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  • 1 אקפוץ


    ед.ч., м/ж р., 1 л., буд. вр./

    קָפַץ I [לִקפּוֹץ, קוֹפֵץ, יִקפּוֹץ]

    1.прыгать, перепрыгивать 2.появиться внезапно, выскочить 3.заскочить (к кому-л.)

    קָפַץ עַל הַמְצִיאָה

    ухватился обеими руками

    קפוֹץ לִי!

    плевал я на тебя! (очень грубо)

    קָפַץ כִּיתָה

    перескочил через класс

    קָפַץ עַל הָעֲגָלָה

    воспользовался моментом

    קָפַץ עַל הִזדַמנוּת

    воспользовался представившейся возможностью



    ед.ч., м/ж р., 1 л., буд. вр./

    קָפַץ II [לִקפּוֹץ, קוֹפֵץ, יִקפּוֹץ]

    сжать (губы, кулак)

    Иврито-Русский словарь > אקפוץ

  • 2 קפץ

    קָפַץ(b. h.) 1) to contract, shrink; to close. Midr. Till., to Ps. 22:20 היה השרביט קוֹפֵץ the scepter grew smaller and smaller; Yalk. ib. 687. Gen. R. s. 39 קוֹפֶצֶת באחת מאגפיהוכ׳ contracts herself with (flaps) one wing, v. יוֹנָה II. Snh.95a שלשה קָפְצָה להם הארץ (Ar. הדרך) for three persons did the earth (the road) shrink (they were suddenly transferred to a distant place); Yalk. Gen. 107. Y.Taan.IV, 69b קפצה להא״י Palestine has shrunk; a. fr.ק׳ פה (or sub. פה) to close the mouth, to indicate ones will by mimic motions. Gitt. V, 7 קוֹפֵץ ונִקְפָּץ a deaf and dumb person may transact business by motions with closed lips and by being spoken to in the same way.Part. pass. קָפוּץ; f. קְפוּצָה Koh. R. to V, 14 כשאדם … ידין הן קְפוּצוֹתוכ׳ when man enters the world, his hands are clenched, as if saying, the whole world is mine, opp. פשוטות straight, open. 2) to leap (with joined feet), jump; to be excited. Midr. Till. l. c. אותה קפיצה שקָפַצְתָּ על אבותי בים כן תִּקְפּוֹץ עלי היום ותפלטני ed. Bub. (ed. אותה הקפצה שהִקְפַּצְתָּ על אבותינו כןוכ׳) with the same leap with which thou didst leap like a hart in aid of my ancestors at the sea, leap now to my aid and save me; Yalk. Ps. l. c. Midr. Till. l. c. קוֹפֵץ כאיל ed. Bub., v. Pi. Ohol. VIII, 5 הקופץ ממקוםוכ׳ he that jumps from one place to another, contrad. to הדולג (v. קִיפּוּץ). Succ.49b שמא תאמר כל הבא לִקְפּוֹץ קוֹפֵץ lest you say, whosoever comes to jump may jump (whosoever wishes to do good succeeds in doing real good), we read (Ps. 36:8). Sabb.152a זקנה קופצת עליו old age will spring upon him (will overtake him prematurely). Taan.5b זקנה קפצה עליו he grew old before his time. Ib. מיד קפצהוכ׳ Ms. M. (ed. אמרהקב״ה אקפוץ, read אַקְפִּיץ). Sifra Shmini, Milluim קפצה פורענות עלוכ׳ punishment overtook Nadab Y.Keth.X, beg.33d קפצה עליהן ירושת תורה the legal succession according to Biblical law was sprung upon them (they have the precedence); ib. IV, 28d bot. קָפְסָה. Y.Gitt.IV, 46d top כדי … קוֹפְצִיןוכ׳ in order that all may be anxious to marry her. Y.Snh.X, 28c top איני קופץ אלא למהוכ׳ I will jump only at (betake myself to) what my grandfather told me, who said to me קְפוֹץ … לשלשה דבריםוכ׳ betake thyself to three things, and thou shalt be safe, they are: prayer Ber.39a ק׳ וברךוכ׳ he hastened and said the benediction Yeb.32b ק׳ר׳ חייאוכ׳ R. Ḥ. jumped up (got excited) and swore Tosef.Keth.II, 3 היאך ק׳ זה לכהונה how did this man jump into priesthood (by what right does he enjoy the privileges of a priest)? Num. R. s. 15 ולא יִקְפּוֹץ להשיב and must not be rash to reply; a. fr. 3) to skip. Nidd.11a קפצה וראתהוכ׳ if she skipped (one period) and menstruated, skipped (did so three times). 4) (denom. of קוּפִּיץ) to chop meat. Tosef.Bets.III, 5 קיפץ בכלי (Var. חותך) he cuts with some implement. Pi. קִיפֵּץ 1) same, to leap; to skip. Y. Ḥag.II, 77a bot. והיו … מְקַפְּצִיןוכ׳ and the ministering angels leaped before them like wedding guests rejoicing Pesik. R. s. 15 (ref. to Cant. 2:8) מדלג … ומְקַפֵּץ על החשבונותוכ׳ leaping over the destined terms of redemption, and skipping over the calculations of years and epochs (hastening the redemption), v. עִיבּוּר. Midr. Till., to Ps. 22:1 מְקַפֵּץ כאיל ed. Bub. (oth. ed. קופץ); ib. קופץ ed. Bub. (oth. ed. מקפץ) leaps like a hart; Yalk. ib. 685 קומץ (corr. acc.); a. fr. 2) to cause to leap. Tanḥ. Shmini 11 הקב״ה מקפץ להם את הזקנה God springs old age upon them (to make them look venerable). Hif. הִקְפִּיץ 1) as Pi. 2. Taan.5b אמרהקב״ה אַקְפִּיץוכ׳ (not אקפוץ, v. supra) the Lord said, I shall cause old age to spring upon them prematurely. Gen. R. s. 56 וה׳ את בנו עמו and made his son leap with him (saved himself and his son; v., however, אגינו). 2) to leap. Midr. Till. l. c., v. supra. Nif. נִקְפָּץ to be spoken to by mimic motions. Gitt. V, 7, v. supra.

