1 абразивность краски
Polygraphy: abrasiveness of inkУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > абразивность краски
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Abrasiveness of ink — Абразивность краски … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Sizing — or size is a substance that is applied to porous materials as a glaze or filler. It is used to change surface properties in papermaking, gilding, and the manufacture of textiles. Papermaking Sizing is used on fibers during paper manufacture in… … Wikipedia
Degas, Edgar — ▪ French artist Introduction in full Hilaire Germain Edgar De Gas later Degas born July 19, 1834, Paris, France died September 27, 1917, Paris French painter, sculptor, and printmaker who was prominent in the Impressionist… … Universalium
abrasion test — n. test carried out in a laboratory for evaluating drilling grade weighting material for possible abrasiveness; test performed to determine the capacity of withstanding the effects of rubbing and abrasion of printing ink … English contemporary dictionary