plant air, proportional band calculation value56) Военно-политический термин: Division of Political Affairs57) США: Pennsylvania58) Имена и фамилии: Prince Albert59) Общественная организация: Peace Action, Push America60) Должность: Per Annum, Performance Artist, Personal Accident, Personal Assistant, Personal Author, Physical Aptitude, Production Assistant, Psychological Associate61) Правительство: Palo Alto, California, Punta Arenas62) Федеральное бюро расследований: Privacy Act of 1974 -
7 pA
1) Общая лексика: portable audio, passport agency, персональный ассистент, личный помощник (personal assistant)2) Компьютерная техника: Precision Architecture3) Биология: protective agent4) Медицина: posterior-anterior5) Американизм: Palestinian Authority, Past Action, People Authority, Personal Assassin, Post Apocalyptic, Process The Acronym, Public Address7) Латинский язык: physiotherapy aid8) Военный термин: Performance Accountability, Personal Authority, Physician Assistant, Picatinny Arsenal (СВ), Powered Armor, Precautionary Approach, Probability of Arrival, Processing Activities, Procurement Agency, Procurement Army, Procurement, Army, Product Assurance, Public Affairs, Pulse Amplitude, pack artillery, participating activity, patient, patrol aircraft, pattern analysis, penetration aircraft, permanent appointment, personal affairs, personal assistant, personnel allocation, phased antenna, physician's assistant, pilot's associate, point of aim, port agency, position area, position of assembly, post adjutant, practice ammunition, preavailability, prelaunch area, preliminary acceptance, primary armament, probability of acceptance, procurement appropriations, program account, program administrator, program analyst, program assessment, program authorization, project administration, proper authority, property administrator, proponent agency, protected area, prototype aircraft, provision allowance, purchasing authority, ЭКЛ, электронный ассистент лётчика, электронный консультант лётчика, электронный помощник лётчика9) Техника: page address, paging amplifier, parametric amplifier, particular average, performance analysis, personnel area, phase angle, phosphorus per acre, phthalic anhydride, physiotherapy aid, picric acid, polarizer-analyzer, polyacrylamide, polyacrylate, position approximate, postulated accident, power amplification, preamble, precomputed altitude, preliminary amplifier, present altitude, pressure alarm, primary air, probability of acceptance, process average, processor architecture, procurement authorization, production association, program address, program authority, protected area, protective agent, pseudoatom, pulse amplifier, pulse amplitude, purge alarm10) Шутливое выражение: Palestinian Assassins, Pathetic Australian, Pokey Award11) Химия: Protactinium, Proton Affinity, ПА, Pro Analyse (чистый для анализа)12) Математика: вероятностный автомат (probabilistic automaton)13) Британский английский: личный секретарь (he is my PA)14) Железнодорожный термин: Physicians Assistant15) Юридический термин: Personnel Administration, Polar Angle, Prevention Advocate, Private Action, Public Act16) Бухгалтерия: Pre Approved, Public Administration, personal allowance17) Автомобильный термин: power antenna, pressure air (Honda)18) Биржевой термин: Portfolio Artifact19) Грубое выражение: Pigs Arse, Piss Ant, Pissed Asshole, Pretty Arse, Private Actress20) География: штат Пенсильвания, США (Pennsylvania)21) Кино: Parental Advisory22) Музыка: сценическое звуковое оборудование23) Телевидение: pulse amplifier24) Телекоммуникации: Pointer Adjustment, Preamble (LAN)25) Сокращение: Panama, Paraguay (NATO country code), Pennsylvania (US state), Per Annum, Phased Array, Play Aid, Power of Attorney, Preparing Activity, Press Agent, Press Association, Limited, Private Account, Publishers Association, Punjabi, passenger agent, prearm, price and availability, procurement authorization, purchasing agent, Program Access, Program Attention, particular average loss, posteroanterior, pulmonary artery, Pennsylvania (штат Пенсильвания (США)), Bureau of Public Affairs, Pakistan Army, Pale Ale, Palermo, Sicilia (Italian province), Palestinian Authority, Pali (linguistics), Palo Alto (California), Pan Am (airline), Panama, Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma, Paniagua y Asociados (Guatemala, consulting agency), Pantothenic Acid, Paper Advance, Para (Brazil), Paraguay, Paralegal, Paralyzed Age (band), Paramedic's Assistant, Parapsychological Association, Inc (Petaluma, California), Parental Advisory, Parents Association, Parliamentary Assistant (Ontario Government), Parti de l'Action (French: Action Party, Morocco), Partial Agreement, Participatory Appraisal, Particle Accelerator, Partido Arnulfista (Arnulfista Party, Panama), Partner Association, Party Animal, Pass Along, Pass-through Applications, Passenger Address, Passenger Announcement (airlines), Pastoral Administrator, Pastoral Assistant, Pathologists' Assistant, Patients Association (UK), Patronato Antialcoho'lico (Guatemala), Paulus Apostolus (Apostol Paul), Pax Americana, Pay Attention, Paying Agent, Payload Accommodations, Payroll Area, Peace Agreement, Peace Arch (US/Canada border), Peano Arithmetics, Peer Advisor, Pending Availability, Pennsylvania (US postal abbreviation), Penny Arcade (comic strip), Pension Adjustment, People's Alliance, People's Association (Singapore), Pepper-Ann (TV show), Perfect Attack (gaming, Dance Dance Revolution), Perfect Attendance, Perforate Artery (Darke Age of Camelot game), Performance Appraisal, Performance Assurance, Performing Activity (CEFMS), Permit Authority, Persistent Asthma, Persisting to an Older Age, Personal Accident (insurance), Personal Adviser, Personal Agent, Personal Alarm, Personal Appearance, Personalausweis (German: identity card), Personnel Action, Perverted Ass, Perverts Anonymous, Philippine Army, Phillips Academy (Andover), Photoinduced Absorption, Physical Abuse/Assault, Physical Affair, Physician's Association, Picatinny Arsenal, Pierce Armor (Age of Kings game), Pilote Automatique (French: Autopilot), Pinkerton Academy (New Hampshire), Planet of the Apes (movie), Planetarion (online game), Planning Authority, Plant Air, Plate Appearance (Baseball), Platinum Aero (band), Playahead (Internet community), Plaza Automotriz (Guatemala car dealer), Plein Air (Quebec), Point A, Point Analysis, Points Against, Poke'mon Aaah! (website), Police Academy, Policy Analyst, Political Affairs (journal of the Communist Party of the United States of America), Political Agent (Pakistan), Polk Audio, Pollution Abatement, Polyacryl, Pooling Administrator, Port Adapter (Cisco), Port Angeles (Washington), Port Authority (of NY and NJ), Porte-Avions (French, aircraft carrier), Position Adaptivity, Position Angle (astronomy), Post-Apocalyptic, Posterior Anterior (radiology), Power Act (gaming), Power Automation, Pre-Arbitrated, Pre-Auditing, Precision Approach (avionics), Precision Attack, Prednisolone Acetate (eye medication; usually followed by %), Preferred Address, Preferred Alternative, Premier Agendas, Inc. (US), Preplaced-Aggregate (concrete), Press Association (British National News Agency), Pressure Alarm, Pressure Altitude, Preventative Action, Prince Albert (Canada), Princess Anne (high school in Virginia Beach, Virginia), Principal Administrator, Prior Authorization (Pharmacy Benefits), Privacy Act, Privacy Advocate, Privatization Agency, Problem Analysis, Process Allocator, Process Analysis, Process Area, Processing Activities, Procurement Aide/Assistant, Producing Ability (breeding), Product Accumulate (linear code), Production Acceptance, Production Agency, Production Assistant, Produktaansprakelijkheid (Dutch: product responsibility), Professional Association, Professional Audio System, Professor's Assistant, Program Account/Allocation, Program Announcement, Program Assistant, Programmatic Agreement (USACE), Programmed Amount (USACE), Programmer/Analyst, Programming Assistant (campus residential officer), Progressa\PAo Aritme'tica, Prohibited Areas, Project Administrator, Project Agreement, Project Analyst, Project Architect, Project Arrangement, Project Audit, Project