1 Abelian space
вчт абелево пространство -
2 Abelian space
вчт. абелево пространствоThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > Abelian space
3 space
1) пространство; область; зона; объём || распределять в пространстве; разбивать на области или зоны; размещать в объёме || пространственный; относящийся к области или зоне; объёмный2) космическое пространство, космос || космический3) тлг бестоковая посылка, пауза4) пробел || разделять (напр. буквы или слова) пробелами5) зазор (напр. между элементами ИС) || использовать зазор; оставлять зазор; разделять зазором6) вчт шпация8) интервал (напр. между строками матрицы); промежуток || располагать с интервалом (напр. строки матрицы) или с промежутком9) проф. интерлиньяж (межстрочный пробел, междустрочие)10) (условная) единица измерения интерлиньяжа, проф. интервал11) разнос (напр. каналов) || разносить (напр. каналы)•- space of basic elementsto space out — набирать ( текст) в разрядку
- space of events
- space of finite dimension
- space of functions
- space of ideals
- space of kernels
- space of mappings
- space of random variables
- space of solutions
- space of strategies
- space of values
- Abelian space
- absolutely convergent series space
- acceleration space
- active space
- address space
- adjacency space
- advertising space
- affine space
- air space
- allocated space
- anode dark space
- Aston dark space
- aural space
- Banach space
- basic line space
- blank space
- Boolean space
- brightness-color space
- buncher space
- catcher space
- cathode dark space
- cellular space
- checkpoint space
- cislunar space
- classification space
- classifying space
- closed space
- cointegration space
- color space
- conceptual space
- configuration space
- connected space
- control space
- CPU address space
- criteria space
- Crookes dark space
- dead space
- decision space
- deep space
- design space
- design alternatives space
- disk space
- display space
- distribution space
- domain space
- double space
- drift space
- electron drift space
- em space
- en space
- end spaces
- error space
- estimation space
- Euclidean space
- Faraday dark space
- feature space
- finite-dimensional space
- fixed space
- flat address space
- Frechet space
- free space
- free Web space
- fuzzy space
- goal space
- guard space
- half-space space
- hard space
- Hausdorff space
- heap space
- hereditary space
- Hilbert space
- Hilbertian space
- Hittorf dark space
- hole drift space
- image space
- infinite-dimensional space
- input space
- input/output space
- integrable function space
- interaction space
- inter-block space
- interelectrode space
- interplanar space
- inter-record space
- interstitial space
- inter-track space
- invariant space
- Langmuir dark space
- lexicographic space
- line space
- logic space
- marker space
- medium space
- memory space
- mixed space
- model space
- momentum space
- multidimensional space
- multiple space
- N-space
- name space
- N-dimensional Euclidean space
- negative thin space
- nonbreaking space
- number space
- object space
- observation space
- one-dimensional space
- open space
- operating space
- ordered space
- organism's phase space
- orthonormal space
- outcome space
- outer space
- output space
- parameter space
- patch space
- pattern space
- perception space
- phase space
- policy space
- probability space
- problem space
- problem address space
- provider aggregable address space
- provider independent address space
- proximity space
- Radon space
- range space
- reference space
- reflector space
- required space
- reticulated space
- routing space
- sample space
- search space
- segmented address space
- semantic space
- semi-infinite space
- sequence space
- shared space
- single space
- solution space
- spin space
- state space
- strategy space
- structural space
- task space
- test space
- tesselated space
- thick space
- thin space
- three-dimensional space
- topological space
- trajectory space
- trailing space
- triangulable space
- triple space
- tuple space
- two-dimensional space
- uniconvergence space
- uniform color space
- vector space
- virtual space
- visible space
- wave-vector space
- white space
- Whitney space
- word space
- working space -
4 space
1) пространство; область; зона; объём || распределять в пространстве; разбивать на области или зоны; размещать в объёме || пространственный; относящийся к области или зоне; объёмный2) космическое пространство, космос || космический3) тлг. бестоковая посылка, пауза4) пробел || разделять (напр. буквы или слова) пробелами5) зазор (напр. между элементами ИС) || использовать зазор; оставлять зазор; разделять зазором6) вчт. шпация8) интервал (напр. между строками матрицы); промежуток || располагать с интервалом (напр. строки матрицы) или с промежутком9) проф. интерлиньяж (межстрочный пробел, междустрочие)10) (условная) единица измерения интерлиньяжа, проф. интервал11) разнос (напр. каналов) || разносить (напр. каналы)•- absolutely convergent series spaceto space out — набирать ( текст) в разрядку
- acceleration space
- active space
- address space
- adjacency space
- advertising space
- affine space
- air space
- allocated space
- anode dark space
- Aston dark space
- aural space
- Banach space
- basic line space
- blank space
- Boolean space
- brightness-color space
- buncher space
- catcher space
- cathode dark space
- cellular space
