Перевод: с русского на английский

с английского на русский


  • 81 Ш-6

    ОДИН ШАГ от чего до чего coll NP sing only usu. impers predic with copula fixed WO
    it does not take much for one phenomenon, condition, emotion etc to develop into another more serious, significant etc one or to turn into an opposite or contrasting one: от X-a до Y-a один шаг - itfs only one (a short, a single) step from X to Y
    it's but a short (a single) step from X to Y Y is only one (just a) step away from X from X to Y is but a single step.
    Если для охранника охрана - задача политическая, то такой охранник ненадёжен: политические взгляды moivt меняться. Даже личная симпатия ненадежна: от симпатии до антипатии один шаг (Рыбаков 2). If security officials regarded their work as political, then they were unreliable, as political views were changeable. Even personal sympathy was unreliable, for it was only one step from sympathy to antipathy (2a).
    ...Издали казалось, что солдатики иронически улыбаются. А от иронии до крамолы - один шаг (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)....From а distance it looked as though they (the soldiers) were smiling ironically. And from irony to sedition is but a single step! (1b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ш-6

  • 82 шапочное знакомство

    [NP; usu. sing]
    a superficial, casual acquaintanceship:
    - (have) (only) a nodding (passing, fleeting) acquaintance (with s.o.);
    - (be) (only) on nodding terms (with s.o.);
    - [in limited contexts](be) mere acquaintances.
         ♦ [Анастасия Ефремовна:] Петя, у тебя нет знакомств в Бауманском училище? [Пётр Иванович:] Нет. У Николая Афанасьевича я встречал Коробова, но это так - шапочное знакомство (Розов 1). [А.Е.:] Petya, do you know anyone at the Bauman Institute? [PI..] No, I once met Korobov at Nikolai Afanasievich's, but just that once. We have only a nodding acquaintance (1a).
         ♦ "Да, так о Жилинском... Умный человек, эрудит, но с ним будьте начеку". - "Я с ним почти не общаюсь, так, шапочное знакомство" (Рыбаков 2). "Yes, about Zhilinsky. He's a clever man, very well read, but be on your guard with him." "I have very little to do with him. We're only on nodding terms" (2a).
         ♦ "Плохое настроение у неё [Сани Холодовой] было?" - спросил Антон. "Не сказал бы... Наверное, осторожничала - знакомство-то наше было, как говорится, шапочное" (Чернёнок 1). "Was she [Sanya Kholodova] in a bad mood?" Anton asked. "I wouldn't say that....She was careful, I think; we were mere acquaintances" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > шапочное знакомство

  • 83 шляпочное знакомство

    [NP; usu. sing]
    a superficial, casual acquaintanceship:
    - (have) (only) a nodding (passing, fleeting) acquaintance (with s.o.);
    - (be) (only) on nodding terms (with s.o.);
    - [in limited contexts](be) mere acquaintances.
         ♦ [Анастасия Ефремовна:] Петя, у тебя нет знакомств в Бауманском училище? [Пётр Иванович:] Нет. У Николая Афанасьевича я встречал Коробова, но это так - шапочное знакомство (Розов 1). [А.Е.:] Petya, do you know anyone at the Bauman Institute? [PI..] No, I once met Korobov at Nikolai Afanasievich's, but just that once. We have only a nodding acquaintance (1a).
         ♦ "Да, так о Жилинском... Умный человек, эрудит, но с ним будьте начеку". - "Я с ним почти не общаюсь, так, шапочное знакомство" (Рыбаков 2). "Yes, about Zhilinsky. He's a clever man, very well read, but be on your guard with him." "I have very little to do with him. We're only on nodding terms" (2a).
         ♦ "Плохое настроение у неё [Сани Холодовой] было?" - спросил Антон. "Не сказал бы... Наверное, осторожничала - знакомство-то наше было, как говорится, шапочное" (Чернёнок 1). "Was she [Sanya Kholodova] in a bad mood?" Anton asked. "I wouldn't say that....She was careful, I think; we were mere acquaintances" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > шляпочное знакомство

