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  • 1 מטייל


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    ед.ч., м. р., 1,2,3 л., наст. вр./

    טִייֵל [לְטַייֵל, מְ-, יְ-]

    1.гулять 2.совершать экскурсию 3.прогуливать (кого-то)

    Иврито-Русский словарь > מטייל

  • 2 מטייל

    hiker, walker, tourist, rambler, excursionist, stroller, journeyer, promenader

    Hebrew-English dictionary > מטייל

  • 3 מטייל בנחת

    Иврито-Русский словарь > מטייל בנחת

  • 4 אונקלי II,

    אוּנְקְלַיII, אוּנְקַל, נִקְלָה, נִיקְלַי f. ( נקל, קל cmp. esp. 2 Sam. 6:20 to 22) the light garment, whence, a name for the easy dress worn in the house and, under the cloak, in the street, but in which it was unbecoming to appear in public. (Cmp. II Sam. l. c. a. Num. R. s. 4; a. e. Y.Yoma VI, 43d top אוּנְקְלָה, נקלה for which Men.109b אונקלי. Snh.82a he took off the point of his spear והניחה באונקלוֹ (some ed. לי) and put it (hiding it) in his undergarment. M. Kat. 24a אבֵל מטייל בא׳וכ׳ (Ms. M. מטייל אָבֵל) a mourner may walk on the Sabbath within the limits of his house (garden) in the easy dress (showing the rent on account of a death in the family; Rashi). Sabb.120a (garments to be saved from fire on a Sabbath) אונקלי; Y. ib. XVI, 15d top ניקלי.Meg.IV, 8 (24b) בית א׳; (read as) Y. ib. a. Mss. יד א׳ בית the sleeve of his under-dress. Tosef.Maas. Sh. IV, 11, v. foreg. 2.

    Jewish literature > אונקלי II,

  • 5 אוּנְקְלַי

    אוּנְקְלַיII, אוּנְקַל, נִקְלָה, נִיקְלַי f. ( נקל, קל cmp. esp. 2 Sam. 6:20 to 22) the light garment, whence, a name for the easy dress worn in the house and, under the cloak, in the street, but in which it was unbecoming to appear in public. (Cmp. II Sam. l. c. a. Num. R. s. 4; a. e. Y.Yoma VI, 43d top אוּנְקְלָה, נקלה for which Men.109b אונקלי. Snh.82a he took off the point of his spear והניחה באונקלוֹ (some ed. לי) and put it (hiding it) in his undergarment. M. Kat. 24a אבֵל מטייל בא׳וכ׳ (Ms. M. מטייל אָבֵל) a mourner may walk on the Sabbath within the limits of his house (garden) in the easy dress (showing the rent on account of a death in the family; Rashi). Sabb.120a (garments to be saved from fire on a Sabbath) אונקלי; Y. ib. XVI, 15d top ניקלי.Meg.IV, 8 (24b) בית א׳; (read as) Y. ib. a. Mss. יד א׳ בית the sleeve of his under-dress. Tosef.Maas. Sh. IV, 11, v. foreg. 2.

    Jewish literature > אוּנְקְלַי

  • 6 דקלא

    דִּקְלָא, דִּיקְ׳ch. sam(דקל palm-tree), palm-tree. Targ. Ps. 92:13. Targ. Y. Gen. 22:3; a. e.B. Kam.59a ד׳ ארמאה Ms. M. (ed. דארמ׳, incorr.) an Aramean palm, ד׳ פרסאה a Persian palm. Ib. 92b (prov.) מטייל ואזיל ד׳וכ׳ the bad palm will travel to meet a barren cane (like meets like). Ber.55b bot. none see in a dream ד׳ דדהבא a golden palm-tree (a thing not experienced in reality). Erub.51a ד׳ דסבילוכ׳ a palm-tree which supports its neighbor. Ib. ד׳ דפריקוכ׳ a palm which pays its owners taxes. Keth.10b כי נרגא לדיקלא (not לדיקולא) as injurious as the axe to the palm-tree.Pl. דִּקְלִין, דִּקְלַיָּא, דִּקְלֵי, דִּי׳. Targ. Ex. 15:27. Targ. Deut. 34:3.Y.R. Hash. II, 58a top, a. e. ד׳ דבבל the Babylonian palms. B. Bath.26a; a. fr. Sabb.110a שני דקלי, read: דקלים as Ms. M.Fem. form דִּיקְלָתָא. Sabb. l. c. תרתי ד׳ Ms. O. (ed. תלאי, Ms. M. תילתא, corr. acc.), v. Y. ib. XIV, 14c.