- checkpoint space
- cislunar space
- classification space
- classifying space
- closed space
- cointegration space
- color space
- conceptual space
- configuration space
- connected space
- control space
- CPU address space
- criteria space
- Crookes dark space
- dead space
- decision space
- deep space
- design alternatives space
- design space
- disk space
- display space
- distribution space
- domain space
- double space
- drift space
- electron drift space
- em space
- en space
- end spaces
- error space
- estimation space
- Euclidean space
- Faraday dark space
- feature space
- finite-dimensional space
- fixed space
- flat address space
- Frechet space
- free space
- free Web space
- fuzzy space
- goal space
- guard space
- half-space
- hard space
- Hausdorff space
- heap space
- hereditary space
- Hilbert space
- Hilbertian space
- Hittorf dark space
- hole drift space
- image space
- infinite-dimensional space
- input space
- input/output space
- integrable function space
- interaction space
- inter-block space
- interelectrode space
- interplanar space
- inter-record space
- interstitial space
- inter-track space
- invariant space
- Langmuir dark space
- lexicographic space
- line space
- logic space
- marker space
- medium space
- memory space
- mixed space
- model space
- momentum space
- multidimensional space
- multiple space
- name space
- N-dimensional Euclidean space
- negative thin space
- nonbreaking space
- N-space
- number space
- object space
- observation space
- one-dimensional space
- open space
- operating space
- ordered space
- organism's phase space
- orthonormal space
- outcome space
- outer space
- output space
- parameter space
- patch space
- pattern space
- perception space
- phase space
- policy space
- probability space
- problem address space
- problem space
- provider aggregable address space
- provider independent address space
- proximity space
- Radon space
- range space
- reference space
- reflector space
- required space
- reticulated space
- routing space
- sample space
- search space
- segmented address space
- semantic space
- semi-infinite space
- sequence space
- shared space
- single space
- solution space
- space of attributes
- space of basic elements
- space of events
- space of finite dimension
- space of functions
- space of ideals
- space of kernels
- space of mappings
- space of random variables
- space of solutions
- space of strategies
- space of values
- spin space
- state space
- strategy space
- structural space
- task space
- tesselated space
- test space
- thick space
- thin space
- three-dimensional space
- topological space
- trailing space
- trajectory space
- triangulable space
- triple space
- tuple space
- two-dimensional space
- uniconvergence space
- uniform color space
- vector space
- virtual space
- visible space
- wave-vector space
- white space
- Whitney space
- word space
- working spaceThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > space
5 Abelian group-like space
Математика: абелево пространство ХопфаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Abelian group-like space
6 group
1) группа || группировать; образовывать группу; входить в группу || групповой2) тлф группа; пучок || формировать группу; формировать пучок3) кв. эл радикал•- group of permutations
- group of pictures
- group of symmetry
- group of transformations
- group of trunks
- Abel group
- Abelian group
- active element group
- additional crystal magnetic group
- additional crystallographic magnetic group
- antitranslation group
- Belov color symmetry group
- bicolored crystal magnetic group
- bicolored crystallographic magnetic group
- black-and-white symmetry group
- black crystal group
- black crystalllographic group
- Bravais group
- Bravais space group
- built-in groups
- classical crystal group
- classical crystallographic group - color symmetry group
- common user group
- computer user group
- cyclic group
- direct trunk group
- empty group
- Fedorov crystal group
- Fedorov crystallographic group
- final group
- focus group
- font groups
- fuzzy group
- gage group
- glide group
- global group
- grey crystal group
- grey crystal lographic group
- helating group
- heterocyclic group
- high usage group
- holohedral group
- inversion rotation group
- limited-availability group
- limiting group of symmetry
- linkage group
- local group
- mail group
- master group
- monocolored crystal group
- monocolored crystallographic group
- multimaster group
- non-Bravais group
- non-Bravais space group
- nonmagnetic crystal group
- nonmagnetic crystallographic group
- nonsymmorphic group
- nonsymmorphic space group
- parent group
- peer group
- point group
- primary group
- principal group
- process group
- pulse group
- record group
- reflection group
- renormalization group
- repository data group
- robot group
- rotation group
- rotation-reflection group
- screw group
- Shubnikov symmetry group
- space group
- special interest group
- status group
- symmetric group
- symmetry group
- symmorphic group
- symmorphic space group
- symplecric group
- through group
- translation group
- trunk group
- twelve-channel group
- two-dimensional space group
- uncolored group
- Usenet group
- user group
- volume group
- white crystal group
- white crystallographic group -
7 group
