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с румынского на английский


  • 1 fox

    [foks] 1. plural - foxes; noun
    (a type of reddish-brown wild animal which looks like a dog.)
    2. adjective
    fox-fur.) de vulpe
    3. verb
    (to puzzle or confuse: She was completely foxed.) a zăpăci
    - foxhound
    - fox terrier

    English-Romanian dictionary > fox

  • 2 fox terrier

    (a kind of dog formerly trained to drive foxes out of their holes in the ground.) fox-terrier

    English-Romanian dictionary > fox terrier

  • 3 fox key

    (mas) pană dublă

    English-Romanian technical dictionary > fox key

  • 4 fox wedge

    (cstr, mas) contrapană; pană de siguranţă; pană dublă

    English-Romanian technical dictionary > fox wedge

  • 5 dog

    [doɡ] 1. noun
    (a domestic, meat-eating animal related to the wolf and fox.) câine
    2. adjective
    ((usually of members of the dog family) male: a dog-fox.) mascul
    3. verb
    (to follow closely as a dog does: She dogged his footsteps.) a urma
    - doggedly
    - doggedness
    - dog-biscuit
    - dog collar
    - dog-eared
    - dog-tired
    - a dog's life
    - go to the dogs
    - in the doghouse
    - not a dog's chance

    English-Romanian dictionary > dog

  • 6 bark

    I 1. noun
    (the short, sharp cry of a dog, fox etc.) lătrat
    2. verb
    1) (to make this sound: The dog barked at the stranger.) a lătra
    2) (to utter abruptly: She barked a reply.) a spu­ne răstit
    II 1. noun
    (the covering of the trunk and branches of a tree: He stripped the bark off the branch.) scoarţă, coajă
    2. verb
    (to take the skin off (part of the body) by accident: I barked my shin on the table.) a ju­pui

    English-Romanian dictionary > bark

  • 7 bay

    [bei] I noun
    (a wide inward bend of a coastline: anchored in the bay; Botany Bay.) golf
    II noun
    (a separate compartment, area or room etc (usually one of several) set aside for a special purpose: a bay in a library.) nişă
    III 1. adjective
    ((of horses) reddish-brown in colour.) murg
    2. noun
    ((also bay tree) the laurel tree, the leaves of which are used for seasoning and in victory wreaths.) laur
    3. verb
    ((especially of large dogs) to bark: The hounds bayed at the fox.) a lătra

    English-Romanian dictionary > bay

  • 8 bitch

    [bi ]
    1) (the female of the dog, wolf or fox.) căţea; lupoaică; vulpe
    2) (a (bad-tempered or unpleasant) woman.) ticăloasă
    - bitchy

    English-Romanian dictionary > bitch

  • 9 brush

    1. noun
    1) (an instrument with bristles, wire, hair etc for cleaning, scrubbing etc: a toothbrush; He sells brushes.) perie
    2) (an act of brushing.) periere
    3) (a bushy tail of a fox.) coadă
    4) (a disagreement: a slight brush with the law.) ciocnire, ceartă (cu)
    2. verb
    1) (to rub with a brush: He brushed his jacket.) a peria
    2) (to remove (dust etc) by sweeping with a brush: brush the floor.) a mătura
    3) (to make tidy by using a brush: Brush your hair!) a pieptăna
    4) (to touch lightly in passing: The leaves brushed her face.) a atinge (uşor)
    - brush away
    - brush up
    - give
    - get the brush-off

    English-Romanian dictionary > brush

  • 10 double back

    (to turn and go back the way one came: The fox doubled back and went down a hole.) a se întoarce din drum

    English-Romanian dictionary > double back

  • 11 earth

    [ə:ð] 1. noun
    1) (the third planet in order of distance from the Sun; the planet on which we live: Is Earth nearer the Sun than Mars is?; the geography of the earth.) pământ
    2) (the world as opposed to heaven: heaven and earth.) pământ, lumea pământească
    3) (soil: Fill the plant-pot with earth.) pământ
    4) (dry land; the ground: the earth, sea and sky.) pământ
    5) (a burrow or hole of an animal, especially of a fox.) vizuină
    6) ((a wire that provides) an electrical connection with the earth.)
    2. verb
    (to connect to earth electrically: Is your washing-machine properly earthed?)
    - earthly
    - earthenware
    - earthquake
    - earthworm
    - on earth
    - run to earth

