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  • 1 member

    1) (a person who belongs to a group, club, society, trade union etc: The association has three thousand members.) μέλος
    2) (short for Member of Parliament. M.P)

    English-Greek dictionary > member

  • 2 remember

    1) (to keep in the mind, or to bring back into the mind after forgetting for a time: I remember you - we met three years ago; I remember watching the first men landing on the moon; Remember to telephone me tonight; I don't remember where I hid it.) θυμάμαι
    2) (to reward or make a present to: He remembered her in his will.) μνημονεύω
    3) (to pass (a person's) good wishes (to someone): Remember me to your parents.) δίνω τους χαιρετισμούς (κάποιου)

    English-Greek dictionary > remember

См. также в других словарях:

  • memb — membrane, membranous …   Medical dictionary

  • MEMB — abbr. Member …   Dictionary of abbreviations

  • memb — • membrane, membranous …   Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations

  • 'memb'unce — Gullah Words remembrance, remembrances …   English dialects glossary

  • Membran — Memb·ra̲n die; , en; ↑Membrane …   Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache

  • Membrane — Memb·ra̲·ne die; , n; Phys; eine sehr dünne Schicht aus Metall, Papier, Gummi oder Haut, die Schwingungen überträgt || K: Lautsprechermembrane …   Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache

  • member*/*/*/ — [ˈmembə] noun [C] 1) someone who belongs to a group or an organization a trade union member[/ex] She was the only member of the family who visited him.[/ex] 2) a plant or animal that belongs to a particular group of plants or animals members of… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • membership*/ — [ˈmembəʃɪp] noun 1) [U] the fact of being a member of a club, organization, or group Several countries have applied for membership of the EU.[/ex] 2) [singular] the members of a club, organization, or group Our membership will vote on the… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • member — / membə/ noun 1. a person who belongs to a group, society or organisation ● Committee members voted on the proposal. ● They were elected members of the board. ● Every employer is a member of the employers’ federation. 2. a shareholder in a… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • member bank — / membə bæŋk/ noun a bank which is part of the Federal Reserve system …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • member firm — / membə fɜ:m/ noun a stockbroking firm which is a member of a stock exchange …   Dictionary of banking and finance

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