1) Американизм: Assistant Secretary of Defense (National Information Infrastructure)2) Военный термин: Assistant Secretary of Defense, Networks & Information Integration -
1) Компьютерная техника: Apple Service Diagnostic, Application Specific Discretes, Application Structure Description, Automatic Skip Driver3) Медицина: amniotic sac diameter, atrial septal defect, arterial sclerotic disease (атеросклеротическое поражение сосудов), acute stress disorder4) Американизм: (NII) Assistant Secretary of Defense (National Information Infrastructure)5) Военный термин: AWIS Software Development, Advanced Scenario Design, Advanced Systems Department, Air South Europe Directive, Air-worthiness Substantiation Document, Ammunition Storage Depot, Armament Supply Department, Armament Systems Division, Army shipping document, Army supply deport, Assigned Software Developer, Assigned Systems Developer, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Administration, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Atomic Energy, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Civil ASTSECAF, Assistant Secretary of Air Force, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Civil Defense, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Comptroller, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health and Environment, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Installations and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Intelligence, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Intelligence, Telecommunications, Command and Control, Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Policy, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Legislative Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Management and Finance, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Manpower, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Properties and Installations, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Advanced Technology, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Development, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Supply and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Systems Analysis, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Telecommunications, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower, Personnel, and Reserves, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics, Automatic Shut Down, administrative survey detachment, advanced submarine detection, advanced supply depot, advanced surveillance drone, aerospace defense, air support director, air surveillance drone, aircraft statistical data, ammunition subdepot, ammunition supply depot, antisatellite defense, area support detachment, arm/safe device, artillery spotting division, assignment selection date, audio simulation device, aviation service date, aviation supply depot, ПМО, помощник министра обороны, (C4I) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence), (ISA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, (S&R) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Requirements, (SO/LIC) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, (HA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, (MRA&L) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics, (NII) Assistant Secretary of Defense, Networks & Information Integration, (PA&E) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation6) Техника: Ancient Steel Design, acceleration spectral density, adjustable speed drive, advanced sensor demonstration, air situation display, atmospheric steam dump, automatic synchronized discriminator, конструирование с учётом допускаемых напряжений (Allowable Stress Design)7) Шутливое выражение: Agonizingly Slow and Determined8) Метеорология: Another Sunny Day9) Автомобильный термин: automatic shutdown relay10) Ветеринария: Action for Singapore Dogs11) Телекоммуникации: Alternative Service Delivery12) Сокращение: Advanced System Development, Aeronautical Systems Division (Now known as Aeronautical Systems Center (USAF)), Air Space Devices, Alternative Service Delivery (Canadian Air Command), Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs (USA; HA), Average Sortie Duration, Assistant Secretary of Defense (USA; C; Comptroller), Assistant Secretary of Defense (USA; PA; Public Affairs), структурная база данных приложения (Application Structure Database (Microsoft)), Нарушения аутистичного спектра (Autistic Spectrum Disorder)13) Физика: Active Surface Definition14) Физиология: Advanced Senility Disease, Anterior Segment Dysgenesis, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Autistic Spectrum Disorder15) Вычислительная техника: Architecture Summary Design16) Транспорт: Aircraft Situation Display, Azimuth Stern Drive17) Воздухоплавание: Aeronautical Systems Division18) Фирменный знак: Accelerator Systems Division, Advanced Strategy Division19) Деловая лексика: Authorized Solutions Developer20) Образование: After School Detention21) Сетевые технологии: automated software distribution, автоматизированное распространение программного обеспечения22) Программирование: application-specific discretes23) Автоматика: абсолютное снижение содержания серы (absolute sulphur reduction)24) Химическое оружие: Assistant Secretary of Defense (for International Security Policy), (C3I) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence, (ES) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Economic Security, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, (PA&E) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation, (S&TR) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Threat Reduction25) Расширение файла: Astound Presentation file, Lotus 1-2-3 Screen Driver, Word for Windows AutoSave file, Application Structure Database (Microsoft), Automatic Skip Driver (Microsoft)26) Имена и фамилии: Albert S Davis28) NYSE. American Standard Companies, Inc., of Delaware29) Хобби: American Society Of Dowsers30) Базы данных: Action Semantic Description -
3 asd
