1 (a) break in the gas-pipe
a break in the gas-pipe (in the water-mains) пробоина в газопроводе (в водопроводе)English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (a) break in the gas-pipe
2 break
I [breɪk] n1) разрыв, пролом, брешь, дыра, пробоинаThe dog escaped through a break in the fence. — Собака убежала через щель/дыру в заборе.
There was a break in the water-pipes. — Водопровод прорвало.
There was a break between two friends. — Между друзьями произошел разрыв.
There was a mass prison break. — Массовый побег из тюрьмы имел место.
When the rain stopped we made a break for home. — Когда дождь перестал мы бросились домой.
- complete break- unhappy break
- diplomatic break
- break in the skin
- break in the circuit
- break in the pipe
- break in the fence
- break in the window
- break in the gas-pipe
- break of diplomatic relations
- commit a break of etiquette
- make a complete break with an old tradition2) перерыв, пауза, интервалWe had a long break in our jurney. — Во время путешествия у нас была длительная остановка.
They noticed a curious break in his voice. — Они заметили, что голос его странно срывался.
There was an awkward break in delivery. — Произошел досадный перерыв в доставке.
- tea breakThere was no break in the rains. — Дождям не было конца. /Беспрерывно шел дождь.
- news break
- hour's break for lunch
- 10 minutes' break for tea
- break in smth
- break in prices
- break in the conversation
- break of continuity
- break of slope
- break of voice
- break in the weather
- break in the ordinary routine
- break in the heat-wave
- without a break
- during a break at school
- at the break of the day
- write to smb after a break of two years
- have a break
- take a ten minutes break
- go on reading to the next break
- speak without a break3) везение, удача, шансIt was a lucky break. — Мне повезло.
The breaks were against us. — Нам не везло.
The cinema director discovered the actress and gave her a break. — Режиссер нашел эту актрису и дал ей возможность попытать счастья на съемках.
Give me a break. — ◊ Я в покое. /Отстань от меня
- bad break- lucky break
- give smb a break II [breɪk] v(broke, broken)1) ломать, разбивать, разламывать- break a chair- break a cup
- break a
- break smth into pieces2) ломаться, разрываться- chair breaks- cup breaks
- rope breaks3) нарушать- break one's promise- break the silence
- break the rules4) порывать- break with smb, smth- break with old habits
- break the ice
- it's the last straw that breaks the camel's back
- thread breaks where it is weakest -
3 pipe
1. труба, трубка; трубопровод || оборудовать системой трубопроводов; пускать по трубам; транспортировать по трубопроводу2. геол. сужение рудного тела— air pipe— dip pipe— gas pipe— run pipe— tee pipe— T-pipe— U-pipe
* * *
1. труба; трубка2. трубопровод || подавать по трубопроводу, перекачивать по трубопроводу; транспортировать по трубопроводу3. оборудовать системой трубопроводов; пускать по трубамair-lift flanged drill pipe — водоподъёмная труба с фланцевым соединением для бурения с обратновсасывающей промывкой (ствола скважины)
drill pipe of double length — свеча из двух бурильных труб, двухтрубка
to break down drill pipes — развинчивать свечи бурильных труб на однотрубки;
to bring pipes into perfect alignment — точно сцентрировать трубы (перед сваркой);
to line pipes up end-to-end — укладывать трубы в нитку;
to stab drill pipe — производить наращивание бурильной колонны;
to stack drill pipes in the derrick — расставлять бурильные трубы в вышке;
to take a strain on pipe — натягивать колонну труб;
to tong the pipes — свинчивать трубы ключами;
to work pipes up and down — расхаживать колонну труб;
— gas pipe— run pipe— tee pipe— T-pipe— U-pipe— Y-pipe
* * *
труба; трубопровод
* * *
1) труба; трубка2) трубопровод || подавать по трубопроводу, перекачивать по трубопроводу; транспортировать по трубопроводу3) оборудовать системой трубопроводов; пускать по трубам•to add a length of drill pipe — наращивать бурильную колонну;
pipe becoming stuck — прихват бурильных труб в скважине;
to break drilling pipes down — раскреплять бурильные трубы;
to break out drilling pipes — раскреплять бурильные трубы;
to discard pipes — отбраковывать трубы;
to lay down pipes — отбраковывать трубы;
to line pipes up — центрировать трубы для сварки;
to line pipes up end-to-end — укладывать трубы в нитку;
to pick up the pipe — 1) затаскивать трубы ( на вышку) 2) давать небольшую натяжку ( инструмента) 3) подхватывать (/i]);
to rack a pipe — устанавливать (/i]) бурильную трубу ();
to release stuck pipe — освобождать прихваченную трубу;
to roll out pipes — выкатывать трубы;
to run pipes into well — опускать трубы в скважину;
to stab drill pipe — производить наращивание бурильной колонны;
to stack drilling pipes in derrick — расставлять бурильные трубы в буровой вышке;
to string pipes — укладывать трубы в нитку;
to strip pipes — извлекать трубы ( из скважины) сквозь закрытый универсальный противовыбросовый превентор;
to tail a pipe — заносить конец трубы в нужное положение;
to take a strain on pipe — натягивать колонну труб;
to tong the pipes — свинчивать трубы ключами;
to work pipes up and down — расхаживать колонну труб;
to wrinkle a pipe — нарезать соединительную резьбу на трубе;
- admitting pipepipe with string — бракованная труба;
- air pipe
- air inlet pipe
- airlift pipe
- airlift flanged drill pipe
- aluminum drilling pipe
- anchor pipe
- angle pipe
- anterior upset pipe
- asbestos-cement pipe
- ascending pipe
- atmospheric pipe
- bare pipe
- bent pipe
- bifurcated pipe
- big-diameter pipe
- bitumen-coated pipe
- blank pipe
- blank-flanged pipe
- bleeder pipe
- blind pipe
- blow-down pipe
- blow-off pipe
- bottom pipe
- box-end of drill pipe
- box-to-box pipe
- branch pipe
- branched pipe
- buffer connection pipe
- bulged-in pipe
- buried pipe
- button-screen pipe
- bypass pipe
- cargo pipe
- case pipe
- casing pipe
- circular pipe
- coated steel penstock pipe
- cold-drain pipe
- collapsed pipe
- collar bound pipe
- compensating pipe
- conduct pipe
- conductor pipe
- connecting pipe
- connection pipe
- control pipe
- conventional pipes
- cuttings pick-up pipe
- delivery pipe
- diamond pipe
- diamond-drill pipe
- dip pipe
- discharge pipe
- distributing pipe
- double extraheavy pipe
- double extrastrong pipe
- double reverse circulation pipe
- double-wall screwed drill pipe
- drain pipe
- drill pipe
- drill pipe before welding
- drill pipe of double length
- drill pipe unloaded
- drill pipe with screwed-on tool joints
- drill pipe with weld-on tool joints
- drive pipe
- eduction pipe
- elbow pipe
- electric-welded pipe
- electrodrill without drill pipe
- exhaust pipe
- extension pipe
- external upset drill pipe
- extraheavy pipe
- extrastrong pipe
- extruded pipe
- feed pipe
- ferromagnetic pipe
- filling pipe
- fitting pipe
- flanged pipe
- flexible pipe
- flexible armoured pipe
- flow pipe
- flush-joint pipe
- flush-joint drive pipe
- force pipe
- free-flow pipe
- freezing pipe
- frozen pipe
- fuel pipe
- gas pipe
- gas-service pipe
- gas-supply pipe
- grooved conductor pipe
- grout pipe
- header pipe
- heavy-end pipe
- heavy-wall pipe
- heavy-weight drill pipe
- helical-welded pipe
- high-pressure pipe
- high-pressure air-outlet pipe
- high-strength pipe
- high-strength laminar pipe
- hose pipe
- hot-rolled pipe
- induction pipe
- inlet pipe
- intake pipe
- integral joint drilling pipe
- interior-upset pipe
- internal-external upset drill pipe
- internal-flush drill pipe
- internal-upset drill pipe
- jet pipe
- junction pipe
- laminar pipe
- lance pipe
- lap-welded pipe
- large-diameter pipe
- lay down the pipe
- lead pipe
- light weight drill pipe
- line pipe
- liquid stand pipe
- little pipe
- long stand pipe
- longitudinally welded pipe
- loop expansion pipe
- looping pipe
- lost pipe
- low-head pipe
- lubrication pipe
- macaroni pipe
- main pipe
- male pipe
- manifold pipe
- marine riser pipe
- metal pipe
- module pipe
- multilayer pipe
- new drill pipe
- nonupset pipe
- nozzle pipe
- oil discharge pipe
- oriented drill pipe
- outlet pipe
- outside-coupled pipe
- outside-upset pipe
- overflow pipe
- oversize pipe
- perforated pipe
- pin-to-box pipe
- plain end pipe
- pressure relief pipe
- pressure water pipe
- protective pipe
- pulling big? pipe
- rathole pipe
- receiver pipe
- recovered pipe
- reducing pipe
- relief pipe
- return pipe
- rifled pipe
- riser pipe
- rising pipe
- river pipe
- rolled pipe
- rotary-drill pipe
- rotatable drill pipe
- rubbered pipe
- run pipe
- rundown pipe
- screen pipe
- screened pipe
- screwed drill pipe
- seamless drill pipe
- service pipe
- shop-perforated pipe
- single pipe
- slim hole drill pipe
- slip-joint pipe
- slotted pipe
- socket pipe
- soil pipe
- somastic-coated pipe
- sounding pipe
- spiral-welded pipe
- spiraled-wall casing pipe
- split pipe
- stand pipe
- standard pipe
- steel pipe
- stove pipe
- stuck casing pipe
- stuck drilling pipe
- suction pipe
- supply pipe
- surface pipe
- swing pipe
- swivel pipe
- T-pipe
- tail pipe
- tank filling pipe
- tapered pipe
- tee pipe
- thawing pipe
- thick-walled pipe
- thin-walled pipe
- threaded pipe
- threaded dual wall pipe
- threaded line pipe
- three-way pipe
- thrust-bore pipe
- U-pipe
- ultrahigh-test line pipe
- undersize pipe
- unsupported pipe
- unthreaded pipe
- upset drill pipe
- used drill pipe
- wall-stuck pipe
- wash pipe
- washover pipe
- water pipe
- welded pipe
- weldless pipe
- worm pipe
- Y-pipe* * *• усадочная мет. раковина слитка -
4 pipe
2) трубопровод || подавать [перекачивать\] по трубопроводу; транспортировать по трубопроводу3) усадочная раковина (в отливке, слитке) || образовывать усадочные раковины (в отливке, слитке)5) отдулина ( дефект проката)6) (скважинная) колонна труб7) мор. клюз8) волновод12) текст. отделывать кантом•to break down drill pipes — развинчивать свечи бурильных труб на однотрубки;to line pipes up end-to-end — укладывать трубы в нитку;to roll pipes — свинчивать трубы с помощью каната или цепи;to stab drill pipe — производить наращивание бурильной колонны;to stack drill pipes in the derrick — расставлять бурильные трубы в вышке;to strap drill pipes — измерять глубину скважины по длине бурильных труб, стоящих на подсвечнике;to string pipes — укладывать трубы в нитку;to strip pipes — извлекать трубы ( из скважины) сквозь закрытый универсальный превентор;to take a strain on pipe — натягивать колонну труб;to tong the pipes — свинчивать трубы ключами;to work pipes up and down — расхаживать колонну труб;to wrinkle a pipe — нарезать соединительную резьбу на трубе-