1) группа || группировать; образовывать группу; входить в группу || групповой2) тлф. группа; пучок || формировать группу; формировать пучок3) кв. эл. радикал•- Abelian group
- active element group
- additional crystal magnetic group
- additional crystallographic magnetic group
- antitranslation group
- Belov color symmetry group
- bicolored crystal magnetic group
- bicolored crystallographic magnetic group
- black crystal group
- black crystallographic group
- black-and-white symmetry group
- Bravais group
- Bravais space group
- built-in groups
- classical crystal group
- classical crystallographic group - color symmetry group
- common user group
- computer user group
- cyclic group
- direct trunk group
- empty group
- Fedorov crystal group
- Fedorov crystallographic group
- final group
- focus group
- font groups
- fuzzy group
- gage group
- glide group
- global group
- grey crystal group
- grey crystallographic group
- group of antisymmetry
- group of permutations
- group of pictures
- group of symmetry
- group of transformations
- group of trunks
- helating group
- heterocyclic group
- high usage group
- holohedral group
- inversion rotation group
- limited-availability group
- limiting group of symmetry
- linkage group
- local group
- mail group
- master group
- monocolored crystal group
- monocolored crystallographic group
- multimaster group
- non-Bravais group
- non-Bravais space group
- nonmagnetic crystal group
- nonmagnetic crystallographic group
- nonsymmorphic group
- nonsymmorphic space group
- parent group
- peer group
- point group
- primary group
- principal group
- process group
- pulse group
- record group
- reflection group
- renormalization group
- repository data group
- robot group
- rotation group
- rotation-reflection group
- screw group
- Shubnikov symmetry group
- space group
- special interest group
- status group
- symmetric group
- symmetry group
- symmorphic group
- symmorphic space group
- symplecric group
- through group
- translation group
- trunk group
- twelve-channel group
- two-dimensional space group
- uncolored group
- Usenet group
- user group
- volume group
- white crystal group
- white crystallographic groupThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > group
8 field
1) поле (1. физическое поле (напр. электромагнитное) 2. величина, характеризующая физическое поле 3. (открытое) пространство; область; зона 4. тлв вчт полукадр (в системах отображения с чересстрочной развёрткой) 5. вчт поименованная группа данных; элемент данных; столбец данных 6. вчт обрабатываемая отдельно группа разрядов 7. вчт кольцо с ненулевыми элементами, образующими абелеву группу по операции умножения 8. сфера деятельности; область интересов) || полевой; относящийся к полю2) опт. поле зрения4) рлк карта местности ( на экране индикатора)5) полигон6) поле боя (напр. в компьютерных играх)•- fields of atom
- field of complex numbers
- field of events
- field of force
- field of functions
- field of order N-
- field of quotients
- field of relations
- field of search
- field of selection
- field of values
- field of view
- field of vision
- field without sources
- field without vortices
- field with sources
- field with vortices
- Abelian field
- ac field
- accelerating field
- acoustoelectric field
- address field
- affine field
- aiding drift field
- alphanumeric field
- alternate fields
- alternating-gradient field
- angular field of view
- anisotropy field
- antenna field
- aperture field
- applied field
- authentication field
- auxiliary field
- avalanche field
- axial field
- backscattered field
- backward field
- base field
- base sweeping field
- bias magnetic field
- biasing magnetic field
- biomagnetic fields
- bit field
- block information field
- blue field
- breakdown field
- built-in field
- calculated field
- canonical field
- card field
- caustic field
- central field
- chain field
- character field
- charge-separation field
- chiral field
- circuital field
- coercive field
- collapse field
- color field
- compressing field
- computed field
- confining field
- conservative field
- constant field
- containing field
- control field
- Coulomb field
- countable field
- counterrotating field
- coupled fields
- critical field
- CRC field
- crossed fields
- crystal field
- crystal lattice field
- crystalline field
- curl field
- curling field
- cusped magnetic field
- cutoff field
- cyclic redundancy check field
- cylinder number field
- data field
- dc field
- decelerating field
- deflection field
- degaussing field
- demagnetizing field
- derived field
- destination field
- diffracted field
- dipole field
- dipole sound field
- display field
- disturbed field
- disturbing field
- domain erasing field
- domain nucleation field
- drift field
- dynamic field
- dynamic threshold field
- E-field
- Earth's electric field
- Earth's magnetic field
- edge diffracted field
- effective field
- effective field of magnetic anisotropy
- electric field
- electromagnetic field
- electrostatic field
- EM field
- emit field
- entrance field
- equilibrium field
- erasure field
- even field
- evoked magnetic fields of brain
- exchange field
- extension field
- external field
- extraneous field
- far field
- far-radiated field
- far-scattered field
- far-zone field
- Fermat field
- file field
- finite field
- first field
- first critical field
- fixed-length field
- flag field
- focusing field
- force-free magnetic field
- forward field
