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  • 1 roll

    I 1. [rəul] noun
    1) (anything flat (eg a piece of paper, a carpet) rolled into the shape of a tube, wound round a tube etc: a roll of kitchen foil; a toilet-roll.) rulou, sul
    2) (a small piece of baked bread dough, used eg for sandwiches: a cheese roll.) franzeluţă
    3) (an act of rolling: Our dog loves a roll on the grass.) rostogolire
    4) (a ship's action of rocking from side to side: She said that the roll of the ship made her feel ill.) (mişcare de) ruliu
    5) (a long low sound: the roll of thunder.) bubuit
    6) (a thick mass of flesh: I'd like to get rid of these rolls of fat round my waist.) halcă
    7) (a series of quick beats (on a drum).) duruit
    2. verb
    1) (to move by turning over like a wheel or ball: The coin/pencil rolled under the table; He rolled the ball towards the puppy; The ball rolled away.) a (se) rostogoli
    2) (to move on wheels, rollers etc: The children rolled the cart up the hill, then let it roll back down again.) a se mişca/a merge pe roţi
    3) (to form (a piece of paper, a carpet) into the shape of a tube by winding: to roll the carpet back.) a face sul
    4) ((of a person or animal in a lying position) to turn over: The doctor rolled the patient (over) on to his side; The dog rolled on to its back.) a (se) întoarce
    5) (to shape (clay etc) into a ball or cylinder by turning it about between the hands: He rolled the clay into a ball.) a face în formă de minge
    6) (to cover with something by rolling: When the little girl's dress caught fire, they rolled her in a blanket.) a înfăşura
    7) (to make (something) flat or flatter by rolling something heavy over it: to roll a lawn; to roll pastry (out).) a netezi; a întinde (cu un rulou)
    8) ((of a ship) to rock from side to side while travelling forwards: The storm made the ship roll.) a se legăna
    9) (to make a series of low sounds: The thunder rolled; The drums rolled.) a bubui; a durui
    10) (to move (one's eyes) round in a circle to express fear, surprise etc.) a roti
    11) (to travel in a car etc: We were rolling along merrily when a tyre burst.) a rula, a merge cu maşina
    12) ((of waves, rivers etc) to move gently and steadily: The waves rolled in to the shore.) a se rostogoli (pe)
    13) ((of time) to pass: Months rolled by.) a se scurge
    - rolling
    - roller-skate
    3. verb
    (to move on roller-skates: You shouldn't roller-skate on the pavement.)
    - roll in
    - roll up
    (a list of names, eg of pupils in a school etc: There are nine hundred pupils on the roll.) catalog, listă

    English-Romanian dictionary > roll

См. также в других словарях:

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