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  • 1 dead

    adj mrtav, preminuo; obamro; bešćutan, tup, neosjetljiv ;besvjestan; blijed kao smrt; mutan, taman, mračan, crn; studen; bezdušan; bezuman; slab, nemoćan; mlitav, mlohav; bespolen; nepomičan; mukao, dubok; nestao, iščezao; pust, prazan; tih, jednoličan, žalostan; nenaseljen, divlji; suh, osušen; truo, gnjio; grešan; suh, uveo, ocvao; bez sjaja, bez života, bez duha; [coll] izmoren, iscrpljen, polumrtav; stajaća voda; potpun gubitak, potpuna tišina, grobni muk, grobna tišina; siguran, izvjestan, točan; nevrijedan, bezvrijedan, neupotrebljiv; loš; neisporučen, neuručiv (pismo); [el] nenabijen, prazan; upotrebljen (šibica itd.); [print] škartiran, upotrebljen (slog); [sport] izvan igre, stalno ili privremeno isključen igrač; neodlučen (utrka) / # to = neosjetljiv na; # and gone = davno mrtav; # men tell no tales = mrtvi ne govore, ne odaju tajne; # certainty = potpuna sigurnost; come to a # stop = naglo se zaustaviti; # failure = potpun neuspjeh; # secret = najveća tajna; # hours = gluho doba noći; debt # in law = neutuživ dug; to work for a # horse = raditi za isplatu staroga duga; # as a doornail = mrtav mrtvacat; # forms = puke formalnosti; a # fire = dogorjela vatra; # letter = neuručivo pismo; [tech][fig] # point = mrtva točka; wait for a # man's shoes=čekati da netko umre kako bi se zauzeo njegov posao; # to the world = u tvrdom snu
    * * *


    English-Croatian dictionary > dead

См. также в других словарях:

  • Work-family conflict — is “a form of interrole conflict in which the role pressures from the work and family domains are mutually incompatible in some respect. That is participation in the work (family) role is made more difficult by virtue of participation in the… …   Wikipedia

  • annual hours work plan — A contractual arrangement in which staff agree to work a certain number of hours per year, rather than per week or month. This is particularly useful when there is a significant fluctuation in the demand for a product or service; it avoids the… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • work-ins — work ins/sit ins Occupation of the employer s premises. In the case of work ins , the employees still perform their duties during contractual hours. Work ins only tend to occur in situations where the employer is proposing closure of the premises …   Law dictionary

  • work-ins/sit-ins — Occupation of the employer s premises. In the case of work ins , the employees still perform their duties during contractual hours. Work ins only tend to occur in situations where the employer is proposing closure of the premises. In both cases,… …   Law dictionary

  • work — ▪ I. work work 1 [wɜːk ǁ wɜːrk] verb 1. [intransitive] to do a job that you are paid for: • Harry is 78 and still working. • Most of the people I went to school with work in factories. work for • David works for a broadcasting company …   Financial and business terms

  • Work for the Dole — is an Australian federal government program that is a form of workfare, work based welfare. It was first permanently enacted in 1998, having been trialed in 1997.It is one means by which job seekers can satisfy their mutual obligation… …   Wikipedia

  • hours — UK US /ˈaʊəz/ noun [plural] HR, WORKPLACE ► the amount of time during the day or week that you work: reduce/cut/increase sb s hours »The company have threatened to cut my hours at work. long/flexible hours »People in executive roles often work… …   Financial and business terms

  • Work aversion — Work aversion, Workplace aversion, or Employment aversion is a psychological behavior, often part of an anxiety disorder, in which the subject intentionally refuses to be gainfully employed at all, or works far less than is necessary in order to… …   Wikipedia

  • Hours of Work and Rest Periods (Road Transport) Convention — may mean:*Hours of Work and Rest Periods (Road Transport) Convention, 1939 (shelved) an International Labour Organization Convention. *Hours of Work and Rest Periods (Road Transport) Convention, 1979 the revision of the above Convention …   Wikipedia

  • work — n 1 Work, labor, travail, toil, drudgery, grind are comparable when they mean effort or exertion directed to the accomplishment of an end, or an employment or activity which involves such expenditure of effort or exertion. Work is the most… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • work-life balance — UK US noun [singular] the relationship between the amount of time and effort that someone gives to work and the amount that they give to other aspects of life, such as their family Many people are eager to have a better work life balance.… …   Useful english dictionary

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