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(a) battle between land and sea

  • 1 (a) battle between land and sea

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (a) battle between land and sea

  • 2 battle

    сражение, битва, бой, борьба, схватка

    A fierce battle is raging between the two peoples. — Между этими двумя народами идут ожесточенные бои.

    That's half the battle. — Это половина всего дела. /Это залог победы.

    The love of battle is natural to all men. — Любовь к драке свойственна всем мужчинам. /Все мужчины любят драться.

    I can't fight all your battles for you. — Я не могу лезть все время за тебя в драку.

    Let him fight his own battles. — Пусть он сам за себя постоит.

    They had a running battle with their neighbours about who owned the fence. — У них были постоянные споры с соседями о том, кому принадлежит забор.

    A good beginning/starting is half the battle. The first blow is half the battle. — Доброе начало полдела откачало. /Лиха беда начало. /Почин всего дороже.

    - decisive battle
    - hard-fought battle
    - valiant battle
    - maiden battle
    - mimic battle
    - lost battle
    - fierce battle
    - bloody battle
    - losing battle
    - hand-to-hand battle
    - air battles
    - naval battle
    - indicisive battle
    - pitched battle
    - big land battle
    - land and sea battle
    - word battle
    - battle line
    - battle losses
    - battle map
    - battle royal
    - battle honour
    - battle task
    - battle practice
    - battle report
    - battle outposts
    - battle order
    - battle formation
    - battle area
    - battle casualties
    - battle reconnaissance
    - battle fleet
    - battle squadron
    - battle dress
    - battle blouse
    - battle pack
    - battle scene
    - battle for smth
    - battle of Stalingrad
    - battle of Waterloo
    - battle of blades
    - battle of revenge
    - battle between armies
    - battle between lions
    - battle against heavy odds
    - battle against the wind
    - battle of water against fire
    - battle between land and sea
    - usual battle between the cops and the robbers
    - battle for life
    - battle for the titlle of champion
    - battle of wits
    - battle of nerves
    - battle over the issue
    - battle to the death
    - battle with adversity
    - line of battle
    - issue of battle
    - love of battle
    - killed in battle
    - in the height of the battle
    - in the battle
    - during the battle
    - give a battle
    - offer a battle
    - accept a battle
    - win a battle
    - fight a 24 hour hard battles
    - fight a fair battle
    - fight a losing battle
    - fight a life and death battle
    - be above the battle
    - give battle to the enemy
    - fight a good battle for smth
    - wage a battle
    - fight one's battle
    - fight smb's battles for him
    - fight a running battle
    - refuse battle
    - start the battle
    - turn the battle in favour of smb
    - go into battle
    - lead the army to battle
    - distinguish oneself in a battle
    - die in battle
    - join battle
    - great battle has taken place
    - good health is half the battle
    - army drawn up in battle array

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > battle

  • 3 sea


    Two seas wash the shores of this country. — Два моря омывают берега этой страны.

    We have been at sea out of sight of land for the past three weeks. — Последние три недели мы провели в плавании далеко от родных берегов.

    - agitated sea
    - rippled sea
    - smooth sea
    - sparkling sea
    - inland sea
    - North Sea
    - ice-free sea
    - warm sea
    - tideless sea
    - stormy sea
    - unknown seas
    - uncharted sea
    - free sea
    - glassy sea
    - shoreless sea
    - placid sea
    - sullen sea
    - short sea
    - head sea
    - four seas
    - seven seas
    - sea power
    - sea steamboat
    - sea chart
    - sea plane
    - sea battle
    - sea fight
    - sea war
    - sea view
    - sea wall
    - sea front
    - sea port
    - sea level
    - sea post
    - sea force
    - sea forces
    - sea transport
    - sea air
    - sea water
    - sea birds
    - sea shore
    - sea animal
    - sea eagle
    - sea god
    - sea goddess
    - sea foam
    - sea shell
    - sea floor
    - sea drift
    - sea fog
    - sea wind
    - trouble sea of life
    - sea coast
    - Sea of Japan
    - shores of the sea
    - gale from the sea
    - sounds of the sea
    - three miles away from the sea
    - ship at sea
    - swim in the sea
    - town on the sea
    - port on the sea
    - arm of the sea
    - islets scattered in the sea
    - at the bottom of the sea
    - on the high seas
    - at full sea
    - be at the open sea
    - be on the sea
    - be at sea
    - be out at sea
    - be lost at sea
    - be washed by sea
    - be washed up by the sea
    - bury smb at sea
    - be burried at sea
    - enhabit the sea
    - face the sea
    - fly over the sea
    - follow the sea
    - gain land from the sea
    - get smth across the sea
    - go out to the sea
    - go to sea
    - go to the sea during one's holoday
    - go by sea
    - have one's sea legs
    - have good sea legs
    - head on to sea
    - hold the seas
    - keep the sea
    - leave the sea
    - live at the sea
    - live by the sea
    - navigate the high seas
    - sail in the high seas
    - put out to sea
    - raise a chopping sea
    - run before the sea
    - sail the seas
    - sail the Seven Seas
    - sound the sea
    - stretch to the sea
    - sweep the sea for mines
    - swim in the sea
    - swim about in the sea
    - take to sea
    - take up the sea
    - take the sea
    - sea breaks over the rocks
    - sea is choppy
    - sea spreads to the horizont