  • 84 одна радость в глазу

    [NP, sing only; fixed WO]
    s.o.'s only consolation:
    - s.o.Ts only comfort;
    - the only good (comforting) thing for s.o.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > одна радость в глазу

  • 85 глухая тетеря

    ГЛУХАЯ ТЕТЕРЯ < ГЛУХОЙ ТЕТЕРЕВ> highly coll, usu. derog
    [NP; 2nd var. - sing only, used in refer, to a man only; usu. subj, obj, or vocative]
    a person (usu. an old person) who hears poorly:
    - [in refer, to a man only] deaf old coot;
    - [in refer, to a woman only] deaf old bag;
    - [in limited contexts;
    - in refer, to either a man or a woman] (s.o. who is) stone-deaf (deaf as a post);
    - (s.o. who) can't hear a bloody thing.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > глухая тетеря

  • 86 глухой тетерев

    ГЛУХАЯ ТЕТЕРЯ < ГЛУХОЙ ТЕТЕРЕВ> highly coll, usu. derog
    [NP; 2nd var. - sing only, used in refer, to a man only; usu. subj, obj, or vocative]
    a person (usu. an old person) who hears poorly:
    - [in refer, to a man only] deaf old coot;
    - [in refer, to a woman only] deaf old bag;
    - [in limited contexts;
    - in refer, to either a man or a woman] (s.o. who is) stone-deaf (deaf as a post);
    - (s.o. who) can't hear a bloody thing.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > глухой тетерев

  • 87 один шаг

    [NP; sing only; usu. impers predic with copula; fixed WO]
    it does not take much for one phenomenon, condition, emotion etc to develop into another more serious, significant etc one or to turn into an opposite or contrasting one:
    - от X-a до Y-а один шаг it's only one <a short, a single> step from X to Y;
    - it's but a short < a single> step from X to Y;
    - from X to Y is but a single step.
         ♦ Если для охранника охрана - задача политическая, то такой охранник ненадежен: политические взгляды могут меняться. Даже личная симпатия ненадежна: от симпатии до антипатии один шаг (Рыбаков 2). If security officials regarded their work as political, then they were unreliable, as political views were changeable. Even personal sympathy was unreliable, for it was only one step from sympathy to antipathy (2a).
         ♦...Издали казалось, что солдатики иронически улыбаются. А от иронии до крамолы - один шаг (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)....From a distance it looked as though they [the soldiers] were smiling ironically. And from irony to sedition is but a single step! (1b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > один шаг

  • 88 Б-199

    СВОЙ БРАТ coll NP sing only often foil. by an appos denoting the class of people in question when used as obj or (less often) subj, usu. refers to the class as a whole when used as subj-compl with copula, nom only (subj: human, usu. refers to a specific individual within that class fixed WO
    a person or persons similar to the person or persons specified (by the appositive and/or context) with regard to position, profession, social status, views etc (more often of males): (when used as obj or subj) people (men, guys, fellows etc) like us (me, you etc)
    the likes of us (me, you, him, her, them) ( usu. when foil. by an appos) our (my, your, his, her, their) fellow writers (workers etc) (in limited contexts) our (my, your, his, her, their) (own) kind (sort) those (people) of our (your, their) ilk (when used as subj-compl) one of us (you, them) one of us (you) writers (workers etc) one of our (your, their) kind (sort) one of our (my, your, his, her, their) fellow writers (workers etc) our (my, your, his, her, their) fellow writer (worker etc) (in limited contexts) one of our (your, their) ilk.
    Обычно у Крымова складывались хорошие отношения со строевыми командирами, вполне сносные со штабными, а раздражённые и не всегда искренние со своим же братом политическими работниками (Гроссман 2). As a rule, he (Krymov) was able to establish good relations with officers in the field, tolerable relations with staff officers, and only awkward, rather insincere relations with his fellow political-workers (2a).
    Слуги также привязались к нему (Базарову), хотя он над ними подтрунивал: они чувствовали, что он всё-таки свой брат, не барин (Тургенев 2). The servants also grew attached to him (Bazarov), though he was always deriding them: they felt that none the less he was one of them, and not a master (2f).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Б-199