    Jewish literature > קפץ

  • 3 קָפַץ

    קָפַץ(b. h.) 1) to contract, shrink; to close. Midr. Till., to Ps. 22:20 היה השרביט קוֹפֵץ the scepter grew smaller and smaller; Yalk. ib. 687. Gen. R. s. 39 קוֹפֶצֶת באחת מאגפיהוכ׳ contracts herself with (flaps) one wing, v. יוֹנָה II. Snh.95a שלשה קָפְצָה להם הארץ (Ar. הדרך) for three persons did the earth (the road) shrink (they were suddenly transferred to a distant place); Yalk. Gen. 107. Y.Taan.IV, 69b קפצה להא״י Palestine has shrunk; a. fr.ק׳ פה (or sub. פה) to close the mouth, to indicate ones will by mimic motions. Gitt. V, 7 קוֹפֵץ ונִקְפָּץ a deaf and dumb person may transact business by motions with closed lips and by being spoken to in the same way.Part. pass. קָפוּץ; f. קְפוּצָה Koh. R. to V, 14 כשאדם … ידין הן קְפוּצוֹתוכ׳ when man enters the world, his hands are clenched, as if saying, the whole world is mine, opp. פשוטות straight, open. 2) to leap (with joined feet), jump; to be excited. Midr. Till. l. c. אותה קפיצה שקָפַצְתָּ על אבותי בים כן תִּקְפּוֹץ עלי היום ותפלטני ed. Bub. (ed. אותה הקפצה שהִקְפַּצְתָּ על אבותינו כןוכ׳) with the same leap with which thou didst leap like a hart in aid of my ancestors at the sea, leap now to my aid and save me; Yalk. Ps. l. c. Midr. Till. l. c. קוֹפֵץ כאיל ed. Bub., v. Pi. Ohol. VIII, 5 הקופץ ממקוםוכ׳ he that jumps from one place to another, contrad. to הדולג (v. קִיפּוּץ). Succ.49b שמא תאמר כל הבא לִקְפּוֹץ קוֹפֵץ lest you say, whosoever comes to jump may jump (whosoever wishes to do good succeeds in doing real good), we read (Ps. 36:8). Sabb.152a זקנה קופצת עליו old age will spring upon him (will overtake him prematurely). Taan.5b זקנה קפצה עליו he grew old before his time. Ib. מיד קפצהוכ׳ Ms. M. (ed. אמרהקב״ה אקפוץ, read אַקְפִּיץ). Sifra Shmini, Milluim קפצה פורענות עלוכ׳ punishment overtook Nadab Y.Keth.X, beg.33d קפצה עליהן ירושת תורה the legal succession according to Biblical law was sprung upon them (they have the precedence); ib. IV, 28d bot. קָפְסָה. Y.Gitt.IV, 46d top כדי … קוֹפְצִיןוכ׳ in order that all may be anxious to marry her. Y.Snh.X, 28c top איני קופץ אלא למהוכ׳ I will jump only at (betake myself to) what my grandfather told me, who said to me קְפוֹץ … לשלשה דבריםוכ׳ betake thyself to three things, and thou shalt be safe, they are: prayer Ber.39a ק׳ וברךוכ׳ he hastened and said the benediction Yeb.32b ק׳ר׳ חייאוכ׳ R. Ḥ. jumped up (got excited) and swore Tosef.Keth.II, 3 היאך ק׳ זה לכהונה how did this man jump into priesthood (by what right does he enjoy the privileges of a priest)? Num. R. s. 15 ולא יִקְפּוֹץ להשיב and must not be rash to reply; a. fr. 3) to skip. Nidd.11a קפצה וראתהוכ׳ if she skipped (one period) and menstruated, skipped (did so three times). 4) (denom. of קוּפִּיץ) to chop meat. Tosef.Bets.III, 5 קיפץ בכלי (Var. חותך) he cuts with some implement. Pi. קִיפֵּץ 1) same, to leap; to skip. Y. Ḥag.II, 77a bot. והיו … מְקַפְּצִיןוכ׳ and the ministering angels leaped before them like wedding guests rejoicing Pesik. R. s. 15 (ref. to Cant. 2:8) מדלג … ומְקַפֵּץ על החשבונותוכ׳ leaping over the destined terms of redemption, and skipping over the calculations of years and epochs (hastening the redemption), v. עִיבּוּר. Midr. Till., to Ps. 22:1 מְקַפֵּץ כאיל ed. Bub. (oth. ed. קופץ); ib. קופץ ed. Bub. (oth. ed. מקפץ) leaps like a hart; Yalk. ib. 685 קומץ (corr. acc.); a. fr. 2) to cause to leap. Tanḥ. Shmini 11 הקב״ה מקפץ להם את הזקנה God springs old age upon them (to make them look venerable). Hif. הִקְפִּיץ 1) as Pi. 2. Taan.5b אמרהקב״ה אַקְפִּיץוכ׳ (not אקפוץ, v. supra) the Lord said, I shall cause old age to spring upon them prematurely. Gen. R. s. 56 וה׳ את בנו עמו and made his son leap with him (saved himself and his son; v., however, אגינו). 2) to leap. Midr. Till. l. c., v. supra. Nif. נִקְפָּץ to be spoken to by mimic motions. Gitt. V, 7, v. supra.

    Jewish literature > קָפַץ

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