    The actor looked out from the stage into a sea of upturned faces. — Актер со сцены смотрел на море поднятых к нему лиц.

    Between the devil and the deep sea. — Из огня, да в полымя. /Между двух огней. /Между молотом и наковальней.

    When the sea gives up its dead. — Когда рак на горе свистнет. /Никогда.

    There are plenty more fish in the sea. — Свет клином не сошёлся.

    - sea of heads
    - sea of wooden crosses
    - angry sea of faces
    - sea of troubles
    - sea of blood
    - sea of clouds
    (1.) Названия морей, океанов и рек употребляются с определенным артиклем: the Black Sea, the Thames, the Pacific (Ocean). (2.) Существительное sea 1., обозначающее море как среду деятельности или обитания, употребляктся с определенным артиклем: to be in the open sea быть в открытом море; a town on the sea город на море; to live near the sea жить у моря; to have a swim in the sea искупаться в море; to go to the sea shore поехать к морю/на побережье. (3.) Sea 1., обозначающее море как часть земной поверхности, противопоставленную суше, употребляется без артикля: to travel over land and sea путешествовать по воде (по морю) и по суше; to be lost at sea пропасть в море; to be washed by sea омываться морем; the boat was swept out to sea лодку унесло в море; to go by sea поехать морем. (4.) See boat, n (5.) See air, n; USAGE (1.), (2.).

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > sea

См. также в других словарях:

  • Battle of the Philippine Sea — Part of World War II, Pacific War …   Wikipedia

  • Battle of the Coral Sea — Part of the Pacific Theater of World War II …   Wikipedia

  • Battle of Meiktila and Mandalay — Battle of Central Burma Part of the Burma Campaign Sherman tanks and trucks of 63rd Motorised Brigade advancing from Nyaungyu to Meiktila, March 1945 …   Wikipedia

  • Battle of Tulagi and Gavutu–Tanambogo — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Battle of Tulagi and Gavutu–Tanambogo partof=the Pacific Theater of World War II caption=United States Marines wade ashore on Tulagi Island on August 7, 1942. date=August 7 – August 9, 1942 place=Tulagi and… …   Wikipedia

  • Battle of the Java Sea — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Battle of the Java Sea caption= Bombs from Japanese aircraft falling near the Dutch cruiser Java during the battle. partof=World War II, Pacific War date=February 27, 1942 place=Java Sea result=Decisive Japanese …   Wikipedia

  • Battle of the Yellow Sea — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Battle of the Yellow Sea partof=the Russo Japanese War caption=Midships of the Russian battleship Tsesarevich date=August 10, 1904 place=Yellow Sea, off Shandong (Shantung) Peninsula, China… …   Wikipedia

  • Battle of the Coral Sea order of battle — An explosion on the US Navy aircraft carrier Lexington, damaged by a Japanese carrier air attack on May 8, blows an aircraft off the deck into the sea. This is an order of battle for the Battle of the Coral Sea. The battle, fought during May 4–8 …   Wikipedia

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  • Battle of Noryang — Part of the Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–1598) Part of a Naval Battle Scroll from the Imjin War …   Wikipedia

  • Battle of Salamis (disambiguation) — Battle of Salamis may mean:* Battle of Salamis, naval battle between the Greek city states and Persia, fought in September, 480 BC * Battle of Salamis in Cyprus (450 BC) was a simultaneous land and sea battle of the Greco Persian Wars. * Battle… …   Wikipedia

  • Battle of Navarino — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Battle of Navarino partof=the Greek War of Independence and the Russo Turkish War of 1828 1829 caption= The Naval Battle of Navarino (1827). Oil painting by Carneray. date=20 October 1827 place=Navarino, Greece… …   Wikipedia

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