- frame number field
- Fraunhofer field
- free field
- free-space field
- Fresnel field
- fringing field
- fringing field of junction
- frozen field
- gage field
- Galois field
- Galois field pn
- gate-to-drain field
- geometrical optics field
- gradient field
- gravitational field
- green field
- guide field
- guiding field
- H-field
- halaxy magnetic field
- Hall field
- Hall electric field
- harmonic field
- head number field
- heating field
- heating electric field
- helical field
- heliotron magnetic field
- high-frequency field
- holographically reconstructed field
- homogeneous field
- hyperfine field
- I-field
- ID field
- identifier field
- illuminating field
- impressed field
- incident field
- inducing field
- induction field
- infinite field
- information field
- inhomogeneous field
- in-plane field
- instruction field
- integer field
- interlaced field
- internal field
- interplanetary magnetic field
- irrotational field
- jack field
- junction field
- Kerr field
- key field
- label field
- lamellar field
- laser field
- lateral field
- leakage field
- local field
- localized field
- local receptive field
- macroscopic field
- magnetic field
- magnetic fields of eye
- magnetic bias field
- magnetic mirror field
- magnetization reversal field
- magnetizing field
- magnetostatic field
- magnetron critical field
- maximum permeability field
- Mersenne field
- message field
- microscopic field
- mirror field
- modulating field
- modulation field
- molecular field
- monochromatic field
- multibeam field
- multidimensional field
- near field
- near-zone field
- noise field
- noncircuital field
- nonstationary field
- nonuniform field
- normal-mode field
- nucleation field
- numeric field
- nutation field
- object field
- odd field
- orderable field
- ordered field
- operand field
- operation field
- particle switching field
- penumbra field
- periodic field
- perpendicular critical field
- perturbed field
- physical optics field
- piezoelectric field
- polarization field
- poloidal field
- potential field
- primary color field
- prime field
- privilege field
- proper field
- protected field
- pseudoscalar field
- pump field
- pumping field
- punched-card field
- quadrupolar field
- quadrupolar field with X neutral point
- quadrupolar field with X -type neutral point
- quantum field
- quasi-potential field
- quotent field
- radial field
- radiated field
- radiation field
- radio-frequency field
- radio influence field
- reactive field
- receptive field
- reconstructed field
- red field
- rediffracted field
- reference field
- reflected field
- repeating field
- reradiated field
- residual field
- residue class field
- resonance field
- retarding field
- RF field
- rotating field
- rotational field
- satellite's field of view
- scalar field
- scattered field
- second field
- second critical field
- sector number field
- seed field
- self-consistent field
- shadow field
- shaping field
- signal field
- skipped field
- solenoidal field
- sort field
- sound field
- source field
- source-to-drain field
- space-charge field
- spinor field
- spontaneous magnetic fields of brain
- starting field
- static field
- stationary field
- stochastic field
- stray field
- superposed field
- surface superconducting field
- sweeping field
- switching field
- symbol field
- tag field
- television field
- tensor field
- thermal field
- thermal radiation field
- third critical field
- threshold field
- topological field
- transient field
- transition field
- trapped field
- traveling field
- tunneling field
- two-turn field
- uniform field
- unit electric field
- unperturbed field
- vanishing field
- variable field
- variable-length field
- variant field
- vector field
- visual field
- vortex field
- wall creation field
- wave field
- waveguide field
- write field
- zero-approximation field -
9 field
1) поле (1. физическое поле (напр. электромагнитное) 2. величина, характеризующая физическое поле 3. (открытое) пространство; область: зона 4. тлв.; вчт. полукадр (в системах отображения с чересстрочной развёрткой) 5. вчт. поименованная группа данных; элемент данных; столбец данных 6. вчт. обрабатываемая отдельно группа разрядов 7. вчт. кольцо с ненулевыми элементами, образующими абелеву группу по операции умножения 8. сфера деятельности; область интересов) || полевой; относящийся к полю2) опт. поле зрения4) рлк. карта местности ( на экране индикатора)5) полигон6) поле боя (напр. в компьютерных играх)•- ac field
- accelerating field
- acoustoelectric field
- address field
- affine field
- aiding drift field
- alphanumeric field
- alternate fields
- alternating-gradient field
- angular field of view
- anisotropy field
- antenna field
- aperture field
- applied field
- authentication field
- auxiliary field
- avalanche field
- axial field
- backscattered field
- backward field
- base field
- base sweeping field
- bias magnetic field
- biasing magnetic field
- biomagnetic fields
- bit field
- block information field
- blue field
- breakdown field
- built-in field
- calculated field
- canonical field
- card field
- caustic field
- central field
- chain field
- character field
- charge-separation field
- chiral field
- circuital field
- coercive field
- collapse field
- color field
- compressing field
- computed field
- confining field
- conservative field
- constant field
- containing field
- control field
