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  • 41 Thus

    P. and V. οὕτω, οὕτως, ὧδε, ταύτῃ, τῇδε, Ar. and P. οὑτωσ, ὡδ.
    Not even thus: P. and V. οὐδʼ ὥς, μηδʼ ὥς.
    Even thus: P. καὶ ὥς.
    But let it be thus: V. ἀλλʼ ὣς γενέσθω (Eur., Tro. 721; I. T. 603).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Thus

  • 42 Trap

    P. θήρατρον, τό (Xen.).
    Snare: P. and V. πγη, ἡ (Plat.), Ar. παγς, ἡ.
    Net: P. and V. ἄρκυς, ἡ (Plat.), δίκτυον, τό (Xen. also Ar.), βρόχος, ὁ (Plat.); see also Toils.
    met., P. and V. δόλος, ὁ (rare P.), πτη, ἡ, σόφισμα, τό.
    Ambuch: P. ἐνέδρα, ἡ, V. λόχος, ὁ.
    Lay a trap for, v.: P. ἐνεδρεύειν (acc.), ἐλλοχᾶν (acc.), V. λοχᾶν (acc.).
    Shall I set the same trap for her? V. ἀλλʼ ἦ τὸν αὐτὸν τῇδʼ ὑποστήσω δόλον; (Eur., El. 983).
    v. trans.
    P. and V. αἱρεῖν, P. συμποδίζειν; see also Deceive, Catch.
    Lie in wait for: P. ἐνεδρεύειν (acc.), V. λοχᾶν (acc.).
    Newly-trapped, adj., V. νεαίρετος.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Trap

  • 43 Trite

    P. and V. ἀρχαῖος, παλαιός, P. ἕωλος.
    Utter trite statements, v.: P. ἀρχαιολογεῖν.
    'Tis a trite saying, yet will I declare it: V. πάλαι μὲν οὖν ὑμνηθὲν ἀλλʼ ὅμως ἐρῶ (Eur., Phoen. 438).
    In the words of the trite saying, I declare that is best for a man not to have been born: V. ἐγὼ τὸ μὲν δὴ πανταχοῦ θρυλούμενον κράτιστον εἶναι φημὶ μὴ φῦναι βροτῷ (Eur., frag.).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Trite

  • 44 Victim

    Sacrifice: P. and V. θῦμα, τό, σφγιον, τό (generally pl.), Ar. and P. ἱερεῖον, τό, Ar. and V. σφαγεῖον, τό, V. θύος, τό, θυτήριον, τό, πρόσφαγμα, τό, χρηστήριον, τό.
    Animal for slaughter: Ar. and V. βοτόν, τό.
    Severed portions of victims: Ar. and P. τόμια, τά.
    met., the victim as opposed to the agent: P. and V. ὁ πάσχων.
    One who is wronged: P. and V.δικούμενος.
    You will depart hence, the victim not of us, the laws, but of men: P. ἠδικημένος ἄπει... οὐχ ὑφʼ ἡμῶν τῶν νόμων ἀλλʼ ὑπʼ ἀνθρώπων (Plat., Crito, 54B).
    Be the victim (of misfortune, etc.), v.: P. also V. περιπίπτειν (dat.), ἐμπίπτειν (εἰς, acc.); see fall into.
    Be victim, as opposed to the agent: P. and V. πάσχειν.
    I was the victim of circumstances: P. ἡσσήθην τῇ τύχῃ.
    Be the victim of a plot, P. and V. ἐπιβουλεύεσθαι (pass.).
    Be victim of malicious accusations: Ar. and P. συκοφαντεῖσθαι.
    An easy victim: V. εὐμαρὲς χείρωμα, τό (Æsch., Ag. 1326).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Victim

  • 45 Want

    P. and V. χρεία, ἡ.
    Lack: P. and V. σπνις, ἡ, πορία, ἡ, ἐρημία, ἡ, P. ἔνδεια, ἡ, V. χηνία, ἡ.
    Poverty: P. and V. πενία, ἡ, πορία, ἡ, P. ἔνδεια, ἡ.
    To roam in want: V. βιοστερὴς χωρεῖν (Soph., O. C. 747).
    Desire: P. and V. ἐπιθυμία, ἡ.
    Yearning for something absent: P. and V. πόθος, ὁ (Plat. but rare P.); see Desire.
    Wants, necessaries: P. and V. τὸ δέον, τὰ δέοντα.
    For want of a little word I was left to wander in exile: V. ἀλλʼ ἔπους σμικροῦ χάριν φυγὰς... ἠλώμην (Soph., O. C. 443).
    v. trans.
    Lack: P. and V. σπανίζειν (gen.) (also pass. in V.), πορεῖν (gen.), P. ἐνδεῖν (or mid.) (gen.), V. πένεσθαι (gen.).
    Be deficient in: P. and V. ἐλλείπειν (gen.), πολείπεσθαι (gen.), V. λείπεσθαι (gen.).
    Require: P. and V. δεῖσθαι (gen.), V. χρῄζειν (gen.), χατίζειν (gen.).
    Wanting: use also V. κεχρημένος (gen.).
    Want besides, P. προσδεῖσθαι (gen.).
    Desire: P. and V. ἐπιθυμεῖν (gen.), ἐφεσθαι (gen.), ὀρέγεσθαι (gen.); see Desire.
    absol. or with infin.: P. and V. ἐπιθυμεῖν, βούλεσθαι, Ar. and P. ἐθέλειν; see Wish.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Want