    Jewish literature > דקלא

  • 7 דיק׳

    דִּקְלָא, דִּיקְ׳ch. sam(דקל palm-tree), palm-tree. Targ. Ps. 92:13. Targ. Y. Gen. 22:3; a. e.B. Kam.59a ד׳ ארמאה Ms. M. (ed. דארמ׳, incorr.) an Aramean palm, ד׳ פרסאה a Persian palm. Ib. 92b (prov.) מטייל ואזיל ד׳וכ׳ the bad palm will travel to meet a barren cane (like meets like). Ber.55b bot. none see in a dream ד׳ דדהבא a golden palm-tree (a thing not experienced in reality). Erub.51a ד׳ דסבילוכ׳ a palm-tree which supports its neighbor. Ib. ד׳ דפריקוכ׳ a palm which pays its owners taxes. Keth.10b כי נרגא לדיקלא (not לדיקולא) as injurious as the axe to the palm-tree.Pl. דִּקְלִין, דִּקְלַיָּא, דִּקְלֵי, דִּי׳. Targ. Ex. 15:27. Targ. Deut. 34:3.Y.R. Hash. II, 58a top, a. e. ד׳ דבבל the Babylonian palms. B. Bath.26a; a. fr. Sabb.110a שני דקלי, read: דקלים as Ms. M.Fem. form דִּיקְלָתָא. Sabb. l. c. תרתי ד׳ Ms. O. (ed. תלאי, Ms. M. תילתא, corr. acc.), v. Y. ib. XIV, 14c.

    Jewish literature > דיק׳

  • 8 דִּקְלָא

    דִּקְלָא, דִּיקְ׳ch. sam(דקל palm-tree), palm-tree. Targ. Ps. 92:13. Targ. Y. Gen. 22:3; a. e.B. Kam.59a ד׳ ארמאה Ms. M. (ed. דארמ׳, incorr.) an Aramean palm, ד׳ פרסאה a Persian palm. Ib. 92b (prov.) מטייל ואזיל ד׳וכ׳ the bad palm will travel to meet a barren cane (like meets like). Ber.55b bot. none see in a dream ד׳ דדהבא a golden palm-tree (a thing not experienced in reality). Erub.51a ד׳ דסבילוכ׳ a palm-tree which supports its neighbor. Ib. ד׳ דפריקוכ׳ a palm which pays its owners taxes. Keth.10b כי נרגא לדיקלא (not לדיקולא) as injurious as the axe to the palm-tree.Pl. דִּקְלִין, דִּקְלַיָּא, דִּקְלֵי, דִּי׳. Targ. Ex. 15:27. Targ. Deut. 34:3.Y.R. Hash. II, 58a top, a. e. ד׳ דבבל the Babylonian palms. B. Bath.26a; a. fr. Sabb.110a שני דקלי, read: דקלים as Ms. M.Fem. form דִּיקְלָתָא. Sabb. l. c. תרתי ד׳ Ms. O. (ed. תלאי, Ms. M. תילתא, corr. acc.), v. Y. ib. XIV, 14c.

    Jewish literature > דִּקְלָא

  • 9 דִּיקְ׳

    דִּקְלָא, דִּיקְ׳ch. sam(דקל palm-tree), palm-tree. Targ. Ps. 92:13. Targ. Y. Gen. 22:3; a. e.B. Kam.59a ד׳ ארמאה Ms. M. (ed. דארמ׳, incorr.) an Aramean palm, ד׳ פרסאה a Persian palm. Ib. 92b (prov.) מטייל ואזיל ד׳וכ׳ the bad palm will travel to meet a barren cane (like meets like). Ber.55b bot. none see in a dream ד׳ דדהבא a golden palm-tree (a thing not experienced in reality). Erub.51a ד׳ דסבילוכ׳ a palm-tree which supports its neighbor. Ib. ד׳ דפריקוכ׳ a palm which pays its owners taxes. Keth.10b כי נרגא לדיקלא (not לדיקולא) as injurious as the axe to the palm-tree.Pl. דִּקְלִין, דִּקְלַיָּא, דִּקְלֵי, דִּי׳. Targ. Ex. 15:27. Targ. Deut. 34:3.Y.R. Hash. II, 58a top, a. e. ד׳ דבבל the Babylonian palms. B. Bath.26a; a. fr. Sabb.110a שני דקלי, read: דקלים as Ms. M.Fem. form דִּיקְלָתָא. Sabb. l. c. תרתי ד׳ Ms. O. (ed. תלאי, Ms. M. תילתא, corr. acc.), v. Y. ib. XIV, 14c.

