1 African emerald cuckoo
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > African emerald cuckoo
2 African emerald cuckoo
English-russian biological dictionary > African emerald cuckoo
3 cuckoo, African emerald
—1. LAT Chrysococcyx cupreus ( Shaw)2. RUS золотистая бронзовая кукушка f3. ENG African emerald cuckoo4. DEU Smaragdkuckuck m5. FRA coucou m folio-tocolПЯТИЯЗЫЧНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ НАЗВАНИЙ ЖИВОТНЫХ — птицы > cuckoo, African emerald
4 cuckoo
1) кукушка; кукушка ( Cuculus); обыкновенная кукушка ( Cuculus canorus)2) куковать•- Asiatic emerald cuckoo
- banded day cuckoo
- bay-breasted cuckoo
- black cuckoo
- black-and-white cuckoo
- black-billed cuckoo
- black-capped cuckoo
- black-eared cuckoo
- bronze cuckoo
- brush cuckoo
- channel-billed cuckoo
- chestnut-winged cuckoo
- common cuckoo
- dark-billed cuckoo
- diedric cuckoo
- drongo cuckoo
- dwarf cuckoo
- European cuckoo
- fugitive cuckoo
- golden cuckoo
- gray-capped cuckoo
- great spotted cuckoo
- ground cuckoo
- guira cuckoo
- Horsfield's cuckoo
- Indian cuckoo
- jacobin cuckoo
- Klaas' cuckoo
- lesser ground cuckoo
- little cuckoo
- lizard cuckoo
- long-billed cuckoo
- long-tailed cuckoo
- mangrove cuckoo
- oriental cuckoo
- pallid cuckoo
- pavonine cuckoo
- pearly-breasted cuckoo
- pheasant cuckoo
- plaintive cuckoo
- red-winged crested cuckoo
- squirrel cuckoo
- striped cuckoo
- striped-breasted cuckoo
- thick-billed cuckoo
- violet cuckoo
- yellow-billed cuckoo
- yellow-throated cuckoo
- yellow-throated green cuckoo* * *• кукушка -
5 2890
1. LAT Chrysococcyx cupreus ( Shaw)2. RUS золотистая бронзовая кукушка f3. ENG African emerald cuckoo4. DEU Smaragdkuckuck m5. FRA coucou m folio-tocol -
6 dove
голубь; горлица; pl голуби ( Columbidae)- bare-eyed ground dove
- barred ground dove
- beautiful fruit dove
- blue ground dove
- blue-eyed ground dove
- blue-headed quail dove
- bridled quail dove
- brown-backed emerald dove
- cloven-feathered dove
- collared dove
- collared turtle dove
- common ground dove
- crested quail dove
- croaking ground dove
- cuckoo dove
- diamond dove
- eastern turtle dove
- emerald dove
- fruit dove
- Galapagos dove
- Galapagos ground dove
- golden dove
- golden-billed ground dove
- gray-headed quail dove
- gray-throated ground dove
- ground dove
- large-tailed dove
- laughing dove
- lemon dove
- lined quail dove
- long-tailed ground dove
- masked dove
- mourning dove
- moustached dove
- orange fruit dove
- orange-bellied fruit dove
- orange-fronted fruit dove
- pink-breasted dove
- pink-spotted fruit dove
- purple-winged ground dove
- purplish-backed quail dove
- red-naped fruit dove
- red-throated ground dove
- ring dove
- ring-necked dove
- rock dove
- ruddy ground dove
- ruddy quail dove
- rufous turtle dove
- sapphire quail dove
- scaled dove
- scarlet-breasted fruit dove
- splendid fruit dove
- spotted dove
- stock dove
- superb fruit dove
- tambourine dove
- thick-billed ground dove
- turtle dove
- velvet fruit dove
- violaceous quail dove
- white-breasted ground dove
- white-capped fruit dove
- white-throated ground dove
- white-throated quail dove
- white-winged dove
- wood dove* * *• голуби• голубь• горлица
См. также в других словарях:
African Emerald Cuckoo — Conservation status … Wikipedia
African emerald cuckoo — smaragdinė gegutė statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Chrysococcyx cupreus angl. African emerald cuckoo vok. Smaragdkuckuck, m rus. золотистая бронзовая кукушка, f pranc. coucou foliotocol, m ryšiai: platesnis terminas –… … Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas
emerald cuckoo — noun 1. : a small brilliant green African cuckoo (Chrysococcyx smaragdineus) with yellow breast 2. : a small bright green cuckoo (Chrysococcyx maculatus) found from the Himalayas to southern China … Useful english dictionary
List of African birds — This list of African birds is a listing of all the bird species known from the continent of Africa. TOCrightNotesThere are over 45 billion different species of birds in Africa.The taxonomy of this list adheres to James Clitorus Birds of the World … Wikipedia
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List of birds of the Central African Republic — This is a list of the bird species recorded in the Central African Republic. The avifauna of the Central African Republic includes a total of 791 species, of which 3 are rare or accidental.This list s taxonomic treatment (designation and sequence … Wikipedia
List of birds of the Democratic Republic of Congo — This is a list of the bird species recorded in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The avifauna of the Democratic Republic of Congo includes a total of 1185 species, of which 21 are endemic, 1 has been introduced by humans, and 3 are rare or… … Wikipedia
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