adapting pipe
additions pipe
admission pipe
air gap pipe
air pipe
air-supply pipe
air-vent pipe
angle pipe
antisiphon pipe
asbestos-cement pipe
ascending pipe
atmospheric pipe
auxiliary reservoir pipe
barometric discharge pipe
barometric pipe
bell-and-spigot pipe
bent pipe
bifurcated pipe
bleeder pipe
blind pipe
blowing pipe
blowoff pipe
blowout pipe
bottom pipe
brake cylinder pipe
brake pipe
branch pipe
branched pipe
breather pipe
breeches pipe
brine pipe
bulwark mooring pipe
buried pipe
bustle pipe
butt-welded pipe
bypass pipe
cargo pipe
casing pipe
casting pipe
cast-iron pipe
central pipe
centrifugal concrete pipe
ceramic pipe
channel pipe
charge pipe
charging pipe
circular pipe
circulation pipe
clay pipe
cleanout pipe
coated steel penstock pipe
coiled pipes
cold-air pipe
cold-drawn pipe
collapsed pipe
collecting pipe
compound pipe
concrete pipe
condensate pipe
condenser leg pipe
conductor pipe
conduit pipe
connecting pipe
cooling pipe
cooling-water pipe
crossover pipe
deck pipe
defrosting pipe
delivery pipe
digital pipe
discharge pipe
distributing pipe
double-wall pipe
downtake pipe
drag pipe
drain pipe
drill pipe
drip pipe
drive pipe
dropping pipe
earthenware pipe
eduction pipe
ejector pipe
elbow pipe
electric-welded pipe
electrohydrodynamic heat pipe
emergency reservoir pipe
exhaust pipe
expansion pipe
extremeline casing pipe
fabricated pipe
fall pipe
feed pipe
feedwater pipe
fitting pipe
flanged pipe
flange pipe
flexible pipe
flow pipe
flue pipe
flush pipe
force pipe
free-end pipe
free-flow pipe
freeze pipe
frozen pipe
fuel injection pipe
fuel pipe
fuel supply pipe
galvanized pipe
gas pipe
gas service pipes
gas-supply pipe
gate pipe
gilled pipe
glass pipe
gravity-assisted heat pipe
ground dump tail pipe
grout pipe
half-socket pipe
header pipe
heat pipe
heating pipe
heavy-end pipe
heavy-wall pipe
heavy-weight drill pipe
helical-welded pipe
hold-down pipe
hollow pipe
horizontal sparge pipe
horseshoe pipe
hose pipe
hot-water pipe
induction pipe
inner-finned pipe
insulated pipe
intake pipe
integral joint drill pipe
internal upset drill pipe
intertank balance pipe
irrigation pipe
isothermal heat pipe
jet pipe
junction pipe
kimberlite pipe
land pipe
lap-welded pipe
lead pipe
leader pipe
leak-off pipe
lift pipe
light pipe
line pipe
liquid stand pipe
liquid-metal heat pipe
little pipe
longitudinally welded pipe
looping pipe
low-head pipe
main air pipe
main feed pipe
main pipe
manifold pipe
metal pipe
mooring pipe with horns
mooring pipe with rollers
mooring pipe
navel pipe
network pipe
nodule pipe
oil discharge pipe
oil filler pipe
oil gage pipe
oil pipe
oil pressure pipe
oil pump suction pipe
oil return pipe
open pipe
osmotic heat pipe
outfall pipe
outlet pipe
overflow pipe
overhead pipe
Panama pipe
perforated pipe
plain end pipe
plain pipe
plastic pipe
precast reinforced-concrete pipe
precast pipe
pressure pipe
primary pipe
primary system pipe
puff pipe
pulverized fuel pipe
purge pipe
quick-screwed pipes
radiator filler pipe
rainwater pipe
reducing pipe
reel pipe
reinforced concrete pipe
return pipe
return water pipe
ribbed pipe
riser pipe
rising pipe
runner pipe
sag pipe
scour pipe
scupper pipe
seamless pipe
secondary pipe
service pipe
sewage pipe
sewer pipe
shaft pipe
shallow-well casing pipe
shore discharge pipe
siphon pipe
skid pipes
slotted pipe
sluicing pipe
socket pipe
sodium beat pipe
soil pipe
sounding pipe
sparge pipe
spill pipe
spiraled-wall casing pipe
spiral-welded pipe
spun pipe
spurling pipe
stand pipe
steam pipe
stoneware pipe
storm-down pipe
straight-air pipe
suction pipe
sump drain pipe
supply pipe
surge pipe
swan-neck pipe
tail pipe
takeoff pipe
tank filling pipe
tee branch pipe
telescopic pipe
thin-wall pipe
through brake pipe
thruster pipe
tile pipe
towing pipe
trainline pipe
tremie pipe
turning mooring pipe
ultra-high-test line pipe
upset pipe
variable conductance heat pipe
ventilation pipe
vertebra pipe
warm-air pipe
warping pipe
wash-gas pipe
waste pipe
water heat pipe
water pipe
water-jet pipe
weep pipe
weldless pipe
wickless heat pipe
Y-pipe -
5 line
1. линия ( в разных значениях)2. черта, штрих3. кривая ( на диаграмме)4. очертания, контур5. граница, предел6. талевый канат, струна талевой оснастки; трос7. путь; линия; дорога8. магистраль; трубопровод9. обкладка; облицовка; футеровка || обкладывать; облицовывать; футеровать10. устанавливать точно; устанавливать соосно; устанавливать в одну линиюcoil type kill and choke flexible steel lines — спиральные стальные трубы линий штуцерной и для глушения скважины (предназначенные для компенсации поворотов морского стояка)
dash and dot line — пунктирная линия, состоящая из чёрточек и точек
integral choke and kill lines — линии штуцерная и глушения скважины (изготовленные заодно с секциями водоотделяющей колонны)
riser joint integral kill and choke line — секция линий глушения скважины и штуцерной, выполненная заодно с секцией водоотделяющей колонны
— gas line— in line— line in— line up— mud return line— oil line— on line— pod line— red line— rig line— rod line— rotary drill line— sea line
* * *
1. трубопровод; нитка трубопровода || прокладывать трубопровод, тянуть нитку трубопроводаriser joint integral kill and choke line — секция линии глушения скважины и штуцерной линии, выполненная заодно с секцией водоотделяющей колонны
— gas line— oil line— pod line— rig line— sea line
* * *
1. талевый канат; струна талевой оснастки2. линия, профиль3. ряд, отрасль4. трубопровод5. проводить линию, устанавливать в линию
* * *
1. линия; профиль2. канал ( аппаратуры)3. провод
* * *
1) трубопровод; нитка трубопровода || прокладывать трубопровод, тянуть нитку трубопровода3) талевый канат; струна талевой оснастки4) линия, кривая5) ряд6) отрасль•on line — 1) выровненный, соосный () 2) прямолинейный ();
to blank off a line — заглушать трубопровод;
to blind off a line — заглушать трубопровод;
to block a line — заглушать трубопровод;
to feed off a line from drum — сматывать талевый канат с барабана;
to flush a line through — промывать трубопровод;
to line in — выверять положение ();
to reeve a line — натягивать канат перед подъёмом; пропускать талевый канат через кронблочный шкив (/i]);
to spool the drilling line on drum — наматывать талевый канат на барабан;
to line the hole — крепить скважину обсадной колонной;
to turn into the line — начинать перекачивание из промысловых резервуаров по трубопроводу;
to line up — 1) выравнивать 2) устанавливать на одной прямой;
to valve off a line — перекрывать трубопровод задвижкой;
- line of correlationto line with casing — крепить скважину обсадными трубами;
- line of deflection
- line of dip
- line of etch
- line of geophone
- line of least resistance
- line of pumps
- line of shooting
- line of tackle system
- line of welding
- admission line
- air line
- anchor line
- anchoring line
- back-pressure line
- backup line
- backwash line
- bailer line
- bailing line
- bare line
- base line of sands
- bed contour line
- big-inch line
- bleed line
- bleeder line
- bleed-off line
- blooie line
- blowing line
- booster line
- borehole line
- bozo line
- branch line
- branch main line
- branched line
- buried pipe line
- bypass line
- cable line
- calf line
- casing line
- catalyst transfer line
- cathead line
- cementing line
- choke line
- circular main line
- circulation booster line
- coated pipe line
- coil choke flexible steel line
- coil kill flexible steel line
- condensate line
- condensate-water line
- conductor line
- connecting line
- contact line
- coseismal line
- cracker line
- cracking case vapor line
- crest line
- crossover line
- crude oil line
- dead line
- delivery line
- derrick line
- discharge line
- discharge line of compressor
- disposal line
- distributing main line
- district heating line
- diverter line
- double line
- downstream line
- drain line
- drawworks line of tackle system
- drill line
- drilling line
- drilling mud line
- drilling mud flow line
- drilling rope fast line
- drill-water line
- drop-out line
- edge water line
- emergency drain line
- encroachment line
- etch line
- exhaust line
- expansion line
- fast line
- feed line
- fill line
- filling line
- fillup line
- firing line
- first-break line
- flare line
- flexible production line
- floor line
- flow line
- forked line
- fuel line
- gage line
- gas line
- gas blowoff line
- gas equalizing line
- gas gathering line
- gas inlet line
- gas main line
- gas outlet line
- gas pipe line
- gasoline line
- gathering line
- geophone line
- grade line
- gravity line
- guy lines
- Hallburton line
- heating-gas line
- high-pressure line
- hoisting line
- homoseismal line
- incoming gas line
- injection line
- inlet line
- insulated pipe line
- integral choke and kill line
- isoseismal line
- jerk line
- jetting line
- jug line
- kill line
- lang-lay line
- lateral gas line
- lead line
- life line
- lift line
- live line
- loading line
- long-distance pipe line
- long-lay line
- low-pressure pipe line
- main line
- main trunk line
- mandrel line
- manifold line
- marine conductor line
- marine riser choke line
- marine riser kill line
- mast line
- master guide line
- mazout line
- mooring line
- mud line
- mud-return line
- multiple lines
- off-stream pipe line
- oil line
- oil-drainage line
- oil-gathering line
- oil-pipe line
- operation line
- original water line
- outgoing gas line
- outlet transfer line
- overflow line
- overhead line
- pilot line
- pilot igniting line
- pipe line
- pod line
- pod lock line
- pressure line
- priming line
- production flow line
- products pipe line
- pull line
- pump suction line
- pump warm-up line
- pumping-out line
- rag line
- reflux line
- refraction line
- release line
- reserve flow line
- retrieving line
- reverse circulation line
- rig line
- ring main line
- riser choke line
- riser joint integral kill and choke line
- riser kill line
- riser tensioning line
- rod line
- rotary-drill line
- rotary-wire line
- run-down line
- safety line
- sand wire line
- sea line
- seagoing pipe line
- seismic line
- shale base line
- shale deflection line
- shore pipe line
- shot line
- shot-moment line
- shot-point line
- single line
- sling line
- snake line
- soft line
- source line
- split line
- spontaneous potential base line
- spur line
- stabilizing guy line
