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  • 1 פרש

    פָּרַש(b. h.) (to divide, separate, 1) (neut. verb) to go away, go aside, depart; to keep off. Yoma I, 5 הוא פוֹרֵש … פּוֹרְשִׁיןוכ׳ he turned aside and wept, and so did they. Y.Keth.I, 25d bot. ראו אותו פירש מציפורין they saw him come out of Sepphoris (so that he is presumably an inhabitant of Sepphoris); פירש מן הבתים they saw him leave one of the houses of Sepphoris. Num. R. s. 9 את פָּרַשְׁתְּ מדרךוכ׳ thou didst depart from the way (disregard the customs) of Israels daughters. Zeb.113a (play on פרשה, Num. 19:5) מקים שפּוֹרֶשֶׁת למיתהוכ׳ there where she departs for death, she shall be burnt. Y.M. Kat. I, 80b bot. (ref. to Lev. 13:45) כדי שתהא טומאה … פְּרוֹש: that the uncleanness itself may cry out …, ‘keep off; Y.Maas. Sh. V, beg. 55d; a. fr. 2) to pass, cross. Yalk. Prov. 946; Yalk. Num. 738 הספינות פּוֹרְשוֹת בים the ships make their way through the sea. 3) (act. verb) to separate, keep off. Num. R. s. 10 כשם שאדם פירש את עצמווכ׳ as a person keeps himself away (abstains) from the fruits of Orlah, so will those who misbehave towards their handmaids, be separated from the virtuous on the day of judgment.; a. fr.Part. pass. פָּרוּש, q. v. 4) (cmp. פָּרַט) to single out, specify, speak distinctly. Ib. (expl. יַפְלִא, Num. 6:2) כשיִפְרוֹש לנדורוכ׳ when he speaks out his vow, to the exclusion of him who thinks it in his heart; a. fr.Sifré Num. 24 עד שיפרוש לך … כדרך שפירשוכ׳ (Yalk. ib. 710 שיפרוט … שפרט), v. פָּרַט. Nif. נִפְרַש to be separated, kept away. Lev. R. s. 22 והן נִפְרָשִׁים מעבודה זרה and thus they will be kept away from idolatrous worship; a. e. Pi. פֵּירֵש 1) (neut. verb) to depart, withdraw; to abstain. Snh.82b היה לו … לפרוש ולא פי׳ Zimri might have withdrawn (from the woman), but he did not. Ib. a אם פ׳וכ׳ if Z. had withdrawn, and Phineas had slain him Pes.87b פ׳ מן האשה withdrew from contact with his wife. Gen. R. s. 20 שפֵּייְשָׁה היה מאדם that Eve was separated from Adam.Sabb.86b פירשה מן האיש the semen issued from a man.Pes.49b שנה ופ׳ קשהוכ׳ he that studied and gave it up, is the worst of all (in hostility to scholars); a. fr. 2) to go on a voyage; to cross the ocean (cmp. פָּלַג Hif.). Y.M. Kat. III, beg. 81c אסיר לפָרֵש לים הגדול it is forbidden to start on a sea voyage (during the festive week). Y.Yeb.XVI, 15d top עשיתי מְפָרֵשוכ׳ I was crossing Y.Meg.II, 73b top מְפָרְשֵׁי ימים voyagers on the sea; a. fr. 3) (act. verb) to separate. Gen. R. s. 22 אילו רצה המלך פֵּירְשָׁן ולא רצה המלך לפָרְשָׁן if the king desired it, he would separate them (the fighters), but the king does not wish to separate them; Yalk. ib. 38. 