  • 89 Г-23

    ГЛАЗ НАМЁТАН (НАБИТ) чей, у кого, в чём, на чём НАМЁТАННЫЙ ГЛАЗ (у кого) all coll these forms only (variants with short-form Part) NP, sing only ( var. with long-form Part) VP subj. with copula (all variants) or subj. or indir obj (last var.)) s.o. has experience and skill in some area and can easily evaluate things within that area (with regard to their classification, worth etc) just by looking at them: у X-a (в Y-e) глаз намётан = X has a trained (practiced, experienced) eye
    X has an eye (a good eye) for Y. "У моряка намётанный глаз, и притом наган на шнуре. Он сразу видит - имущий класс... Матрос хвать наган и хлоп его (доктора) как муху» (Пастернак 1). UA sailor has a trained eye and a gun. He takes a look at him (the doctor) and what does he see? A member of the propertied classes....He pulls out his gun-and goodbye" (1a).
    Намётанным глазом сразу вижу: умрёт к вечеру (Гинзбург 2). With my practiced eye I could see immediately that he would be dead by evening (2a).
    Тут только дядя Сандро обратил внимание на то, что сидящие за столом уже порядочно выпили. Теперь он присмотрелся к ним своим намётанным глазом и определил, что выпито уже по двенадцать-тринадцать фужеров (Искандер 3). Only now did Uncle Sandro turn his attention to the fact that those sitting at the table had had a great deal to drink. Now he trained his experienced eye on them and determined that they had already consumed twelve to thirteen glasses apiece (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Г-23

  • 90 Д-264

    ПРЯМАЯ ДОРОГА (ПРЯМОЙ ПУТЬ) к чему, куда NP sing only fixed WO
    1. the most direct, shortest route to sth. (glory, crime, ruin etc): straight road to
    (in limited contexts) shortcut to.
    Отец (моей кузины) был отчаянный игрок... Сын его, уланский юнкер, единственный брат кузины, очень добрый юноша, шёл прямым путём к гибели: девятнадцати лет он уже был более страстный игрок, нежели отец (Герцен 1). Her (my cousin's) father was a desperate gambler...His son, an ensign in the Uhlans, my cousin's only brother and a very good-natured youth, was going the straight road to ruin: at nineteen he was already a more passionate gambler than his father (1a).
    2. a decent, honest means of achieving sth. or a life lived in an honest way: (do sth. (live)) on the straight and narrow
    (do sth.) by the straight and narrow (do sth.) (by) sticking to the straight and narrow (follow (take, stick to)) the straight road.
    «Покривил, не спорю, покривил. Что ж делать? Но ведь покривил только тогда, когда увидел, что прямой дорогой не возьмешь...» (Гоголь 3). "I have acted against my conscience
    I don't deny it, I have....What can be done about it? But I acted crookedly only when I saw that the straight road would not get me anywhere..." (3c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-264

  • 91 З-86

    ОДНО (ТОЛЬКО) ЗВАНИЕ осталось (от чего) ОДНО (ТОЛЬКО) ЗВАНИЕ (, что...) all highly coll NP sing only often the main clause in a complex sent) s.o. or sth. is referred to by some name that he or it does not seem to merit, no longer merits etc (not displaying the characteristic qualities associated with that name): от X-a одно звание осталось - X is a NP in name only only the name (of X) remains (is left).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > З-86