    English-Romanian dictionary > earth

  • 12 examine

    1) (to look at closely; to inspect closely: They examined the animal tracks and decided that they were those of a fox.) a cer­ceta, a examina
    2) ((of a doctor) to inspect the body of thoroughly to check for disease etc: The doctor examined the child and said she was healthy.) a exa­mina
    3) (to consider carefully: The police must examine the facts.) a supune unui examen
    4) (to test the knowledge or ability of (students etc): She examines pupils in mathematics.) a in­teroga
    5) (to question: The lawyer examined the witness in the court case.) a interoga
    - examiner

    English-Romanian dictionary > examine

  • 13 foxes

    plural; see fox

    English-Romanian dictionary > foxes

  • 14 foxy

    1) (clever in a deceitful way: He's a foxy fellow.) şiret
    2) (like a fox: She had rather foxy features.) roş­cat

    English-Romanian dictionary > foxy

  • 15 hound

    1. noun
    (a hunting-dog: The fox threw the hounds off the scent and escaped.) câine de vânătoare
    2. verb
    (to pursue or hunt (someone): The film star was constantly hounded by newspaper reporters.) a vâna

    English-Romanian dictionary > hound

  • 16 squawk

    [skwo:k] 1. noun
    (a loud harsh cry made eg by an excited or angry bird: The hen gave a squawk when she saw the fox.) strigăt/ţipăt strident
    2. verb
    (to make a sound of this sort.) a ţipa, a scoate un strigăt strident

    English-Romanian dictionary > squawk

  • 17 terrier

    (any of several breeds of small dog: a fox-terrier.)

    English-Romanian dictionary > terrier

  • 18 vixen

    (a female fox: The vixen was followed by her cubs.) vulpe

    English-Romanian dictionary > vixen

  • 19 wily

    (crafty, cunning, sly etc: a wily old fox; He is too wily for the police to catch him.) viclean

    English-Romanian dictionary > wily

См. также в других словарях:

  • fox — fox …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • FOX — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Fox — (f[o^]ks), n.; pl. {Foxes}. [AS. fox; akin to D. vos, G. fuchs, OHG. fuhs, foha, Goth. fa[ u]h[=o], Icel. f[=o]a fox, fox fraud; of unknown origin, cf. Skr. puccha tail. Cf. {Vixen}.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A carnivorous animal of the genus {Vulpes},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • FOX — bezeichnet: einen Fernsehsender in den USA, siehe Fox Network dessen deutsche Sparte Fox Channel die Filmproduktionsfirma 20th Century Fox eine amerikanische Sportartikel Firma für Motocross und Mountainbiking, siehe Fox Racing Inc. eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Fox — (engl. Fuchs) bezeichnet: ein TV Network in den USA, siehe Fox Broadcasting Company dessen deutsche Sparte FOX Channel einen amerikanischen Nachrichtensender, siehe Fox News Channel die Filmproduktionsfirma 20th Century Fox (bis 1934: Fox Film… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • fox — terrier [ fɔkstɛrje ] n. m. • 1865; mot angl. ♦ Chien terrier à poil lisse et dur, blanc avec des taches fauves ou noires. Des fox terriers. Abrév. FOX . « L excitation d un fox qui flaire un rat » (Montherlant). Des fox. ● fox terrier, fox… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • FOX-7 — IUPAC name 2,2 Dinitroethene 1,1 diamine …   Wikipedia

  • Fox — Fox, Charles James Fox, George Fox, Vicente Fox, Vicente * * * (as used in expressions) Fox Broadcasting Co. fox terrier Fox, Charles James Fox, George …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Fox HD — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda FOX HD Latinoamérica Nombre público FOX HD Tipo Cable y Satélite Programación Series y Película Operado por Fox Latin American Channels Inicio de transmisiones 1 de Diciembre d …   Wikipedia Español

  • fox — FOX, focşi, s.m. Foxterier. – Din fr., engl. fox. Trimis de zaraza joe, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  FOX s. v. foxtrot. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime  FOX s. v. foxterier. Trimis d …   Dicționar Român

  • Fox K — (real name Matt Kline) is an Australian comedian from Melbourne. Fox s big break came in 2002 when he won second place in FHM s Joke Off competition held at the M 1 rock festival. Since then Fox has become a regular on the Melbourne Comedy… …   Wikipedia

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