1) Военный термин: Abrasive Blast Facility, Adaptive Beam Former, Army Benevolent Fund, Artillery Bng Forces, Asset Balance File, air burst fuze, availability balance file, осколочный боеприпас с кольцевым взрывом (сокр. от annular blast fragmentation (warhead))2) Техника: agile band pass filter, audio band pass filter3) Математика: All But A Finite4) Религия: Adult Bible Fellowship5) Грубое выражение: A Big Fuck, Absolutely Bloody Final6) Музыка: American Banjo Fraternity7) Сокращение: Advanced Bomb Family (Forerunner of JDAM (US Navy)), Advanced Bomb Family, Annular Blast Fragmentation warhead, American Beekeeping Federation (American Beekeeping Federation)8) Электроника: Agile Bandpass Filter9) Банковское дело: Ассоциация британских факторинговых компаний (Association of British Factors)10) Пищевая промышленность: All But Full11) Экология: activated biofilter12) Инвестиции: Association of British Factors13) Военно-морской флот: старшина авиационной боцманской команды— специалист по заправке самолётов топливом (на авианосце) (сокр. от Aviation Boatswain's Mate F (Fuels))14) Расширение файла: Adobe Binary Screen Font15) Общественная организация: America the Beautiful Fund16) NYSE. Airborne Freight Corporation17) СМС: All But For.... -
2 concept
arresting gear concept (of strategy) — стратегическая концепция постепенного сдерживания наступления противника до полного прекращения его продвижения (по принципу действия аэрофинишера на авианосце)
elevated trunnion concept (for tanks) — принцип конструирования башни танка с повышенным расположением цапф пушки
— fly-before-buy procurement concept— fuzeless shell concept— high-low mix concept
См. также в других словарях:
List of Marvel Family enemies — Through his adventures, Fawcett Comics/DC Comics superhero Captain Marvel and his Marvel Family gained a host of enemies, including the following: Contents 1 Acrobat 2 Adolf Hitler 3 Amoeba Family … Wikipedia
ABF — Abfahrt (International » German) * Adult Bible Fellowship (Community » Religion) * Airborne Freight Corporation (Business » NYSE Symbols) * America the Beautiful Fund (Community » Non Profit Organizations) * Adobe Binary Screen Font (Computing »… … Abbreviations dictionary
Timothy McVeigh — For the United States Navy sailor, see Timothy R. McVeigh. Timothy McVeigh FBI mugshot of McVeigh Born April 23, 1968(1968 04 23) Buffalo, New York, U.S. Died June 11, 2001( … Wikipedia
Reliable Replacement Warhead — The Reliable Replacement Warhead (RRW) is a controversial new American nuclear warhead design and bomb family that is intended to be simple, reliable and to provide a long lasting, low maintenance future nuclear force for the United States. It is … Wikipedia
Bernard Marshall Gordon — (born in 1927), American inventor and philanthropist, is generally called Bernie rather than Mr. Gordon by associates and subordinates. [As of January, 2007, the book of Bernie s earthly life is still open. Consequently there are no scholarly… … Wikipedia
India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… … Universalium
international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… … Universalium
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
France — /frans, frahns/; Fr. /frddahonns/, n. 1. Anatole /ann nann tawl /, (Jacques Anatole Thibault), 1844 1924, French novelist and essayist: Nobel prize 1921. 2. a republic in W Europe. 58,470,421; 212,736 sq. mi. (550,985 sq. km). Cap.: Paris. 3.… … Universalium
Italy — /it l ee/, n. a republic in S Europe, comprising a peninsula S of the Alps, and Sicily, Sardinia, Elba, and other smaller islands: a kingdom 1870 1946. 57,534,088; 116,294 sq. mi. (301,200 sq. km). Cap.: Rome. Italian, Italia. * * * Italy… … Universalium
Law, Crime, and Law Enforcement — ▪ 2006 Introduction Trials of former heads of state, U.S. Supreme Court rulings on eminent domain and the death penalty, and high profile cases against former executives of large corporations were leading legal and criminal issues in 2005.… … Universalium