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  • 1 THEY, THEM

    (3rd person pl. and dual forms): As the pronominal ending for “they”, Tolkien hesitated between -ltë and -ntë. For instance, a verb like “they do” is attested both as cariltë and carintë (VT49:16, 17). In one text, the ending -ltë is marked as archaic or poetic (VT49:17), but in other paradigms no such qualification occurs (VT49:51). The alternative form -nte- occurs in UT:317, with a second pronominal marker (-s “it”, denoting the object) following: Tiruvantes "they will keep it". General considerations of euphony may favour -ltë rather than -ntë (e.g. *quenteltë rather than *quententë for “they spoke” – in the past tense, many verbs end in -ntë even before any pronominal endings are supplied, like quentë “spoke” in this example). The ending -ltë (unlike -ntë) would also conform with the general system that the plural pronominal endings include the plural marker l (VT48:11). – In Tolkien’s early material, the ending -ltë appears as -lto instead (e.g. tulielto “they have come”, LT1:270). – A simple plural verb (with ending -r) can have “they” as its implied subject, as in the example quetir en “they still say” (PE17:167). – In the independent pronouns, distinct forms of may be used depending on whether “they, them” refers to living beings (persons, animals or even plants) or to non-living things or abstracts. The “personal” independent pronoun is te, which may have a long vowel when stressed (té, VT49:51). It is also attested in object position (laita te “bless them”, LotR:989 cf. Letters:308, VT43:20). It can receive case endings, e.g. dative ten (VT49:14; variant forms téna and tien, VT49:14, VT43:12, 21). As the “impersonal” they, them referring to non-living things, Tolkien in some sources used ta (VT43:20; 8, 9), but this apparently caused dissatisfaction because he also wanted ta to be the singular pronoun “that, it”. According to VT49:32, the form tai was introduced as the word for impersonal or inanimate “they, them” (in some places changed to te, apparently suggesting that Tolkien considered using te for both personal and impersonal “they/them”, abandoning the distinction). Another source (VT49:51) lists sa as the pl. impersonal form, but all other published sources use this pronoun for singular impersonal “it”, not pl. “they”. – The object “them” can also be expressed by the ending -t following another pronominal suffix (laituvalmet, “we shall bless [or praise] them", LotR:989 cf Letters:308). Presumably this ending -t makes no distinction between personal and impersonal forms. – Quenya also possesses special dual forms of “they, them”, used where only two persons or things are referred to (none of these pronouns distinguish between personal and impersonal forms). In VT49:16, the old ending for dual “they” is given as -stë (marked as archaic or poetic), but this would clash with the corresponding 2nd person ending. According to VT49:51, this ending was changed (also within the imaginary world) from -stë to -ttë, which seems the better alternative (*carittë, “the two of them do”). The independent dual pronoun is given as tú (ibid.) However, it may also be permissible to use te for “they, them” even where only two persons are involved (te is seemingly used with reference to Frodo and Sam in one of the examples above, laita te “bless them”). – Genitive forms, see THEIR; reflexive pronoun, see THEMSELVES.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > THEY, THEM

  • 2 THEIR

    may be expressed as the ending -lta (also -ltya) added to nouns (VT49:16), e.g. *aldalta or *aldaltya = “their tree”. – In some sources, Tolkien instead gives the ending as -nta (nassentar pl. “their true-being[s]”, PE17:174) or -ntya (called an “archaic” form in VT49:17), just as he hesitated between -ltë and -ntë as the ending for “they” (VT49:17; see THEY). In “colloquial Quenya”, the ending -rya could also be used for the plural pronoun “their” (símaryassen “in their imaginations”, VT49:16), because it was felt to contain the plural ending -r, but in “correct” written Quenya -rya was rather the ending for “his, her, its” (VT49:17). – According to VT49:17, the vowel -i- is inserted before the ending -lta/-ltya or -nta/-ntya when it is added to a stem ending in a consonant (but the evidence concerning connecting vowels before pronominal endings is rather diverse). – All these words for “their” are plural; the ending for dual “their” (describing something owned by two persons) is given in VT49:16 as -sta, but this clashes with a similar ending belonging to the second rather than the third person. The corresponding ending for “they” was (according to VT49:51) changed from -stë to -ttë, seemingly implying *-tta as the ending for dual “their”: hence e.g. *aldatta, “the tree of the two of them”. – No independent words for “their, theirs” are attested. Analogy may point to *tenya (plural) and *túnya or *tunya (dual), based on (attested) ten and (unattested) *tún as the dative forms of the pronouns te, tú “they” (plural and dual, repectively). Compare such attested forms as ninya “my” and menya “our” vs. the dative pronouns nin “for me”, men “for us”.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > THEIR

  • 3 YOU

    (plural and dual only; for singular "you", see THOU): Plural “you” is normally expressed by the ending -ldë (VT49:51) that is added to verbs, e.g. carildë “you do” (VT49:16; in earlier texts Tolkien also used the ending--llë for pl. "you”, VT43:36, VT49:48). The reduced form -l may be attached to an imperative: hecal! "you be gone!" (WJ:364). Independent pronoun le, with long vowel (lé, VT49:51) when stressed. Case endings may be added, e.g. dative *len “for you” (cf. nin “for me”). YOUR (plural) is expressed by the ending -lda (VT49:16), e.g. onnalda “your child” (VT49:42); as an independent word perhaps *lenya (compare ninya “my” vs. ni “I”, nin “for me”). – Dual forms of YOU, used when addressing two persons: ending -stë (for original -dde, VT49:16, 33, 51), independent pronoun tyet (intimate/familiar) or let (polite/formal), YOUR (dual): ending -sta (VT49:16), as independent word perhaps *tyentya, *lentya derived from dual dative forms *tyent, *lent “for you (two)”. Compare such attested forms as ninya “my” and menya “our” vs. the dative pronouns nin “for me”, men “for us”.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > YOU

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