1 shrike-tit, crested
—1. LAT Falcunculus ( Vieillot)2. RUS синичья толстоголовка f3. ENG (crested) shrike-tit4. DEU Meisendickkopf m, Meisenwürger m5. FRA —1. LAT Falcunculus frontatus ( Latham)2. RUS синичья толстоголовка f3. ENG (crested) shrike-tit4. DEU Meisendickkopf m, Meisenwürger m5. FRA —ПЯТИЯЗЫЧНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ НАЗВАНИЙ ЖИВОТНЫХ — птицы > shrike-tit, crested
2 shrike-tit
—1. LAT Falcunculus ( Vieillot)2. RUS синичья толстоголовка f3. ENG (crested) shrike-tit4. DEU Meisendickkopf m, Meisenwürger m5. FRA —1. LAT Falcunculus frontatus ( Latham)2. RUS синичья толстоголовка f3. ENG (crested) shrike-tit4. DEU Meisendickkopf m, Meisenwürger m5. FRA — -
3 Meisendickkopf
—1. LAT Falcunculus ( Vieillot)2. RUS синичья толстоголовка f3. ENG (crested) shrike-tit4. DEU Meisendickkopf m, Meisenwürger m5. FRA —1. LAT Falcunculus frontatus ( Latham)2. RUS синичья толстоголовка f3. ENG (crested) shrike-tit4. DEU Meisendickkopf m, Meisenwürger m5. FRA —FÜNFSPRACHIGES WÖRTERBUCH DER TIERISCHEN NAMEN — VÖGEL > Meisendickkopf
4 Meisenwürger
—1. LAT Falcunculus ( Vieillot)2. RUS синичья толстоголовка f3. ENG (crested) shrike-tit4. DEU Meisendickkopf m, Meisenwürger m5. FRA —1. LAT Falcunculus frontatus ( Latham)2. RUS синичья толстоголовка f3. ENG (crested) shrike-tit4. DEU Meisendickkopf m, Meisenwürger m5. FRA —FÜNFSPRACHIGES WÖRTERBUCH DER TIERISCHEN NAMEN — VÖGEL > Meisenwürger
5 Falcunculus
—1. LAT Falcunculus ( Vieillot)2. RUS синичья толстоголовка f3. ENG (crested) shrike-tit4. DEU Meisendickkopf m, Meisenwürger m5. FRA —VOCABULARIUM NOMINUM ANIMALIUM QUINQUELINGUE — AVES > Falcunculus
6 Falcunculus frontatus
—1. LAT Falcunculus frontatus ( Latham)2. RUS синичья толстоголовка f3. ENG (crested) shrike-tit4. DEU Meisendickkopf m, Meisenwürger m5. FRA —VOCABULARIUM NOMINUM ANIMALIUM QUINQUELINGUE — AVES > Falcunculus frontatus
7 8358
1. LAT Falcunculus ( Vieillot)2. RUS синичья толстоголовка f3. ENG (crested) shrike-tit4. DEU Meisendickkopf m, Meisenwürger m5. FRA —FÜNFSPRACHIGES WÖRTERBUCH DER TIERISCHEN NAMEN — VÖGEL > 8358
8 8359
1. LAT Falcunculus frontatus ( Latham)2. RUS синичья толстоголовка f3. ENG (crested) shrike-tit4. DEU Meisendickkopf m, Meisenwürger m5. FRA —FÜNFSPRACHIGES WÖRTERBUCH DER TIERISCHEN NAMEN — VÖGEL > 8359
9 8358
1. LAT Falcunculus ( Vieillot)2. RUS синичья толстоголовка f3. ENG (crested) shrike-tit4. DEU Meisendickkopf m, Meisenwürger m5. FRA — -
10 8359
1. LAT Falcunculus frontatus ( Latham)2. RUS синичья толстоголовка f3. ENG (crested) shrike-tit4. DEU Meisendickkopf m, Meisenwürger m5. FRA — -
11 8358
1. LAT Falcunculus ( Vieillot)2. RUS синичья толстоголовка f3. ENG (crested) shrike-tit4. DEU Meisendickkopf m, Meisenwürger m5. FRA —DICTIONNAIRE DES NOMS DES ANIMAUX EN CINQ LANGUES — OISEAUX > 8358
12 8359
1. LAT Falcunculus frontatus ( Latham)2. RUS синичья толстоголовка f3. ENG (crested) shrike-tit4. DEU Meisendickkopf m, Meisenwürger m5. FRA —DICTIONNAIRE DES NOMS DES ANIMAUX EN CINQ LANGUES — OISEAUX > 8359
13 flycatcher
орнит.мухоловка; pl мухоловковые ( Muscicapidae)- Acadian flycatcher
- African dusky flycatcher
- ashy flycatcher
- black flycatcher
- black-and-orange flycatcher
- blue-and-white flycatcher
- boat-billed flycatcher
- brown flycatcher
- Canary flycatcher
- collared flycatcher
- crested flycatcher
- Damar flycatcher