1) Компьютерная техника: Apple Service Diagnostic, Application Specific Discretes, Application Structure Description, Automatic Skip Driver3) Медицина: amniotic sac diameter, atrial septal defect, arterial sclerotic disease (атеросклеротическое поражение сосудов), acute stress disorder4) Американизм: (NII) Assistant Secretary of Defense (National Information Infrastructure)5) Военный термин: AWIS Software Development, Advanced Scenario Design, Advanced Systems Department, Air South Europe Directive, Air-worthiness Substantiation Document, Ammunition Storage Depot, Armament Supply Department, Armament Systems Division, Army shipping document, Army supply deport, Assigned Software Developer, Assigned Systems Developer, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Administration, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Atomic Energy, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Civil ASTSECAF, Assistant Secretary of Air Force, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Civil Defense, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Comptroller, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health and Environment, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Installations and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Intelligence, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Intelligence, Telecommunications, Command and Control, Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Policy, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Legislative Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Management and Finance, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Manpower, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Properties and Installations, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Advanced Technology, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Development, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Supply and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Systems Analysis, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Telecommunications, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower, Personnel, and Reserves, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics, Automatic Shut Down, administrative survey detachment, advanced submarine detection, advanced supply depot, advanced surveillance drone, aerospace defense, air support director, air surveillance drone, aircraft statistical data, ammunition subdepot, ammunition supply depot, antisatellite defense, area support detachment, arm/safe device, artillery spotting division, assignment selection date, audio simulation device, aviation service date, aviation supply depot, ПМО, помощник министра обороны, (C4I) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence), (ISA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, (S&R) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Requirements, (SO/LIC) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, (HA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, (MRA&L) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics, (NII) Assistant Secretary of Defense, Networks & Information Integration, (PA&E) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation6) Техника: Ancient Steel Design, acceleration spectral density, adjustable speed drive, advanced sensor demonstration, air situation display, atmospheric steam dump, automatic synchronized discriminator, конструирование с учётом допускаемых напряжений (Allowable Stress Design)7) Шутливое выражение: Agonizingly Slow and Determined8) Метеорология: Another Sunny Day9) Автомобильный термин: automatic shutdown relay10) Ветеринария: Action for Singapore Dogs11) Телекоммуникации: Alternative Service Delivery12) Сокращение: Advanced System Development, Aeronautical Systems Division (Now known as Aeronautical Systems Center (USAF)), Air Space Devices, Alternative Service Delivery (Canadian Air Command), Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs (USA; HA), Average Sortie Duration, Assistant Secretary of Defense (USA; C; Comptroller), Assistant Secretary of Defense (USA; PA; Public Affairs), структурная база данных приложения (Application Structure Database (Microsoft)), Нарушения аутистичного спектра (Autistic Spectrum Disorder)13) Физика: Active Surface Definition14) Физиология: Advanced Senility Disease, Anterior Segment Dysgenesis, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Autistic Spectrum Disorder15) Вычислительная техника: Architecture Summary Design16) Транспорт: Aircraft Situation Display, Azimuth Stern Drive17) Воздухоплавание: Aeronautical Systems Division18) Фирменный знак: Accelerator Systems Division, Advanced Strategy Division19) Деловая лексика: Authorized Solutions Developer20) Образование: After School Detention21) Сетевые технологии: automated software distribution, автоматизированное распространение программного обеспечения22) Программирование: application-specific discretes23) Автоматика: абсолютное снижение содержания серы (absolute sulphur reduction)24) Химическое оружие: Assistant Secretary of Defense (for International Security Policy), (C3I) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence, (ES) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Economic Security, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, (PA&E) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation, (S&TR) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Threat Reduction25) Расширение файла: Astound Presentation file, Lotus 1-2-3 Screen Driver, Word for Windows AutoSave file, Application Structure Database (Microsoft), Automatic Skip Driver (Microsoft)26) Имена и фамилии: Albert S Davis28) NYSE. American Standard Companies, Inc., of Delaware29) Хобби: American Society Of Dowsers30) Базы данных: Action Semantic Description
См. также в других словарях:
ASD(NII) — Assistant Secretary of Defense, Networks & Information Integration (Governmental » Military) * Assistant Secretary of Defense (National Information Infrastructure) (Governmental » Military) * Assistant Secretary of Defense (National Information… … Abbreviations dictionary
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks & Information Integration — The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks Information Integration (abbreviated ASD(NII)) serves as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the United States Department of Defense (DoD) and provides management and oversight of all DoD… … Wikipedia
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