2 atm
ATM (Abk. für 1. - 3. automated teller machine, automatic telling machine, 4. asynchronous transfer mode) 1. BANK Bargeldausgabeautomat m; 2. FIN automatischer Bankschalter m, multifunktionaler Bankautomat m, SB-Bankautomat m; 3. LEIS Geldautomat m; 4. COMP, COMMS ATM m (high-speed mode for voice and video in real time; asynchroner Übertragungsmodus) -
4 atm.
5 atm.gg.
atm.gg. HYDR/PNEU, TECH Atmosphärenüberdruck m, Atü m -
English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > ATM
abbreviation = academic.ru/4555/automated_teller_machine">automated teller machine* * *[,ei ti: 'em]((American) (abbreviation) Automated Teller Machine; a machine, usually outside a bank, from which people can get money with their credit cards or bank cards.)* * *[ˌeɪti:ˈem]auto·mat·ed ˈtell·er ma·chine, ATMn Geldautomat m, Bankomat m SCHWEIZ, ÖSTERR* * *abbr See: of automated telling or teller machine* * *ATM abk* * * -
10 ATM
abbr COMP, DT, TELECOM ↑ asynchronous transfer mode ATM asynchroner Übertragungsmodus, COMP ↑ automated teller machine ATM automatisierte Tellermaschine -
11 ATM
abbr(= automated teller machine) Geldautomat m -
12 ATM
abbr(= automated teller machine) Geldautomat m -
13 ATM cell
English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > ATM cell
14 ATM switching
English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > ATM switching
15 ATM switching element
English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > ATM switching element
16 ATM card
17 ATM cell header
ATM cell header ATM-Zellkopffeld n (5 Oktetts = 40 bit lang)English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > ATM cell header
18 ATM cell payload
ATM cell payload ATM-Zellinformationsfeld n (48 Oktetts lang)English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > ATM cell payload
19 ATM demultiplexer
ATM demultiplexer ATM-Demultiplexer mEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > ATM demultiplexer
20 ATM multiplexer
ATM multiplexer ATM-Multiplexer mEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > ATM multiplexer
См. также в других словарях:
Atm — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}} Sigles d une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres … Wikipédia en Français
ATM — or atm may refer to:*AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria *Automated teller machine, a cash dispenser or cash machine *Automatenmarken, (German) a gummed or self adhesive label for postal use *Atmosphere (unit) ( atm ), a unit of atmospheric pressure… … Wikipedia
ATM — UK [ˌeɪ tiː ˈem] / US [ˌeɪ tɪ ˈem] or ATM machine UK / US noun [countable] Word forms ATM : singular ATM plural ATMs automated teller machine: a machine outside a bank or in a public place that you use to take money out of your bank account … English dictionary
ATM — (Automatic Teller Machine) cash machine, computerized bank machine where customers can make transactions using a magnetic card ATM (at the moment) right now, at the present time (Internet Slang) ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) protocol for high… … English contemporary dictionary
.atm — atm, Erweiterung für eine Datei, die Informationen für den Adobe Type Manager (ATM) enthält … Universal-Lexikon
atm — atm; ATM; … English syllables
atm — (fork. for måleenheden atmosfære) … Dansk ordbog
ATM! — is a show aired on XHJUB TV, a Televisa station in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. It is a musical hour consisting of Mexican country music clips. It is hosted by Adrian and Rosy Fonseca … Wikipedia
ATM — Abreviatura de articulación temporomandibular. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
atm — 1. abreviatura de atmósfera. 2. abreviatura de atmosférico. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
atm — simb. TS fis. atmosfera … Dizionario italiano