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См. также в других словарях:

  • bed|fel|low — «BEHD FEHL oh», noun. 1. a sharer of one s bed. 2. Figurative. an associate: »Politics makes strange bedfellows …   Useful english dictionary

  • bed·fel·low — /ˈbɛdˌfɛloʊ/ noun, pl lows [count] : a person or thing that is associated or connected with another used in phrases like strange bedfellows to describe people and things that are grouped or working together in a way that seems unlikely,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • fel — bed·fel·low·ship; brun·fel·sia; buf·fel; duf·fel; far·fel; fel·la·gha; fel·lah; fel·la·ta; fel·la·tio; fel·len; fel·low·man; fel·on·ry; fel·o·ny; fel·sen·meer; fel·sic; fel·site; fel·so·phyre; fel·spar; fel·spath·ic; fel·wort; kef·fel; kip·fel;… …   English syllables

  • bed — bed; bed·da; bed·ded; bed·der; bed·e·guar; bed·er·al; bed·fel·low·ship; bed·ford; bed·ford·shire; bed·lam·er; bed·less; bed·ling·ton; bed·man; bed·ral; bed·rid·den; bed·stead; bed·ward; crab·bed; crab·bed·ly; crab·bed·ness; em·bed; em·bed·ment;… …   English syllables

  • Fel d 1 — Protbox start Name= Fel d 1 Photo= Fel d 1.png Caption= Cartoon rendering of the Fel d 1 dimer, the primary allergen present on cat saliva. Gene = Structure = PDBID: [http://www.pdb.org/pdb/explore/explore.do?structureId=1PUO 1PUO] Review = cite… …   Wikipedia

  • bedfellow — bed|fel|low [ˈbedˌfeləu US lou] n strange bedfellows two or more people, ideas etc that are related or working together in an unexpected way ▪ Rugby and art seem strange bedfellows …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bedfellow — /bed fel oh/, n. 1. Also called bedmate. a person who shares one s bed. 2. an associate or collaborator, esp. one who forms a temporary alliance for reasons of expediency: Politics makes strange bedfellows. [1400 50; late ME bedfelow. See BED,… …   Universalium

  • bedfellow — bed|fel|low [ bed,felou ] noun count someone or something that is connected with another person or thing in some way, often unexpectedly: Politics can create some strange bedfellows …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • bedfellow — bed•fel•low [[t]ˈbɛdˌfɛl oʊ[/t]] n. 1) a person who shares one s bed 2) an associate or collaborator, esp. one who forms a temporary alliance for reasons of expediency • Etymology: 1400–50 …   From formal English to slang

  • bedfellowship — bed·fel·low·ship …   English syllables

  • low — al·low; al·low·a·bil·i·ty; al·low·a·bly; al·low·ed·ly; ba·low; ban·ga·low; bar·low; bed·fel·low·ship; bil·low·i·ness; blue and yel·low; brick·low; brig·a·low; bun·ga·low; cal·low·ness; car·low; col·low; fal·low·ness; fel·low·man; fet·low;… …   English syllables

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