- steam line
- steam return line
- sucker-rod line
- suction line
- supply line
- surface line of circulation system
- suspension line
- swing line
- swinging core line
- tag line
- takeoff line
- tank flow line
- tank heating line
- tank shipping line
- tapered drilling line
- tie line
- time-distance line
- tool injection line
- tow line
- tracer line
- transmission line
- triple line
- triple gas pipe line
- trough line
- trunk line
- tubing line
- TV guide line
- twin pipe line
- uncovered line
- unloading line
- uphill line
- upstream line
- vapor line
- vent line
- vibrator line
- water line
- water-disposal line
- water-encroachment line
- water-flood line
- water-supply line
- well flow line
- wirerope measuring line* * *• дорога• канат• нитка• обкладка• струна• трос -
6 joint
1) соединение; сочленение; шарнир2) узел фермы; геометрический узел4) геол. трещина5) замок ( для канатов)6) совместный ( о предприятии)7) соединять ( при помощи вставных частей); наращивать•- abutment joint - abutting joint - adhesive joint - airtight joint - alternate joints - angle joint - angle half-lap joint - arc-welded joint - articulated joint - asymmetric joint - back joint - ball joint - ball-and-socket joint - bayonet joint - bead joint - beam butt joint - beam-to-beam joint - beam-to-beam moment joint - beam-to-column joint - bed joint - bell-and-plain end joint - bell-and-spigot joint - bell butt joint - bellows joint - bevelled joint - bleeding joint - blind joint - bolt joint - bolted joint - bolt-adhesive joint - bracket joint - branch joint - branch tee-saddle joint - brazed joint - brazed-welded joint - breaking joints - brick joint - brickwork joints - bricks joints - bridge joint - bridle joint - broken joints - building wall joints - butt joint - butt-and-collar joint - buttered joint - cable joint - carpenter's joint - cash joint - castellated joint - cast-welded rail joint - caulked joint - caulking joint - cemented joint - centre joint - chamfered joint - chamfered-edge lap joint - circular joint - clamping plate joint - clamping ring joint - clasp joint - cleat joint - clip joint - closed-tee joint - cluster joint - coach joint - cogged joint - collar joint - compensation joint - composite joint - compound for joint sealing - compression joint - concave joint - concealed joint - concrete mix joint - conduit joint - constricted-end joint - construction joint - contact joint - contraction joint - control joint - convex joint - coped joint - corner joint - cornerlock joint - cotter pin joint - coursing joint - couvre joint - cross joint - cross-halved joint - cruciform joint - curb joint - cut joint - dado joint - dead joint - demountable joint - detachable joint - dilatation joint - direct-edge splined joint - disk joint - divided tenon joint - double joint - double-bevel butt joint - double-butt joint - double-lap riveted joint - double-shear joint - dovetail joint - dovetail halving joint - dovetail scarf joint - dowelled joint - draw-band joint - dry joint - dummy joint - eccentric joint - edge joint - edge butt joint - elastic joint - elbow joint - end joint - erection joint - expanded joint - expansion joint - exposed joint - eye joint - face joint - faced joint - false joint - faucet joint - faulty joint - field joint - fillet joint - fillistered joint - finger joint - firm-and-impervious joint - fish-mouth joint - fixed joint - flange joint - flange-to-web joint - flashed joint - flat joint - flexible joint - flush joint - flush-cut joint - flush cylindrical joint - flush taper joint - folded-over joint - forge-welded joint - fork joint - friction joint - full open-corner joint - full-strength joint - gasketless joint - gastight joint - gas-welded joint - girth joint - glue joint - groove joint - grooved and tongued joint - ground joint - grouted joint - half joint - half-lap joint - half-mitre joint - halved joint - header joint - heading joint of flooring boards - hem joint - hinge joint - hinged joint - hollow joint - hook joint - housed joint - impervious joint - inclined joint - inclined tee joint - indented joint - involute splined joint - J-groove joint - joggle joint - joint double-strap lap joint - keyed joint - king-post joint - lap joint - lapped corner joint - lead joint - leakage of joint - leaky joint - ledge joint - lift joint - linear slotted lap joint - lipped joint - lock joint - longitudinal joint - loop joint - loose joint - loose tongue joint - married joints - match joint - milter joint - mortar mix joint - mortise joint - mortise and tenon joint - mortise dowel joint - movable joint - movement of joint - multiple joint - multiple bar joint - nipple joint - oblique joint - open joint - open-butt joint - open-drained joint - opening of joint - open mortise and tenon joint - open tee joint - overlap joint - packed joint - permeable joints - pillow joint - pilot joint - pin joint - pin-connected joint - pipe joint - plain lap joint - poured joint - pressure-welded joint - profiled joint - push joint - racked joint - related joint - rigid joint - ring joint - rivet joint - riveted lap joint with butt strap - rocker joint - rope joint - rotating joint - rubbed joint - rust joint - saddle joint - scarf joint - screw joint - sealing of joints - seamless joint - secret joint - semiflexible joint - shilap joint - shove joint - skew joint - skew scarf joint - sliding joint - slip joint - socket-and-spigot joint - soldered joint - spherical joint - splined joint - split joint - square joint - S-slip joint - step joint - strapped joint - strength joint - strike joint - structural joints - swivel joint - swivel rod joint - tale-to-tale joint - taper joint - tapered-end joint - telescope joint - tenon joint - tension joint - thermit joint - threaded gas pipe joint - tianged-edge joint - tight joint - toe joint - tongue-and-groove joint - tooth cogging joint - transverse joint - treated joint - U-groove joint - unchamfered joint - universal joint - voussoir joint - V-shaped joint - wall-footing joint - water-sealed joint - watertight joint - weathered joint - wedge joint - welded joint - welding joint - woodworking jointto joint with skew, scarf and key — соединять зигзагом
* * *1. соединение, шов; узел, стык2. разрыв, трещина ( горных пород)joint between precast members — соединение элементов сборных (железо)бетонныхжелезобетонных¦бетонных конструкций
joint fixed [locked] against rotation — узел, закреплённый против поворота; узел с наложенными связями против поворота
joint restrained by elastic members — упруго-податливое соединение, упруго-податливый узел
joint transmitting compression — соединение, передающее усилие сжатия
- abutting jointjoint transmitting shears — соединение, обеспечивающее передачу поперечных сил [сдвигающих усилий]
- adhesive-bonded joint
- adhesive joint
- angle joint
- angle half-lap joint
- articulated joint
- aseismic joint
- ball joint
- beam butt joint
- beam-column joint
- bed joint
- bell-and-spigot joint
- birdsmouth joint
- bolted joint
- box dovetail joint
- breaking joints
- break joints
- brick joints
- bridle joint
- butt joint
- buttered joint
- cable joint
- capillary joint
- caulked joint
- cleat joint
- closely-spaced joints
- coax scarf joint
- cog scarf joint
- cold joint
- combed joint
- compression joint
- concave joint
- construction joint
- contraction joint
- convex joint
- corner joint
- cornerlock joint
- coursing joint
- crimped joint
- crimp upstand joint
- cross joint
- cross-lap joint
- curb joint
- cut joint
- dilatation joint
- dismountable joint
- double-shear joint
- double-S slip joint
- dovetail halving joint
- doweled contraction joint
- draw band joint
- duct flange joint
- dummy joint
- edge joint
- end joint
- end lap joint
- erection joint
- expansion joint
- face joint
- fail-safe joint
- false joint
- feather joint
- field joint
- finger joint
- fixed joint
- flanged joint
- flared joint
- flat joint
- flexible joint
- flexible ball joint
- floor joint
- floor-to-wall joint
- flush joint
- friction-type joint
- gland joint
- glued joint
- groove joint
- ground joint
- grouted joint
- half-lap joint
- halved joint
- heading joint
- head joint
- head contact joint
- head free joint
- Hercules pile joint
- hick joint
- high joint due to frost action
- hinged joint
- hinge joint
- incompressible joint
- insulated flanged pipe joint
- insulated rail joint
- isolation joint
- joggle joint
- keyed joint
- keys scarf joint
- knuckle joint
- laminated joint
- lapped joint
- lap joint
- lead joint
- lengthening joint
- lift joint
- lock joint
- longitudinal joint
- loose flange joint
- manipulative joint
- miter joint
- mortise-and-tenon joint
- mortise joint
- movement joint
- nonmanipulative joint
- oblique joint
- oblique butt joint
- open joint
- overstrained joint
- packed joint
- pin joint
- pipe expansion joint
- plain-S slip joint
- ploughed-and-tongued joint
- pocket lock joint
- pointed joint
- pressure-tight joint
- push fit joint
- rail joint
- raked joint
- rebated joint
- reinforced bar slip joint
- reinforced standing seam joint
- released joint
- resilient joint
- rigid joint
- ring seal joint
- rough-cut joint
- rustication joint
- rustic joint
- saddle joint
- sawed joint
- scarf joint
- screwed joint
- screw joint
- sealed joint
- semiflexible joint
- settlement joint
- shear joint
- shoved joint
- shrinkage joint
- shrinkage compensating concrete floor joint
- shrunk rubber ring joint
- single dovetail joint
- sleeve joint
- sliding joint
- slip joint
- solvent welded joint
- socket joint
- socket-and-spigot joint
- spalled joint
- spigot-and-socket joint
- S slip joint
- stagger joints
- steel crossing construction joint
- struck joint
- T and G joint
- tank base joint
- telescope joint
- threaded joint
- tight joint
- toggle joint
- tongue and groove joint
- tool joint
- tooled joint
- transverse joint
- treated joint
- undoweled joint
- unsealed joint
- V-shaped joint
- wall-footing joint
- warping joint
- watertight joint
- weathered joint
- welded joint
- wiped joint -
7 method
метод; способ; средство; приём; технология; система; порядокconstant casing pressure method — метод борьбы с выбросом поддержанием постоянного давления в затрубном пространстве
displacement method of plugging — цементирование через заливочные трубы (без пробок, с вытеснением цементного раствора буровым)
