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  • 1 bě̄dìti

    bě̄dìti Grammatical information: v. Accent paradigm: c
    Page in Trubačev: II 56-57
    Old Church Slavic:
    běditi `force, persuade' [verb], běždǫ [1sg]
    bedít' (dial.) `spoil, vex' [verb]
    bíditi (Jungmann, Kott) `reduce to poverty, (se) torment oneself, suffer' [verb];
    běditi (Jungmann, Kott) `reduce to poverty' [verb];
    bídit se (dial.) `live in poverty' [verb]
    biedit́ `live in poverty' [verb]
    Old Polish:
    biedzić `struggle' [verb]
    bijèditi `slander' [verb], bȉjedīm [1sg]
    bedjá `accuse' [verb]
    Indo-European reconstruction: bʰoidʰ-eie-
    IE meaning: force
    Certainty: +
    Page in Pokorny: 117
    Comments: It is very unlikely that Slavic *běditi `force' and Go. baidjan `id.' belong to different roots. Stang even includes these words in his "Sonderübereinstimmungen" (1972: 14). The meaning `persuade' is another indication that we are dealing with PIE *bʰoidʰ-. The question is whether denominative *běditi `reduce to poverty, live in poverty' ultimately continues a different root (see *bē̌dà).
    Other cognates:
    Gk. πείθω `persuade' [verb];
    Go. baidjan `force' [verb];
    OHG beitten `demand' [verb]

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > bě̄dìti

  • 2 majati

    majati; mavati Grammatical information: v. Proto-Slavic meaning: `wave, beckon'
    Page in Trubačev: XVII 133-135, XVIII 21-22
    Old Church Slavic:
    namaiaaxǫ (Supr.) `beckoned' [3pl ipf]
    Church Slavic:
    pomavati (RuCS) `give a signal with one's hand or head' [verb]
    májat' `exhaust, harass' [verb];
    mavat' (dial.) `wave' [verb]
    Old Russian:
    majati `beckon, agitate, vibrate' [verb];
    pomavati `give a signal with one's hand or head' [verb]
    mávati `wave' [verb]
    mávat' `wave' [verb]
    Lower Sorbian:
    mawaś `wave, rock' [verb]
    mȁjati `beckon, keep, detain' [verb]
    májati `move about, shake' [verb], májam [1sg], májem [1sg]
    mája `dawdle, detain' [verb]
    Proto-Balto-Slavic reconstruction: maH-
    móti `beckon' [verb]
    mãt `beckon' [verb]
    Indo-European reconstruction: meh₂-
    IE meaning: beckon
    Page in Pokorny: 693
    Comments: It is clear that *majati and *mavati continue one and the same verb, j and v being "Hiatustilger". While majati `to beckon' cannot be separated from Lith. móti, Latv. mãt `id.', majati `to detain, to tire, to exhaust' has been linked to Germanic forms like OHG muoan and Go. afmauiʮs (cf. Stang 1972: 35). The respective roots in Pokorny are mā- (693) and mō- (746). If we assume that *majati indeed continues *meh₂- as well as *meh₃- (LIV: 382), we have to settle for semantic arguments. Since it is also possible to argue on semantic grounds that *majati ultimately continues *meh₂- `to beckon' only (Trubačëv XVII 134), it is to a certain extent a matter of choice which solution one prefers.
    Other cognates:
    Go. afmauiʮs `tired' [ppp];
    OHG muoan `alarm, worry' [verb]