Authorization, Propionic Acidemia, Prosecution Attorney, Protected Area (conservation), Protective Antigen (microbiology), Protocol Analyzer, Proton Affinity, Proxy Agreement, Prune Agar, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacteria), Psoriatic Arthritis, Psychoanalysis, Public Accounting, Public Administration, Public Aid (Medicaid), Public Announcement, Public Appearance, Public Assistance, Public Attorney, Public Audio, Publish America (book publisher), Punk Ass, Purchasing Aide/Assistant, Put Away, Putt and Approach (disc golf)26) Университет: Papers Applied, Partial Accreditation, Performing Arts, Psychology Annex27) Физиология: Passive Aggressive, Pernicious Anemia, Physician's Assistant, Posterio Anterior, Postero Anterior, Pulmonary Artery28) Электроника: Power Adaptor, Preamplifier29) Вычислительная техника: Play Aid, Power of Attorney, Precision Architecture, Press Agent, Private Account, Purchasing Agent, printer agent, program address, Precision Architecture (HP)30) Нефть: pressure drop per annulus section, Пильтун-Астохское месторождение, анализ технических характеристик (performance analysis), среднее качество изделий при данном процессе изготовления31) Стоматология: PA mode, photoablative mode, режим фотоабляции, фотоабляция32) Картография: position approximate33) Банковское дело: аудитор (public accountant), присяжный бухгалтер (public accountant)34) Биотехнология: photoactivatable35) Организация производства: provisional acceptance, временная приёмка36) Фирменный знак: Physical Agents, Professional Association37) Экология: preferential adsorption38) СМИ: Performance Audio40) Бурение: Piltun-Astokhskoye41) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Piltun-Astokhskoye field, Plug and abandoned, peak amplitude, plugged and abandoned, procurement assistance, public address42) Менеджмент: product assurance43) Образование: Paranoids Anonymous, Performance Assessment, Phonemic Awareness, Pretty Average, Public Accountant44) Инвестиции: public accountant45) Сетевые технологии: Port Adapter, performance analysis, анализ производительности, анализ рабочих характеристик46) Полимеры: phthalic anhydride, polyacrylate, polyamide, pressure absolute47) Программирование: Printable Ascii48) Автоматика: pressure angle49) Контроль качества: process average51) Сахалин Р: Piltun Astokhskoye, Piltun-Astokhskoye, public address system52) Химическое оружие: Picatinny Arsenal [NJ], Procurement Appropriation, Public affairs, performance analyzer, performance assessment, pinacolyl alcohol, pinacolyn alcohol, preliminary assessment, program analyzer, programmed amount, Public address (system)53) Авиационная медицина: perceptual asymmetry54) Безопасность: Privacy Act55) Нефть и газ: plant air, proportional band calculation value56) Военно-политический термин: Division of Political Affairs57) США: Pennsylvania58) Имена и фамилии: Prince Albert59) Общественная организация: Peace Action, Push America60) Должность: Per Annum, Performance Artist, Personal Accident, Personal Assistant, Personal Author, Physical Aptitude, Production Assistant, Psychological Associate61) Правительство: Palo Alto, California, Punta Arenas62) Федеральное бюро расследований: Privacy Act of 1974 -
8 pa
1) Общая лексика: portable audio, passport agency, персональный ассистент, личный помощник (personal assistant)2) Компьютерная техника: Precision Architecture3) Биология: protective agent4) Медицина: posterior-anterior5) Американизм: Palestinian Authority, Past Action, People Authority, Personal Assassin, Post Apocalyptic, Process The Acronym, Public Address7) Латинский язык: physiotherapy aid8) Военный термин: Performance Accountability, Personal Authority, Physician Assistant, Picatinny Arsenal (СВ), Powered Armor, Precautionary Approach, Probability of Arrival, Processing Activities, Procurement Agency, Procurement Army, Procurement, Army, Product Assurance, Public Affairs, Pulse Amplitude, pack artillery, participating activity, patient, patrol aircraft, pattern analysis, penetration aircraft, permanent appointment, personal affairs, personal assistant, personnel allocation, phased antenna, physician's assistant, pilot's associate, point of aim, port agency, position area, position of assembly, post adjutant, practice ammunition, preavailability, prelaunch area, preliminary acceptance, primary armament, probability of acceptance, procurement appropriations, program account, program administrator, program analyst, program assessment, program authorization, project administration, proper authority, property administrator, proponent agency, protected area, prototype aircraft, provision allowance, purchasing authority, ЭКЛ, электронный ассистент лётчика, электронный консультант лётчика, электронный помощник лётчика9) Техника: page address, paging amplifier, parametric amplifier, particular average, performance analysis, personnel area, phase angle, phosphorus per acre, phthalic anhydride, physiotherapy aid, picric acid, polarizer-analyzer, polyacrylamide, polyacrylate, position approximate, postulated accident, power amplification, preamble, precomputed altitude, preliminary amplifier, present altitude, pressure alarm, primary air, probability of acceptance, process average, processor architecture, procurement authorization, production association, program address, program authority, protected area, protective agent, pseudoatom, pulse amplifier, pulse amplitude, purge alarm10) Шутливое выражение: Palestinian Assassins, Pathetic Australian, Pokey Award11) Химия: Protactinium, Proton Affinity, ПА, Pro Analyse (чистый для анализа)12) Математика: вероятностный автомат (probabilistic automaton)13) Британский английский: личный секретарь (he is my PA)14) Железнодорожный термин: Physicians Assistant15) Юридический термин: Personnel Administration, Polar Angle, Prevention Advocate, Private Action, Public Act16) Бухгалтерия: Pre Approved, Public Administration, personal allowance17) Автомобильный термин: power antenna, pressure air (Honda)18) Биржевой термин: Portfolio Artifact19) Грубое выражение: Pigs Arse, Piss Ant, Pissed Asshole, Pretty Arse, Private Actress20) География: штат Пенсильвания, США (Pennsylvania)21) Кино: Parental Advisory22) Музыка: сценическое звуковое оборудование23) Телевидение: pulse amplifier24) Телекоммуникации: Pointer Adjustment, Preamble (LAN)25) Сокращение: Panama, Paraguay (NATO country code), Pennsylvania (US state), Per Annum, Phased Array, Play Aid, Power of Attorney, Preparing Activity, Press Agent, Press Association, Limited, Private Account, Publishers Association, Punjabi, passenger agent, prearm, price and availability, procurement authorization, purchasing agent, Program Access, Program Attention, particular average loss, posteroanterior, pulmonary artery, Pennsylvania (штат Пенсильвания (США)), Bureau of Public Affairs, Pakistan Army, Pale Ale, Palermo, Sicilia (Italian province), Palestinian Authority, Pali (linguistics), Palo Alto (California), Pan Am (airline), Panama, Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma, Paniagua y Asociados (Guatemala, consulting agency), Pantothenic Acid, Paper Advance, Para (Brazil), Paraguay, Paralegal, Paralyzed Age (band), Paramedic's Assistant, Parapsychological Association, Inc (Petaluma, California), Parental Advisory, Parents Association, Parliamentary Assistant (Ontario Government), Parti de l'Action (French: Action Party, Morocco), Partial Agreement, Participatory Appraisal, Particle Accelerator, Partido Arnulfista (Arnulfista Party, Panama), Partner Association, Party Animal, Pass Along, Pass-through Applications, Passenger Address, Passenger Announcement (airlines), Pastoral Administrator, Pastoral Assistant, Pathologists' Assistant, Patients Association (UK), Patronato Antialcoho'lico (Guatemala), Paulus Apostolus (Apostol Paul), Pax Americana, Pay Attention, Paying Agent, Payload Accommodations, Payroll Area, Peace Agreement, Peace Arch (US/Canada border), Peano Arithmetics, Peer Advisor, Pending Availability, Pennsylvania (US postal abbreviation), Penny Arcade (comic strip), Pension Adjustment, People's Alliance, People's Association (Singapore), Pepper-Ann (TV show), Perfect Attack (gaming, Dance Dance Revolution), Perfect Attendance, Perforate Artery (Darke Age of Camelot game), Performance Appraisal, Performance Assurance, Performing Activity (CEFMS), Permit Authority, Persistent Asthma, Persisting to an Older Age, Personal Accident (insurance), Personal Adviser, Personal Agent, Personal Alarm, Personal Appearance, Personalausweis (German: identity card), Personnel Action, Perverted Ass, Perverts Anonymous, Philippine Army, Phillips Academy (Andover), Photoinduced Absorption, Physical Abuse/Assault, Physical Affair, Physician's Association, Picatinny Arsenal, Pierce Armor (Age of Kings game), Pilote Automatique (French: Autopilot), Pinkerton Academy (New Hampshire), Planet of the Apes (movie), Planetarion (online game), Planning Authority, Plant Air, Plate Appearance (Baseball), Platinum Aero (band), Playahead (Internet community), Plaza Automotriz (Guatemala car dealer), Plein Air (Quebec), Point A, Point Analysis, Points Against, Poke'mon Aaah! (website), Police Academy, Policy Analyst, Political Affairs (journal of the Communist Party of the United States of America), Political Agent (Pakistan), Polk Audio, Pollution Abatement, Polyacryl, Pooling Administrator, Port Adapter (Cisco), Port Angeles (Washington), Port Authority (of NY and NJ), Porte-Avions (French, aircraft carrier), Position Adaptivity, Position Angle (astronomy), Post-Apocalyptic, Posterior Anterior (radiology), Power Act (gaming), Power Automation, Pre-Arbitrated, Pre-Auditing, Precision Approach (avionics), Precision Attack, Prednisolone Acetate (eye medication; usually followed by %), Preferred Address, Preferred Alternative, Premier Agendas, Inc. (US), Preplaced-Aggregate (concrete), Press Association (British National News Agency), Pressure Alarm, Pressure Altitude, Preventative Action, Prince Albert (Canada), Princess Anne (high school in Virginia Beach, Virginia), Principal Administrator, Prior Authorization (Pharmacy Benefits), Privacy Act, Privacy Advocate, Privatization Agency, Problem Analysis, Process Allocator, Process Analysis, Process Area, Processing Activities, Procurement Aide/Assistant, Producing Ability (breeding), Product Accumulate (linear code), Production Acceptance, Production Agency, Production Assistant, Produktaansprakelijkheid (Dutch: product responsibility), Professional Association, Professional Audio System, Professor's Assistant, Program Account/Allocation, Program Announcement, Program Assistant, Programmatic Agreement (USACE), Programmed Amount (USACE), Programmer/Analyst, Programming Assistant (campus residential officer), Progressa\PAo Aritme'tica, Prohibited Areas, Project Administrator, Project Agreement, Project Analyst, Project Architect, Project Arrangement, Project Audit, Project Authorization, Propionic Acidemia, Prosecution Attorney, Protected Area (conservation), Protective Antigen (microbiology), Protocol Analyzer, Proton Affinity, Proxy Agreement, Prune Agar, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacteria), Psoriatic Arthritis, Psychoanalysis, Public Accounting, Public Administration, Public Aid (Medicaid), Public Announcement, Public Appearance, Public Assistance, Public Attorney, Public Audio, Publish America (book publisher), Punk Ass, Purchasing Aide/Assistant, Put Away, Putt and Approach (disc golf)26) Университет: Papers Applied, Partial Accreditation, Performing Arts, Psychology Annex27) Физиология: Passive Aggressive, Pernicious Anemia, Physician's Assistant, Posterio Anterior, Postero Anterior, Pulmonary Artery28) Электроника: Power Adaptor, Preamplifier29) Вычислительная техника: Play Aid, Power of Attorney, Precision Architecture, Press Agent, Private Account, Purchasing Agent, printer agent, program address, Precision Architecture (HP)30) Нефть: pressure drop per annulus section, Пильтун-Астохское месторождение, анализ технических характеристик (performance analysis), среднее качество изделий при данном процессе изготовления31) Стоматология: PA mode, photoablative mode, режим фотоабляции, фотоабляция32) Картография: position approximate33) Банковское дело: аудитор (public accountant), присяжный бухгалтер (public accountant)34) Биотехнология: photoactivatable35) Организация производства: provisional acceptance, временная приёмка36) Фирменный знак: Physical Agents, Professional Association37) Экология: preferential adsorption38) СМИ: Performance Audio40) Бурение: Piltun-Astokhskoye41) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Piltun-Astokhskoye field, Plug and abandoned, peak amplitude, plugged and abandoned, procurement assistance, public address42) Менеджмент: product assurance43) Образование: Paranoids Anonymous, Performance Assessment, Phonemic Awareness, Pretty Average, Public Accountant44) Инвестиции: public accountant45) Сетевые технологии: Port Adapter, performance analysis, анализ производительности, анализ рабочих характеристик46) Полимеры: phthalic anhydride, polyacrylate, polyamide, pressure absolute47) Программирование: Printable Ascii48) Автоматика: pressure angle49) Контроль качества: process average51) Сахалин Р: Piltun Astokhskoye, Piltun-Astokhskoye, public address system52) Химическое оружие: Picatinny Arsenal [NJ], Procurement Appropriation, Public affairs, performance analyzer, performance assessment, pinacolyl alcohol, pinacolyn alcohol, preliminary assessment, program analyzer, programmed amount, Public address (system)53) Авиационная медицина: perceptual asymmetry54) Безопасность: Privacy Act55) Нефть и газ: plant air, proportional band calculation value56) Военно-политический термин: Division of Political Affairs57) США: Pennsylvania58) Имена и фамилии: Prince Albert59) Общественная организация: Peace Action, Push America60) Должность: Per Annum, Performance Artist, Personal Accident, Personal Assistant, Personal Author, Physical Aptitude, Production Assistant, Psychological Associate61) Правительство: Palo Alto, California, Punta Arenas62) Федеральное бюро расследований: Privacy Act of 1974 -
9 PA
PA, Office of Public Affairs————————PA, pack artillery————————PA, participating activity————————PA, patientраненый; больной; пораженный————————PA, patrol aircraft————————PA, pattern analysis————————PA, penetration aircraft————————PA, performance analysisанализ [оценка] ТТХ [эксплуатационных параметров]————————PA, permanent appointmentназначение на постоянную [штатную] должность————————PA, personal affairs————————PA, personal assistantличный помощник; порученец————————PA, personnel allocationраспределение [разнарядка] ЛС————————PA, phased(-array) antenna————————PA, physician's assistant————————PA, pilot's associateразг (электронный) помощник летчика————————PA, point of aimточка прицеливания [наводки]————————PA, port agency————————PA, position area————————PA, position of assemblyместо сбора; район [рубеж] сосредоточения————————PA, post adjutant————————PA, practice ammunition————————PA, preavailability————————PA, prelaunch areaркт техническая позиция————————PA, preliminary acceptance————————PA, primary armament————————PA, probability of acceptance————————PA, Procurement Agencyотдел [управление] закупок (для ВС)————————PA, procurement appropriations————————PA, Procurement, Army————————PA, procurement authorization————————PA, program account————————PA, program administratorадминистратор [руководитель] программы————————PA, program analystспециалист по анализу программы; аналитик программы————————PA, program assessment————————PA, program authorization————————PA, project administration————————PA, proper authority————————PA, property administrator————————PA, proponent agencyведущая [головная] организация————————PA, protected areaохраняемый [прикрываемый] район————————PA, prototype aircraftпрототип [опытный образец] ЛА————————PA, provision(al) allowance————————PA, public affairs————————PA, purchasing authority————————PA; P/A, Picatinny ArsenalEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > PA
10 MPA