gas-drive liquid propane method — процесс закачки в пласт газа под высоким давлением с предшествующим нагнетанием жидкого пропана
single core dynamic method — динамический метод определения относительной проницаемости по отдельному образцу
transient method of electrical prospecting — метод электроразведки, использующий неустановившиеся электрические явления
— colour band method
* * *
метод; способ; приёмbullhead well control method — способ глушения скважины с вытеснением пластового флюида в пласт из кольцевого пространства
constant bottomhole pressure well control method — способ глушения скважины при постоянном забойном давлении
driller's well control method — способ глушения скважины с раздельным удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
one-circulation well control method — способ глушения скважины с одновременным удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
reliability matrix index method — метод контроля за обеспечением надёжности путём задания показателей надёжности
two-circulation well control method — способ глушения скважины с разделёнными удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
Vlugter method of structural group analysis — структурно-групповой метод анализа (углеводородов) по Флюгтеру
wait and weight well-control method — способ глушения скважины с одновременным удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
* * *
метод, способ
* * *
метод; способ; приём- method of assurancemethod for determination relative water wettability — метод определения относительной водосмачиваемости ( пород);
- method of borehole section correlation
- method of calculating gas reserves
- method of circles
- method of defining petroleum reserves
- method of defining reserves
- method of determining static corrections
- method of drilling
- method of drilling with hydraulic turbine downhole motor
- method of drilling with hydraulic turbine downhole unit
- method of estimating reserves
- method of evaluating petroleum reserves
- method of formation
- method of formation damage analysis
- method of formation heterogeneity analysis
- method of formation nonuniformity analysis
- method of increasing oil mobility
- method of limiting well production rate
- method of liquid saturation determination
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure by air injection
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure by gas injection
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure by water injection
- method of measuring critical water saturation
- method of mirror
- method of operation
- method of planting
- method of sample taking
- method of sampling
- method of sharpening
- method of stimulating production
- method of strong formation explosions
- method of testing
- method of three coefficients
- airborne magnetometer method
- air-hammer drilling method
- airlift well operation method
- alcohol-slug method
- arc refraction method
- aromatic adsorption method
- average velocity method
- average velocity approximation method
- bailer method of cementing
- band method
- barrel per acre method
- Barthelmes method
- basic volume method of estimating reserves
- beam pumping well operation method
- blasthole method
- bomb method
- borderline method
- borehole method
- borehole wall consolidation method
- bottom-packer method
- bottom water isolation method
- bottom water shutoff method
- bottomhole pressure build-up method
- broadside refraction method
- cable tool percussion drilling method
- Cabot method
- building method
- bullhead well control method
- capillarimetric method for determination wettability
- carbonized water injection method
- casing method of cementing
- casing-pressure method
- catenary pipe laying method
- cementing method
- cetane test method
- charcoal method
- chemical method of borehole wall consolidation
- chemical method of borehole wall lining
- circulating method
- clean recirculation method
- cold method of oil fractionation
- combination drilling method
- common-depth-point method
- common-midpoint method
- common-reflection-point method
- compressional-wave method
- concurrent method
- concurrent method of well killing
- constant bottomhole pressure well control method
- constant casing pressure method
- constant pit level method
- continuous-correlation method
- continuous-profiling method
- controlled directivity reception method
- converted wave method
- copper dish method
- correlation method of refracted waves
- correlation refraction method
- countercirculation-wash-boring method
- crosshole method
- cube method
- curved-path method
- cyclic steam-soaking secondary oil recovery method
- cycloidal ray-path method
- cylinder method
- deep-hole method
- deep-refraction method
- delay-and-sum method
- derrick assembling method
- derrick erection method
- desalting method
- development method
- dewatering method
- diesel cetane method
- differential liberation method
- diffraction stack method
- dipole profiling method
- direct method of orientation
- directional survey method
- dispersed gas injection method
- displacement method of plugging
- distillation method
- distillation method of liquid saturation determination
- double control method
- downhole method
- downhole sucker-rod pump well operation method
- down-the-hole induced polarization method
- drill steam method of coke removal
- driller's method
- driller's well control method
- drilling method
- drilling-in method
- dual coil ratiometer method
- effusion method
- electrical method of geophysical prospecting
- electrical-audibility method
- electrical-exploration method
- electrical-logging method
- electrical-prospecting method
- electrical-sounding method
- electrical-surveying method
- electrochemical method of borehole wall consolidation
- electrochemical method of borehole wall lining
- electromagnetic method of orientation
- electromagnetic-exploration method
- electromagnetic-prospecting method
- electromagnetic-profiling method
- electromagnetic-sounding method
- electromagnetic-surveying method
- enhanced recovery method
- enriched gas injection method
- Eshka method
- evaporation method of measuring critical water saturation
- exploration method
- exploration prospecting survey method
- exploration seismic method
- explosion drilling method
- explosion seismic method
- express method
- express method of production calculation
- filter-and-sum method
- fire flooding method
- firing line method
- first-break method
- first-event method
- float-and-chains method
- float-on method
- formation evaluation method
- four-point control method
- fracture method
- freepoint-string shot method
- freezing method
- freezing point depression method
- from-bottom-upward method of derrick assembling
- from-top-downward method of derrick assembling
- frontal advance gas-oil displacement method
- Galician method
- gamma-ray method
- gas blow-around method
- gas-chromatography method
- gas-drive liquid propane method
- gaslift well operation method
- gas-production test method
- gas-recovery method
- geological petroleum exploration method
- geological petroleum prospecting method
- geophysical petroleum exploration method
- grasshopper pipeline coupling method
- gravity method of geophysical prospecting
- gravity exploration method
- heat injection secondary oil recovery method
- hectare method of estimating reserves
- hesitation method
- high-pressure dry gas injection method
- high-resolution method
- hit-and-miss method
- holoseismic method
- horizontal-loop method
- hot-water drive method
- hydraulic drilling method
- hydraulic fracturing method
- hydraulic hammer drilling method
- hydraulic jet drilling method
- hydrodynamic method of calculating oil production
- hydrodynamic drilling method
- ice-plug method
- image method
- indirect method of orientation
- induction logging method
- infiltration method
- injection flow method
- in-situ combustion method
- interval change method
- isolation method
- isoline method of reserves estimation
- Kiruna method
- knock intensity method
- lamp method
- lean mixture rating method
- liquid solvent injection method
- logging method
- long-hole method
- long-interval method
- long-wire transmitter method
- luminescent-bitumen method
- magnesium-hydroxide method
- magnetic method of geophysical prospecting
- magnetic-exploration method
- magnetic-flaw detection method
- magnetic-particle method
- magnetic-particle flaw detection method
- magnetoelectrical control method
- magnetometrical method
- magnetotelluric method
- magnetotelluric-exploration method
- magnetotelluric-sounding method
- maintenance method
- mercury injection method of measuring critical water saturation
- micrometric method of rock analysis
- microseismic method
- migration method
- mining method
- moving-plug method of cementing
- moving-source method
- mud-balance method
- mudcap method
- mudflush drilling method
- multiple detection method
- nonionic surfactant water solution injection method
- nonreplacement method
- Norwegian method
- oil drive method
- oil production method
- oil recovery method
- oil withdrawal method
- one-agent borehole wall consolidation method
- one-agent borehole wall lining method
- one-circulation well control method
- outage method
- oxygen-bomb method
- parabolic method
- passive method
- pattern method
- pattern-type gas injection method
- penetration method
- penetrating fluid method
- percussion method
- perforation method
- Perkins method
- phase-velocity method
- physicochemical method of borehole wall consolidation
- physicochemical method of borehole wall lining
- picric acid method
- pipe-bridge method
- pipe-driving method
- pipeline-assembly method
- pipeline-coupling method
- placement method
- plane front method
- plasma drilling method
- polarization method
- Poulter method
- pour point depression method
- pressure build-up method of formation damage analysis
- pressure build-up method of formation heterogeneity analysis
- pressure-drop method of estimating gas reserves
- primary oil recovery method
- probe method
- producing method
- producing well testing method
- production method
- production test method
- profiling method
- projected-vertical-plane method of orienting
- prospecting method
- pump-out method
- punching method
- radioactive method
- radioactive method of geophysical prospecting
- radio-direction-finder method
- ray-path method
