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  • Full dress — is a category dress codes that refers to most formal clothing available in Western society.CivilianFor a civilian, during the Victorian and Edwardian period, this corresponded to a frock coat in the day, and white tie at night. When morning dress …   Wikipedia

  • Full Dress — Fụll|dress auch: Fụll Drẹss 〈m.; ( ) ; unz.〉 Abendanzug, Gesellschaftskleidung [<engl. full dress „voller Anzug, volle Kleidung“] * * * Fụll Drẹss, der; [engl. full dress, aus: full = völlig, voll(ständig) u. dress, ↑ Dress]: einem… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • full-dress — adj. 1. suitable for formal occasions; as, a full dress uniform. Syn: dress. [WordNet 1.5] 2. requiring formal clothes; of a social event; as, a full dress ceremony. Syn: dress. [WordNet 1.5] 3. complete in every respect, including formalities;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Full dress — Full Full (f[.u]l), a. [Compar. {Fuller} (f[.u]l [ e]r); superl. {Fullest}.] [OE. & AS. ful; akin to OS. ful, D. vol, OHG. fol, G. voll, Icel. fullr, Sw. full, Dan. fuld, Goth. fulls, L. plenus, Gr. plh rhs, Skr. p[=u][.r]na full, pr[=a] to fill …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • full-dress — n. full evening dress for men. Syn: dress suit, full dress, tailcoat, tail coat, tails, white tie, white tie and tails. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • full-dress — [fool′dres′] adj. 1. of or requiring full dress; formal [a full dress dinner] 2. complete and thorough [a full dress inquiry] …   English World dictionary

  • Full Dress — der; , auch Full|dr’ess der; <aus gleichbed. engl. full dress, eigtl. »volle Kleidung«> großer Gesellschaftsanzug, Gesellschaftskleidung …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • full dress — n [U] special clothes worn for official occasions ▪ officers in full dress uniform …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • full-dress — full′ dress′ adj. 1) cvb clo formal and complete in all details: a full dress uniform[/ex] 2) cvb done or presented completely or thoroughly • Etymology: 1805–15 …   From formal English to slang

  • Full dress — (engl.), s. Dress …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • full dress — full′ dress′ n. 1) clo the formal attire customarily worn in the evening 2) clo a ceremonial style of dress • Etymology: 1755–65 …   From formal English to slang

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