1) Общая лексика: Master of Public Administration, Master of Professional Accountancy, Metropolitan Police Authority2) Компьютерная техника: Memo Pad Archive3) Авиация: Maximum Power Assurance4) Медицина: main pulmonary artery, МСАТ, максимальная степень агрегации тромбоцитов (maximal platelet aggregation, http://ssmj.ru/system/files/200903_438_440.pdf), medroxyprogesterone acetate5) Американизм: Marine Protected Area, Mean Predicted Area, Metropolitan Planning Area6) Военный термин: Medical Procurement Agency, Military Pay and Allowances, Military Personnel Account, Military Personnel Appropriations, Mission Planning Agent, Mission and Payload Assessment, man-powered aircraft, management problems analysis, manpower and personnel administration, maritime patrol aircraft, military pay and allowance, military pay area, military personnel appropriation, military personnel, Army, missile procurement, Army, mission phase analysis, mission profile analysis, modification proposal and analysis, mortar package assembly7) Техника: Production Association Mayak, modulated pulse amplifier, multiplant action, multiplant activity8) Железнодорожный термин: Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad9) Юридический термин: Matter Participating Attorney10) Фармакология: mycophenolic acid11) Грубое выражение: My Perfect Ass12) Полиграфия: motor prealignment (в ПО для контроля приводки)13) Сокращение: Magazine Publishers Association, Magazine Publishers of America, Mailer Postage Account record (2008, IMB program), Master Printers Association, Master of Public Affairs, Military Police Association, Mission Payload Analysis, Modern Poetry Association, Multi-Purpose Aircraft, Music Publishers Association14) Физиология: Mean Pulmonary Artery15) Электроника: Microwave Power Absorbtion16) Нефть: mudpump area17) Гинекология: депо Провера (или можно просто Провера)18) Фирменный знак: My Petz Adoption, My Petz Adoptions19) Образование: Music Performance Assessment, специалист по государственному и муниципальному управлению, магистр государственного и муниципального управления20) Инвестиции: multiple placing agency21) Полимеры: Metal Powder Association, maximum permissible amount22) Химическое оружие: methyl-phosphonic acid23) Расширение файла: MPEG-1 audio stream Sound file24) Единицы измерений: Mega- Pascals, milli-Pascals -
11 MPa
1) Общая лексика: Master of Public Administration, Master of Professional Accountancy, Metropolitan Police Authority2) Компьютерная техника: Memo Pad Archive3) Авиация: Maximum Power Assurance4) Медицина: main pulmonary artery, МСАТ, максимальная степень агрегации тромбоцитов (maximal platelet aggregation, http://ssmj.ru/system/files/200903_438_440.pdf), medroxyprogesterone acetate5) Американизм: Marine Protected Area, Mean Predicted Area, Metropolitan Planning Area6) Военный термин: Medical Procurement Agency, Military Pay and Allowances, Military Personnel Account, Military Personnel Appropriations, Mission Planning Agent, Mission and Payload Assessment, man-powered aircraft, management problems analysis, manpower and personnel administration, maritime patrol aircraft, military pay and allowance, military pay area, military personnel appropriation, military personnel, Army, missile procurement, Army, mission phase analysis, mission profile analysis, modification proposal and analysis, mortar package assembly7) Техника: Production Association Mayak, modulated pulse amplifier, multiplant action, multiplant activity8) Железнодорожный термин: Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad9) Юридический термин: Matter Participating Attorney10) Фармакология: mycophenolic acid11) Грубое выражение: My Perfect Ass12) Полиграфия: motor prealignment (в ПО для контроля приводки)13) Сокращение: Magazine Publishers Association, Magazine Publishers of America, Mailer Postage Account record (2008, IMB program), Master Printers Association, Master of Public Affairs, Military Police Association, Mission Payload Analysis, Modern Poetry Association, Multi-Purpose Aircraft, Music Publishers Association14) Физиология: Mean Pulmonary Artery15) Электроника: Microwave Power Absorbtion16) Нефть: mudpump area17) Гинекология: депо Провера (или можно просто Провера)18) Фирменный знак: My Petz Adoption, My Petz Adoptions19) Образование: Music Performance Assessment, специалист по государственному и муниципальному управлению, магистр государственного и муниципального управления20) Инвестиции: multiple placing agency21) Полимеры: Metal Powder Association, maximum permissible amount22) Химическое оружие: methyl-phosphonic acid23) Расширение файла: MPEG-1 audio stream Sound file24) Единицы измерений: Mega- Pascals, milli-Pascals -
12 mPa
1) Общая лексика: Master of Public Administration, Master of Professional Accountancy, Metropolitan Police Authority2) Компьютерная техника: Memo Pad Archive3) Авиация: Maximum Power Assurance4) Медицина: main pulmonary artery, МСАТ, максимальная степень агрегации тромбоцитов (maximal platelet aggregation, http://ssmj.ru/system/files/200903_438_440.pdf), medroxyprogesterone acetate5) Американизм: Marine Protected Area, Mean Predicted Area, Metropolitan Planning Area6) Военный термин: Medical Procurement Agency, Military Pay and Allowances, Military Personnel Account, Military Personnel Appropriations, Mission Planning Agent, Mission and Payload Assessment, man-powered aircraft, management problems analysis, manpower and personnel administration, maritime patrol aircraft, military pay and allowance, military pay area, military personnel appropriation, military personnel, Army, missile procurement, Army, mission phase analysis, mission profile analysis, modification proposal and analysis, mortar package assembly7) Техника: Production Association Mayak, modulated pulse amplifier, multiplant action, multiplant activity8) Железнодорожный термин: Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad9) Юридический термин: Matter Participating Attorney10) Фармакология: mycophenolic acid11) Грубое выражение: My Perfect Ass12) Полиграфия: motor prealignment (в ПО для контроля приводки)13) Сокращение: Magazine Publishers Association, Magazine Publishers of America, Mailer Postage Account record (2008, IMB program), Master Printers Association, Master of Public Affairs, Military Police Association, Mission Payload Analysis, Modern Poetry Association, Multi-Purpose Aircraft, Music Publishers Association14) Физиология: Mean Pulmonary Artery15) Электроника: Microwave Power Absorbtion16) Нефть: mudpump area17) Гинекология: депо Провера (или можно просто Провера)18) Фирменный знак: My Petz Adoption, My Petz Adoptions19) Образование: Music Performance Assessment, специалист по государственному и муниципальному управлению, магистр государственного и муниципального управления20) Инвестиции: multiple placing agency21) Полимеры: Metal Powder Association, maximum permissible amount22) Химическое оружие: methyl-phosphonic acid23) Расширение файла: MPEG-1 audio stream Sound file24) Единицы измерений: Mega- Pascals, milli-Pascals -
13 mpa
1) Общая лексика: Master of Public Administration, Master of Professional Accountancy, Metropolitan Police Authority2) Компьютерная техника: Memo Pad Archive3) Авиация: Maximum Power Assurance4) Медицина: main pulmonary artery, МСАТ, максимальная степень агрегации тромбоцитов (maximal platelet aggregation, http://ssmj.ru/system/files/200903_438_440.pdf), medroxyprogesterone acetate5) Американизм: Marine Protected Area, Mean Predicted Area, Metropolitan Planning Area6) Военный термин: Medical Procurement Agency, Military Pay and Allowances, Military Personnel Account, Military Personnel Appropriations, Mission Planning Agent, Mission and Payload Assessment, man-powered aircraft, management problems analysis, manpower and personnel administration, maritime patrol aircraft, military pay and allowance, military pay area, military personnel appropriation, military personnel, Army, missile procurement, Army, mission phase analysis, mission profile analysis, modification proposal and analysis, mortar package assembly7) Техника: Production Association Mayak, modulated pulse amplifier, multiplant action, multiplant activity8) Железнодорожный термин: Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad9) Юридический термин: Matter Participating Attorney10) Фармакология: mycophenolic acid11) Грубое выражение: My Perfect Ass12) Полиграфия: motor prealignment (в ПО для контроля приводки)13) Сокращение: Magazine Publishers Association, Magazine Publishers of America, Mailer Postage Account record (2008, IMB program), Master Printers Association, Master of Public Affairs, Military Police Association, Mission Payload Analysis, Modern Poetry Association, Multi-Purpose Aircraft, Music Publishers Association14) Физиология: Mean Pulmonary Artery15) Электроника: Microwave Power Absorbtion16) Нефть: mudpump area17) Гинекология: депо Провера (или можно просто Провера)18) Фирменный знак: My Petz Adoption, My Petz Adoptions19) Образование: Music Performance Assessment, специалист по государственному и муниципальному управлению, магистр государственного и муниципального управления20) Инвестиции: multiple placing agency21) Полимеры: Metal Powder Association, maximum permissible amount22) Химическое оружие: methyl-phosphonic acid23) Расширение файла: MPEG-1 audio stream Sound file24) Единицы измерений: Mega- Pascals, milli-Pascals -