- ray-stretching method
- ray-tracing method
- record presentation method
- recovery method
- rectilinear ray-path method
- reflection method
- reflection interpretation method
- refracted wave method
- refraction method
- refraction correlation method
- refraction interpretation method
- reliability method
- reliability matrix index method
- remedial cementing method
- replacement method
- repressuring method
- resistivity method
- restored-state method of measuring critical water saturation
- retort method of liquid saturation determination
- reversed refraction method
- ring-and-ball method
- rod tool percussion drilling method
- rodless pump well operation method
- roll-on method
- rope-and-drop pull method
- rotary drilling method
- rotation drilling method
- sampling method
- sand jet method
- saturation method
- saturation method of pore volume measurement
- secondary oil recovery method
- sectional method of pipeline assembly
- sectional pipe-coupling method
- sectorial pipe-coupling method
- sedimentology method of measuring particle size distribution
- seismic method
- seismic method of geophysical prospecting
- seismic-detection method
- seismic-exploration method
- seismic-identification method
- seismic-interpretation method
- seismic-reflection method
- seismic-refraction method
- self-potential method
- sequence firing method
- shear-wave method
- short-hole method
- shot-drilling method
- shot-popping method
- side-tracking method
- side-wall coring method
- single-core dynamic method
- single-fold continuous-coverage method
- slalom-line method
- small-bore deep-hole method
- soap suds method
- sounding method
- spontaneous polarization method
- squeeze cementing method
- squeezing method
- standardizing performance method
- standby method
- stationary liquid method of relative permeability determination
- statistical method of calculating oil production
- statistical method of estimating reserves
- steam oil drive method
- stepwise method of McCabe and Thiele
- stimulation method
- stove pipe method
- stove pipe flange method of rolling beams
- straight ray-path method
- subsurface method of geophysical prospecting
- suction method of cleaning
- summation method
- surface method of geophysical prospecting
- surface-wave method
- swabbing method
- swinging-gage method
- tertiary oil recovery method
- testing method
- thermal-acid formation treatment method
- thermal-recovery method
- thickened water injection method
- three-dimensional seismic method
- thumper method
- top-packer method
- towing method
- transient method of electrical prospecting
- transmitted wave method
- transposed method
- triaxial test method
- tubing method of cementing
- two-agent borehole wall consolidation method
- two-agent borehole wall lining method
- two-circulation well control method
- ultrasonic method
- ultrasonic flaw detection method
- variable-area method
- velocity-analysis method
- vertical loop method
- Vibroseis method
- Vlugter method of structural group analysis
- volume method of estimating reserves
- volume-statistical method of estimating reserves
- volume-weight method of estimating reserves
- volumetric method of estimating reserves
- volumetric-genetic method of estimating reserves
- wait-and-weight well-control method
- Walker's method
- wash-and-drive method
- washing method
- water flooding method
- water influx location method
- weathering computation method
- weight-drop method
- weight-saturation method
- well-casing method
- well-completion method
- well-control method
- well-drill method
- well-geophone method
- well-operation method
- well-shooting method
- well-testing method
- wireline method
- X-ray diffraction method* * * -
8 line
1) линия, черта; штрих2) профиль; очертание; граница; контур3) шнур; канат; верёвка4) труба (напр. водопроводной линии)5) проводить линию, линовать6) облицовывать; обшивать; футеровать; отделывать•- line of creep - line of dip - line of force - line of percolation - line of pressure - line of principal strain - line of resistance - line of seepage - line of sight - line of slide - line of the least resistance - line of thrust - line of total head - line of traffic - lines of force - lines of principal stress - anchor line - arch centre line - balance line - barrier lines - beam centre line - bell line - bend line - bending line - blasting line - blowing line - bottom line of teeth - bow line - branch line - break line - brine line - broken line - bucket line - building line - buried line - cable power transmission line - carpenter's line - car-track line - catenary line - centre line - centre line of survey - charging line - closing-head line - communication line - compensation line - complete line - compressed-air line - construction line - contour line - counterweight line - crest line - crown line of vault - crushing and sorting automatic production line - damage line - dash line - datum line - dead line - delivery line - detergent line - dimension line - discharge line - dot line - dotted line - electric line - elevation line - equipotential lines - excavation pay line - extension line - fall line - fault line - feed line - filling line - fire line - flexible line - flexible hose line - flowing line - frontal line - full line - gas line - gathering line - gauge line of rivets - goods line - grade line - ground line - groundwater line - grout line - guy line - hammer line - hoisting line - imaginary line - influence line - inlet line - isochromatic line - isopycnic line - isotherm line - killed electric line - lane line - lighting line - load line - load distribution line - load line of crane - loading line - location line - Luder's lines - main line - manufacturing line - modular coordinating line - municipal sewage lines - overflow line - overhead line - overhead power transmission line - pass line - phreatic line - pile line - pilot pressure line - plotted line - plumb line - power line - pressure line - probability line - property line - radio relay line - railroad line - railway line - return line - roof lines - saturation line - section line - seepage line - shoulder line - sighting line - solid line - springing line - steam extraction line - straight line - stress-director line - suction line - surface grinding line - supply line - tag line - terrestrial line - thrust line - transit line - transmission line - trunk line - tunnel line - vapour line - venting line - vertical line - visible transition line - vortex line - water-supply line - wavy line - wear line - wet return line - whip line - wire line - wire communication line - yield line - zero lineto run a line — провешивать линию, проводить линию
* * *1. линия, черта2. верёвка, бечёвка, шнур3. граница; контур; предел4. морщина, складка5. линия инженерных сетей; рельсовый путь; технологическая линия- line of action of the forceto line by eye — рихтовать «на глаз»
- line of action
- line of corresponding stages
- line of creep
- line of force
- line of least pressure
- line of least resistance
- line of principal strain
- line of route
- line of rupture
- line of seepage
- line of sight
- line of thrust
- line of traffic
- line of wells
- line of zero fill
- A line
- aerial line
- air line
- air void line
- arch center line
- ashlar line
- assembly line
- B line
- backhaul line
- barrier line
- base line
- beam center line
- belt line
- bleed lines
- border line
- boundary line
- branch line
- bridge center line
- brine line
- broad-gauge line
- building line
- building setback line
- bulkhead line
- buried line
- bypass line
- C line
- cable line
- center line
- center line of inertia
- center line of the hook
- chalk line
- channel line
- closing line
- collimation line
- communication line
- compressed air line
- condensate line
- connecting line
- connecting drainage line
- consumer gas service line
- contour line
- conveyor belt line
- cordon line
- crest line
- critical state line
- curved line
- datum line
- dead line
- deflection-influence line
- digging line
- discharge line
- discharge section line
- distribution line
- dot line
- dot and dash line
- dotted line
- double line
- double-rodded line
- drilling line
- duplicate level line
- edge line
- electric line
- electrified railway line
- encroachment line
- energy grade line
- energy line
- envelope line
- equipotential lines
- expansion line
- exposing line
- fathom line
- fence line
- fire line
- flood line
- flow line
- formation line
- frontage line
- frost line
- future line
- gas line
- gauge line
- geodesic line
- grade line
- gravity pipe line
- grooved lines
- ground line
- guide line
- hair line
- half line
- heating line
- high-pressure line
- high-speed line
- high-tension line
- hoisting line
- horizon line
- hot gas line
- hydraulic grade line
- improvement line
- influence line
- influence line for bending moment
- influence line for reaction
- influence line for shear
- isopiestic lines
- isoseismal line
- lift line
- light line
- liquid line
- load distribution line
- location line
- lot line
- Luders' line
- machine's center line
- main line
- mason's line
- moment-influence line
- neat line
- outside foundation line
- overhead line
- overhead contact line
- overhead electric line
- painting line
- pay line
- phreatic line
- pressure line
- project property line
- pumped water line
- random line
- reaction-influence line
- reference line
- return line
- run line
- runner line
- sand lines
- saturation line
- secant line
- secondary line
- section line
- shear-influence line
- short line
- sighting line
- simultaneous level line
- slip line
- slope line
- sloping straight line
- snapping line
- snow line
- span pipe line
- springing line
- straight line
- strain line
- stream line
- strike line
- suction line
- supply line
- tag line
- tangent line
- thaw line
- three part line
- traffic line
- transit line
- transmission line
- trunk line
- two-part line
- underground electric line
- utility line
- vertical line
- wall line
- water line
- water level line
- whip line
- white line
- working line
- yield line
- zero line
- zero air voids line -
9 escape
I [ɪ'skeɪp] n1) бегство, побег- successful escape- escape from prison
- make an escape from prison
- make an escape by the back door
- make an escape
- foil an escape2) спасениеI hear you had a very narrow escape on the bridge. — Я слышал, что ты едва спасся на мосту.
