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со словацкого на английский


  • 1 extra

    ['ekstrə] 1. adjective
    (additional; more than usual or necessary: They demand an extra $10 a week; We need extra men for this job.) ďalší
    2. adverb
    (unusually: an extra-large box of chocolates.) mimoriadne
    3. pronoun
    (an additional amount: The book costs $6.90 but we charge extra for postage.) navyše
    4. noun
    1) (something extra, or something for which an extra price is charged: The college fees cover teaching only - stationery and other equipment are extras.) vedľajší poplatok
    2) (in cinema or television, an actor employed in a small part, eg as a person in a crowd.) štatista, -ka
    3) (a special edition of a newspaper containing later or special news.) zvláštne vydanie
    * * *
    • vedlajší
    • zvlášt
    • zvláštny
    • extra
    • další
    • osobitná vec
    • mimoriadny
    • naviac

    English-Slovak dictionary > extra

  • 2 extramural

    1) ((of teaching, lectures etc) for people who are not full-time students at a college etc: extramural lectures.) diaľkový
    2) (separate from or outside the area of one's studies (in a university etc): extramural activities.) mimofakultný
    * * *
    • dialkové štúdium
    • mimo mesta

    English-Slovak dictionary > extramural

  • 3 extraterrestrial

    noun, adjective
    ((a person etc) not living on or coming from the planet Earth.) mimozemský

    English-Slovak dictionary > extraterrestrial

  • 4 extrovert

    noun, adjective
    ((a person) more interested in what happens around him than his own ideas and feelings: An extrovert (person) is usually good company.) extrovert

    English-Slovak dictionary > extrovert

  • 5 extract

    1. [ik'strækt] verb
    1) (to pull out, or draw out, especially by force or with effort: I have to have a tooth extracted; Did you manage to extract the information from her?) vytiahnuť
    2) (to select (passages from a book etc).) vypísať si
    3) (to take out (a substance forming part of something else) by crushing or by chemical means: Vanilla essence is extracted from vanilla beans.) extrahovať
    2. ['ekstrækt] noun
    1) (a passage selected from a book etc: a short extract from his novel.) výťah
    2) (a substance obtained by an extracting process: beef/yeast extract; extract of malt.) výťažok
    * * *
    • vynímat
    • výtažok
    • vynikat
    • vytiahnut
    • výnatok
    • vybrat
    • vytrhnút
    • úryvok
    • extrahovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > extract

См. также в других словарях:

  • extra*/*/*/ — [ˈekstrə] adj I in addition to the usual amount There s no extra money for emergencies.[/ex] We need extra space for guests.[/ex] • be extra to cost an additional amount of money[/ex] It s £20 for dinner, and drinks are extra.[/ex] II noun [C]… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • extradite — [ˈekstrəˌdaɪt] verb [T] to send someone who is wanted for a crime back to the country where the crime was committed, so that they can be judged in a law court there extradition [ˌekstrəˈdɪʃ(ə)n] noun [C/U] …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • extracurricular — [ˌekstrəkəˈrɪkjʊlə] adj extracurricular activities are things that you do at school or college that are not part of your usual classes …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • extraterrestrial — [ˌekstrətəˈrestriəl] adj existing on planets other than Earth …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • extricate — [ˈekstrɪˌkeɪt] verb [T] formal to get someone or yourself out of a difficult situation or a dangerous place …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • extrovert — [ˈekstrəˌvɜːt] noun [C] someone who is very confident, lively, and likes social situations Ant: introvert extroverted adj …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • extra — / ekstrə/ adjective which is added or which is more than usual ● to charge 10% extra for postage ● service is extra ● There is no extra charge for heating. ● We get £25 extra pay for working on Sunday …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • extranet — / ekstrənet/ noun a closed network of websites and email systems that is accessible to the people who belong to an organisation and to some others who do not, and that allows the outsiders access to the organisation’s internal applications or… …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • extras — / ekstrəz/ plural noun items which are not included in a price ● Packing and postage are extras …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • extract — / ekstrækt/ noun a printed document which is part of a larger document ● He sent me an extract of the accounts …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • crimen extraordinarium — |ekstrə|ȯ(r)də|na(a)rēəm noun (plural crimina extraordinaria) Etymology: Late Latin, literally, extraordinary crime : a crime in Roman law that was considered extraordinary in that punishment was not fixed by earlier written law but was left to… …   Useful english dictionary

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