    Jewish literature > דִּיקְ׳

  • 10 שחף II

    שְׁחַףII (preced.) (to scrape, sweep, to move, crawl. Targ. Koh. 1:5 (of the sun, cmp. נָסַר; h. text שאף). Targ. Y. Gen. 3:14 שָׁחֵיף Ar. (ed. מטייל). Targ. Y. II Lev. 11:42.Nidd.26a משחיף Ar., v. שַׁלְחֵף.

    Jewish literature > שחף II

  • 11 שְׁחַף

    שְׁחַףII (preced.) (to scrape, sweep, to move, crawl. Targ. Koh. 1:5 (of the sun, cmp. נָסַר; h. text שאף). Targ. Y. Gen. 3:14 שָׁחֵיף Ar. (ed. מטייל). Targ. Y. II Lev. 11:42.Nidd.26a משחיף Ar., v. שַׁלְחֵף.

    Jewish literature > שְׁחַף

  • 12 שייךְ

    שָׁיֵיךְm., שָׁיְיכָא f. (שוּךְ) connected, attached, related, belonging to. B. Kam.92b ש׳ ואזילוכ׳ Ar. (ed. מטייל) the bad palm tree belongs to and goes, v. שְׂיָכָא. Ab. Zar.72b כולי חמרא … ש׳ Ar. (ed. גריר) all the wine in the cask is connected with that in the siphon, v. גְּרַר. B. Mets.98b שכירה … מֵישַׁךְ שייכא דהאוכ׳ (not שייכי, V. Rashi) shall we say, the action of hiring is connected with that of lending, because in both cases there is the same responsibility for theft and loss (and therefore the act of hiring after lending is only a continuation of, and has had its beginning simultaneously with the lending)?, opp. לחודה קיימא. Ib. שכרה … ודאי לא ש׳ או דילמא כיון דש׳וכ׳ if he hired the animal to be used in the presence of the owner, and then borrowed it without him, shall we say, lending is surely not connected with hiring (since the laws of responsibility are different), or shall we say, because they are related in some respects, they may be considered entirely related (so that the two acts may be treated as of the same date)? B. Kam.15a נכרי משום דלא ש׳ במצות the gentile (is disqualified as witness), because he has no relation to the Jewish religious duties; אבל עבד דש׳ במצותוכ׳ but the slave (of a Jew) who has some relation to religious duties (being bound to observe certain religious laws) Kidd.42a אם אינו ענין להיכא דש׳וכ׳ if the text has no application to where it belongs (to the subject under consideration), apply it to where it does not belong (v. עִנְיָן). Y.Ab. Zar. I, 39d bot. עז דלא ש׳ בח גיזה a goat to which the law concerning the first-shorn wool does not apply; a. fr.Pl. שָׁיְיכֵי. Gitt.28b במילתא דלא ש׳ בהוכ׳ a thing in which they are not interested (and may be apt to boast of their feats): but in a thing in which they are interested, they are likely to cling to their lies.