- escape from one's worries- make a narrow escape3) утечка (газа, пара)II [ɪ'skeɪp] vThere is an escape of gas. — Есть утечка газа
1) убегать, бежать, спасатьсяHe escaped with scratches. — Он отделался царапинами.
Two criminals escaped from prison last night. — Вчера из тюрьмы сбежали двое заключенных.
Young people often desire to escape from their parents. — Молодые часто хотят сбежать от своих родителей.
- escape from prison- escape smb, smth
- escape the Nazis
- escape by car2) спасаться (от кого-либо, чего-либо), избежать (чего-либо)It escaped me (my observation). — Это ускользнуло от моего внимания.
His name escapes me. — Никак не могу вспомнить его имени.
- escape death- escape danger
- escape punishment3) вытекать•USAGE:В разговорной речи в этих значениях чаще используется глагол to get away from smb, smth, который подчеркивает шанс не быть пойманным или то, что это действие произошло до того, как что-либо случилось с бежавшим: the robbers got away from the police by car грабители ушли от полиции и скрылись на машине; he got away from the accident only with fright в этой аварии он отделался только испугом; don't let him get away не дай ему удрать/улизнуть.WAYS OF DOING THINGS:Глагол to escape имеет общее значение и обозначает "избежать или уйти от опасностей, неприятностей, как уже наступивших, так и только грозящих наступить в скором времени". Он также не указывает на способ, как избежать опасности. Глагол to escape может относиться как к человеку, который уже испытывает трудности, опасности, неприятности, так и к тому, кому они только еще грозят. В отличие от значения to escape нижеследующие глаголы описывают ситуации, в которых человек уже оказался, уже их испытывает: to get out, to get away, to flee, to break through, to break free/to break away/to break loose, to run away/to run off.Глагол to get out - убежать откуда-либо, вырваться, если есть риск того, что здесь может что-либо произойти в скором времени: eventually we began to realize there was no way of getting out наконец мы начали осознавать, что у нас не было возможности убежать; people were running panic-stricken along the corridors desperate to get out of the burning building в отчаянной попытке выбраться из горящего здания, люди в панике бежали по коридорам; no one has ever manager to get out of this prison alive никто живым еще не смог бежать из этой тюрьмы.Глагол to get away - избежать опасности, особенно непосредственно перед тем, как она может произойти: the streets are blocked with women and children, trying to get away into surrounding country side все улицы запружены женщинами и детьми, пытающимися убежать из города; how could you let him get away? как вы могли дать ему убежать?; the police believe the gunmen got away in a white Ford pick up полиция считает, что налетчики скрылись в белом фордовском пикапе.Глагол to flee - "убежать, как можно скорее, от грозящей большой опасности, спасаться бегством": up to five million refugees have fled to other countries около пяти миллионов беженцев бежали в другие страны.Глагол to break through - совершить побег, особенно групповой и тщательно подготовленный: we are going to try to break through are you coming with us? мы собираемся бежать/прорываться, вы с нами?Глагол to break free/to break away/to break loose - "вырваться и бежать от кого-либо, кто вас держит": with a violent traffic he broke free and ran out of the room резким движением он вырвался и бросился вон из комнаты; one of the prisoners broke loose but was shot before he reached the fence один из заключенных вырвался, но был застрелен прежде, чем добежал до забора.Глагол to run away/to run off - "убежать от опасности или от преследования": it is no use running away - the whole place is surrounded by police нет смысла бежать, все место окружено полицией; we knew that if we ran away from those dogs, they would probably attack us, so we moved slowly backwards towards the car мы знали, что если мы побежим, то собаки могут наброситься на нас, поэтому мы медленно пятились к машине -
10 flow
1. поток, струя, течение, истечение; движение жидкости [газа]2. фильтрация; расход жидкости; прокачка3. текучесть— flow in— flow off— flow out— gas flow— jet flow
* * *
1. поток2. фонтанирование || фонтанировать3. добыча
* * *
1.поток, течение; фильтрация; движение флюидов; расход жидкости2.
* * *
течение, поток
* * *
1) поток2) фонтанирование || фонтанировать; выдавать нефть ()3) добыча•flow by heads — пульсирующее фонтанирование;
flow from a pump — подача насоса; производительность насоса;
flow in porous medium — течение в пористой среде;
to flow by gravity — двигаться самотеком;
to flow by heads — фонтанировать;
to flow naturally — фонтанировать естественным путём;
to flow off — стекать;
to flow out — вытекать;
to flow over — переливаться;
to flow through — перекачивать; пропускать; протекать;
- flow of defectsto flow up — подниматься ()
- flow of liquid-gas mixture
- flow of non-Newtonian fluid
- flow of phases
- absolute open flow
- air flow
- all-gas flow
- annular flow
- annular dispersed flow
- annular two-phase flow
- artesian flow
- behind-the-casing flow
- break flow
- bubble flow
- calculated absolute open flow
- calculated open flow
- capillary flow
- channel flow
- churn-turbulent flow
- cocurrent catalyst flow
- constant flow
- continuous flow
- counter-current flow
- cross flow
- daily flow
- difference flow
- drilling mud flow
- drilling mud returning annular flow
- eddying flow
- estimated flow
- expanding gas flow
- filter fluid flow
- fluctuating flow
- fluid flow
- fluid flow along fractures
- fluid flow through pores
- fluid through flow
- foamy flow
- fractional flow
- fractional through flow
- free flow
- frictional flow
- frictionless flow
- froth flow
- gas flow
- gas-condensate flow
- gas-liquid flow
- gas-piston flow
- gravitational flow
- head flow
- induced flow
- initial flow
- interformational flow
- intermittent flow
- jet flow
- laminar flow
- linear flow
- mass flow
- mist flow
- multiphase flow
- natural flow
- nonstationary flow
- nonsteady flow
- nonviscous flow
- oil flow
- one-phase flow
- open flow
- operating flow
- parallel flow
- pipe flow
- piston flow
- plastic flow
- plug flow
- polyphase flow
- pump output flow
- radial flow
- retarded flow
- salt water flow
- semiannular flow
- slip flow
- smooth flow
- steady flow
- streamlined flow
- structural flow
- subsurface water flow
- survey-current flow
- three-phase flow
- transient flow
- trouble shooting flow
- turbulent flow
- two-component flow
- two-liquid flow
- two-phase flow
- two-phase critical flow
- two-phase gas-liquid flow
- uncontrolled flow
- undisturbed flow
- unrestricted flow
- unstable flow
- unsteady flow
- upward flow
- variable flow
- viscous flow
- viscous turbulent flow
- vortex flow
- water-oil flow
- wavy flow
- well flow
- well natural flow
- wide-open flow
- wispy-annular flow* * *• движение• добыча• прокачка• фонтан -
11 flow
1) течение; поток || течь2) сток3) расход, дебит4) растекание; расплыв(ание) || растекаться; расплываться5) пластическая деформация || претерпевать пластическую деформацию6) текучесть7) нефт. фонтанирование || фонтанировать8) нефт. добыча9) подвижность (напр. бетонной смеси)10) технологический маршрут; последовательность операций11) гидр. движение12) непрерывная подача энергии (электрической, тепловой)13) наводнение; затопление; разлив14) отводная труба16) разлив ( лакокрасочного покрытия)17) выпрессовка, грат (в прессовании пластмасс, резины)•to bypass flows — гидр. 1. пропускать строительные расходы по обводному каналу 2. пропускать паводок в обход сооруженияflow of catchment — сток водосбросаflow of control — 1. процесс управления 2. алгоритм управления; поток (команд) управленияflow of ground — пластическая деформация грунта-
adiabatic flow
air flow
air-mass flow
airport traffic flow
air-water flow
all-gas flow
annual flow
annular flow
annular two-phase flow
annular-dispersed flow
approach flow
artesian flow
available flow
average annual flow
axial flow
backward flow
back flow
base flow
bearing form oil flow
behind-the-casing flow
blade-to-blade flow
boiling channel flow
boundary layer flow
break flow
bubble flow
bubbly flow
bulk flow
bypass flow
cascade flow
channel flow
chip flow
chugging flow
churn-turbulent flow
churn flow
climbing film flow
cocurrent catalyst flow
cocurrent flow
coherent boiling flow
cold flow
command-status flow
communication flow
constant flow
continuous flow
control flow
controlled flow
convergent flow
coolant flow
corkscrewlike flow
countercurrent flow
critical flow
cross flow
current flow
daily flow
data flow
decaying swirl flow
density-stratified flow
design water flow
developed flow
developed turbulent flow
direct surface flow
dispersed flow
divergent flow
diversion flow
down flow
downstream flow
downward flow
drainage flow
droplet-dispersed flow
droplet-free flow
dust flow
energy flow
estimated flow
evaporating flow
exergy flow
exhaust flow
failure flow
fictitious heat flow
filter fluid flow
flood flow
fluid flow
fog flow
forced flow
forward flow
free flow
free-surface flow
freight flow
frictional flow
froth flow
frozen flow
full flow
gas flow
gas piston flow
gas-liquid flow
generalized Couette flow
glass flow
grain-boundary flow
gravity flow
groundwater flow
heat flow
high flow
high-velocity bypass flow
homogeneous flow
horizontal flow
hydraulically smooth wind flow
hydroelectric flow
ice flow
incident flow
incoming flow
induced flow
information flow
ink flow
instruction flow
insurge flow
interconnection tie flow
intermittent flow
interrupt flow
interstitial flow
inverse annular flow
irrigation return flow
irrotational flow
isothermal flow
Knudsen flow
laminar flow
lateral flow
leakage flow
leak flow
letdown flow
liquid-vapor flow
load flow
low Reynolds number flow
low-velocity flow
low-water flow
magnetic flow
makeup flow
mass flow
mean flow
metered flow
mist flow
mixed flow
molecular flow
motion flow