  • 92 М-110

    БОЛЬНОЕ МЕСТО (чьё, для кого, кого, у кого) NP sing only usu. obj or compl of copula with subj: inanim fixed WO
    a very sensitive, vulnerable aspect (of s.o. or sth.)
    a matter that causes s.o. (or a group of people) feelings of grief, anxiety, resentment
    sore spot (point)
    sensitive (tender, vulnerable) spot (in limited contexts) what troubles s.o. most
    задеть кого за больное место = touch (hit) a (raw) nerve
    hit s.o. where it hurts (most) (where it hurts him the most).
    Сидящие на стульях, и на столах, и даже на двух подоконниках (литераторы)... серьезно страдали от духоты... «А сейчас хорошо на Клязьме», - подзудила присутствующих Штурман Жорж, зная, что дачный литераторский посёлок Перелыгино на Клязьме - общее больное место (Булгаков 9). They (the writers) sat on chairs, on tables, and even on the two window sills.suffering extremely from lack of air...."It must be beautiful on the Klyazma," Pilot George egged on her colleagues, knowing that the vacation village of Perelygino on the Klyazma River was everybody's sore spot (9a).
    ...Что касается национальности, то отношение к ней... было больным его (Пастернака) местом. Не то чтобы он ее стеснялся - этого не было. Но, являясь по духу глубоко русским поэтом, он терялся и не знал, что делать и что говорить, когда оказывалось, что его еврейское происхождение никогда не забывают и никогда не прощают (Ивинская 1). The matter of his origins... was a sore point with him (Pasternak). It wasn't that he was embarrassed by them - there was no question of this. But as a Russian poet to the core of his being, he was at a loss what to do or say whenever he was brought up against the fact that his Jewish descent would never be forgotten or forgiven (1a).
    Одно она (свекровь) не хотела ей простить - то, что у Настёны не было ребятишек. Попрекать не попрекала, помня, что для любой бабы это самое больное место, но на сердце держала... (Распутин 2). The only thing she (the mother-in-law) could never forgive was that Nastyona had no children. She didn't rebuke her, remembering that for any woman that was the most sensitive spot, but she stored it away... (2a).
    (Маша:) Чего вы от него хотите? Чтобы он в гениях числился? Главные роли играл? Как вам не стыдно долбить еговбольное место! (Розов 1). (М.:) What do you want of him? To be a genius? To play only the leading roles'* Aren't you all ashamed to keep hitting him where it hurts most' (1a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > М-110

  • 93 Н-15

    ОДНО НАЗВАНИЕ (, что...) (ОДНб) ТОЛЬКО НАЗВАНИЕ all coll ТОЛЬКО (ОДНА) СЛАВА, что... NP sing only often the main clause in a complex sent usu. this WO (in refer, to the discrepancy between what s.o. or sth. is called and what he or it actually is) a person, thing, phenomenon etc does not fit his or its name: s.o. sth. is a NP in name only s.o. sth. doesn't deserve to be called a NP (itfs) not what you could call a real NP (in limited contexts) only the name (of a NP) remains (is left).
    «Нынче мало ли французов этих побрали а сапог... ни на одном настоящих нет, так, одно названье», - начал один из солдат новый разговор (Толстой 7). "Plenty of Frenchies taken today, but not what you could call a real pair of boots on a one of em," said a soldier, introducing a new topic of conversation (7a)
    «A слышь ты, Василиса Егоровна, - отвечал Иван Кузьмич, - я был занят службой: солдатушек учил». - «И, полно! -возразила капитанша. - Только слава, что солдат учишь: ни им служба не дается, ни ты в ней толку не ведаешь» (Пушкин 2). ( context transl) "But I was taken up with my service duties, Vassilissa Yegorovna," replied Ivan Kuzmich. "I was instructing my soldiers." "That'll do'" retorted the captains wife. "It's all a lot of chatter about your instructing the soldiers, they're not fit for the Service and you don't know the first thing about it either" (2b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Н-15

