1 arpía
adj.ravenous, harpy-like, predatory.f.1 vixen, brawling woman, old hag, shrew.2 harpy.3 Harpy, mythological monster with a woman's head and a bird's body, mythological monster Harpy.* * *1 harpy* * *SF (Mit) harpy; (=mujer) old bag ** * *femenino ( mujer perversa) dragon, harpy (liter); (Mit) harpy* * *= dragon lady, harpy, harridan, hag.Ex. The impassive Diane is portrayed early on as the office dragon lady, bossing about her underling.Ex. For years past, the harpies of power have been industriously inculcating the idea that all our difficulties proceed from the impotency of Congress.Ex. The lifestyle of the bachelor is an enviable one: footloose and fancy-free, sailing through life without the constraints of a nagging harridan of a girlfriend.Ex. Many stories about hags seem to have been used to frighten children into being good.* * *femenino ( mujer perversa) dragon, harpy (liter); (Mit) harpy* * *= dragon lady, harpy, harridan, hag.Ex: The impassive Diane is portrayed early on as the office dragon lady, bossing about her underling.
Ex: For years past, the harpies of power have been industriously inculcating the idea that all our difficulties proceed from the impotency of Congress.Ex: The lifestyle of the bachelor is an enviable one: footloose and fancy-free, sailing through life without the constraints of a nagging harridan of a girlfriend.Ex: Many stories about hags seem to have been used to frighten children into being good.* * *1 (mujer perversa) dragon, harpy, harridan2 ( Mit) harpy* * *
arpía sustantivo femenino Mit harpy
figurado old witch, old hag
' arpía' also found in these entries:
- hag
- bitch
* * *arpía nf1. Mitol harpy2. [mujer mala] witch* * *f harpy* * *arpía nf: shrew, harpy -
2 aeropuerto
• airfield• airport -
3 solod
solod; solod soil; soloth
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