Перевод: с английского на турецкий

с турецкого на английский


  • 1 aperture

    n. açıklık, delik, aralık
    * * *
    1. açıklık 2. delik
    * * *
    1) (an opening or hole.) delik
    2) ((the size of) the opening (eg in a camera) through which light passes.) diyafram açıklığı, aralık, yarık

    English-Turkish dictionary > aperture

  • 2 bituminous

    adj. bitümlü, ziftli
    * * *
    * * *
    adjective ziftli, katranlı

    English-Turkish dictionary > bituminous

  • 3 caricature

    n. karikatür, kötü taklit
    v. karikatürünü yapmak, karikatürize etmek
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    1. karikatür 2. karikatürünü yap (v.) 3. karikatür (n.)
    * * *
    (a drawing or imitation (of someone or something) which is so exaggerated as to appear ridiculous: Caricatures of politicians appear in the newspapers every day.) karikatür

    English-Turkish dictionary > caricature

  • 4 gratuity

    n. hediye, armağan, ikramiye
    * * *
    * * *
    plural - gratuities; noun
    (a small sum of money given as a reward for good service; a tip.) bahşiş
    - gratuitously
    - gratuitousness

    English-Turkish dictionary > gratuity

  • 5 immature

    adj. gelişmemiş, olgunlaşmamış, ham
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    1. ham 2. olgunlaşmamış
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    1) (childish and behaving like someone much younger.) olgunlaşmamış, çocuksu
    2) (not fully grown or fully developed; not ripe.) olgun olmayan, ham

    English-Turkish dictionary > immature

  • 6 intuitive

    adj. sezgisel, sezgileri güçlü
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    1. sezgi yolu ile anlaşılan 2. sezgisel
    * * *
    adjective sezgisel, içe doğan

    English-Turkish dictionary > intuitive

  • 7 mature

    adj. olgun, kemâle ermiş, ergin, tamam, vadesi gelmiş
    v. olgunlaştırmak, olgunlaşmak, olmak, vadesi gelmek
    * * *
    1. matür 2. olgunlaş (v.) 3. olgun (adj.)
    * * *
    [mə'tjuə] 1. adjective
    1) ((having the qualities of someone who, or something that, is) fully grown or developed: a very mature person.) olgun, ergin
    2) ((of cheese, wine etc) ready for eating or drinking: a mature cheese.) olgun, olmuş
    2. verb
    1) (to make or become mature: She matured early.) olgunlaşmak
    2) ((of an insurance policy) to become due to be paid: My insurance policy matures when I reach sixty-five.) vadesi gelmek
    - maturity
    - matureness

    English-Turkish dictionary > mature

  • 8 obtuse

    adj. geniş, kesmez, kör, kalın kafalı, salak, duygusuz
    * * *
    * * *
    ((of an angle) greater than a right-angle.) geniş açı

    English-Turkish dictionary > obtuse

  • 9 opportunity

    n. fırsat, uygun durum, şans
    * * *
    * * *
    plural - opportunities; noun
    (a chance to do or a time for doing (something): an opportunity to go to Rome; You've had several opportunities to ask him.) fırsat

    English-Turkish dictionary > opportunity

  • 10 overture

    n. uvertür, giriş müziği, peşrev, öneri, teklif
    * * *
    * * *
    (a piece of music played as an introduction to an opera etc.) uvertür, peşrev

    English-Turkish dictionary > overture

  • 11 restitution

    n. sahibine geri verme, zararı karşılama, tazmin, restore etme, eski haline getirme, eski durumuna dönme, doğrultma [fot.]
    * * *
    * * *
    (the act of giving back to a person etc what has been taken away, or the giving of money etc to pay for damage, loss or injury.) ödeme, tazmin

    English-Turkish dictionary > restitution

  • 12 solitude

    n. yalnızlık, tek başınalık, tenhalık, ıssızlık
    * * *
    * * *
    noun (the state of being alone: He likes solitude; He lives in solitude.) yalnızlık

    English-Turkish dictionary > solitude

  • 13 statue

    n. heykel, statü, yontu
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    * * *
    (a sculptured figure of a person, animal etc in bronze, stone, wood etc: A statue of Nelson stands at the top of Nelson's Column; The children stood as still as statues.) heykel

    English-Turkish dictionary > statue

  • 14 statute

    n. kanun, statü, yasa, tüzük, hüküm, kural, nizam
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    * * *
    (a written law of a country.) yasa, kanun

    English-Turkish dictionary > statute

  • 15 tuba

    n. tuba
    * * *
    (a large brass musical wind instrument giving a low-pitched range of notes: He plays the tuba.) tuba

    English-Turkish dictionary > tuba

  • 16 tube

    n. tüp, televizyon, boru, iç lastik, metro, tünel, katot lâmbası
    v. boru döşemek, boru içine yerleştirmek, boru salmak
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    1. borula (v.) 2. tüp içine koy (v.) 3. tüp (n.)
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    1) (a long, low cylinder-shaped object through which liquid can pass; a pipe: The water flowed through a rubber tube; a glass tube.) tüp, boru
    2) (an organ of this kind in animals or plants.) boru
    3) (an underground railway (especially in London): I go to work on the tube / by tube; ( also adjective) a tube train/station.) metro, tünel
    4) (a container for a semi-liquid substance which is got out by squeezing: I must buy a tube of toothpaste.) tüp
    - tubular

    English-Turkish dictionary > tube

  • 17 tuber

    n. yumru, yumru kök
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    ufak yumru
    * * *
    (a swelling on the stem or root of a plant, in which food is stored: Potatoes are the tubers of the potato plant.) yumru (kök)

    English-Turkish dictionary > tuber

  • 18 Tuesday

    n. salı
    * * *
    * * *
    (the third day of the week, the day following Monday: He came on Tuesday; ( also adjective) Tuesday evening.) Salı (günü)

    English-Turkish dictionary > Tuesday

  • 19 tuition

    n. okul parası, ders ücreti, öğretim
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    1) (teaching, especially private: he gives music tuition / tuition in music.) öğretim, özel ders
    2) ((American) tuition fee; the money a student pays to a college, university or private school: How much is the tuition at your university?) öğrenim ücreti, okul harcı

    English-Turkish dictionary > tuition

  • 20 tulip

    n. lâle
    * * *
    * * *
    (a kind of plant with brightly-coloured cup-shaped flowers, grown from a bulb.) lâle

    English-Turkish dictionary > tulip

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Tjü Yu — Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt ist nicht hinreichend mit Belegen (Literatur, Webseiten oder Einzelnachweisen) versehen. Die fraglichen Angaben werden daher möglicherweise demnächst gelöscht. Hilf Wikipedia, indem du die Angaben recherchierst und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • tune*/ — [tjuːn] noun [C] I a song or simple piece of music She entertained them with a Russian folk tune.[/ex] the station that plays all your favourite tunes[/ex] • change your tune to change your opinion or attitude[/ex] in tune producing the right… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • tutor — [ˈtjuːtə] noun [C] I 1) a teacher in a college or university 2) someone who gives private lessons in a particular subject II verb [T] formal tutor [ˈtjuːtə] to teach one person or a small group of people …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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