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См. также в других словарях:

  • hazard — HAZARD. s. m. (L H s aspire.) Fortune, sort, rencontre fortuite. Coup de hazard. ce sera un grand hazard si telle chose n arrive. donner quelque chose au hazard. donner tout au hazard. c est un pur effet du hazard. il a trouvé un bon hazard. Jeu… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Hazard — (altfranzösisch hasart „Würfelspiel“ von arabisch az zahr „Spielwürfel“) ist: ein Glücksspiel, siehe Hazard (Würfelspiel) ein Hazard / Hasardspiel, eine vom Würfelspiel abgeleitete Bezeichnung für ein Glücksspiel, siehe Glücksspiel ein Spiel bzw …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hazard (game) — Hazard is an Old English game played with two dice which was mentioned in Geoffrey Chaucer s Canterbury Tales in the 14th century. The name hazard derives from the Arabic word az zahr (زهر) which is a translation of the plural dice . Hazard is… …   Wikipedia

  • Hazard and operability study — Hazard and operability studies are a methodology for identifying and dealing with potential problems in industrial processes, particularly those which would create a hazardous situation or a severe impairment of the process. It is commonly known… …   Wikipedia

  • Hazard (Kentucky) — Hazard Ciudad de los Estados Unidos …   Wikipedia Español

  • hazard — haz‧ard [ˈhæzəd ǁ ərd] noun [countable] something that may be dangerous, cause problems, accidents etc: • There may be other workplaces with similar fire hazards. • We want to take waste away from places where it poses a health hazard. • The… …   Financial and business terms

  • hazard — HAZÁRD, hazarduri, s.n. Împrejurare sau concurs de împrejurări (favorabile sau nefavorabile) a căror cauză rămâne în general necunoscută; p. ext. întâmplare neprevăzută, neaşteptată. ♦ Soartă, destin. ♢ Joc de hazard = joc de noroc. – Din fr.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Hazard Stevens — après la Guerre de Sécession. Hazard Stevens (9 juin 1842 11 octobre 1918) était un officier de l’armée américaine, un alpiniste, un politicien et un écrivain américain. Il reçut la Medal of Honor pour ses actions au sein de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • hazard — haz·ard / ha zərd/ n: a condition that tends to create or increase the possibility of loss used esp. in insurance law Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. hazard …   Law dictionary

  • Hazard — Haz ard (h[a^]z [ e]rd), n. [F. hasard, Sp. azar an unforeseen disaster or accident, an unfortunate card or throw at dice, prob. fr. Ar. zahr, z[=a]r, a die, which, with the article al the, would give azzahr, azz[=a]r.] 1. A game of chance played …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hazard table — Hazard Haz ard (h[a^]z [ e]rd), n. [F. hasard, Sp. azar an unforeseen disaster or accident, an unfortunate card or throw at dice, prob. fr. Ar. zahr, z[=a]r, a die, which, with the article al the, would give azzahr, azz[=a]r.] 1. A game of chance …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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