4) to specify, express clearly. Ib. א״א לפה לפָרְשוֹ no mouth can express it. Men.91a דמְפָרֵש when he (in making his vow) specified (‘sheep or ‘cattle), opp. בסתמא. Gen. R. s. 6 אנשי … פֵּירְשוּ איתו the men of the Great Assembly said it plainly. Snh.VII, 5 עד שיְפָרֵש השם until he mentions the Name expressly (uses the Tetragrammaton), opp. כִּינּוּי. Gitt.36a שיהו עדים מְפָרְשִׁין שמותיהן that witnesses must sign their full names; a. fr.Part. pass. מְפיֹרָש, f. מְפוֹרֶשֶׁת; pl. מְפוֹרָשִׁים, מְפוֹרָשִׁין; מְפוֹרָשוֹת. B. Kam.54b, a. fr. מה הפרט מפ׳, v. פְּרָט. B. Mets.94b שלישת בשואל מפ׳ that the third paragraph treats of a borrower, is explicitly stated (Ex. 22:13). Sot.38a, a. fr. שם המפ׳ the special Name (the Tetragrammaton), v. supra. Zeb.53a, v. סָתַם. Ḥag.22b ומה סתימות … מפ׳וכ׳ if your undefined teachings are so well-founded, how much more your explicit teachings; a. fr. 5) to explain, interpret, define. Ned.2b פתח … ומפרש ידות the Mishnah begins with kinnuyim …, and goes on explaining yadoth! Zeb.13a ואין לי לפרש and I am unable to explain (the reason of the distinction between receiving and sprinkling the blood); אני אֲפָרֵש I shall explain it. Ned.81a דבר זה … ולא פֵירְשוּהוּ עד שפֵּירְשוֹוכ׳ that question (Jer. 9:11) was asked of prophets and scholars, and they could not explain it, until the Lord himself explained it (ib. 12). Kat. 16b; Ber.18a לא פֵירְשוּ לך they did not interpret (the verse) to you; v. שָׁנָה. Gen. R. s. 31 ולא פ׳ and did not explain (of what material the serpent was to be made); Y.R. Hash. III, end, 59a; a. fr.Part. pass. as ab. Meg.3a, a. e. (ref. to Neh. 8:8) מפ׳ זה תרגים mforash means interpretation. Hithpa. הִתְפָּרֵש, Nithpa. נִתְפָּרֵש to be specified, defined; to be explained. Lev. R. s. 6 כל נביא שנתפ׳ a prophet; whose name is stated. Gen. R. l. c. בשלשה נ׳ ובאחד לא נ׳ in three places (in which עֲשֵׁה occurs) the command is specified, but in the fourth (Num. 21:8) it is not specified, v. supra. Yalk. Gen. 20 דבר שאינו מִתְפָּרֵש במקימווכ׳ a thing which is not defined in its original place but is defined i in another passage; a. e. Hif. הִפְרִיש 1) to separate; to set aside, dedicate. Yoma I, 1 מִפְרִישִׁין כהןוכ׳ they removed the high priest from his house to the cell Ter. IV, 1 המַפְרִיש מקצתוכ׳ he who sets aside one portion of what is due of Trumah or tithes. Num. R. s. 10 (ref. to Num. 6:11, ועשה) שיַפְרִשֵׁם הכהןוכ׳ that the priest when offering them designates them, one for a sin-offering Ib. (ref. to Prov. 23:32) מה צפעון זה מפריש … כך היין מפרישוכ׳ as the adder divides between life and death, so wine removes from the ways of life to those of death; Lev. R. s. 12 כךה׳ היין בין אדםוכ׳ so wine caused a separation between Adam and Eve; ה׳ היין בין נח לבניו לעבדות wine caused a division between Noah and his sons with regard to slavery; ה׳ היין בין אהרן ובניו למיתה wine caused a division between Aaron and his sons with regard to death; Yalk. Prov. 960. Tam.IV, 3 מן הכבד …ה׳ severed the lungs from the liver; a. fr.Part. pass. מוּפְרָש. Ned.I, 1 מוּפְרְשַׁנִי ממך I will be separated from thee (will have no dealings with thee, accept no favors); ib. 5a; a. e. 2) to go to sea. Gen. R. s. 13 היו מַפְרִישִׁין ליםוכ׳ were crossing the ocean; a. e.