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > majati

  • 3 mavati

    majati; mavati Grammatical information: v. Proto-Slavic meaning: `wave, beckon'
    Page in Trubačev: XVII 133-135, XVIII 21-22
    Old Church Slavic:
    namaiaaxǫ (Supr.) `beckoned' [3pl ipf]
    Church Slavic:
    pomavati (RuCS) `give a signal with one's hand or head' [verb]
    májat' `exhaust, harass' [verb];
    mavat' (dial.) `wave' [verb]
    Old Russian:
    majati `beckon, agitate, vibrate' [verb];
    pomavati `give a signal with one's hand or head' [verb]
    mávati `wave' [verb]
    mávat' `wave' [verb]
    Lower Sorbian:
    mawaś `wave, rock' [verb]
    mȁjati `beckon, keep, detain' [verb]
    májati `move about, shake' [verb], májam [1sg], májem [1sg]
    mája `dawdle, detain' [verb]
    Proto-Balto-Slavic reconstruction: maH-
    móti `beckon' [verb]
    mãt `beckon' [verb]
    Indo-European reconstruction: meh₂-
    IE meaning: beckon
    Page in Pokorny: 693
    Comments: It is clear that *majati and *mavati continue one and the same verb, j and v being "Hiatustilger". While majati `to beckon' cannot be separated from Lith. móti, Latv. mãt `id.', majati `to detain, to tire, to exhaust' has been linked to Germanic forms like OHG muoan and Go. afmauiʮs (cf. Stang 1972: 35). The respective roots in Pokorny are mā- (693) and mō- (746). If we assume that *majati indeed continues *meh₂- as well as *meh₃- (LIV: 382), we have to settle for semantic arguments. Since it is also possible to argue on semantic grounds that *majati ultimately continues *meh₂- `to beckon' only (Trubačëv XVII 134), it is to a certain extent a matter of choice which solution one prefers.
    Other cognates:
    Go. afmauiʮs `tired' [ppp];
    OHG muoan `alarm, worry' [verb]

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > mavati

  • 4 màkъ

    màkъ Grammatical information: m. o Accent paradigm: a Proto-Slavic meaning: `poppy'
    Page in Trubačev: XVII 149-151
    Church Slavic:
    makъ `poppy' [m o]
    mak `poppy' [m o], máka [Gens]
    mák `poppy' [m o]
    mak `poppy' [m o]
    mak `poppy' [m o]
    mȁk `poppy' [m o], mȁka [Gens], màka [Gens];
    Čak. mȁk (Vrgada) `poppy' [m o], makȁ [Gens]
    màk `poppy' [m o], máka [Gens]
    mak `poppy' [m o]
    Proto-Balto-Slavic reconstruction: ?
    aguonà `poppy' [f ā] 2;
    mãguonė (dial.) `poppy' [f ē] 1 \{1\}
    maguône `poppy' [f ē] \{2\} \{3\}
    Old Prussian:
    moke (EV) `poppy' [f]
    IE meaning: poppy
    Certainty: -
    Page in Pokorny: 698
    Comments: The Germanic forms show grammatischer Wechsel as well as an alternation : a. The vocalism, which could reflect PIE *eh₁: h₁, does not match the ā of the Greek and the Slavic forms, which leads us to assume that the vowel alternation arose when at a comparatively late stage the root māk- was borrowed into Germanic (cf. Kluge 1989, 484). The Lithuanian and Latvian forms are usually considered borrowings from Germanic, whereas OPr. moke may have been borrowed from Polish. The Estonian and Livonian forms must be borrowings from Baltic, probably Latvian. It is generally agreed upon that ultimately we are dealing with a word of non-Indo-European (Mediterranean?) origin.
    Other cognates:
    Gk. μήκων `poppy' [f];
    Dor. μά̑κων `poppy' [f];
    OHG māho `poppy'
    OHG mago `poppy'
    OS magosāmo `poppyseed'
    OS mēcopin (Königsberg) `poppy'
    OSw. valmoghe `poppy'
    Est. magun `poppy;
    Liv. maggon `poppy'
    \{1\} Besides, we find the variants maguona and magūna. The forms with m are restricted to the area around Klaipėda. \{2\} I have found the variants magùona2, magana, magane and magūne. \{3\} The initial m of the word for `poppy' was apparently lost in Lithuanian but not in Latvian. The Lithuanian dialect forms with m- may be due to the influence of the (Latvian) language of the fishermen of the Couronian Isthmus (cf. Būga RR III: 320). Sabaliauskas suggests dissimilatory loss of m, parallel to the loss of r in arotai: rarotai, akrūtas: rakrūtas, Latv. ruodere: uodere, ūk̨eris (1960, 71-72). \{4\} The first element means `sleep', cf. Nw. dial. vale `deep sleep', Sw. dial. valbjörn `Schlafdorn'.