- fairy flycatcher
- fantail flycatchers
- flatbill flycatcher
- forest flycatcher
- gray flycatcher
- gray tit flycatcher
- half-collared flycatcher
- Humblot's flycatcher
- jungle flycatcher
- least flycatcher
- little slaty flycatcher
- monarch flycatcher
- mountain flycatcher
- myiagra flycatcher
- narcissus flycatcher
- paradise flycatcher
- pied flycatcher
- pygmy blue flycatcher
- red-breasted flycatcher
- river flycatcher
- rusty-breasted blue flycatcher
- scissor-tailed flycatcher
- shrike flycatcher
- slaty flycatcher
- spotted flycatcher
- swamp flycatcher
- thicket flycatcher
- tyrant flycatchers
- white-collared flycatcher
- yellow-bellied flycatcher* * *
См. также в других словарях:
Crested Shrike-tit — Male Conservation status … Wikipedia
crested shrike-tit — /krɛstəd ˈʃraɪk tɪt/ (say krestuhd shruyk tit) noun an endemic Australian bird, Falcunculus frontatus, having a prominent black crest, black and white striped face, yellow breast, and a thick, strong bill used to tear bark from trees when… …
shrike-tit — /ˈʃraɪk tɪt/ (say shruyk tit) noun any of several subspecies of the crested shrike tit, Falcunculus frontatus, of northern, eastern and western Australia …
Grey-crested — may refer to:* Grey crested Finch * Grey crested Helmet shrike * Grey crested Tit … Wikipedia
Sibley-Monroe checklist 13 — The Sibley Monroe checklist was a landmark document in the study of birds. It drew on extensive DNA DNA hybridisation studies to reassess the relationships between modern birds. Passeriformes (continued) =Corvidae= * Androphobus viridis Papuan… … Wikipedia
List of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic birds — This list is based on the Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds [http://www.birdsaustralia.com.au/hanzab/HANZAB spp list.pdf list, May 2002 update] , with the doubtfuls omitted. It includes the birds of Australia, New Zealand,… … Wikipedia
List of birds of Australia — This list is based on the Birds Australia [http://www.birdsaustralia.com.au/checklist/ba birdlist sept03.pdf list, September 2003] (PDF, free registration required).The Birds Australia list is considered unofficial. It is based on Christidis and… … Wikipedia
List of birds of Queensland — Queensland is the second largest State in Australia but has the greatest biodiversity, with over 630 species of bird recorded (far more than closest rivals New South Wales or West Australia with both around 550) The sum total for continental… … Wikipedia
List of birds of South Australia — This is a list of birds of South Australia:cite book | author = Horton, Philippa | chapter = Birds | editor = Robinson, A. C.; Casperson, K. D.; Hutchinson, M. N. | year = 2000 | title = A list of the vertebrates of South Australia | publisher =… … Wikipedia
Pachycephalidae — Taxobox name = Pachycephalidae image caption = Rufous Whistler image width = 240px regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves ordo = Passeriformes subordo = Passeri familia = Pachycephalidae familia authority = Swainson, 1831 subdivision… … Wikipedia
Moorooduc Quarry Flora and Fauna Reserve — The Moorooduc Quarry Flora and Fauna Reserve is located in Mount Eliza, Victoria, Australia and occupies approximately 27 hectares of land.[1] There are entrances to the reserve located on Allison Road, Canadian Bay Road, Two Bays Road and… … Wikipedia