  • 94 П-255

    ПОДРУГА ЖИЗНИ obsoles, now usu. humor NP sing only fixed WO
    companion on the road of life
    partner to share one's ( s.o. 4s) life (with)).
    (Яичница:)...Служу коллежским асессором, любим начальниками, подчиненные слушаются, недостает только одного: подруги жизни (Гоголь 1). (Omelet:).. I am a collegiate assessor, beloved by my superiors, obeyed by my subordinates I lack only a companion on the road of life (1 b).
    «У вас все есть... одного только недостает». - «Чего?»... - «Подруги жизни, -сказал Чичиков. -...Право, Андрей Иванович, вам бы очень не мешало жениться» (Гоголь 3). "You've got every thing... only one thing's lacking." "What9". "A partner to share your life," said Chichikov... "Honestly, my dear fellow, it would not be a bad thing at all if you got married" (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > П-255

  • 95 Р-144

    ПЕРЁТЬ/ПОПЕРЁТЬ ПРОТИВ РОЖНА substand ПРАТЬ ПРОТИВ РОЖНА obs VP subj: hu man often neg pfv fut, gener. 2nd pers sing не попрёшь) to undertake sth. that is risky or destined to fail ( usu. in cases when one resists some much greater force, incontestable authority etc): против рожна не попрешь - why fight a losing battle? (in refer, to one's opposition to some prevailing opinion, movement etc) why swim against the tide?
    why swim upstream? Каким образом мы, полгода назад употреблявшие слово «футуризм» лишь в виде бранной клички, не только нацепили ее на себя, но даже отрицали за кем бы то ни было право пользоваться этим ярлыком? Сыграла ли тут роль статья Брюсова в «Русской мысли»?.. Или, окинув хозяйским оком создавшееся положение, решил смекалистый Давид (Бур-люк), что против рожна не попрешь, что упорствовать дальше, отказываясь от навязываемой нам клички, значило бы вносить только лишний сумбур в понятия широкой публики и... оттолкнуть ее от себя (Лившиц 1). How was it that we, who six months before had used the word "Futurism" only as a term of abuse, had not only appropriated it for ourselves, but denied anyone (else) the right to use the label? Had Briusov's article in Russian Thought played a role in the matter?...Or did clever David (Burliuk) cast a proprietary eye round the real situation and decide that we couldn't swim against the tide, that to reject a name which had been foisted upon us would only make the public more confused and antagonistic? (1a).
    ...Рожон» (obs) is a pointed stake.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Р-144

  • 96 С-323

    ПОСЛЕДНЕЕ СЛОВО2 NP sing only fixed WO
    1. the final and decisive point (in an argument, discussion etc) or the final decision or conclusive judgment (in some matter)
    the last word
    the final word (say).
    Получается впечатление, что упрямый Чернышевский как бы желает иметь последнее слово в споре... (Набоков 1). One gets the impression that the stubborn Chernyshevski wants to have the last word in the quarrel. (1a).
    ...В отношении самого Мансурова... - последнее слово было за ней (Ириной Викторовной), а не за ним: ехать ли ему на курорт или не ехать, а если ехать - то когда надевать тот или этот костюм на официальный прием идти к врачу или не ходить... (Залыгин 1)....In anything concerning Mansurov. she (Irina Viktorovna) always had the final say: whether he should go to a health resort or not, and if so, when, which suit he should wear for the coming official function, whether or not he should see a doctor... (1a).
    2. the defendant's statement made directly prior to the pronouncement of the verdict
    concluding statement
    final plea.
    ...Я твердо знал, что не только следствие от меня ничего не услышит, легче умру что не только суда не признаю, отвод ему дам в начале, весь суд промолчу, лишь в последнем слове их прокляну - но уверен я был, что и низменному тюремному положению наших политических не подчинюсь (Солженицын 2). I...knew for certain that not only would the interrogators get nothing at all out of me (I would die first), not only would I refuse to recognize the court, ignore it from the start, remain silent throughout (except for the curse I would put on them in my concluding statement)-I was quite sure, too, that in jail I would not accept the humiliations to which Soviet political prisoners are subjected (2a).
    В последнем слове я сказал (суду), что испытываю чувство безнадежности, тем, что я говорю, просто пренебрегают, - если меня осуждают за слова, то должны принимать мои слова всерьез (Амальрик 1). In my final plea, I told the court I was nearly overcome by a feeling of hopelessness when I realized that everything I said was simply ignored, that if I was to be judged by what I said, then what I said should be taken seriously (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-323