14 MPA
MPA, man-powered aircraftЛА с мускульным движителем, мускулолет————————MPA, management problems analysis————————MPA, manpower and personnel administration————————MPA, maritime patrol aircraft————————MPA, maximum permissible amountпредельно допустимая [пороговая] доза————————MPA, Medical Procurement Agency————————MPA, military pay and allowance————————MPA, military pay area————————MPA, military personnel appropriation————————MPA, military personnel, Army————————MPA, missile procurement, Army————————MPA, mission phase analysisанализ этапов полета [выполнения задачи]————————MPA, mission profile analysis————————MPA, modification proposal and analysis————————MPA, mortar package assemblyEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > MPA
15 officer
офицер; должностное лицо; сотрудник; укомплектовывать офицерским составом; командоватьAir officer, Administration, Strike Command — Бр. начальник административного управления командования ВВС в Великобритании
Air officer, Engineering, Strike Command — Бр. начальник инженерно-технического управления командования ВВС в Великобритании
Air officer, Maintenance, RAF Support Command — Бр. начальник управления технического обслуживания командования тыла ВВС
Air officer, Training, RAF Support Command — начальник управления подготовки ЛС командования тыла ВВС
assistant G3 plans officer — помощник начальника оперативного отдела [отделения] по планированию
Flag officer, Germany — командующий ВМС ФРГ
Flag officer, Naval Air Command — Бр. командующий авиацией ВМС
Flag officer, Submarines — Бр. командующий подводными силами ВМС
float an officer (through personnel channels) — направлять личное дело офицера (в различные кадровые инстанции);
General officer Commanding, Royal Marines — Бр. командующий МП
General officer Commanding, the Artillery Division — командир артиллерийской дивизии (БРА)
landing zone (aircraft) control officer — офицер по управлению авиацией в районе десантирования (ВДВ)
officer, responsible for the exercise — офицер, ответственный за учение (ВМС)
Principal Medical officer, Strike Command — Бр. начальник медицинской службы командования ВВС в Великобритании
Senior Air Staff officer, Strike Command — Бр. НШ командования ВВС в Великобритании
senior officer, commando assault unit — Бр. командир штурмового отряда «коммандос»
senior officer, naval assault unit — Бр. командир военно-морского штурмового отряда
senior officer, naval build-up unit — Бр. командир военно-морского отряда наращивания сил десанта
senior officer, present — старший из присутствующих начальников
senior officer, Royal Artillery — Бр. старший начальник артиллерии
senior officer, Royal Engineers — Бр. старший начальник инженерных войск
short service term (commissioned) officer — Бр. офицер, призываемый на кратковременную службу; офицер, проходящий службу по краткосрочному контракту
tactical air officer (afloat) — офицер по управлению ТА поддержки (морского) десанта (на корабле управления)
The Dental officer, US Marine Corps — начальник зубоврачебной службы МП США
The Medical officer, US Marine Corps — начальник медицинской службы МП США
— burial supervising officer— company grade officer— education services officer— field services officer— fire prevention officer— general duty officer— information activities officer— logistics readiness officer— regular commissioned officer— security control officer— supply management officer— transportation officer— water supply officer* * * -
16 office
управление; департамент; комитет; отдел; бюро; секретариат, канцелярия; разг. кабина экипажаJoint Service Cruise Missile Program [Project] office — объединенное управление разработки КР (для ВВС и ВМС)
office of Information, Navy — информационное управление ВМС
office of Research, Development and Evaluation — управление НИОКР ВМС
office of the Chief, Army Reserve — управление резерва СВ
office of the Comptroller, Navy — управление главного финансового инспектора ВМС
office of the Deputy COFS for Research, Development and Acquisition — управление заместителя НШ по НИОКР и закупкам (СВ)
office, Aerospace Research — управление воздушно-космических исследований
office, Analysis and Review — управление анализа и контроля потребностей
office, Armor Force Management and Standardization — управление по вопросам администрации и стандартизации бронетанковых войск
office, Assistant COFS for Force Development — управление ПНШ по строительству ВС
office, Assistant COFS for Intelligence — управление ПНШ по разведке
office, Assistant COFS — управление [отдел] ПНШ
office, Assistant Secretary of Defense — аппарат [секретариат] ПМО
office, Chief of Chaplains — управление начальника службы военных священников (СВ)
office, Chief of Civil Affairs — управление по связям с гражданской администрацией и населением
office, Chief of Engineers — управление начальника инженерных войск
office, Chief of Finance (and Accounting) — управление начальника финансовой службы (СВ)
office, Chief of Legislative Liaison — отдел связи с законодательными органами
office, Chief of Ordnance — управление начальника артиллерийско-технической службы (СВ)
office, Chief of R&D — управление НИОКР (СВ)
office, Chief of Transportation — управление [отдел] начальника транспортной службы
office, Chief, Chemical Corps — управление начальника химической службы
office, COFS for Operations — оперативное управление НШ
office, COFS, Army — аппарат НШ СВ
office, Consolidated Personnel — управление гражданских рабочих и служащих
office, Coordinator of Army Studies — управление координатора разработок СВ
office, Defense Transportation — управление военно-транспортной службы
office, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Air Warfare — управление заместителя НШ ВМС по боевому применению авиации
office, Deputy COFS for Aviation — отдел заместителя НШ по авиации (МП)
office, Deputy COFS for Installations and Logistics — управление заместителя НШ по расквартированию и тыловому обеспечению
office, Deputy COFS for Manpower — управление заместителя НШ по людским ресурсам
office, Deputy COFS for Operations and Training — управление заместителя НШ по оперативной и боевой подготовке
office, Deputy COFS for Plans and Logistics — управление заместителя НШ по планированию тылового обеспечения
office, Development and Engineering — отдел технических разработок (ЦРУ)
office, Development and Weapon Systems Analysis — управление разработки и анализа систем вооружения
office, Director of Development Planning — управление планирования строительства (ВВС)
office, Director of Foreign Intelligence — управление начальника внешней разведки
office, Distribution Services — отдел распределения и рассылки картографических изданий (МО)
office, Economic Research — отдел экономических исследований (ЦРУ)
office, Emergency Transportation — управление чрезвычайных перевозок
office, Employment Policy and Grievance Review — отдел по вопросам занятости и рассмотрению жалоб (СВ)
office, Federal Procurement Policy — управление разработки федеральной политики в области закупок
office, Force Planning and Analysis — управление планирования и анализа строительства ВС
office, General Council — управление генерального юрисконсульта
office, Geographic and Cartographic Research — отдел географических и картографических исследований (ЦРУ)
