Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 astrological

    adjective astrológico
    * * *
    [æstrəl'ɔdʒikəl] adj = link=astrologic astrologic.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > astrological

  • 2 astronaut

    (a person who travels in space: Who was the first astronaut to land on the moon?) astronauta
    * * *
    ['æstrənɔ:t] n astronauta.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > astronaut

  • 3 gastronomic

    (of good food: the gastronomic delights of France.) gastronómico
    * * *
    [gæstrən'ɔmik] adj gastronômico.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > gastronomic

  • 4 straggle

    1) (to grow or spread untidily: His beard straggled over his chest.) espalhar-se
    2) (to walk too slowly to remain with a body of eg marching soldiers, walkers etc.) arrastar-se
    - straggly
    - straggliness
    * * *
    [str'ægəl] vi 1 vagar, errar, andar separado, apartar-se, desgarrar-se. 2 estar isolado ou esparso, crescer de modo irregular. 3 afastar-se, desviar-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > straggle

  • 5 strangle

    (to kill by gripping or squeezing the neck tightly, eg by tightening a cord etc round it: He strangled her with a nylon stocking; This top button is nearly strangling me!) estrangular
    * * *
    [str'æŋgəl] vt 1 estrangular, matar por estrangulação. 2 sufocar, abafar, suprimir. 3 reprimir.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > strangle

  • 6 strap

    [stræp] 1. noun
    1) (a narrow strip of leather, cloth, or other material, eg with a buckle for fastening something (eg a suitcase, wristwatch etc) or by which to hold, hang or support something (eg a camera, rucksack etc): I need a new watch-strap; luggage straps.) correia
    2) (a short looped strip of leather etc, hanging from the roof of a train, by which a standing passenger can support himself.) tira
    2. verb
    1) (to beat (eg a schoolchild) on the hand with a leather strap: He was strapped for being rude to the teacher.) castigar
    2) (to fasten with a strap etc: The two pieces of luggage were strapped together; He strapped on his new watch.) prender
    - strap in
    - strap up
    * * *
    [stræp] n 1 tira, correia. 2 alça, cordão. 3 assentador de navalhas. 4 presilha. 5 açoite. 6 surra com açoite ou cinta. • vt 1 segurar, amarrar com fita ou correia. 2 bater com correia, açoitar. 3 assentar (o corte de navalha). 4 aplicar tiras sobrepostas de emplastro adesivo. to be strapped estar sem dinheiro, estar duro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > strap

  • 7 stratagem

    (a trick or plan.) estratagema
    * * *
    [str'ætədʒəm] n estratagema, artifício.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stratagem

  • 8 strategy

    plural - strategies; noun
    1) (the art of planning a campaign or large military operation: military strategy.) estratégia
    2) (the art of, or a scheme for, managing an affair cleverly.) estratégia
    - strategically
    - strategist
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    [str'ætədʒi] n estratégia.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > strategy

  • 9 administrative

    [-strətiv, ]( American[) -streitiv]
    adjective an administrative post; administrative ability.) administrativo
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    [ədm'inistrətiv] adj administrativo, executivo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > administrative

  • 10 stroke

    [strəuk] I noun
    1) (an act of hitting, or the blow given: He felled the tree with one stroke of the axe; the stroke of a whip.) golpe
    2) (a sudden occurrence of something: a stroke of lightning; an unfortunate stroke of fate; What a stroke of luck to find that money!) golpe
    3) (the sound made by a clock striking the hour: She arrived on the stroke of (= punctually at) ten.) batida
    4) (a movement or mark made in one direction by a pen, pencil, paintbrush etc: short, even pencil strokes.) traço
    5) (a single pull of an oar in rowing, or a hit with the bat in playing cricket.) golpe
    6) (a movement of the arms and legs in swimming, or a particular method of swimming: He swam with slow, strong strokes; Can you do breaststroke/backstroke?) braçada
    7) (an effort or action: I haven't done a stroke (of work) all day.) esforço
    8) (a sudden attack of illness which damages the brain, causing paralysis, loss of feeling in the body etc.) ataque
    II 1. verb
    (to rub (eg a furry animal) gently and repeatedly in one direction, especially as a sign of affection: He stroked the cat / her hair; The dog loves being stroked.) afagar
    2. noun
    (an act of stroking: He gave the dog a stroke.) afago
    * * *
    [strouk] n 1 golpe, soco, pancada. 2 batida, som de pancada. 3 proeza, façanha, lance, feito. 4 movimento rítmico, braçada. 5 Sports voga (também stroke oar). 6 pulsação, batida do coração. 7 traço de escala, mostrador. 8 traço (de pena, etc.). 9 arrancada. 10 golpe (de sorte, etc.). 11 ataque (de doença), surto, doença. 12 Med apoplexia, derrame cerebral. 13 remada. 14 Mech curso (de êmbolo), percurso. 15 badalada (de sino, relógio, etc.). 16 pincelada. 17 patrão (de barco a remo). • vt+vi 1 ser o patrão de remadores. 2 traçar, fazer um traço. 3 cancelar, riscar. 4 rebater (bola). a stroke of genius um lance de gênio. a stroke of luck um golpe de sorte. at a stroke em um só golpe, de uma só vez. down stroke movimento descendente. on the stroke of one à uma hora em ponto. to put someone off his stroke perturbar ou interromper o trabalho de alguém. up stroke traço ou movimento ascendente.
    [strouk] n afago, carícia, ato de passar a mão para acariciar. • vt acariciar, alisar, afagar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stroke

