Перевод: с русского на английский

с английского на русский


  • 1 при Советской власти

    General subject: in Soviet times

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > при Советской власти

  • 2 ни при чем

    НИ ПРИ ЧЕМ (тут, здесь) coll
    [PrepP; Invar; subj-compl with быть]
    1. [subj: human or collect]
    a person or group is not involved in the matter at hand (often implies that the person or group in question is not guilty in the given matter):
    - X (тут) ни при чём X has nothing to do with it (at all);
    - [in limited contexts] it's not X's fault (doing etc);
    - X is not responsible <at fault etc>.
         ♦ "Ах, вы считаете, что во всём виновата я? А ваш Виктор был ни при чом?" (Трифонов 4). "Ah, you consider me guilty for everything? And your Viktor had nothing to do with it?" (4a).
         ♦ "Что ты всё валишь на Андропова? Он вообще ни при чём" (Солженицын 2). "Why do you keep blaming Andropov for everything? He doesn't come into it at all" (2a).
         ♦ Софья Александровна... не может простить Советской власти высылки Саши. Но если даже это ошибка, то Советская власть здесь ни при чём, от ошибок не избавлена никакая власть (Рыбаков 2). Sofya Alexandrovna was...unable to forgive the Soviet regime for Sasha's exile. But even if that had been a mistake, the Soviet regime as such was not at fault, there wasn't a government in the world that did not make mistakes (2a).
    2. [subj: concr or abstr]
    sth. has no relevance to the matter or topic at hand:
    - X (тут) ни при чём X has nothing to do with it < sth.> (at all);
    - X is irrelevant (unrelated, beside the point).
         ♦...[Мадлена] сочинила роман под названием "Клелия (Римская история)". Римская история была в нём, собственно, ни при чём. Изображены были под видом римлян видные парижане (Булгаков 5).... [Madeleine] composed a novel she titled Clelie, A Roman Story. Properly speaking, Rome had nothing to do with the story at all. Under the guise of Romans, the novel depicted eminent Parisians (5a).
         ♦ [context transl] "Ты чего же - большевик?" - "Прозвище тут ни при чём... Дело не в прозвище, а в правде" (Шолохов 3). "What are you then-a Bolshevik?" "The name makes no difference....It's not the name that matters, but the truth" (3a).
    [PrepP; Invar; subj-compl with остаться (subj: human)]
    one is left without anything at all, usu. without having attained sth. desired or expected:
    - X остался ни при чём X was left with nothing;
    - X was left out in the cold.
         ♦ Всем дали премии, а я снова остался ни при чём. Everybody else got a bonus, but again I was left with nothing.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни при чем

  • 3 Б-150

    БОК 6 БОК 6 БОК both coll these forms only the resulting phrase is adv
    1. \Б-150 с кем-чем идти, ехать, стоять, находиться и т. п. (to walk, ride, stand, be etc) next to each other, right beside ( s.o. or sth.): side by side (with)
    alongside (of) abreast (in limited contexts) cheek by jowl (with).
    ...Семён Тетерин и Дуды рев, прислонив ружья к стволу берёзы, бок о бок отдыхают, отмахиваются от комаров (Тендряков 1)____Simon Teterin and Dudyrev, with their guns leaning against the trunk of a birch tree, were resting side by side, waving away the mosquitoes (1a).
    «Просьба у меня ко всем. Если такое случится, похороните здесь меня, вот тут, бок о бок с Ка-зангапом» (Айтматов 2). "I have a request to you all. If anything happens, bury me here, side by side with Kazangap" (2a).
    Бок о бок со мной кипела работа... (Лившиц 1). Alongside of me work was going on in full swing... (1a).
    Лошади их шли шагом бок о бок, и Григорий искоса посматривал на Копы лова, на его добродушное лицо... (Шолохов 5). They were riding abreast. Grigory glanced sideways at Kopylov's good-natured face... (5a).
    2. \Б-150 (с кем) жить, работать, воевать и т. п. (of people only) (to live, work, fight etc) together
    side by side (with)
    shoulder to shoulder (with) (in limited contexts) cheek by jowl (with).
    Абхазцы... всегда отличались рыцарским отношением к женщине, тем более сейчас, при советской власти, когда равноправные мужчины и женщины бок о бок работают на стройках и колхозных полях (Искандер 3). Abkhazians...had always been noted for their chivalrous treatment of women, especially now, under Soviet rule, when men and women worked side by side with equal rights at construction sites and in kolkhoz fields (3a).
    «Поживу дома, а там услышу, как будут они идтить (ungram-mat = идти) мимо, и пристану к полку», - отстранённо думал он о тех, с кем сражался вчера бок о бок (Шолохов 4). "I'll have а spell at home and then, when I hear them going past, I'll slip out and join them," he thought indifferently of those with whom only the day before he had been fighting shoulder to shoulder (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Б-150

