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со словацкого на английский


  • 1 certificate

    (a written official declaration of some fact: a marriage certificate.) list
    * * *
    • vysvedcenie
    • osvedcenie
    • potvrdenie

    English-Slovak dictionary > certificate

  • 2 Certificate of Secondary Education

    noun (abbreviation) (C.S.E.; a secondary school leaving certificate (given for each subject), of a lower level than the General Certificate of Education (university entrance).) maturitné vysvedčenie

    English-Slovak dictionary > Certificate of Secondary Education

  • 3 certificate of merit

    • cestné uznanie

    English-Slovak dictionary > certificate of merit

  • 4 certificate of origin

    • osvedcenie o pôvode

    English-Slovak dictionary > certificate of origin

  • 5 accolade certificate

    • oznámenie o úmrtí

    English-Slovak dictionary > accolade certificate

  • 6 death certificate

    (an official piece of paper signed by a doctor stating the cause of someone's death.) úmrtný list
    * * *
    • úmrtný list

    English-Slovak dictionary > death certificate

  • 7 drive's certificate

    • vodicský list

    English-Slovak dictionary > drive's certificate

  • 8 insurance certificate

    • doklad o poistení

    English-Slovak dictionary > insurance certificate

  • 9 marriage certificate

    • sobášny list

    English-Slovak dictionary > marriage certificate

  • 10 medical certificate

    • lekárske vysvedcenie

    English-Slovak dictionary > medical certificate

  • 11 General Certificate of Education

    English-Slovak dictionary > General Certificate of Education

  • 12 clearance

    1) (the act of clearing or removing: The clearance of these trees from the front of the window will give you more light.) odstránenie
    2) (the empty space between two objects: You can drive the lorry under the bridge - there's a clearance of half a metre.) (voľný) priestor
    3) ((a certificate) giving permission for something to be done.) povolenie
    * * *
    • vôla
    • výpredaj
    • vzdialenost
    • výmaz
    • vymazanie
    • vycistenie
    • medzera

    English-Slovak dictionary > clearance

  • 13 credit

    ['kredit] 1. noun
    1) (time allowed for payment of goods etc after they have been received: We don't give credit at this shop.) úver
    2) (money loaned (by a bank).) úver
    3) (trustworthiness regarding ability to pay for goods etc: Your credit is good.) kredit, dôvera
    4) ((an entry on) the side of an account on which payments received are entered: Our credits are greater than our debits.) položka na strane,dal``
    5) (the sum of money which someone has in an account at a bank: Your credit amounts to 2,014 dollars.) veriteľský účet
    6) (belief or trust: This theory is gaining credit.) viera
    7) ((American) a certificate to show that a student has completed a course which counts towards his degree.) zápočet
    2. verb
    1) (to enter (a sum of money) on the credit side (of an account): This cheque was credited to your account last month.) pripísať
    2) ((with with) to think of (a person or thing) as having: He was credited with magical powers.) pripisovať (komu)
    3) (to believe (something) to be possible: Well, would you credit that!) veriť
    - creditably
    - creditor
    - credits
    - credit card
    - be a credit to someone
    - be a credit to
    - do someone credit
    - do credit
    - give someone credit for something
    - give credit for something
    - give someone credit
    - give credit
    - on credit
    - take the credit for something
    - take credit for something
    - take the credit
    - take credit
    * * *
    • verit
    • úverový
    • viera
    • úver
    • strana dal
    • pripísat k dobru
    • dôvera
    • dôverovat
    • cest
    • pohladávka
    • kredit

    English-Slovak dictionary > credit

  • 14 death

    1) (the act of dying: There have been several deaths in the town recently; Most people fear death.) úmrtie
    2) (something which causes one to die: Smoking too much was the death of him.) smrť
    3) (the state of being dead: eyes closed in death.) smrť
    - death-bed
    - death certificate
    - at death's door
    - catch one's death of cold
    - catch one's death
    - put to death
    - to death
    * * *
    • smrt

    English-Slovak dictionary > death

  • 15 degree

    1) ((an) amount or extent: There is still a degree of uncertainty; The degree of skill varies considerably from person to person.) miera
    2) (a unit of temperature: 20° (= 20 degrees) Celsius.) stupeň
    3) (a unit by which angles are measured: at an angle of 90° (= 90 degrees).) stupeň
    4) (a title or certificate given by a university etc: He took a degree in chemistry.) diplom
    - to a degree
    * * *
    • stupen
    • stav
    • hodnost
    • interval
    • hodnost (akademická)
    • pôvod
    • miera