mud-and-stone flow
multiphase flow
natural flow
near-bottom flow
negative core flow
no-load flow
noncontinuous flow
nonstationary flow
nonswirling flow
nonuniform flow
nozzle flow
n-sequential orifice flow
open-channel flow
outsurge flow
oven flow
overbank flow
peak flow
pipe flow
piston flow
plain-strain flow
plastic flow
plug flow
positive core flow
positive flow
postcombustion flow
potential flow
power flow
pressure flow
primary coolant flow
primary flow
priority flow
process flow
pulsating flow
pump output flow
pump flow
radial flow
ram air flow
reattached flow
recirculating flow
recirculating turbulent flow
recorded flow
recycling flow
reduced flow
reflux flow
regulated flow
retarded flow
return flow
reverse core steam flow
reverse flow
reverse-direction flow
ripple flow
riser flow
river flow
rotating flow
routed flow
seasonal flow
seepage flow
self-adapting production flow
self-aligning production flow
semiannular flow
separate flow
serrated flow
servovalve control flow
shear flow
sheet flow
sliding flow
slip flow
slipless flow
slugging flow
slug flow
smooth flow
snow flow
soil water flow
split flow
steady-state flow
steady flow
steering flow
storm flow
stratified flow
streamline flow
streamlined production flow
submerged flow
subsonic flow
subsurface water flow
supergeostrophic flow
supersonic flow
surface-water flow
surface flow
surge flow
swirling flow
swirl flow
thermally disordered flow
three-dimensional flow
throttled flow
tidal flow
tip-leakage flow
total coolant flow
total flow
total loop flow
traffic flow
true mass flow
turbulent flow
two-component flow
two-dimensional flow
two-phase critical flow
two-phase gas-liquid flow
unbalanced flow
uncontrolled flow
undershot orifice flow
undimensional heat flow
unimpeded flow
unit peak flow
unsteady-state flow
unsteady flow
upward flow
variable-area flow
viscous flow
volume flow
vortex flow
water flow
wave flow
wavy flow
weight flow
weir flow
well natural flow
wind flow
wind-induced flow
wispy-annular flow
working flow
yielding flow -
12 blow
1. n ударretaliatory blow — ответный удар; возмездие
at a blow — одним ударом; сразу
to come to blows — вступить в драку, дойти до рукопашной
2. n несчастье, удар судьбы3. n горн. горный удар; обрушение кровли4. n дуновение; порыв ветра5. n звук духового инструмента6. n звук при сморкании7. n фонтан кита8. n разг. хвастовство9. n разг. хвастун10. n метал. продувка11. n метал. бессемерование12. n метал. геол. выход рудной жилы на дневную поверхность13. n сл. воен. передышка14. n сл. отдых, перерыв, чтобы перекусить15. n сл. кладка яиц мухами16. n сл. сл. кокаин17. v дуть, веять18. v гнать; развевать19. v нестись, быть гонимым ветром20. v играть; дуть21. v издавать звук; свистеть22. v согревать, сушить или охлаждать дыханием23. v раздувать24. v выдувать25. v продувать, прочищать26. v очищать от содержимого27. v взрывать28. v взрываться29. v лопаться; разорваться от внутреннего давления30. v пыхтеть; тяжело дышатьto blow like a grampus — тяжело дышать, пыхтеть
31. v загнать32. v перегорать33. v пережигать34. v распространятьthe rumour has widely blown about, that … — широко распространился слух, что …
35. v бушевать, разражаться гневом36. v разоблачать37. v разг. хвастаться38. v транжирить39. v разг. угощать40. v сл. уходить, удирать41. v сл. проиграть; проворонить42. v сл. ликвидировать; похерить43. v разг. хандритьзабыть текст, реплику
44. v эвф. ругать, проклинать45. v класть яйца46. v выпускать фонтанto blow a cloud — курить табак, пускать облако дыма
47. v разг. курить или вдыхать наркотик48. v уст. разжигать49. v амер. сл. заниматься минетом, феллацио50. v метал. подавать дутьё51. v тех. парить52. n цвет, цветение53. n расцвет54. v цвести55. v расцветатьСинонимический ряд:1. bang (noun) bang; bash; bastinado; bat; biff; bop; crack; lick; pound; slosh; sock; thwack; whack; whop2. break (noun) break; breath; breather; breathing space; breathing spell; respite; ten3. hit (noun) belt; bump; clout; hit; knock; rap; slam; smack; strike; swat; thump4. impact (noun) appulse; clash; collision; concussion; crash; impact; impingement; jar; jounce; percussion; smash; wallop5. misfortune (noun) affliction; calamity; chagrin; jolt; misfortune; mishap; reverse; setback; set-back; shock; trauma6. stroke (noun) stroke; swing; thrust7. wind (noun) air; blast; breeze; gale; gust; squall; storm; typhoon; wind; zephyr8. blossom (verb) bloom; blossom; burgeon; effloresce; flower; outbloom9. bluster (verb) bluster; roar; squall; storm; stream; wail; whip10. boast (verb) boast; brag; cock-a-doodle-doo; crow; gasconade; mouth; prate; rodomontade; vaunt11. expand (verb) expand; fill; inflate12. fail (verb) fail; miscarry; miss13. fan (verb) fan; ruffle; wind; winnow14. fire (verb) blast; blow up; burst; detonate; explode; fire; go off; pop; touch off15. flap (verb) bear; buffet; drive; flap; fling; flutter; rush; sweep; waft; wave; whirl; whisk16. puff (verb) breathe; exhale; flow; gasp; heave; huff; pant; puff; wheeze; whisper17. sound (verb) blare; honk; pipe; play; sound; toot; trumpet; vibrate; whistle18. treat (verb) set up; stand; treat19. waste (verb) blunder away; cast away; consume; dissipate; dribble away; drivel; fool away; fritter; frivol away; muddle away; potter away; prodigalize; riot away; spend; squander; throw away; trifle away; wasteАнтонимический ряд:blessing; caress; comfort; consolation; embrace; good fortune; inhale; relief; sparing -
13 burst
1. n взрыв; разрыв2. n воен. шквал огня; огневой налёт3. n очередь огня4. n взрыв, вспышкаgamma-ray burst — вспышка, всплеск гамма-излучения
5. n прорыв6. n спорт. бросок в беге, рывок7. n спорт. спурт8. n разг. попойка, пьянка; пьяный разгулto go on the burst — загулять, закутить
9. n книжн. внезапное возникновение10. n астр. всплеск или вспышка излучения11. n вчт. пакетburst mode — монопольный режим, пакетный режим
12. v взрываться, разрываться13. v взрывать14. v лопаться, прорыватьсяif you eat much more you will burst — если ты ещё будешь есть, ты лопнешь
burst forth — прорываться, вырываться
15. v надорваться16. v разрывать; прорывать17. v прорываться, пробиваться18. v врываться19. v внезапно вспыхнуть, разразитьсяto burst into sobs — разразиться рыданиями, разрыдаться
20. v быть переполненным21. v переполнять22. v разг. сорвать, провалить23. v разг. потерпеть крах, провалиться24. v разг. разориться25. v разг. книжн. внезапно появитьсяthe sea burst upon our view, the view of the sea burst suddenly upon our sight — внезапно нашим взорам открылось море
26. v разг. неожиданно сломаться; треснуть, надломиться27. v разг. неожиданно сломать; надломитьСинонимический ряд:1. bang (noun) bang; blast; boom; clap; crack; crash; roar; slam; smash; thunder; wham2. barrage (noun) barrage; bombardment; broadside; cannonade; discharge; drumfire; fusillade; hail; round; salvo; shower; storm; volley3. fit (noun) access; blast; blowout; blow-out; blowup; blow-up; detonation; eruption; explosion; fit; flare; flare-up; gust; outbreak; outburst; outpouring; rush; sally; spurt; torrent4. abound with (verb) abound with; pullulate; teem5. break (verb) break; erupt; fissure; rend; tear6. crash (verb) crash; rupture7. exploded (verb) blew up/blown up; detonated; exploded; mushroomed; went off/gone off8. fire (verb) blast; blew; blow out; blow up; crack; detonate; explode; fire; go off; mushroom; popped; split; touch off9. pierce (verb) penetrate; perforate; pierce; prick; puncture10. plunge (verb) dive; drive; lunge; pitch; plunge11. plunged (verb) dived or dove/dived; drove/driven; lunged; pitched; plunged12. shatter (verb) fragment; rive; shatter; shiver; smash; splinter; splinterize; splitter13. shattered (verb) fragmented; rived/riven; shattered; shivered; smashed; splinteredАнтонимический ряд: -
14 device
1) устройство2) установка; агрегат3) аппарат4) механизм5) прибор; измерительное устройство7) компонент; элемент8) схема•devices identical in design — конструктивные аналоги;-
alphanumeric display device-
automatic exposure control device-
bubble memory device-
bucket brigade charge-coupled device-
decision-making device-
drilling bit feed device-
electrical device-
exposure control device-
Gunn-effect device-
Hall-effect device-
hard-copy output device-
household electrical device-
humidity detecting device-
hybrid-type device-
Josephson-effect device-
maneuvering propulsion device-
materials-handling device-
multiport device-
night observation device-
noise dampening device-
photoconducting device-
propulsion device-
protection device-
raster-display device-
registering pin device-
reversible film feeding device-
seed-feeding device-
supply reel braking device-
three-axis device -
15 fine
1. n штраф; пеня2. v штрафовать, налагать штраф, пенюcivil fine — штраф, налагаемый в гражданском порядке
3. a ясный, хороший, сухойnow wet, now fine — то дождь, то ясно
4. a здоровый, хороший5. a прекрасный, превосходный; славный6. a тонкий7. a с тонким концом, острый8. a мелкий9. a чистый, очищенный, высококачественный10. a утончённый, изящный; тонкий, деликатныйfine compliments — изысканные комплименты; тонкая лесть
fine arts — изящные искусства; изобразительные искусства
11. a крупный; внушительный12. a нарядный, блестящий13. a претенциозный; жеманныйshe is too much of a fine lady for me — она слишком жеманна; она строит из себя аристократку
fine writing — претенциозно-изысканный стиль; стилистические большой; крайний
you make a fine mistake if you think that — вы глубоко заблуждаетесь, если так думаете
14. a хорошая, ясная погода15. adv разг. тонко; прекрасно16. adv шотл. конечно, определённоhe never misses his trains but he cuts it fine — он никогда не опаздывает на поезд, но всегда приходит в последнюю минуту
17. v очищать, делать прозрачным18. v очищаться, становиться прозрачным, ясным19. v делать мельче, тоньше20. v становиться меньше, мельче, тоньше21. v заострять, делать острееfine doings these! — хорошенькие дела, нечего сказать!
