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  • 1 they

    1) (persons, animals or things already spoken about, being pointed out etc: They are in the garden.) ei; ele
    2) (used instead of he, he or she etc when the person's sex is unknown or when people of both sexes are being referred to: If anyone does that, they are to be severely punished.) el, ea, ei, ele

    English-Romanian dictionary > they

  • 2 aliquant

    (mat) numere prime între ele; alicuantă

    English-Romanian technical dictionary > aliquant

  • 3 coprime numbers

    (mat) numere coprime / prime între ele

    English-Romanian technical dictionary > coprime numbers

  • 4 tone

    (gen) nuanţă de culoarer, ton, sunet (fiz, th) ton, nuanţă; (tele) ton de ocupat (telefonie) // (fiz, tele) a armoniza nuanţele între ele

    English-Romanian technical dictionary > tone

  • 5 constituent

    [kən'stitjuənt] 1. noun
    1) (a necessary part: Hydrogen is a constituent of water.) (ele­ment) component
    2) (a voter from a particular member of parliament's constituency: He deals with all his constituents' problems.) alegător
    2. adjective
    He broke it down into its constituent parts.) component; constitutiv

    English-Romanian dictionary > constituent

  • 6 element

    1) (an essential part of anything: Sound teaching of grammar is one of the elements of a good education.) element
    2) (a substance that cannot be split by chemical means into simpler substances: Hydrogen, chlorine, iron and uranium are elements.) ele­ment
    3) (surroundings necessary for life: Water is a fish's natural element.) mediu
    4) (a slight amount: an element of doubt.) fărâ­mă
    5) (the heating part in an electric kettle etc.) re­zis­tenţă, element
    - elements
    - in one's element

    English-Romanian dictionary > element

  • 7 elementary

    adjective (very simple; not advanced: elementary mathematics.) ele­mentar

    English-Romanian dictionary > elementary

  • 8 elements

    1) (the first things to be learned in any subject: the elements of musical theory.) noţiuni fundamentale
    2) (the forces of nature, as wind and rain.) ele­mente (ale naturii)

    English-Romanian dictionary > elements

  • 9 sophisticated

    1) ((of a person) having a great deal of experience and worldly wisdom, knowledge of how to dress elegantly etc: a sophisticated young man; She has become very sophisticated since she went to live in London.) ele­gant, rafinat
    2) (suitable for, or typical of, sophisticated people: The joke was too sophisticated for the child to understand; sophisticated clothes/hairstyles.) subtil, căutat
    3) ((of machines, processes etc) highly-developed, elaborate and produced with a high degree of skill and knowledge: sophisticated photographic techniques.) sofisticat

    English-Romanian dictionary > sophisticated

  • 10 them

    [ðəm, ðem]
    1) (people, animals, things etc already spoken about, being pointed out etc: Let's invite them to dinner; What will you do with them?) (pe) ei/ele; lor, -le
    2) (used instead of him, him or her etc where a person of unknown sex or people of both sexes are referred to: If anyone touches that, I'll hit them.) îl; o; îi

    English-Romanian dictionary > them

См. также в других словарях:

  • ele — ele·gante; ele·gi·am·bus; ele·git; ele·i·din; ele·o·cyte; ele·o·lite; ele·va·tio; ele·va·to; …   English syllables

  • ELE Nr. 11 bis 14 — ELE Nr. 11–14 / PE Nr. 8–9 MFWE Nr. 29–32 / WPE Nr. 111 DRG Baureihe 75.6 Anzahl: 5 Hersteller: Henschel Baujahr(e): 1924–1929 Ausmusterung: 1969 Bauart: 1 C1 h2t Spurweite: 1435 mm (Normalspur) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ele Asu — Élé Asu Élé Asu, née en 1977 à Calabar (Nigéria)[1], est une journaliste franco nigériane de télévision travaillant en France. Depuis septembre 2006, elle présente les journaux dans La Matinale de Canal +. Biographie Diplômée de l Institut d …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Élé Asu — Élé Asu, née le 28 octobre 1977[1] à Calabar (Nigéria)[2], est une journaliste franco nigériane de télévision travaillant en France. Depuis septembre 2006, elle présente les journaux dans La Matinale de Canal + …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ele Opeloge — Persönliche Informationen Name: Ele Opeloge Nationalität …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ele — |é| s. m. Nome da letra L ou l.   ‣ Etimologia: pronúncia da letra l ele |ê| pron. pess. Pronome pessoal correspondente à terceira pessoa do singular, usado para designar a pessoa ou aquilo de que se fala (ex.: ele já chegou; o responsável é ele; …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Ele e Ela Motel (Adult Only) — (Натал,Бразилия) Категория отеля: Адрес: BR 406, km 01, Натал, CEP 592 …   Каталог отелей

  • ELE — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda ELE puede hacer referencia a: La duodécima letra del alfabeto español. Los eventos ligados a la extinción. Español como Lengua Extranjera Obtenido de ELE Categoría: Wikipedia:Desambiguación …   Wikipedia Español

  • ¡ele! — interjección 1. Se usa para animar a alguien que canta, baila, participa en una competición, etc. y que normalmente va acompañada de palmadas, gritos, etc. Observaciones: Suele ir reforzada por otra palabra: ¡Ele tu padre! 2. Se usa para expresar …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • Ele Opeloge — (born July 11 1985) is a Samoan weightlifter competing in the Women s +75 kg category.At the 2007 World Championships she ranked 11th, with a total of 250 kg.cite web|title=OPELOGE Ele|publisher=International Weightlifting… …   Wikipedia

  • élé — élé·gant; élé·gante; …   English syllables

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