    Jewish literature > שייךְ

  • 13 שָׁיֵיךְ

    שָׁיֵיךְm., שָׁיְיכָא f. (שוּךְ) connected, attached, related, belonging to. B. Kam.92b ש׳ ואזילוכ׳ Ar. (ed. מטייל) the bad palm tree belongs to and goes, v. שְׂיָכָא. Ab. Zar.72b כולי חמרא … ש׳ Ar. (ed. גריר) all the wine in the cask is connected with that in the siphon, v. גְּרַר. B. Mets.98b שכירה … מֵישַׁךְ שייכא דהאוכ׳ (not שייכי, V. Rashi) shall we say, the action of hiring is connected with that of lending, because in both cases there is the same responsibility for theft and loss (and therefore the act of hiring after lending is only a continuation of, and has had its beginning simultaneously with the lending)?, opp. לחודה קיימא. Ib. שכרה … ודאי לא ש׳ או דילמא כיון דש׳וכ׳ if he hired the animal to be used in the presence of the owner, and then borrowed it without him, shall we say, lending is surely not connected with hiring (since the laws of responsibility are different), or shall we say, because they are related in some respects, they may be considered entirely related (so that the two acts may be treated as of the same date)? B. Kam.15a נכרי משום דלא ש׳ במצות the gentile (is disqualified as witness), because he has no relation to the Jewish religious duties; אבל עבד דש׳ במצותוכ׳ but the slave (of a Jew) who has some relation to religious duties (being bound to observe certain religious laws) Kidd.42a אם אינו ענין להיכא דש׳וכ׳ if the text has no application to where it belongs (to the subject under consideration), apply it to where it does not belong (v. עִנְיָן). Y.Ab. Zar. I, 39d bot. עז דלא ש׳ בח גיזה a goat to which the law concerning the first-shorn wool does not apply; a. fr.Pl. שָׁיְיכֵי. Gitt.28b במילתא דלא ש׳ בהוכ׳ a thing in which they are not interested (and may be apt to boast of their feats): but in a thing in which they are interested, they are likely to cling to their lies.

    Jewish literature > שָׁיֵיךְ

  • 14 שרכא

    שְׂרָכָא(or שְׁ׳) m. (preced., v. סְרַךְ, סִרְכָא; cmp. b. h. שְׂרוֹךְ) 1) long and entangled grass, luxuriant growth. Erub.100b דאיכא ש׳ (not דאית ליה, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 60; Ms. M. שְׂרָאכָא; Ar. שדכי, corr. acc.) when the grass luxuriates (grows in long and tangled bands). 2) thorn, worthless tree.Pl. שְׂרָכֵי. B. Kam.92b (prov.) מטייל ואזיל דיקלא בישא גבי קינא דש׳ (Ar. שייך … בהדי קינא דשדכי, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 6) a bad palm will travel to be in company with shrubs (‘like meets like); Yalk. Jud. 67 דשרכו (corr. acc.); Yalk. Gen. 116 דסרכי.

    Jewish literature > שרכא

  • 15 שְׂרָכָא

    שְׂרָכָא(or שְׁ׳) m. (preced., v. סְרַךְ, סִרְכָא; cmp. b. h. שְׂרוֹךְ) 1) long and entangled grass, luxuriant growth. Erub.100b דאיכא ש׳ (not דאית ליה, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 60; Ms. M. שְׂרָאכָא; Ar. שדכי, corr. acc.) when the grass luxuriates (grows in long and tangled bands). 2) thorn, worthless tree.Pl. שְׂרָכֵי. B. Kam.92b (prov.) מטייל ואזיל דיקלא בישא גבי קינא דש׳ (Ar. שייך … בהדי קינא דשדכי, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 6) a bad palm will travel to be in company with shrubs (‘like meets like); Yalk. Jud. 67 דשרכו (corr. acc.); Yalk. Gen. 116 דסרכי.

    Jewish literature > שְׂרָכָא

См. также в других словарях:

  • מטייל — צועד, מהלך, פוסע, דורך, מסייר, מתייר, נודד, משוטט, טייל, הלך, סייר, תייר, עובר אורח, נוו …   אוצר עברית

  • הולך — 1 n. מטייל, נע ונד, משוטט, מתייר, תייר, עוסק בהליכ 2 {{}}C …   אוצר עברית

  • משוטט — מסתובב, מתנייע, מתנועע, פונה אנה ואנה, הולך לכאן ולכאן; נווד, נודד, נע ונד, מטייל, מתהלך ממקום למקום; בטלן, מתבטל, הולך בט …   אוצר עברית

  • נוסע — n. מטייל, טייל, תייר, הלך, עובר אורח, נע ונד, נווד, נודד; מוסע בכלי רכב, אינו נוה …   אוצר עברית

  • עורך מסע — נוסע, מטייל, מתייר {{}} …   אוצר עברית

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