  • 97 Т-136

    МАЛАЯ ТОЛИКА NP sing only)
    1. old-fash \Т-136 чего (obj or subj) a small amount (of sth.): a little (bit)
    a tiny bit a small quantity a few (in refer, to food only) a morsel.
    2. usu. получить, дать, отложить и т. п. малую толику obs (to get, give, save etc) a small amount of money
    a little something
    a small (modest) sum.
    Он (губернатор) как-то втихомолку улучшал своё состояние, как крот где-то под землёю, незаметно, он прибавлял зерно к зерну и отложил-таки малую толику на чёрные дни (Герцен 1). Не (the governor) was improving his fortune somehow on the sly, like a mole working unseen underground, he was adding grain to grain and laying by a little something for a rainy day (1a).
    3. obs (accus only
    adv or modif) (to possess some trait, display some characteristic, do sth.) to a small extent
    a little
    a (little) bit somewhat.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Т-136

  • 98 свой брат

    [NP; sing only; often foll. by an appos denoting the class of people in question; when used as obj or (less often) subj, usu. refers to the class as a whole; when used as subj-compl with copula, nom only (subj: human), usu. refers to a specific individual within that class; fixed WO]
    a person or persons similar to the person or persons specified (by the appositive and/ or context) with regard to position, profession, social status, views etc (more often of males):
    - [when used as obj or subj] people <men, guys, fellows etc> like us <me, you etc>;
    - the likes of us <me, you, him, her, them>;
    - [usu. when foll. by an appos] our <my, your, his, her, their> fellow writers <workers etc>;
    - [in limited contexts] our <my, your, his, her, their> (own) kind < sort>;
    - those (people) of our (your, their) ilk;
    - [when used as subj-compl] one of us (you, them);
    - one of us (you) writers (workers etc);
    - one of our (your, their) kind (sort);
    - one of our (my, your, his, her, their) fellow writers (workers etc);
    - our (my, your, his, her, their) fellow writer (worker etc);
    - [in limited contexts] one of our (your, their) ilk.
         ♦ Обычно у Крымова складывались хорошие отношения со строевыми командирами, вполне сносные со штабными, а раздражённые и не всегда искренние со своим же братом политическими работниками (Гроссман 2). As a rule, he [Krymov] was able to establish good relations with officers in the field, tolerable relations with staff officers, and only awkward, rather insincere relations with his fellow political-workers (2a).
         ♦ Слуги также привязались к нему [Базарову], хотя он над ними подтрунивал: они чувствовали, что он всё-таки свой брат, не барин (Тургенев 2). The servants also grew attached to him [Bazarov], though he was always deriding them: they felt that none the less he was one of them, and not a master (2f).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > свой брат

  • 99 глаз набит

    ГЛАЗ НАМЕТАН < НАБИТ> чей, у кого, в чём, на чём; НАМЕТАННЫЙ ГЛАЗ (у кого) all coll
    [these forms only (variants with short-form Part; NP, sing only (var. with long-form Part; VPsubj with copula (all variants) or subj or indir obj (last var.)]
    s.o. has experience and skill in some area and can easily evaluate things within that area (with regard to their classification, worth etc) just by looking at them:
    - у X-a (в Y-e) глаз намётан X has a trained (practiced, experienced) eye;
    - X has an eye (a good eye) for Y.
         ♦ "У моряка намётанный глаз, и притом наган на шнуре. Он сразу видит - имущий класс... Матрос хвать наган и хлоп его [доктора] как муху" (Пастернак 1). "A sailor has a trained eye and a gun. He takes a look at him [the doctor] and what does he see? A member of the propertied classes....He pulls out his gun-and goodbye" (1a).
         ♦ Намётанным глазом сразу вижу: умрёт к вечеру (Гинзбург 2). With my practiced eye I could see immediately that he would be dead by evening (2a).
         ♦ Тут только дядя Сандро обратил внимание на то, что сидящие за столом уже порядочно выпили. Теперь он присмотрелся к ним своим намётанным глазом и определил, что выпито уже по двенадцать-тринадцать фужеров (Искандер 3). Only now did Uncle Sandro turn his attention to the fact that those sitting at the table had had a great deal to drink. Now he trained his experienced eye on them and determined that they had already consumed twelve to thirteen glasses apiece (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > глаз набит