- Coulomb field
- countable field
- counterrotating field
- coupled fields
- CRC field
- critical field
- crossed fields
- crystal field
- crystal lattice field
- crystalline field
- curl field
- curling field
- cusped magnetic field
- cutoff field
- cyclic redundancy check field
- cylinder number field
- data field
- dc field
- decelerating field
- deflection field
- degaussing field
- demagnetizing field
- derived field
- destination field
- diffracted field
- dipole field
- dipole sound field
- display field
- disturbed field
- disturbing field
- domain erasing field
- domain nucleation field
- drift field
- dynamic field
- dynamic threshold field
- E field
- Earth's electric field
- Earth's magnetic field
- edge diffracted field
- effective field of magnetic anisotropy
- effective field
- electric field
- electromagnetic field
- electrostatic field
- EM field
- emit field
- entrance field
- equilibrium field
- erasure field
- even field
- evoked magnetic fields of brain
- exchange field
- extension field
- external field
- extraneous field
- far field
- far-radiated field
- far-scattered field
- far-zone field
- Fermat field
- field of algebraic numbers
- field of complex numbers
- field of events
- field of force
- field of functions
- field of order N
- field of quotients
- field of relations
- field of search
- field of selection
- field of values
- field of view
- field of vision
- field with sources
- field with vortices
- field without sources
- field without vortices
- fields of atom
- file field
- finite field
- first critical field
- first field
- fixed-length field
- flag field
- focusing field
- force-free magnetic field
- forward field
- frame number field
- Fraunhofer field
- free field
- free-space field
- Fresnel field
- fringing field of junction
- fringing field
- frozen field
- gage field
- Galois field pn
- Galois field
- gate-to-drain field
- geometrical optics field
- gradient field
- gravitational field
- green field
- guide field
- guiding field
- H field
- halaxy magnetic field
- Hall electric field
- Hall field
- harmonic field
- head number field
- heating electric field
- heating field
- helical field
- heliotron magnetic field
- high-frequency field
- holographically reconstructed field
- homogeneous field
- hyperfine field
- ID field
- identifier field
- I-field
- illuminating field
- impressed field
- incident field
- inducing field
- induction field
- infinite field
- information field
- inhomogeneous field
- in-plane field
- instruction field
- integer field
- interlaced field
- internal field
- interplanetary magnetic field
- irrotational field
- jack field
- junction field
- Kerr field
- key field
- label field
- lamellar field
- laser field
- lateral field
- leakage field
- local field
- local receptive field
- localized field
- macroscopic field
- magnetic bias field
- magnetic field
- magnetic fields of eye
- magnetic mirror field
- magnetization reversal field
- magnetizing field
- magnetostatic field
- magnetron critical field
- maximum permeability field
- Mersenne field
- message field
- microscopic field
- mirror field
- modulating field
- modulation field
- molecular field
- monochromatic field
- multibeam field
- multidimensional field
- near field
- near-zone field
- noise field
- noncircuital field
- nonstationary field
- nonuniform field
- normal-mode field
- nucleation field
- numeric field
- nutation field
- object field
- odd field
- operand field
- operation field
- orderable field
- ordered field
- particle switching field
- penumbra field
- periodic field
- perpendicular critical field
- perturbed field
- physical optics field
- piezoelectric field
- polarization field
- poloidal field
- potential field
- primary color field
- prime field
- privilege field
- proper field
- protected field
- pseudoscalar field
- pump field
- pumping field
- punched-card field
- quadrupolar field with X neutral point
- quadrupolar field with X-type neutral point
- quadrupolar field
- quantum field
- quasi-potential field
- quotent field
- radial field
- radiated field
- radiation field
- radio influence field
- radio-frequency field
- reactive field
- receptive field
- reconstructed field
- red field
- rediffracted field
- reference field
- reflected field
- repeating field
- reradiated field
- residual field
- residue class field
- resonance field
- retarding field
- RF field
- rotating field
- rotational field
- satellite's field of view
- scalar field
- scattered field
- second critical field
- second field
- sector number field
- seed field
- self-consistent field
- shadow field
- shaping field
- signal field
- skipped field
- solenoidal field
- sort field
- sound field
- source field
- source-to-drain field
- space-charge field
- spinor field
- spontaneous magnetic fields of brain
- starting field
- static field
- stationary field
- stochastic field
- stray field
- superposed field
- surface superconducting field
- sweeping field
- switching field
- symbol field
- tag field
- television field
- tensor field
- thermal field
- thermal radiation field
- third critical field
- threshold field
- topological field
- transient field
- transition field
- trapped field
- traveling field
- tunneling field
- two-turn field
- uniform field
- unit electric field
- unperturbed field
- vanishing field - variant field
- vector field
- visual field
- vortex field