    Jewish literature > פרש

  • 2 פָּרַש

    פָּרַש(b. h.) (to divide, separate, 1) (neut. verb) to go away, go aside, depart; to keep off. Yoma I, 5 הוא פוֹרֵש … פּוֹרְשִׁיןוכ׳ he turned aside and wept, and so did they. Y.Keth.I, 25d bot. ראו אותו פירש מציפורין they saw him come out of Sepphoris (so that he is presumably an inhabitant of Sepphoris); פירש מן הבתים they saw him leave one of the houses of Sepphoris. Num. R. s. 9 את פָּרַשְׁתְּ מדרךוכ׳ thou didst depart from the way (disregard the customs) of Israels daughters. Zeb.113a (play on פרשה, Num. 19:5) מקים שפּוֹרֶשֶׁת למיתהוכ׳ there where she departs for death, she shall be burnt. Y.M. Kat. I, 80b bot. (ref. to Lev. 13:45) כדי שתהא טומאה … פְּרוֹש: that the uncleanness itself may cry out …, ‘keep off; Y.Maas. Sh. V, beg. 55d; a. fr. 2) to pass, cross. Yalk. Prov. 946; Yalk. Num. 738 הספינות פּוֹרְשוֹת בים the ships make their way through the sea. 3) (act. verb) to separate, keep off. Num. R. s. 10 כשם שאדם פירש את עצמווכ׳ as a person keeps himself away (abstains) from the fruits of Orlah, so will those who misbehave towards their handmaids, be separated from the virtuous on the day of judgment.; a. fr.Part. pass. פָּרוּש, q. v. 4) (cmp. פָּרַט) to single out, specify, speak distinctly. Ib. (expl. יַפְלִא, Num. 6:2) כשיִפְרוֹש לנדורוכ׳ when he speaks out his vow, to the exclusion of him who thinks it in his heart; a. fr.Sifré Num. 24 עד שיפרוש לך … כדרך שפירשוכ׳ (Yalk. ib. 710 שיפרוט … שפרט), v. פָּרַט. Nif. נִפְרַש to be separated, kept away. Lev. R. s. 22 והן נִפְרָשִׁים מעבודה זרה and thus they will be kept away from idolatrous worship; a. e. Pi. פֵּירֵש 1) (neut. verb) to depart, withdraw; to abstain. Snh.82b היה לו … לפרוש ולא פי׳ Zimri might have withdrawn (from the woman), but he did not. Ib. a אם פ׳וכ׳ if Z. had withdrawn, and Phineas had slain him Pes.87b פ׳ מן האשה withdrew from contact with his wife. Gen. R. s. 20 שפֵּייְשָׁה היה מאדם that Eve was separated from Adam.Sabb.86b פירשה מן האיש the semen issued from a man.Pes.49b שנה ופ׳ קשהוכ׳ he that studied and gave it up, is the worst of all (in hostility to scholars); a. fr. 2) to go on a voyage; to cross the ocean (cmp. פָּלַג Hif.). Y.M. Kat. III, beg. 81c אסיר לפָרֵש לים הגדול it is forbidden to start on a sea voyage (during the festive week). Y.Yeb.XVI, 15d top עשיתי מְפָרֵשוכ׳ I was crossing Y.Meg.II, 73b top מְפָרְשֵׁי ימים voyagers on the sea; a. fr. 3) (act. verb) to separate. Gen. R. s. 22 אילו רצה המלך פֵּירְשָׁן ולא רצה המלך לפָרְשָׁן if the king desired it, he would separate them (the fighters), but the king does not wish to separate them; Yalk. ib. 38. 