  • 46 Weigh

    v. trans.
    Weigh in the scales: Ar. and P. ἱστναι.
    Weigh one set of pleasures against another: P. ἡδέα πρὸς ἡδέα ἱστάναι (Plat., Prot. 356B).
    Let him repeat another sentence and weigh it against mine: Ar. ἀλλʼ ἕτερον εἰπάτω τι κἀντιστησάτω (Ran. 1389).
    Casting eyes on two and weighing them in his hands: V. δισσούς γʼ ἀθρήσας κἀπιβαστάσας χεροῖν (Eur., Cycl. 379).
    Generally, measure: P. and V. μετρεῖν, σταθμᾶσθαι, συμμετρεῖσθαι; see Measure.
    Examine: P. and V. ἐξετάζειν, σκοπεῖν, διασκοπεῖν; see Examine.
    Ponder on: P. and V. ἐνθυμεῖσθαι (acc.), λογίζεσθαι (acc.); see under Ponder.
    Compare: P. and V. εἰκάζειν, πεικάζειν, ἀντιτιθέναι; see Compare.
    V. intrans.
    Have a certain weight: P. ἔχειν σταθμόν.
    To weigh forty talents: P. ἔχειν τεσσαράκοντα τάλαντα σταθμόν (Thuc. 2, 13).
    Weigh a mina: P. ἄγειν μνᾶν (Dem. 617).
    Have weight, influence: P. and V. ῥοπὴν ἔχειν, δύναμιν ἔχειν (Eur., Phoen. 440).
    When they have seen that all else has weighed less with you than the law: P. πάντα τἄλλα παρʼ ὑμῖν ἑορακότες ἀσθενέστερα τοῦ νόμου γεγενημένα.
    Weigh down, v. trans.; P. βαρύνειν, V. καταρρέπειν, βρθειν (Æsch., Pers. 346).
    Be weighed down: P. and V. ῥέπειν, βρθειν (or pass.) (also Plat., Phaedrus, 247B, but rare P.).
    met., oppress: P. and V. πιέζειν; see Oppress, Trouble.
    Weigh upon, trouble the mind, met.: P. and V. ἐνθμιος εἶναι (dat.); see Trouble.
    Be weighted with: V. βρθειν (or pass.) (dat.).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Weigh

См. также в других словарях:

  • αλλ’ η — ἄλλ ἤ (Α) αλλά, ειμή, εκτός, παρά, πλην (μόνο μετά από αρνητικές λέξεις, ιδιαίτ. μετά τα ουδείς, μηδείς, τα οποία συχνά συνοδεύονται από τα άλλος ή έτερος. Με τον ίδιο τρόπο χρησιμοποιείται και μετά από ερωτήσεις που περιέχουν ή υπονοούν άρνηση) …   Dictionary of Greek

  • Ἀλλ’ ὄνος λύρας ἀκούεις κινῶν τὰ ὦτα. — ἀλλ’ ὄνος λύρας ἀκούεις κινῶν τὰ ὦτα). См. Смыслен, как осел к волынке. ἀλλ’ ὄνος λύρας ἀκούεις κινῶν τὰ ὦτα. См. Хлопать ушами …   Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)

  • Ἀλλ’ οὐχ ὅλον, ὥς φάσιν, ἕλκος. — ἀλλ’ οὐχ ὅλον, ὥς φάσιν, ἕλκος. См. Не вспоминай того, что было. Не растравляй душевных ран …   Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)

  • .αλλ' — ἀλλά , ἀλλά otheruise indeclform (adverb) ἐλλέ , ἑλλός a young deer masc voc sg ἐλλά , ἐλλός a young deer neut nom/voc/acc pl ἐλλά̱ , ἐλλός a young deer fem nom/voc/acc dual ἐλλά̱ , ἐλλός a young deer fem nom/voc sg (doric aeolic) ἐλλέ , ἐλλός a… …   Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)

  • ἀλλ' — ἀλλά , ἀλλά otheruise indeclform (adverb) …   Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)

  • ἁλλ' — ἀλλά , ἀλλά otheruise indeclform (adverb) ἐλλέ , ἑλλός a young deer masc voc sg ἐλλά , ἐλλός a young deer neut nom/voc/acc pl ἐλλά̱ , ἐλλός a young deer fem nom/voc/acc dual ἐλλά̱ , ἐλλός a young deer fem nom/voc sg (doric aeolic) ἐλλέ , ἐλλός a… …   Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)

  • ἄλλ' — ἄλλα , ἄλλος y neut nom/voc/acc pl ἄλλο , ἄλλος y neut nom/voc/acc sg ἄλλε , ἄλλος y masc voc sg ἄλλαι , ἄλλος y fem nom/voc pl ἄλλᾱͅ , ἄλλος y fem dat sg (doric aeolic) …   Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)

  • ἆλλ' — ἀλλά , ἀλλά otheruise indeclform (adverb) …   Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)

  • Ἀλλ’ ἀπ’ ἐχθρῶν δῆτα πολλὰ μανθάνουσιν οἱ σοφοί. — См. Не презирай совета ничьего, Но прежде рассмотри его …   Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)

  • Ἀλλ’ οὐδεὶς οἶδεν ὅπου με θλίβει ποῦς. — См. У всякого своя блошка …   Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)

  • Ἀλλ’ οὐ Ζεὺς ἄνδρεσσι νοήματα πάντα τελευτᾷ. — См. Человек предполагает, а Бог располагает …   Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)

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