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > màkъ

  • 5 matorъ

    matorъ; materъ Grammatical information: adj. o
    Page in Trubačev: XVII 244-249
    Church Slavic:
    matorъ `old' [adj o]
    matëryj `experienced, full-grown' [adj o];
    materój `full-grown' [adj o]
    mȁtor `old, elderly' [adj o]
    matǫ́r `old' [adj o]
    Indo-European reconstruction: meh₂tor-
    IE meaning: mother
    Page in Pokorny: 693
    Comments: While the ESSJ (Trubačëv) states that *matorъ(jь) is older than *materъ(jь), the same dictionary considers the o-grade of the suffix in *matorьnъ(jь) as well as the meaning of this formation (in comparison with materьnъ(jь) `motherly') to be late. The point is, however, that *matorьnъ(jь) and *matorьnъ(jь) may not be cognate with *mȁti at all. Lat. mātūrus has been connected with mānus `good', OIr. maith `id.' (Pokorny 693, Ernout - Meillet s.v., Schrijver 1991: 143). In Trubačëv's dictionary, the connection with the latter form is dismissed. Instead, *matorъ(jь) is considered cognate with both *mȁti and mātūrus (with references to Trubačëv 19??: 32 and - incorrectly - Meillet 1902-1905 II: 407, where merely the connection with māne and mātūrus is considered). Yet another etymology was proposed by Vaillant, who tried to link the Slavic etymon to words meaning `big', such as OPr. muis `bigger' (1961: 189). In my opinion, Lat. mātūrus has the best chance of being cognate with *matorъ(jь) etc. (pace Vasmer s.v. matëryj). The connection with *mȁti cannot be disproved on formal grounds but there are sufficient semantic reasons for keeping this word apart. Athough ultimately we may be dealing with the same root, it is unlikely that *matorъ(jь) is a recent derivative of *mȁti.
    Other cognates:
    Lat. mātūrus `ripe, mature, premature' [adj];
    Lat. mānus `good' [adj]

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > matorъ

  • 6 materъ

    matorъ; materъ Grammatical information: adj. o
    Page in Trubačev: XVII 244-249
    Church Slavic:
    matorъ `old' [adj o]
    matëryj `experienced, full-grown' [adj o];
    materój `full-grown' [adj o]
    mȁtor `old, elderly' [adj o]
    matǫ́r `old' [adj o]
    Indo-European reconstruction: meh₂tor-
    IE meaning: mother
    Page in Pokorny: 693
    Comments: While the ESSJ (Trubačëv) states that *matorъ(jь) is older than *materъ(jь), the same dictionary considers the o-grade of the suffix in *matorьnъ(jь) as well as the meaning of this formation (in comparison with materьnъ(jь) `motherly') to be late. The point is, however, that *matorьnъ(jь) and *matorьnъ(jь) may not be cognate with *mȁti at all. Lat. mātūrus has been connected with mānus `good', OIr. maith `id.' (Pokorny 693, Ernout - Meillet s.v., Schrijver 1991: 143). In Trubačëv's dictionary, the connection with the latter form is dismissed. Instead, *matorъ(jь) is considered cognate with both *mȁti and mātūrus (with references to Trubačëv 19??: 32 and - incorrectly - Meillet 1902-1905 II: 407, where merely the connection with māne and mātūrus is considered). Yet another etymology was proposed by Vaillant, who tried to link the Slavic etymon to words meaning `big', such as OPr. muis `bigger' (1961: 189). In my opinion, Lat. mātūrus has the best chance of being cognate with *matorъ(jь) etc. (pace Vasmer s.v. matëryj). The connection with *mȁti cannot be disproved on formal grounds but there are sufficient semantic reasons for keeping this word apart. Athough ultimately we may be dealing with the same root, it is unlikely that *matorъ(jь) is a recent derivative of *mȁti.
    Other cognates:
    Lat. mātūrus `ripe, mature, premature' [adj];
    Lat. mānus `good' [adj]

