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  • 1 yield

    n. производство; количина произведени продукти;
    2. летнина, принос, род
    v. дава (плодови, резултати), носи (плодови, разултати);
    2. дозволува, препушта; the New Year - Нова година; the year of grace - година на нашата ера; year by year - секоја година; year in year out - од година в година; once a year - еднаш годишно; all the year round - во тек на целата година;
    2. (pl.) годиште, доба на живот; in years - во години, доста стар; принос; приход; добивка; заработувачка; дава(резултати); производ; раѓа

    English-Macedonian dictionary > yield

  • 2 all that

    * * *
    толку all the better толку поарно; дотолку подобро all the same сеедно; наспроти тоа all the time цело време all the vogue популарен, модерен all the year round цела година all this while за сето тоа врема all to a man сите до еден

    English-Macedonian dictionary > all that

См. также в других словарях:

  • year-round — adjective happening, continuing, or available through the whole year: year round low prices ╾ ,year round adverb: The service is available year round …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • year-round — year′ round′ adj. 1) continuing, available, used, etc., throughout the year: a year round vacation spot[/ex] 2) throughout the year • Etymology: 1920–25 year′ round′er, n …   From formal English to slang

  • year-round — [yir′round′] adj. open, in use, operating, etc. throughout the year adv. throughout the year [to travel year round] …   English World dictionary

  • year-round — • year round • year around adj Usable, effective, or operating all the year. Colorado is a year round resort; there is fishing in the summer and skiing in the winter …   Словарь американских идиом

  • year-round — adj [usually before noun] happening or continuing through the whole year ▪ a year round supply of fresh fruit …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • year-round — year round; year round·er; …   English syllables

  • year-round — /year rownd /, adj. continuing, active, operating, etc., throughout the year: a year round vacation spot. Also, year around. [1920 25] * * * …   Universalium

  • year-round — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ happening or continuing throughout the year …   English terms dictionary

  • year-round|er — «YIHR ROWN duhr», noun. Informal. a person who lives in a place all year long …   Useful english dictionary

  • year-round — ADJ: ADJ n Year round is used to describe something that happens, exists, or is done throughout the year. Cuba has a tropical climate with year round sunshine. ADV: ADV with cl Year round is also an adverb. They work 7 days a week year round …   English dictionary

  • year round — (all) year round during the whole year. The farm is open to the public year round on weekends. In the Southwest, it s a lot easier to get outside all year round …   New idioms dictionary

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