- wall creation field
- wave field
- waveguide field
- write field
- zero-approximation fieldThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > field
10 function
1) функция, действие || функционировать; действовать- essential functions - routine function - safety-related functions2) функциональное назначение; роль- circuit function - intrinsic function - metering function - primary function - robot function - planning function - service function - support function4) функциональный узел ( машины)5) матем. функциональная зависимость, функция- absolutely additive function - absolutely bounded function - absolutely continuous function - absolutely integrable function - absolutely monotone function - absolutely summable function - absolutely symmetric function - almost complex function - almost continuous function - almost convex function - almost everywhere defined function - almost everywhere finite function - almost invariant function - almost periodic function - almost recursive function - almost separably-valued function - almost separating function - almost universal function - analytically independent function - analytically representable function - approximately differentiable function - asymptotically differentiable function - asymptotically finite function - asymptotically uniformly optimal function - bounded below function - cellwise continuous function - circumferentially mean p-valent function - comparison function - complementary error function - complete analytic function - completely additive function - completely computable function - completely monotone function - completely multiplicative function - completely productive function - completely subadditive function - completely symmetrical function - completely undefined function - complex hyperbolic function - conditional risk function - countably multiplicative function - countably valued function - covariant function - cumulative distribution function - cumulative frequency function - deficiency function - double limit function - doubly periodic function - doubly recursive function - effectively computable function - effectively constant function - effectively decidable function - effectively variable function - elementarily symmetric function - entire function of maximum type - entire function of mean type - entire function of potential type - entire function of zero type - entire rational function - essentially increasing function - essentially integrable function - essentially real function - essentially smooth function - everywhere differentiable function - everywhere smooth function - expansible function - explicitly definable function - exponentially convex function - exponentially decreasing function - exponentially increasing function - exponentially multiplicative function - exponentially vanishing function - finitely mean valent function - finitely measurable function - function of appropriate behavior - function of bounded characteristic - function of bounded type - function of bounded variation - function of complex variable - function of exponential type - function of finite genus - function of finite variation - function of fractional order - function of infinite type - function of integral order - function of maximal type - function of minimal type - function of mixed variables - function of normal type - function of number theory - function of one variable - function of rapid descent - function of rapid growth - function of real variable - general universal function - geometric carrier function - implicitly definable function - incomplete dibeta function - incomplete gamma function - incomplete tribeta function - incompletely defined function - inductively defined function - inductively integrable function - infinitely divisible function - infinitely many-valued function - integral logarithmic function - inverse trigonometric function - inverted beta function - iterative function - joint correlation function - joint density function - linearly separable function - locally bounded function - locally constant function - locally holomorphic function - locally homogeneous function - locally integrable function - locally negligible function - locally regular function - locally summable function - logarithmic generating function - logarithmic integral function - logarithmically infinite function - logarithmically plurisubharmonic function - logarithmically subharmonic function - lower semicontinuous function - monotone non-decreasing function - monotone non-increasing function - multiply periodic function - multiply recursive function - negative definite function - negative infinite function - nontangentially bounded function - normalized function - normed function - nowhere continuous function - nowhere differentiable function - nowhere monotonic function - n-times differentiable function - n-tuply periodic function - numeralwise expressible function - numeralwise representable function - numerical function - numerically valued function - oblate spheroidal function - operating characteristic function - optimal policy function - parametrically definable function - partially symmetric function - piecewise constant function - piecewise continuously differentiable function - piecewise linear function - piecewise monotonic function - piecewise polynomial function - piecewise quadratic function - piecewise