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > materъ

  • 7 sěrъ

    śěrъ Grammatical information: adj. o Proto-Slavic meaning: `grey'
    Church Slavic:
    sěrъ (RuCS) `grey' [adj o]
    séryj `grey' [adj o];
    ser `grey' [adj o], será [Nomsf], séro [Nomsn]
    síryj `grey' [adj o]
    šerý `grey' [adj o]
    Old Czech:
    šěrý `grey' [adj o]
    šerý `grey' [adj o]
    szary `grey' [adj o]
    Upper Sorbian:
    šěry `grey' [adj o]
    sę́r `grey' [adj o], sę́ra [Nomsf]
    Indo-European reconstruction: ḱh₂e/oiro-
    Comments: The initial fricative results from the palatalization of *x- before * < * oi/ai. According to Kortlandt (1994: 112), *ḱh₂ was depalatalized to *kH in Balto-Slavic, which sequence ultimately yielded k in Lithuanian and *x in Proto-Slavic. Heidermanns (1993: 269), seems to ignore the problem.
    Other cognates:
    OIc. hárr `grey-haired, old' [adj];
    OE hār `grey, grey-haired' [adj]

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > sěrъ

См. также в других словарях:

  • Ultimately — Ul ti*mate*ly, adv. As a final consequence; at last; in the end; as, afflictions often tend to correct immoral habits, and ultimately prove blessings. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ultimately — [ul′tə mitlē] adv. finally; at last; in the end * * * ul·ti·mate·ly (ŭlʹtə mĭt lē) adv. At last; in the end; eventually. * * * …   Universalium

  • ultimately — index hereafter (eventually), in due course Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • ultimately — [adv] eventually after all, after a while, as a conclusion, at last, at long last, at the close, basically, by and by, climactically, conclusively, finally, fundamentally, hereafter, in conclusion, in consummation, in due time, in future, in the… …   New thesaurus

  • ultimately — [ul′tə mitlē] adv. finally; at last; in the end …   English World dictionary

  • ultimately — [[t]ʌ̱ltɪmətli[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADV: ADV with v, ADV adj Ultimately means finally, after a long and often complicated series of events. Whatever the scientists ultimately conclude, all of their data will immediately be disputed. ...a tough but… …   English dictionary

  • ultimately — ul|ti|mate|ly [ ʌltımətli ] adverb ** 1. ) after a process or activity has ended: Her efforts were ultimately bound to fail. Technological advances could ultimately lead to even more job losses. 2. ) used for emphasizing the main point that you… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • ultimately */*/ — UK [ˈʌltɪmətlɪ] / US adverb 1) after a process or activity has ended Her efforts were ultimately bound to fail. Technological advances could ultimately lead to even more job losses. 2) used for emphasizing the main point that you are talking… …   English dictionary

  • ultimately — adverb Date: 1652 1. in the end ; fundamentally < the word comes ultimately from Latin > 2. eventually < ultimately, they agreed > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • ultimately — adverb a) Indicating the last item. Firstly, ... Secondly, ... Ultimately, ... b) Indicating the most important action. Ultimately, he will have to make a decision before the end of the week. Syn: at last …   Wiktionary

  • ultimately — adv. Ultimately is used with these adjectives: ↑accountable, ↑decisive, ↑destructive, ↑doomed, ↑fatal, ↑fruitless, ↑frustrating, ↑futile, ↑impossible, ↑inconclusive, ↑irreconcilable …   Collocations dictionary

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