4) to specify, express clearly. Ib. א״א לפה לפָרְשוֹ no mouth can express it. Men.91a דמְפָרֵש when he (in making his vow) specified (‘sheep or ‘cattle), opp. בסתמא. Gen. R. s. 6 אנשי … פֵּירְשוּ איתו the men of the Great Assembly said it plainly. Snh.VII, 5 עד שיְפָרֵש השם until he mentions the Name expressly (uses the Tetragrammaton), opp. כִּינּוּי. Gitt.36a שיהו עדים מְפָרְשִׁין שמותיהן that witnesses must sign their full names; a. fr.Part. pass. מְפיֹרָש, f. מְפוֹרֶשֶׁת; pl. מְפוֹרָשִׁים, מְפוֹרָשִׁין; מְפוֹרָשוֹת. B. Kam.54b, a. fr. מה הפרט מפ׳, v. פְּרָט. B. Mets.94b שלישת בשואל מפ׳ that the third paragraph treats of a borrower, is explicitly stated (Ex. 22:13). Sot.38a, a. fr. שם המפ׳ the special Name (the Tetragrammaton), v. supra. Zeb.53a, v. סָתַם. Ḥag.22b ומה סתימות … מפ׳וכ׳ if your undefined teachings are so well-founded, how much more your explicit teachings; a. fr. 5) to explain, interpret, define. Ned.2b פתח … ומפרש ידות the Mishnah begins with kinnuyim …, and goes on explaining yadoth! Zeb.13a ואין לי לפרש and I am unable to explain (the reason of the distinction between receiving and sprinkling the blood); אני אֲפָרֵש I shall explain it. Ned.81a דבר זה … ולא פֵירְשוּהוּ עד שפֵּירְשוֹוכ׳ that question (Jer. 9:11) was asked of prophets and scholars, and they could not explain it, until the Lord himself explained it (ib. 12). Kat. 16b; Ber.18a לא פֵירְשוּ לך they did not interpret (the verse) to you; v. שָׁנָה. Gen. R. s. 31 ולא פ׳ and did not explain (of what material the serpent was to be made); Y.R. Hash. III, end, 59a; a. fr.Part. pass. as ab. Meg.3a, a. e. (ref. to Neh. 8:8) מפ׳ זה תרגים mforash means interpretation. Hithpa. הִתְפָּרֵש, Nithpa. נִתְפָּרֵש to be specified, defined; to be explained. Lev. R. s. 6 כל נביא שנתפ׳ a prophet; whose name is stated. Gen. R. l. c. בשלשה נ׳ ובאחד לא נ׳ in three places (in which עֲשֵׁה occurs) the command is specified, but in the fourth (Num. 21:8) it is not specified, v. supra. Yalk. Gen. 20 דבר שאינו מִתְפָּרֵש במקימווכ׳ a thing which is not defined in its original place but is defined i in another passage; a. e. Hif. הִפְרִיש 1) to separate; to set aside, dedicate. Yoma I, 1 מִפְרִישִׁין כהןוכ׳ they removed the high priest from his house to the cell Ter. IV, 1 המַפְרִיש מקצתוכ׳ he who sets aside one portion of what is due of Trumah or tithes. Num. R. s. 10 (ref. to Num. 6:11, ועשה) שיַפְרִשֵׁם הכהןוכ׳ that the priest when offering them designates them, one for a sin-offering Ib. (ref. to Prov. 23:32) מה צפעון זה מפריש … כך היין מפרישוכ׳ as the adder divides between life and death, so wine removes from the ways of life to those of death; Lev. R. s. 12 כךה׳ היין בין אדםוכ׳ so wine caused a separation between Adam and Eve; ה׳ היין בין נח לבניו לעבדות wine caused a division between Noah and his sons with regard to slavery; ה׳ היין בין אהרן ובניו למיתה wine caused a division between Aaron and his sons with regard to death; Yalk. Prov. 960. Tam.IV, 3 מן הכבד …ה׳ severed the lungs from the liver; a. fr.Part. pass. מוּפְרָש. Ned.I, 1 מוּפְרְשַׁנִי ממך I will be separated from thee (will have no dealings with thee, accept no favors); ib. 5a; a. e. 2) to go to sea. Gen. R. s. 13 היו מַפְרִישִׁין ליםוכ׳ were crossing the ocean; a. e.

    Jewish literature > פָּרַש

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