regular function - piecewise smooth function - pointwise approximated function - positive homogeneous function - positive infinite function - positive monotone function - positive monotonic function - positive semidefinite function - potentially calculable function - potentially recursive function - power series function - probability generating function - quadratically summable function - rapidly damped function - rapidly decreasing function - rapidly oscillatory function - recursively continuous function - recursively convergent function - recursively defined function - recursively differentiable function - recursively divergent function - recursively extensible function - relative distribution function - relative frequency function - representing function - reproducing kernel function - residual function - residue function - scalarwise integrable function - scalarwise measurable function - sectionally smooth function - simply periodic function - singly recursive function - slowly increasing function - slowly oscillating function - slowly varying function - smoothly varying function - solid spherical harmonic function - solid zonal harmonic function - steadily increasing function - stopped random function - strictly convex function - strictly decreasing function - strictly increasing function - strictly integrable function - strictly monotone function - strongly differentiable function - strongly holomorphic function - strongly integrable function - strongly measurable function - strongly plurisubharmonic function - totally additive function - totally continuous function - totally measurable function - totally multiplicative function - totally positive function - triangular function - uniformly best decision function - uniformly bounded function - uniformly definable function - uniformly differentiable function - uniformly homotopic function - uniformly integrable function - uniformly limited function - uniformly measurable function - uniformly smooth function - unit step function - unitary divisor function - upper measurable function - upper semicontinuous function - weakly analytic function - weakly continuous function - weakly differentiable function - weakly holomorphic function - weakly measurable function - weakly singular function - weighted random functiondomain of a function — область определения функции, область изменения независимой переменной
11 group
1) группа
2) группировка
3) группировочный
4) групповой
5) сгруппировать
6) сгруппировывать
7) <chem.> остаток
8) приводить подобные
9) ансамбль
10) группироваться
11) звено
12) партия
13) сгусток
14) узел
15) класс
16) радикал
17) классифицировать
– Abelian group
– abhomotopy group
– adjustment by group
– age group
– alternating group
– archimedean group
– backward group
– betweennes group
– center of group
– circle group
– cobordism group
– cohomology group
– continuous group
– covering group
– defect group
– dihedral group
– dihomology group
– dimensionless group
– directed group
– discontinuous group
– dispersible group
– einstufig group
– empennage group
– exceptional group
– factor group
– finite group
– grading group
– group averaging
– group code
– group comparison
– group contactor
– group delay
– group drive
– group germ
– group integration
– group modulation
– group modulator
– group of interprise
– group of six
– group rate
– group reference
– group selector
– group switch
– group theory
– group variety
– holonomy group
– homology group
– hyperexponential group
– icosahedral group
– imprimitive group
– infinite group
– infinitesimal group
– integrable group
– Lie group
– limit group
– link group
– metabelian group
– metacyclic group
– monodromy group
– multiplier of a group
– nilpotent group
– Noether group
– non-commutative group
– non-special group
– particle group
– permutation group
– phantom group
– primitive group
– projective group
– pulse group
– quotient group
– radical group
– renormalization group
– rotational group
– select group
– semisimple group
– simple group
– solvable group
– space group
– substitution group
– Sylow group
– symmetry group
– tetrahedral group
– torsion group
– torsion-free group
– track group
– transformation group
– trunk group
– unitary group
finitely generated group — <math.> группа с конечным числом образующих
group code recording — запись по способу группового кодирования
hyperemetric topological group — гиперметрическая топологическая группа
identity element of a group — <math.> элемент группы единичный
individual trunk group — неполнодоступный пучок соединительных линий
intact group sampling — <math.> выборка целыми группами
tank group farm — <energ.> нефтехранилище резервуарное групповое
12 group