22. n ирландский клан23. n муз. конецСинонимический ряд:1. accomplished (adj.) accomplished; brilliant; skilled2. acute (adj.) acute; keen; precise; sharp3. average (adj.) average; mediocre4. delicate (adj.) admirable; choice; consummate; dainty; delicate; elegant; expensive; exquisite; finespun; gossamer; hairline; hairsplitting; nice; rare; refined; silky5. dusty (adj.) dusty; powdery; pulverous6. excellent (adj.) A1; bang-up; banner; blue-ribbon; bully; capital; champion; classic; classical; excellent; famous; first-class; first-rate; first-string; five-star; front-rank; Grade A; great; number one; par excellence; prime; quality; royal; select; skookum; sovereign; splendid; stunning; superb; superior; tiptop; top; topflight; top-notch; top-quality; whiz-bang7. fair (adj.) clarion; clear; cloudless; fair; pleasant; rainless; sunny; sunshine; sunshining; sunshiny; unclouded; undarkened8. fancy (adj.) affected; fancy; ornamented; ornate9. fragile (adj.) fragile; narrow; slender; thin10. little (adj.) granular; impalpable; little; minute; powdered; pulverized; small11. nice (adj.) nice; refined; subtle12. assessment (noun) amercement; assessment; charge; damage; fee; forfeit; mulct; penalty; punishment13. penalize (verb) amerce; charge; confiscate; exact; levy; mulct; penalise; penalize; sconce; seize; taxАнтонимический ряд:amends; awkward; bad; bluff; blunt; brutish; categorical; clumsy; coarse; compensation; crude; dull; gross; heavy; illiberal; inferior; obvious; terrible; thick -
16 leak
1. n течьleak away — течь, вытекать
2. n утечка3. n спец. размер утечки; путь утечки; сопротивление утечки4. n утечка информации5. n просочившаяся информация6. n источник утечки информации7. v давать течь, протекать, пропускать жидкость8. v вытекать, просачиваться, проникатьleak in — просачиваться, проникать
leak out — просачиваться, вытекать
9. v просачиваться10. v неофициально давать, сведения прессеhe leaked the story to the press — он был источником сведений, якобы просочившихся в прессу
Синонимический ряд:1. hole (noun) chink; crevice; fissure; hole; nick; outlet; puncture; rupture2. seepage (noun) draining; dribble; drip; drop; escape; flow; leakage; loss; seepage; trickle3. surreptitious news (noun) advertisement; exposure; inside information; news leak; slip; surreptitious news4. disclose (verb) disclose; divulge; make public; reveal5. dribble (verb) dribble; exude; ooze; seep; trickle6. drip (verb) break; come out; dribble out; drip; drool; emerge; escape; flow; get out; out; transpire7. have a hole (verb) be broken; be cracked; be in disrepair; be out of order; be split; have a fissure; have a hole; have a slow leak; permit wastageАнтонимический ряд: -
17 line
1) линия; черта || проводить линию; линовать2) строка; строчка3) геом. прямая4) конвейер; технологическая линия; поточная линия5) канат; трос; мор. линь6) трубопровод || прокладывать трубопровод7) футеровка; кладка || футеровать; выкладывать8) облицовка || облицовывать9) геом. ось10) очередь, хвост11) ряд; серия; линия; партия ( изделий)12) контур; очертания13) линия (связи)15) рельсовый путь16) горн. отвес ( для направления выработок)17) короткое письмо18) соосный || располагать соосно•in line — на одной линии; совмещённый; совпадающий
in line with — в соответствии с; согласующийся с
in straight lines — мат. прямолинейно
in the line of — в направлении, по направлению, вдоль, по линии
line tangent to — геом. касательная к
no lines — телефон. все линии заняты ( служебный сигнал)
plotted as a line — мат. выраженный [представленный] линией ( о функциональной зависимости)
to line up on approach lights — авиац. выходить на огни
to produce a line — геом. построить линию
to seize a line — телефон. занимать линию
- absorption spectral line - coaxial supply line - coaxial transmission lineto take in line — полигр. вгонять строку
- cut line- die line- downstream water line- end line- line of constant rotation - line of equal probability - multischedule private line - numerical line - projective line - properly parallel lines - real number line - section line - water-oil interface line - waveguide transmission line -
18 analysis
1) анализ
2) анализирование
3) состав
4) исследование
5) разбор
6) проба
– activation analysis
– activity analysis
– analysis by scanning
– analysis by synthesis
– analysis is in control
– analysis of causes
– analysis of variance
– anticipatory analysis
– approximate analysis
– arbitrary analysis
– ash analysis
– biochemical analysis
– blow-pipe analysis
– break-even analysis
– bulk analysis
– bunch map analysis
– carry out analysis
– cause-and-effect analysis
– circuit analysis
– cluster analysis
– colorimetric analysis
– combinatorial analysis
– combustion analysis
– complete analysis
– component analysis
– composite analysis
– compound analysis
– conductimetric analysis
– confluence analysis
– conformational analysis
– correlation analysis
– cost analysis
– coulometric analysis
– covariance analysis
– cross-impact analysis
– cross-sectional analysis
– crystallographic analysis
– decantation analysis
– decision analysis
– demand analysis
– dimensional analysis
– distillation analysis
– drop analysis
– dry analysis
– error analysis
– factor analysis
– failure analysis
– float-and-sink analysis
– flue-gas analysis
– fluorimetric analysis
– Fourier analysis
– fractional analysis
– frequency analysis
– fusion analysis
– guaranteed analysis
– harmonic analysis
– immersion analysis
– impact analysis
– in the last analysis
– inorganic analysis
– input analysis
– input-output analysis
– isotope-dilution analysis
– jet analysis
– kinematic analysis
– ladle analysis
– limit analysis
– loop analysis
– magnetothermal analysis
– marginal analysis
– marketing analysis
– mesh analysis
– metallographic analysis
– microvolumetric analysis
– model analysis
– multivariate analysis
– nephelometric analysis
– network analysis
– nodal analysis
– noise analysis
– numerical analysis
– on-stream analysis
– ore analysis
– organoleptic analysis
– partial analysis
– particle-size analysis
– petrographic analysis
– pressure-field analysis
– proximate analysis
– pulse-height analysis
– pyrochemical analysis
– quantitative analysis
– radioactivation analysis
– radiographic analysis
– radiometric analysis
– refractometric analysis
– regression analysis
– sampling analysis
– scanning analysis
– sedimentation analysis
– sequential analysis
– sewage analysis
– side analysis
– simulation analysis
– specify analysis
– spectrographic analysis
– spectrophotometric analysis
– spectrum analysis
– strength analysis
– stress analysis
– stroboscopic analysis
– structural analysis
– substantial analysis
– successive analysis
– systematic analysis
– systems analysis
– tapping analysis
– tensor analysis
– thermogravimetric analysis
– time-and-frequency analysis
– titimetric analysis
– titrimetric analysis
– trace analysis
– tracer analysis
– trade-off analysis
– transient analysis
– turbidimetric analysis
– ultimate analysis
– vacuum-fusion analysis
– vector analysis
– volumetric analysis
– weight analysis
– wet analysis
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