    English-Slovak dictionary > degree

  • 16 general

    ['‹enərəl] 1. adjective
    1) (of, involving etc all, most or very many people, things etc: The general feeling is that he is stupid; His general knowledge is good although he is not good at mathematics.) všeobecný; celkový
    2) (covering a large number of cases: a general rule.) všeobecný
    3) (without details: I'll just give you a general idea of the plan.) celkový
    4) ((as part of an official title) chief: the Postmaster General.) generálny
    2. noun
    (in the British army, (a person of) the rank next below field marshal: General Smith.) generál
    - generalise
    - generalization
    - generalisation
    - generally
    - General Certificate of Education
    - general election
    - general practitioner
    - general store
    - as a general rule
    - in general
    - the general public
    * * *
    • všeobecne
    • všeobecnost
    • všeobecný
    • široká verejnost
    • taktik
    • stratég
    • generálsky
    • hlavný
    • generál
    • generálny
    • dievca pre všetko
    • obycajnost
    • obycajný
    • obycajný lud
    • obycajne
    • obecný

    English-Slovak dictionary > general

  • 17 a clean bill of health

    (a certificate saying that a person, the crew of ship etc is entirely healthy (especially after being ill): I've been off work but I've got a clean bill of health now.) zdravotné osvedčenie

    English-Slovak dictionary > a clean bill of health

  • 18 C.S.E.

    English-Slovak dictionary > C.S.E.

  • 19 GCE

    [,‹i: si: 'i:]
    ( abbreviation) (General Certificate of Education; an examination taken in a particular school subject usually at age 16 (O-level) or at age 18 (A-level); a pass in such an examination.) maturitné vysvedčenie

    English-Slovak dictionary > GCE

См. также в других словарях:

  • certificate — cer·tif·i·cate 1 /sər ti fi kət/ n 1 a: a document containing a certified statement esp. as to the truth of something a birth certificate b: a document certifying that a person has fulfilled the requirements of and may practice in a specified… …   Law dictionary

  • Certificate server — Certificate servers validate, or certify, keys as part of a Public key infrastructure. Keys are strings of text generated from a series of encryption algorithms that allow you to secure communication for a group of users. Many Web servers, such… …   Wikipedia

  • Certificate — may refer to: Public key certificate, an electronic document used in cryptography Certificate of deposit, or CD, a financial product commonly offered to consumers by banks, thrift institutions, and credit unions Certificate (complexity), a string …   Wikipedia

  • certificate of incorporation — 1: a certificate issued by a state s secretary of state that shows acceptance of a corporation s articles of incorporation 2: articles of incorporation Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • Certificate of Merit Medal — Medal ribbon bar Awarded by United …   Wikipedia

  • Certificate-based encryption — is a system in which a certificate authority uses ID based cryptography to produce a certificate. This system gives the users both implicit and explicit certification, the certificate can be used as a conventional certificate (for signatures, etc …   Wikipedia

  • certificate of deposit — certificate of deposit: a money market bond of a preset face value (as $10,000) paying fixed interest and redeemable without penalty only on maturity (as after two years) Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. certificate of… …   Law dictionary

  • certificate of title — 1: a certificate of ownership stating that the title to the specified property is free and clear except for any encumbrance (as a mortgage) listed on it: as a: a certificate issued by a motor vehicle registry – called also title; b: a certificate …   Law dictionary

  • certificate of occupancy — certificate of oc·cu·pan·cy: a certificate issued by a local authority indicating that a building meets building code requirements Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. certificate of occupancy …   Law dictionary

  • Certificate of Achievement — may refer to: Any sort of certificate recognising an achievement Entry Level Certificate, a qualification in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, formerly known as the Certificate of Achievement National Certificate of Educational Achievement, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Certificate for Students Achieving the Proficiency Level of Upper Secondary School Graduates — (高等学校卒業程度認定試験 Kōtōgakkō Sotsugyōteidoninteishiken) is an examination, taken by individuals who did not graduate upper secondary school(High school). This exam is provided by Lifelong Learning Promotion Division, Lifelong Learning Policy Bureau,… …   Wikipedia

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