1) группа, ансамбль || групповой- roughing mill group2) совокупность; комплект3) группировка || группировать(ся)5) класс; категория || классифицировать; категоризировать6) хим. остаток7) сгусток; скопление8) узел9) матем. группа- absolute free group - absolute homotopy group - absolutely irreducible group - absolutely simple group - additively written group - adele group - adelic group - algebraically compact group - algebraically simple group - almost connected group - almost cyclic group - almost ordered group - almost periodic group - almost simple group - alternating form group - cancellative group - cellular homology group - characteristically simple group - complementing group - completely anisotropic group - completely discontinuous group - completely divisible group - completely indecomposable group - completely integrally closed group - deficient group - direct homology group - direct indecomposable group - doubly transitive group - finitely defined group - finitely generated group - finitely presented group - finitely related group - first homology group - first homotopy group - freely generated group - full linear group - full orthogonal group - full rotation group - full symmetric group - full unimodular group - group of classes of algebras - group of covering transformations - group of finite rank - group of infinite order - group of infinite rank - group of inner automorphisms - group of linear equivalence - group of linear forms - group of linear manifold - group of principal ideles - group of real line - group of recursive permutations - group of right quotients - idele class group - linearly ordered group - linearly transitive group - locally bicompact group - locally closed group - locally compact group - locally connected group - locally cyclic group - locally defined group - locally embeddable group - locally finite group - locally free group - locally infinite group - locally nilpotent group - locally normal group - locally solvable group - multiply primitive group - multiply transitive group - nonsolvable group - n-th homotopy group - ordered pair group - principal congruence group - properly orthogonal group - properly unimodular group - pure projective group - pure rotation group - pure simple group - quasipure projective group - quotient divisible group - residually nilpotent group - restricted holonomy group - sharply transitive group - simply ordered group - simply reducible group - simply transitive group - singular cogomology group - singular homology group - solvable group - stable group - strictly transitive group - strongly polycyclic group - subsolvable group - supersolvable group - totally ordered group - totally projective group - totally reducible group - triply transitive group - unitary symmetry group - unitary transformation group - value group - weak homology group - weakly mixing groupgroup with multiple operators — группа с многоместными операторами, мультиоператорная группа
См. также в других словарях:
Abelian — Abelian, in mathematics, is used in many different definitions, named after Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel:In group theory:*Abelian group, a group in which the binary operation is commutative **Category of abelian groups Ab has abelian … Wikipedia
Abelian von Neumann algebra — In functional analysis, an Abelian von Neumann algebra is a von Neumann algebra of operators on a Hilbert space in which all elements commute. The prototypical example of an abelian von Neumann algebra is the algebra L^infty(X,mu) for μ a σ… … Wikipedia
Abelian variety — In mathematics, particularly in algebraic geometry, complex analysis and number theory, an Abelian variety is a projective algebraic variety that is at the same time an algebraic group, i.e., has a group law that can be defined by regular… … Wikipedia
Abelian category — In mathematics, an abelian category is a category in which morphisms and objects can be added and in which kernels and cokernels exist and have desirable properties. The motivating prototype example of an abelian category is the category of… … Wikipedia
Abelian group — For other uses, see Abelian (disambiguation). Abelian group is also an archaic name for the symplectic group Concepts in group theory category of groups subgroups, normal subgroups group homomorphisms, kernel, image, quotient direct product,… … Wikipedia
Space group — In mathematics and geometry, a space group is a symmetry group, usually for three dimensions, that divides space into discrete repeatable domains. In three dimensions, there are 219 unique types, or counted as 230 if chiral copies are considered… … Wikipedia
Abelian extension — In abstract algebra, an abelian extension is a Galois extension whose Galois group is abelian. When the Galois group is a cyclic group, we have a cyclic extension. More generally, a Galois extension is called solvable if its Galois group is… … Wikipedia
Abelian variety of CM-type — In mathematics, an abelian variety A defined over a field K is said to have CM type if it has a large enough commutative subring in its endomorphism ring End(A). The terminology here is from complex multiplication theory, which was developed for… … Wikipedia
Abelian and tauberian theorems — In mathematics, abelian and tauberian theorems relate to the meaningful assignment of a value as the sum of a class of divergent series. A large number of methods have been proposed for the summation of such series, generally taking the form of… … Wikipedia
Rank of an abelian group — In mathematics, the rank, or torsion free rank, of an abelian group measures how large a group is in terms of how large a vector space over the rational numbers one would need to contain it; or alternatively how large a free abelian group it can… … Wikipedia
Vector space — This article is about linear (vector) spaces. For the structure in incidence geometry, see Linear space (geometry). Vector addition and scalar multiplication: a vector v (blue) is added to another vector w (red, upper illustration). Below, w is… … Wikipedia