office, Imagery Analysis — отдел анализа видовой информации (ЦРУ)
office, Information and Legal Affairs — управление информации и права (МО)
office, Information for. the Armed Forces — управление информации ВС
office, JCS — аппарат КНШ
office, Judge Advocate General — управление начальника военно-юридической службы
office, Management and Budget — административно-бюджетное управление
office, Military Assistance — управление по оказанию военной помощи
office, Personnel Manager — отдел кадров (СВ)
office, Services and Information Agency — отдел управления информационного обеспечения
office, Special Assistant for Logistical Support of Army Aircraft — отдел специального помощника по вопросам МТО армейской авиации
office, Special Assistant for Logistical Support of Tactical Communications — отдел специального помощника по вопросам МТО тактических систем связи
office, the Inspector General — управление генерального инспектора
office, the Legislative Affairs — управление военного законодательства
office, Under Secretary of Navy — аппарат заместителя министра ВМС
office, Under Secretary of the Air Force — аппарат заместителя министра ВВС
Personnel, Plans and Training office — отдел по вопросам ЛС, планирования и боевой подготовки
Strategic Objectives [Targets] Planning office — управление планирования стратегических задач (КНШ)
Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Night Observation System office — управление разработки систем наблюдения, засечки целей и ПНВ
— Resources Management office -
17 APC
1) Компьютерная техника: Application Pointer Cache, Australian Personal Computer2) Авиация: Aircraft Positive Control, (aircraft performance characteristics) ЛТХ (Лётно-технические характеристики)3) Медицина: Argon Plasma Coagulation, вентиляция по давлению, вспомогательная вентиляция по давлению, assisted pressure controlled4) Американизм: Asian Pacific Coalition6) Военный термин: Account Processing Code, Air Priority Committee, Army Pay Corps, Army Petroleum Center, Army Pictorial Center, Army Policy Council, Army postal clerk, Assistant Principal Chaplain, Aviation Performance Center, abbreviated performance characteristics, advanced procurement change, advanced procurement check, aeronautical planning chart, aimpoint correlator, airframe production contract, all-purpose capsule, ammonium perchlorate, area of positive control, armor-piercing capped, armored personnel carrier, aspirin, phenacetin, and caffeine, БТР, бронетранспортёр, БМП7) Техника: Agency project codes, Amplitude Phase Conversion, Assessed program cost, accelerometer pulse converter, acoustical phase constant, acoustical propagation constant, administration and project control, advanced personal computer, agency program coordinator, all-purpose computer, amplitude-phase conversion, analog-to-pressure converter, angular position counter, argon purge cart, auto pallet changer, automatic changer, automatic parity check, automatic pitch control, automatic power compensator8) Математика: прикладное исчисление предикатов (applied predicate calculus)9) Религия: A Perfect Circle10) Юридический термин: Angled Physical Contact, АПК, Арбитражный процессуальный кодекс, профессиональная корпорация (A Professional Corporation (http://www.acronymfinder.com/A-Professional-Corporation-%28APC%29.html))11) Экономика: компания "American Power Conversion"12) Бухгалтерия: Actual Payment Coefficient, Annual Percentage Change, annual percentage rate, Комитет по аудиторской практике в Великобритании (правопреемник Auditing Practices Board - APB)13) Автомобильный термин: automatic performance control14) Ветеринария: All Purpose Canines, Animal Procedures Committee (under the Animals Scientific Procedures Act)15) Грубое выражение: All Pieces Of Crap, All Poop Crap, All Products Crap, American Piece Of Crap, Another Piece Of Crap, Ass Packers Club16) Оптика: automatic power control17) Полиграфия: (Auto Plate Changer) автоматическая смена пластин (функция в печатных машинах)18) Политика: Area Party Conference, Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation (между Россией и Евросоюзом), Соглашение о партнёрстве и сотрудничестве (СПС) (между Россией и Евросоюзом)19) Сокращение: Adaptive Predictive Coding, Aircraft Parts Corp. (USA), All Purpose Container (rolling container to move mail trays at post office, often known as POSTCON), Approach Power Control, Armament Practice Group (UK Royal Air Force), Armour-Piercing, Capped, Armoured Personnel Carrier, Automated Processing Centres, Automatic Phase Control, aerobic plate counts, average propensity to consume20) Университет: Academic Professionals Of California, Academic Program Coordinator, Academic Progress Code21) Физиология: Activated Protein C, Adenomatous Polyposis Coli, Atrial Premature Contractions22) Электроника: Advanced Power Calibration, All Pass Crossover, Angled Polished Connector23) Вычислительная техника: automatic paper cutter, American Power Conversion (Hersteller, UPS), Association for Progressive Communications (organization, Netzwerk), фирма APC, asynchronous procedure call24) Микробиология: определение количества аэробных бактерий посевом (aerobic plate counts)25) Кардиология: atrial premature complex (преждевременный предсердный комплекс)26) Иммунология: Antigen Presenting Cells, antigen-presenting cell, антиген-представляющая клетка, антиген-презентирующая клетка, антигенпредставляющая клетка, антигенпрезентирующая клетка27) Стоматология: Autologous Platelet Concentrate28) Токсикология: ОДК, ориентировочно допустимая концентрация, ориентировочно допустимая концентрация, ориентировочно допустимое количество29) Связь: соединитель полированный под углом (Angle Polished Connector), угловой физический контакт (Angled Physical Contact), соединитель с шлифовкой под углом30) Биотехнология: allophycocyanin31) Транспорт: Air Project Coordinator, Automatic Passenger Counter32) Воздухоплавание: Approach Control, Area Position Control, Automatic Pressure Control33) Радиолокация: antenna phase center34) Фирменный знак: Allround Pest Control, American Power Conversion, American Product Company, American Products Company, Amphenol Precision Connectors, Animation Publishing Corporation36) Деловая лексика: All Parts Cut, All Potential Customers, Assessment Of Professional Competence37) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Arctic Pacific Contractors, Arctic Pacific Contractors (Body Shop of Fluor)38) Образование: Activating Potential For Communication, Alternatives Possibilities And Choices39) Сетевые технологии: Automatic Ping Control, American Power Conversion (Corporation)40) Автоматика: automatic pallet changer, automatic production center41) Сахалин Ю: advanced process control42) Химическое оружие: Air pollution control43) Макаров: acoustical plaster ceiling, advanced propulsion comparison study, automatic part changer, autopallet changer44) Безопасность: adaptive predictive coder, analogue pulse count, координатор действий в пункте сбора45) Расширение файла: Printer driver Characters (Lotus 1-2-3)46) Маркетология: (Agency for Protection of Competition) Агентство по защите конкуренции47) Электротехника: average power control48) Высокочастотная электроника: American Personal Communications49) Программное обеспечение: Alternate Php Cache -
18 Apc