  • 4 бок о бок

    БОК О БОК; О БОК both coll
    [these forms only; the resulting phrase is adv]
    1. бок о бок с кем-чем идти, ехать, стоять, находиться и т.п. (to walk, ride, stand, be etc) next to each other, right beside (s.o. or sth.):
    - [in limited contexts] cheek by jowl (with).
         ♦...Семён Тетерин и Дуды рев, прислонив ружья к стволу берёзы, бок о бок отдыхают, отмахиваются от комаров (Тендряков 1)....Simon Teterin and Dudyrev, with their guns leaning against the trunk of a birch tree, were resting side by side, waving away the mosquitoes (1a).
         ♦ "Просьба у меня ко всем. Если такое случится, похороните здесь меня, вот тут, бок о бок с Казангапом" (Айтматов 2). "I have a request to you all. If anything happens, bury me here, side by side with Kazangap" (2a).
         ♦ Бок о бок со мной кипела работа... (Лившиц 1). Alongside of me work was going on in full swing... (1a).
         ♦ Лошади их шли шагом бок о бок, и Григорий искоса посматривал на Копылова, на его добродушное лицо... (Шолохов 5). They were riding abreast. Grigory glanced sideways at Kopylov's good-natured face... (5a).
    2. бок о боккем) жить, работать, воевать и т.п. (of people only) (to live, work, fight etc) together:
    - [in limited contexts] cheek by jowl (with).
         ♦ Абхазцы... всегда отличались рыцарским отношением к женщине, тем более сейчас, при советской власти, когда равноправные мужчины и женщины бок о бок работают на стройках и колхозных полях (Искандер 3). Abkhazians...had always been noted for their chivalrous treatment of women, especially now, under Soviet rule, when men and women worked side by side with equal rights at construction sites and in kolkhoz fields (3a).
         ♦ "Поживу дома, а там услышу, как будут они идтить [ungrammat = идти] мимо, и пристану к полку", - отстранённо думал он о тех, с кем сражался вчера бок о бок (Шолохов 4). "I'll have a spell at home and then, when I hear them going past, I'll slip out and join them," he thought indifferently of those with whom only the day before he had been fighting shoulder to shoulder (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > бок о бок

  • 5 о бок

    БОК О БОК; О БОК both coll
    [these forms only; the resulting phrase is adv]
    1. о бок с кем-чем идти, ехать, стоять, находиться и т.п. (to walk, ride, stand, be etc) next to each other, right beside (s.o. or sth.):
    - [in limited contexts] cheek by jowl (with).
         ♦...Семён Тетерин и Дуды рев, прислонив ружья к стволу берёзы, бок о бок отдыхают, отмахиваются от комаров (Тендряков 1)....Simon Teterin and Dudyrev, with their guns leaning against the trunk of a birch tree, were resting side by side, waving away the mosquitoes (1a).
         ♦ "Просьба у меня ко всем. Если такое случится, похороните здесь меня, вот тут, бок о бок с Казангапом" (Айтматов 2). "I have a request to you all. If anything happens, bury me here, side by side with Kazangap" (2a).
         ♦ Бок о бок со мной кипела работа... (Лившиц 1). Alongside of me work was going on in full swing... (1a).
         ♦ Лошади их шли шагом бок о бок, и Григорий искоса посматривал на Копылова, на его добродушное лицо... (Шолохов 5). They were riding abreast. Grigory glanced sideways at Kopylov's good-natured face... (5a).
    2. о боккем) жить, работать, воевать и т.п. (of people only) (to live, work, fight etc) together:
    - [in limited contexts] cheek by jowl (with).
         ♦ Абхазцы... всегда отличались рыцарским отношением к женщине, тем более сейчас, при советской власти, когда равноправные мужчины и женщины бок о бок работают на стройках и колхозных полях (Искандер 3). Abkhazians...had always been noted for their chivalrous treatment of women, especially now, under Soviet rule, when men and women worked side by side with equal rights at construction sites and in kolkhoz fields (3a).
         ♦ "Поживу дома, а там услышу, как будут они идтить [ungrammat = идти] мимо, и пристану к полку", - отстранённо думал он о тех, с кем сражался вчера бок о бок (Шолохов 4). "I'll have a spell at home and then, when I hear them going past, I'll slip out and join them," he thought indifferently of those with whom only the day before he had been fighting shoulder to shoulder (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > о бок