  • 100 глаз наметан

    ГЛАЗ НАМЕТАН < НАБИТ> чей, у кого, в чём, на чём; НАМЕТАННЫЙ ГЛАЗ (у кого) all coll
    [these forms only (variants with short-form Part; NP, sing only (var. with long-form Part; VPsubj with copula (all variants) or subj or indir obj (last var.)]
    s.o. has experience and skill in some area and can easily evaluate things within that area (with regard to their classification, worth etc) just by looking at them:
    - у X-a (в Y-e) глаз намётан X has a trained (practiced, experienced) eye;
    - X has an eye (a good eye) for Y.
         ♦ "У моряка намётанный глаз, и притом наган на шнуре. Он сразу видит - имущий класс... Матрос хвать наган и хлоп его [доктора] как муху" (Пастернак 1). "A sailor has a trained eye and a gun. He takes a look at him [the doctor] and what does he see? A member of the propertied classes....He pulls out his gun-and goodbye" (1a).
         ♦ Намётанным глазом сразу вижу: умрёт к вечеру (Гинзбург 2). With my practiced eye I could see immediately that he would be dead by evening (2a).
         ♦ Тут только дядя Сандро обратил внимание на то, что сидящие за столом уже порядочно выпили. Теперь он присмотрелся к ним своим намётанным глазом и определил, что выпито уже по двенадцать-тринадцать фужеров (Искандер 3). Only now did Uncle Sandro turn his attention to the fact that those sitting at the table had had a great deal to drink. Now he trained his experienced eye on them and determined that they had already consumed twelve to thirteen glasses apiece (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > глаз наметан

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Sing-song girls — (also known as flower girls) is an English term for the courtesans in China during the early 19th century.OriginPrior to the Xinhai Revolution in 1911, it was possible for a husband already married to find a concubine to have a son. By Chinese… …   Wikipedia

  • Only Fools and Horses DVDs — have been sold in Regions 1, 2 and 4. Only Fools and Horses started in 1981 and ended in 2003. 64 episodes were broadcast in total. Six shorts were made, four of which were broadcast commercially but none of them have been released on official… …   Wikipedia

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  • Sing Pao Daily News — (zh t|t=成報 Pinyin: Chéng Bào) is one of the oldest Chinese newspapers in Hong Kong and was first published on May 1, 1939 by the Sing Pao Newspaper Company Limited (成報報刊有限公司 Pinyin: Chéngbào Bàokān Yǒuxiàn Gōngsī). It was initially published once …   Wikipedia

  • SING! — is an annual student run musical production put on by some high schools in the New York City area. It is a theater competition between the various grades, with the setup between grades differing from school to school (such as sophomore freshman… …   Wikipedia

  • Sing — «Sing» Сингл My Chemical Romance …   Википедия

  • sing — vb Sing, troll, carol, descant, warble, trill, hymn, chant, intone all mean to produce musical tones by or as if by means of the voice. Sing is the general term used of human beings and of animals and things that produce musical or sustained… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Only Love (Wynonna Judd song) — Only Love Single by Wynonna Judd from the album Tell Me Why Released …   Wikipedia

  • Sing Something Simple — was a programme which featured The Cliff Adams Singers, with Jack Emblow on accordion and was initially on the Light Programme, only later broadcast on BBC Radio 2The lyrics to its main theme went as follows:Sing something simpleAs cares go… …   Wikipedia

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