1) Компьютерная техника: Application Pointer Cache, Australian Personal Computer2) Авиация: Aircraft Positive Control, (aircraft performance characteristics) ЛТХ (Лётно-технические характеристики)3) Медицина: Argon Plasma Coagulation, вентиляция по давлению, вспомогательная вентиляция по давлению, assisted pressure controlled4) Американизм: Asian Pacific Coalition6) Военный термин: Account Processing Code, Air Priority Committee, Army Pay Corps, Army Petroleum Center, Army Pictorial Center, Army Policy Council, Army postal clerk, Assistant Principal Chaplain, Aviation Performance Center, abbreviated performance characteristics, advanced procurement change, advanced procurement check, aeronautical planning chart, aimpoint correlator, airframe production contract, all-purpose capsule, ammonium perchlorate, area of positive control, armor-piercing capped, armored personnel carrier, aspirin, phenacetin, and caffeine, БТР, бронетранспортёр, БМП7) Техника: Agency project codes, Amplitude Phase Conversion, Assessed program cost, accelerometer pulse converter, acoustical phase constant, acoustical propagation constant, administration and project control, advanced personal computer, agency program coordinator, all-purpose computer, amplitude-phase conversion, analog-to-pressure converter, angular position counter, argon purge cart, auto pallet changer, automatic changer, automatic parity check, automatic pitch control, automatic power compensator8) Математика: прикладное исчисление предикатов (applied predicate calculus)9) Религия: A Perfect Circle10) Юридический термин: Angled Physical Contact, АПК, Арбитражный процессуальный кодекс, профессиональная корпорация (A Professional Corporation (http://www.acronymfinder.com/A-Professional-Corporation-%28APC%29.html))11) Экономика: компания "American Power Conversion"12) Бухгалтерия: Actual Payment Coefficient, Annual Percentage Change, annual percentage rate, Комитет по аудиторской практике в Великобритании (правопреемник Auditing Practices Board - APB)13) Автомобильный термин: automatic performance control14) Ветеринария: All Purpose Canines, Animal Procedures Committee (under the Animals Scientific Procedures Act)15) Грубое выражение: All Pieces Of Crap, All Poop Crap, All Products Crap, American Piece Of Crap, Another Piece Of Crap, Ass Packers Club16) Оптика: automatic power control17) Полиграфия: (Auto Plate Changer) автоматическая смена пластин (функция в печатных машинах)18) Политика: Area Party Conference, Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation (между Россией и Евросоюзом), Соглашение о партнёрстве и сотрудничестве (СПС) (между Россией и Евросоюзом)19) Сокращение: Adaptive Predictive Coding, Aircraft Parts Corp. (USA), All Purpose Container (rolling container to move mail trays at post office, often known as POSTCON), Approach Power Control, Armament Practice Group (UK Royal Air Force), Armour-Piercing, Capped, Armoured Personnel Carrier, Automated Processing Centres, Automatic Phase Control, aerobic plate counts, average propensity to consume20) Университет: Academic Professionals Of California, Academic Program Coordinator, Academic Progress Code21) Физиология: Activated Protein C, Adenomatous Polyposis Coli, Atrial Premature Contractions22) Электроника: Advanced Power Calibration, All Pass Crossover, Angled Polished Connector23) Вычислительная техника: automatic paper cutter, American Power Conversion (Hersteller, UPS), Association for Progressive Communications (organization, Netzwerk), фирма APC, asynchronous procedure call24) Микробиология: определение количества аэробных бактерий посевом (aerobic plate counts)25) Кардиология: atrial premature complex (преждевременный предсердный комплекс)26) Иммунология: Antigen Presenting Cells, antigen-presenting cell, антиген-представляющая клетка, антиген-презентирующая клетка, антигенпредставляющая клетка, антигенпрезентирующая клетка27) Стоматология: Autologous Platelet Concentrate28) Токсикология: ОДК, ориентировочно допустимая концентрация, ориентировочно допустимая концентрация, ориентировочно допустимое количество29) Связь: соединитель полированный под углом (Angle Polished Connector), угловой физический контакт (Angled Physical Contact), соединитель с шлифовкой под углом30) Биотехнология: allophycocyanin31) Транспорт: Air Project Coordinator, Automatic Passenger Counter32) Воздухоплавание: Approach Control, Area Position Control, Automatic Pressure Control33) Радиолокация: antenna phase center34) Фирменный знак: Allround Pest Control, American Power Conversion, American Product Company, American Products Company, Amphenol Precision Connectors, Animation Publishing Corporation36) Деловая лексика: All Parts Cut, All Potential Customers, Assessment Of Professional Competence37) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Arctic Pacific Contractors, Arctic Pacific Contractors (Body Shop of Fluor)38) Образование: Activating Potential For Communication, Alternatives Possibilities And Choices39) Сетевые технологии: Automatic Ping Control, American Power Conversion (Corporation)40) Автоматика: automatic pallet changer, automatic production center41) Сахалин Ю: advanced process control42) Химическое оружие: Air pollution control43) Макаров: acoustical plaster ceiling, advanced propulsion comparison study, automatic part changer, autopallet changer44) Безопасность: adaptive predictive coder, analogue pulse count, координатор действий в пункте сбора45) Расширение файла: Printer driver Characters (Lotus 1-2-3)46) Маркетология: (Agency for Protection of Competition) Агентство по защите конкуренции47) Электротехника: average power control48) Высокочастотная электроника: American Personal Communications49) Программное обеспечение: Alternate Php Cache -
19 PAM
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Percent Of Accepted Mutations, Professions Allied to Medicine2) Морской термин: пассивный гидроакустический мониторинг, passive acoustic monitoring, Porte Autonome de Marseilles3) Медицина: portative activity monitor, pyridine aldoxime methiodide, pyridine aldoximine methiodide4) Военный термин: Phoenix airborne missile, Procurement Aircraft and Missiles, partial mobilization, payload assist module, permanent active militia, personnel accounting management, personnel action memorandum, planning, activation, modification, post-acceptance modification, priorities and allocations manual, procurement aids man, procurement of aircraft and missiles5) Техника: Pozzolan Aggregate Mixture, Pozzolanic Mixtures, peat-alcohol mixture, phone activities manager, polyacryl amide, portable alpha monitor, post accident monitoring, programmable algorithm machine, programmable arm manipulator, propulsion and avionics module6) Религия: Prayer And Miracles7) Железнодорожный термин: Pittsburgh Allegheny and McKees Rocks Railroad Company8) Юридический термин: дивизион PAM (Emerson Process Management contains the Plant Asset Management (PAM) division within the Asset Optimization (AO) Division), Plant Asset Management9) Сокращение: Pampanga, Payload Assisted Module, Penetration Augmented Munition, Penetration-Augmented Munition (special forces), Permanent Athwartship Magnetism, Pulse Amplification Modulation, Polyciclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon, Pacific Armies Management, Packetized Audio Mixer, Page Allocation Map (CICS), Pamir (linguistics), Parque de Atracciones de Madrid (amusement park), Partitioning Around Medoids (statistics), Partner Account Manager (sales), Pass Along Message, Passband Amplitude Modulation, Password Authentication Module, Patent Application Management, Payload Accommodation Manager, Payload Activation Message, People's Action Movement (Saint Kitts and Nevis), Peptidylglycine Alpha-Amidating Mono-Oxygenase, Percentage Accepted Mutation (bioinformatics), Perceptual Assimilation Model, Performance Archive Manager (Visual Networks), Performance Assessment Matrix, Pericolo in Mare (Italian: in danger at sea; SOS), Peripheral Adapter Module, Permanent Archive Manager, Personal Address Manager, Personal Alien Manager (gaming), Personal Applications Manager, Personnel Authorizations Module, Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (Malaysian Institute of Architects), Pesticide Analytical Manual (FDA), Petersen Automotive Museum (Los Angeles, CA), Physical Activity Monitor, Physical Address Mapping, Plant Available Moisture, Pluggable Authentication Modules (information technology), Point Accepted Mutation, Point Ahead Mirror, Pointer Analysis Module, Pole Amplitude Modulation (system of motor windings), Policies and Measures, Policy Analysis Market (DARPA), Poly-Acrylamide, Porcine Alveolar Macrophage, Port Adapter Module, Port to Application Mapping, Portable Alpha Meter (alpha particle detector), Post-Auricular Muscle, Postaccident Monitoring, Power Amplifier Module, Pre-Assessment Meeting, Precision Attack Missile, Predictive Aircraft Maintenance, Presbyterian Association of Musicians, Presence and Availability Management (PAMF), Pressure-Alkali Monitor, Preventive Aerospace Medicine (team; US DoD), Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (medicine), Primary