  • 11 stroll

    [strəul] 1. verb
    (to walk or wander without hurry: He strolled along the street.) passear
    2. noun
    (an act of strolling: I went for a stroll round the town.) volta
    * * *
    [stroul] n passeio, volta. • vt 1 andar, passear, dar uma volta. 2 errar, vaguear. 3 vagabundear, andar à toa. to take a stroll dar uma volta.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stroll

  • 12 astronomic(al)

    1) ((of numbers or amounts) very large: The cost of the new building was astronomical.) astronómico
    2) (of astronomy: astronomical observations.) astronómico

    English-Portuguese dictionary > astronomic(al)

  • 13 astronomic(al)

    1) ((of numbers or amounts) very large: The cost of the new building was astronomical.) astronómico
    2) (of astronomy: astronomical observations.) astronómico

    English-Portuguese dictionary > astronomic(al)

  • 14 strand

    I [strænd] II [strænd] noun
    (a thin thread, eg one of those twisted together to form rope, string, knitting-wool etc, or a long thin lock of hair: She pushed the strands of hair back from her face.) fio
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    [strænd] n praia, costa. • vt+vi 1 encalhar, dar na praia. 2 fracassar, fazer fracassar, ficar desamparado.
    [strænd] n 1 toro ou cordão de corda. 2 fibra, fios (de cabelo). 3 fio de linha, filamento. • vt 1 torcer fios de corda. 2 partir, desatar fios de corda.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > strand

  • 15 apostrophe

    (a mark (') which is used to show that a letter or letters has/have been omitted from a word, and which is also used in possessive phrases and in the plurals of letters: the boy's coat; the boys' coats; There are two n's in `cannot' but only one in `can't'.) apóstrofe
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    [əp'ɔstrəfi] n Gram apóstrofo, sinal que serve para: 1 indicar a supressão de letra ou letras. 2 formar o genitivo de substantivos.
    [əp'ɔstrəfi] n Rhet apóstrofe: figura de retórica em que o orador se interrompe, dirigindo a palavra a alguma coisa ou pessoa real ou fictícia.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > apostrophe

  • 16 catastrophe

    (a sudden great disaster: earthquakes and other natural catastrophes; Her brother's death was a catastrophe for the family.) catástrofe
    - catastrophically
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    [kət'æstrəfi] n 1 catástrofe: a) desfecho de uma tragédia. b) calamidade, grande desgraça. c) fim lastimoso. 2 cataclismo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > catastrophe

  • 17 claustrophobia

    (fear of narrow, small or enclosed places.) claustrofobia
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    [klɔ:strəf'oubiə] n Med claustrofobia.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > claustrophobia

  • 18 striate

    [str'aieit] vt estriar, riscar. • [str'aiit] adj (também striated) estriado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > striate

  • 19 stripper

    [str'ipə] n pessoa que faz número de striptease.
    [str'ipə] n Typogr copiador, copista.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stripper

  • 20 strut

    past tense, past participle - strutted; verb
    (to walk in a stiff, proud way: The cock strutted about the farmyard; The man was strutting along looking very pleased with himself.) pavonear-se
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    [str∧t] n suporte, braço, esteio, escora. • vt suportar, segurar com esteio ou escoro.
    [str∧t] n andar pomposo, pavoneio. • vt andar de modo afetado ou pomposo, pavonear-se, empertigar-se, emproar-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > strut

См. также в других словарях:

  • STR — STR, Str bzw. StR ist eine Abkürzung für: den Flughafen Stuttgart im IATA Code Trier Hauptbahnhof in der DS 100 Short tandem repeat in der Genetik Straße Studienrat (StR; beamtete Lehrkraft im höheren Schuldienst Deutschlands) Scuderia Toro Rosso …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Str — STR, Str bzw. StR ist eine Abkürzung: für den Flughafen Stuttgart im IATA Code in der Genetik für Short tandem repeat für Straße für Studienrat (StR; beamtete Lehrkraft im höheren Schuldienst Deutschlands) für Scuderia Toro Rosso für Stärke (Wird …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • stræbe — stræ|be vb., r, stræbte, stræbt; stræbe efter noget; stræbe nogen efter livet (forsøge at slå nogen ihjel) …   Dansk ordbog

  • Strætisvagnar Reykjavíkur — Strætó bs. Strætó bs. est le nom de l entreprise islandaise en charge des transports publics dans la ville de Reykjavík et son agglomération. L entreprise possède 23 lignes de bus dont 6 lignes dites « express » qui permettent de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • stræk — sb., ket, stræk, kene; lægge i stræk; i ét stræk …   Dansk ordbog

  • strække — stræk|ke vb., r, strakte, strakt; strække sig; strække ud; strække våben (overgive sig) …   Dansk ordbog

  • strækkemuskel — stræk|ke|mus|kel sb., strækkemusklen, strækkemuskler, strækkemusklerne …   Dansk ordbog

  • Str — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}}   Sigles d une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Str. — Str. 〈Abk. für〉 Straße * * * Str. = Straße. * * * Str. = Straße …   Universal-Lexikon

  • str̀čati se — svrš. 〈prez. (3. l. jd) str̀čī se, pril. pr. āvši se, prid. rad. str̀čao se〉 1. {{001f}}trčeći stići sa svih strana 2. {{001f}}iron. stići sa svih strana u zajedničkom interesu, pokazati vrlo izražen, pretjeran interes za što; sjatiti se …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • štȑcnuti — (∅) svrš. 〈prez. nēm, pril. pr. ūvši, imp. štȑcni, prid. trp. štȑcnūt〉 naglo izići u mlazu; briznuti …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

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