Перевод: с английского на финский

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  • 21 pole

    • paalu
    • riuku
    • tolppa
    • hyppyseiväs
    • varras
    • vintti
    • aisa
    • vapa
    finance, business, economy
    • pooli
    • puolalainen
    • pylväs
    • kepittää
    • keppi
    • kanki
    • napa(tekniikka)
    • napajohdin
    • napa
    • napa (tek.)
    • pieli
    • seiväs
    • sauva
    • sauvoa
    • salko
    • tanko
    • piiru
    • pituusmitta
    * * *
    I pəul noun
    1) (the north or south end of the Earth's axis: the North/South Pole.) napa
    2) (the points in the heavens opposite the Earth's North and South Poles, around which stars seem to turn.) napa
    3) (either of the opposite ends of a magnet: The opposite poles of magnets attract each other.) napa
    4) (either of the opposite terminals of an electric battery: the positive/negative pole.) napa
    - polar bear
    - the pole star
    - be poles apart
    II pəul
    (a long, thin, rounded piece of wood, metal etc: a telegraph pole; a tent pole.) pylväs, salko

    English-Finnish dictionary > pole

  • 22 portent

    • ihme
    • enne
    • merkki
    * * *
    (something usually strange and remarkable that warns of some future happening: strange signs and portents.) enne

    English-Finnish dictionary > portent

  • 23 tentacle

    • tuntokarva
    • tuntosarvi
    • lonkero
    * * *
    (a long, thin, flexible arm-like or horn-like part of an animal, used to feel, grasp etc: An octopus has eight tentacles.) lonkero, tuntosarvi

    English-Finnish dictionary > tentacle

  • 24 tentative

    • varovainen
    • epäilevä
    • ehdonalainen
    • alustava
    • arveluttava
    • kokeilunluonteinen
    • koe-
    • kokeileva
    • kokeilu
    • kokeellinen
    • hapuileva
    • spekulatiivinen
    * * *
    1) (not final or complete; not definite: We have made a tentative arrangement.) alustava
    2) (uncertain or hesitating: a tentative movement.) varovainen
    - tentativeness

    English-Finnish dictionary > tentative

  • 25 wigwam

    • intiaaniteltta
    • intiaanimaja
    * * *
    (a North American Indian tent made of skins etc.) wigwam

    English-Finnish dictionary > wigwam

См. также в других словарях:

  • tent — tent1 [tent] n. [ME < OFr tente < L tenta, fem. pp. of tentus, alt. pp. of tendere, to stretch: see THIN] 1. a portable shelter consisting of canvas, skins, etc. stretched over poles and attached to stakes 2. anything suggestive of a tent,… …   English World dictionary

  • Tent — Tent, n. [OE. tente, F. tente, LL. tenta, fr. L. tendere, tentum, to stretch. See {Tend} to move, and cf. {Tent} a roll of lint.] 1. A pavilion or portable lodge consisting of skins, canvas, or some strong cloth, stretched and sustained by poles …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tent — Tent, v. t. [OF. tenter. See {Tempt}.] To probe or to search with a tent; to keep open with a tent; as, to tent a wound. Used also figuratively. [1913 Webster] I ll tent him to the quick. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tent — (1979) Album par The Nits Sortie 1979 Enregistrement Juin 1979–Octobre 1979 à Artisound, Amsterdam à Relight, Hilvarenbeek Genre New wave Produc …   Wikipédia en Français

  • tent — [tent] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: tente, from Latin tenta, from the past participle of tendere; TEND] a shelter consisting of a sheet of cloth supported by poles and ropes, used especially for camping ▪ We looked for a flat spot… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Tent — Tent, n. [F. tente. See {Tent} to probe.] (Surg.) (a) A roll of lint or linen, or a conical or cylindrical piece of sponge or other absorbent, used chiefly to dilate a natural canal, to keep open the orifice of a wound, or to absorb discharges.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tent — c.1300, portable shelter of skins or cloths stretched over poles, from O.Fr. tente (12c.), from M.L. tenta a tent, noun use of fem. sing. of L. tentus stretched, variant pp. of tendere to stretch (see TENET (Cf. tenet)). The notion is of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Tent — Tent, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Tented}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Tenting}.] To lodge as a tent; to tabernacle. Shak. [1913 Webster] We re tenting to night on the old camp ground. W. Kittredge. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tent — Tent, n. [Sp. tinto, properly, deep colored, fr. L. tinctus, p. p. of tingere to dye. See {Tinge}, and cf. {Tint}, {Tinto}.] A kind of wine of a deep red color, chiefly from Galicia or Malaga in Spain; called also {tent wine}, and {tinta}. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tent — [ tent ] noun count ** a shelter made of cloth and supported with poles and ropes tent camp/city a place where a lot of people live in tents because they lost their homes due to war or other bad events …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • tent|y — «TEHN tee», adjective, tent|i|er, tent|i|est. Scottish. watchful; observant …   Useful english dictionary

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