Automation Manager, Princeton Asset Management, Proactive Asset Management, Proactive Automated Management, Problem Analysis Matrix, Process Algebra Meetings, Process Application Module, Procurement, Aircraft & Missiles, Product Application Modules, Production Application Management, Profile Administration Manager, Program Analysis Memorandum, Program Area Manager, Program Assumptions Memorandum, Programma Alimentare Mondiale, Programmable Active Memory, Programmable Attribute Map, Programmable Authentication Module, Programmable Automotive Microprocessor, Programme Against Malnutrition (Lusaka, Zambia), Programme Alimentaire Mondial (French: World Food Program), Progressive Asset Management (Financial West Group), Promise Array Management, Proud Arabian Mare (Breyer mold), Proud Army Mom, Public Access Manager, Public Affairs Manager, Published Application Manager (Citrix Metaframe Utility), Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophage, Pulse Adapter Module, Pulse Amplifier Modulation, Pupil Adjust Mechanism (used on telescopes), Purpose, Audience, Message (writing goals model)10) Физиология: Pregnancy After Miscarriage11) Вычислительная техника: Paging Area Memory, Pluggable Authentication Module, partitioned access method, priority access method, Primary Access Method (BS2000), Programmable Attribute Maps (DRAM, PCI), Pluggable Authentication Module (Linux, LISA), Payload Assist Module (Space), pulse-amplitude modulation, администратор приложений для персонального компьютера12) Иммунология: pulmonary alveolar macrophages, (positive allosteric modulator) позитивный аллостерический модулятор13) Космонавтика: библиотечный метод доступа14) Деловая лексика: Promote Advertise Market15) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: preserved amplitude method16) Сетевые технологии: Port Address Mapping, Port-Assignment Module, Portable Authentication Module, personal application manager, pulse amplitude modulation, администратор приложений для ПК, импульсно-амплитудная модуляция, модуль назначения портов, программа доступа пользователя, Port Adapter Modules (Cisco)17) Полимеры: polyacrylamide18) Автоматика: positive active material19) Химическое оружие: pralidoxime20) Расширение файла: Process Automatic Monitor, Pluggable Authentication Module (library)21) Должность: Professional Audience Member -
20 Pam
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Percent Of Accepted Mutations, Professions Allied to Medicine2) Морской термин: пассивный гидроакустический мониторинг, passive acoustic monitoring, Porte Autonome de Marseilles3) Медицина: portative activity monitor, pyridine aldoxime methiodide, pyridine aldoximine methiodide4) Военный термин: Phoenix airborne missile, Procurement Aircraft and Missiles, partial mobilization, payload assist module, permanent active militia, personnel accounting management, personnel action memorandum, planning, activation, modification, post-acceptance modification, priorities and allocations manual, procurement aids man, procurement of aircraft and missiles5) Техника: Pozzolan Aggregate Mixture, Pozzolanic Mixtures, peat-alcohol mixture, phone activities manager, polyacryl amide, portable alpha monitor, post accident monitoring, programmable algorithm machine, programmable arm manipulator, propulsion and avionics module6) Религия: Prayer And Miracles7) Железнодорожный термин: Pittsburgh Allegheny and McKees Rocks Railroad Company8) Юридический термин: дивизион PAM (Emerson Process Management contains the Plant Asset Management (PAM) division within the Asset Optimization (AO) Division), Plant Asset Management9) Сокращение: Pampanga, Payload Assisted Module, Penetration Augmented Munition, Penetration-Augmented Munition (special forces), Permanent Athwartship Magnetism, Pulse Amplification Modulation, Polyciclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon, Pacific Armies Management, Packetized Audio Mixer, Page Allocation Map (CICS), Pamir (linguistics), Parque de Atracciones de Madrid (amusement park), Partitioning Around Medoids (statistics), Partner Account Manager (sales), Pass Along Message, Passband Amplitude Modulation, Password Authentication Module, Patent Application Management, Payload Accommodation Manager, Payload Activation Message, People's Action Movement (Saint Kitts and Nevis), Peptidylglycine Alpha-Amidating Mono-Oxygenase, Percentage Accepted Mutation (bioinformatics), Perceptual Assimilation Model, Performance Archive Manager (Visual Networks), Performance Assessment Matrix, Pericolo in Mare (Italian: in danger at sea; SOS), Peripheral Adapter Module, Permanent Archive Manager, Personal Address Manager, Personal Alien Manager (gaming), Personal Applications Manager, Personnel Authorizations Module, Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (Malaysian Institute of Architects), Pesticide Analytical Manual (FDA), Petersen Automotive Museum (Los Angeles, CA), Physical Activity Monitor, Physical Address Mapping, Plant Available Moisture, Pluggable Authentication Modules (information technology), Point Accepted Mutation, Point Ahead Mirror, Pointer Analysis Module, Pole Amplitude Modulation (system of motor windings), Policies and Measures, Policy Analysis Market (DARPA), Poly-Acrylamide, Porcine Alveolar Macrophage, Port Adapter Module, Port to Application Mapping, Portable Alpha Meter (alpha particle detector), Post-Auricular Muscle, Postaccident Monitoring, Power Amplifier Module, Pre-Assessment Meeting, Precision Attack Missile, Predictive Aircraft Maintenance, Presbyterian Association of Musicians, Presence and Availability Management (PAMF), Pressure-Alkali Monitor, Preventive Aerospace Medicine (team; US DoD), Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (medicine), Primary Automation Manager, Princeton Asset Management, Proactive Asset Management, Proactive Automated Management, Problem Analysis Matrix, Process Algebra Meetings, Process Application Module, Procurement, Aircraft & Missiles, Product Application Modules, Production Application Management, Profile Administration Manager, Program Analysis Memorandum, Program Area Manager, Program Assumptions Memorandum, Programma Alimentare Mondiale, Programmable Active Memory, Programmable Attribute Map, Programmable Authentication Module, Programmable Automotive Microprocessor, Programme Against Malnutrition (Lusaka, Zambia), Programme Alimentaire Mondial (French: World Food Program), Progressive Asset Management (Financial West Group), Promise Array Management, Proud Arabian Mare (Breyer mold), Proud Army Mom, Public Access Manager, Public Affairs Manager, Published Application Manager (Citrix Metaframe Utility), Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophage, Pulse Adapter Module, Pulse Amplifier Modulation, Pupil Adjust Mechanism (used on telescopes), Purpose, Audience, Message (writing goals model)10) Физиология: Pregnancy After Miscarriage11) Вычислительная техника: Paging Area Memory, Pluggable Authentication Module, partitioned access method, priority access method, Primary Access Method (BS2000), Programmable Attribute Maps (DRAM, PCI), Pluggable Authentication Module (Linux, LISA), Payload Assist Module (Space), pulse-amplitude modulation, администратор приложений для персонального компьютера12) Иммунология: pulmonary alveolar macrophages, (positive allosteric modulator) позитивный аллостерический модулятор13) Космонавтика: библиотечный метод доступа14) Деловая лексика: Promote Advertise Market15) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: preserved amplitude method16) Сетевые технологии: Port Address Mapping, Port-Assignment Module, Portable Authentication Module, personal application manager, pulse amplitude modulation, администратор приложений для ПК, импульсно-амплитудная модуляция, модуль назначения портов, программа доступа пользователя, Port Adapter Modules (Cisco)17) Полимеры: polyacrylamide18) Автоматика: positive active material19) Химическое оружие: pralidoxime20) Расширение файла: Process Automatic Monitor, Pluggable Authentication Module (library)21) Должность: Professional Audience Member
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