  • 6 Ч-57

    НИ ПРИ ЧЁМ1 (тут, здесь) coll PrepP Invar subj-compl with бытыз)
    1. (subj: human or collect) a person or group is not involved in the matter at hand (often implies that the person or group in question is not guilty in the given matter)
    X (тут) ни при чём = X has nothing to do with it (at all)
    X doesn't come into it at all X plays no part in it (in limited contexts) itfs not Xfc fault (doing etc) X is not responsible (at fault etc).
    «Ах, вы считаете, что во всём виновата я? А ваш Виктор был ни при чём?» (Трифонов 4). "Ah, you consider me guilty for everything? And your Viktor had nothing to do with it?" (4a).
    «Что ты всё валишь на Андропова? Он вообще ни при чём» (Солженицын 2). "Why do you keep blaming Andropov for everything? He doesn't come into it at all" (2a).
    Софья Александровна... не может простить Советской власти высылки Саши. Но если даже это ошибка, то Советская власть здесь ни при чём, от ошибок не избавлена никакая власть (Рыбаков 2). Sofya Alexandrovna was...unable to forgive the Soviet regime for Sasha's exile. But even if that had been a mistake, the Soviet regime as such was not at fault, there wasn't a government in the world that did not make mistakes (2a).
    2. ( subj: concr or abstr) sth. has no relevance to the matter or topic at hand
    X (тут) ни при чём - X has nothing to do with it sth. (at all)
    X is irrelevant (unrelated, beside the point).
    ...(Мадлена) сочинила роман под названием «Клелия (Римская история)». Римская история была в нём, собственно, ни при чём. Изображены были под видом римлян видные парижане (Булгаков 5).... (Madeleine) composed a novel she titled Clelie, A Roman Story. Properly speaking, Rome had nothing to do with the story at all. Under the guise of Romans, the novel depicted eminent Parisians (5a).
    ( context transl) «Ты чего же -большевик?» - «Прозвище тут ни при чём... Дело не в прозвище, а в правде» (Шолохов 3). "What are you then-a Bolshevik?" "The name makes no difference....It's not the name that matters, but the truth" (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ч-57

  • 7 О-65

    ПРОЙТИ (СКВОЗЬ (ЧЕРЕЗ, И)) ОГОНЬ И ВОДУ (ОГНИ И ВОДЫ) (И МЕДНЫЕ ТРУБЫ) coll VP subj: human usu. past the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience
    occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much
    X прошёл огонь и воду (и медные трубы) - X has been (gone) through fire and water
    X has survived fire and water X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer) X has been there and back (in limited contexts) there's nothing X doesn't know.
    Осталась она (при немцах) потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадет (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
    Её (Одинцову) не любили в губернии... рассказывали про нее всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... «Прошла через огонь и воду», — говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She (Madame Odintsov) was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades... /There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > О-65

  • 8 пройти и огни и воды

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти и огни и воды

  • 9 пройти и огни и воды и медные трубы

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти и огни и воды и медные трубы

  • 10 пройти и огонь и воду

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти и огонь и воду

  • 11 пройти и огонь и воду и медные трубы

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти и огонь и воду и медные трубы

  • 12 пройти огни и воды

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти огни и воды

  • 13 пройти огни и воды и медные трубы

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти огни и воды и медные трубы

  • 14 пройти огонь и воду

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти огонь и воду

  • 15 пройти огонь и воду и медные трубы

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти огонь и воду и медные трубы

  • 16 пройти сквозь огни и воды

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти сквозь огни и воды

  • 17 пройти сквозь огни и воды и медные трубы

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти сквозь огни и воды и медные трубы

  • 18 пройти сквозь огонь и воду

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти сквозь огонь и воду

  • 19 пройти сквозь огонь и воду и медные трубы

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти сквозь огонь и воду и медные трубы

  • 20 пройти сквозь через огни и воды

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти сквозь через огни и воды

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