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  • 61 cub

    1) (the young of certain animals such as foxes, lions etc: a bear cub.) (plēsīga zvēra) mazulis
    2) ((with capital: short for Cub Scout) a member of the junior branch of the Scouts.) jaunskauts
    * * *
    mazulis; neaptēsts jauneklis, zaļknābis; apbērnoties

    English-Latvian dictionary > cub

  • 62 cultivated

    1) ((of fields etc) prepared for crops; used for growing crops: cultivated land.) apstrādāts; kultivēts
    2) (grown in a garden etc; not wild: a cultivated variety of raspberries.) kultivēts; kultūr- (augs)
    3) (having good manners; educated: a cultivated young lady; He has cultivated tastes in music.) izsmalcināts
    * * *
    apstrādāts; izsmalcināts

    English-Latvian dictionary > cultivated

  • 63 cygnet

    (a young swan: a swan with three cygnets.) jauns gulbis
    * * *
    jauns gulbis

    English-Latvian dictionary > cygnet

  • 64 dashing

    adjective (smart and lively: a dashing young man; She looks very dashing in her new clothes.) straujš; uzkrītošs; žilbinošs
    * * *
    aizrautīgs, dedzīgs, straujš; žilbinošs, uzkrītošs

    English-Latvian dictionary > dashing

  • 65 decadent

    adjective a decadent young man.) pagrimis
    * * *
    dekadents; pagrimis; dekadentisks

    English-Latvian dictionary > decadent

  • 66 delusion

    noun (a false belief, especially as a symptom of mental illness: The young man was suffering from delusions.) maldīšanās; mānija
    * * *
    maldīšanās; maldināšana; mānija

    English-Latvian dictionary > delusion

  • 67 devour

    (to eat up greedily: The young zebra was devoured by a lion; She devoured the chocolates.) []rīt
    * * *
    rīt; aprīt; kāri uztvert; iznīcināt

    English-Latvian dictionary > devour

  • 68 discontent

    (the state of not being contented; dissatisfaction: There is a lot of discontent among young people.) neapmierinātība
    - discontentedly
    - discontentment
    * * *
    neapmierinātība; neapmierināts; radīt neapmierinātību

    English-Latvian dictionary > discontent

  • 69 disqualify

    1) (to put out of a competition etc for breaking rules: She was disqualified for being too young.) diskvalificēt
    2) (to make unfit for some purpose: His colour-blindness disqualified him for the Air Force.) padarīt par nederīgu
    * * *
    padarīt par nederīgu; diskvalificēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > disqualify

  • 70 education

    noun (instruction and teaching, especially of children and young people in schools, universities etc: His lack of education prevented him from getting a good job.) audzināšana; izglītība
    * * *
    audzināšana; izglītība; attīstīšana

    English-Latvian dictionary > education

  • 71 embryo

    plural - embryos; noun
    1) (a young animal or plant in its earliest stages in seed, egg or womb: An egg contains the embryo of a chicken; ( also adjective) the embryo child.)
    2) (( also adjective) (of) the beginning stage of anything: The project is still at the embryo stage.)
    - embryological
    - embryologist
    - embryonic
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > embryo

  • 72 empty-headed

    adjective (brainless: an empty-headed young girl.) bez smadzenēm; stulbs
    * * *
    ar tukšu galvu, stulbs

    English-Latvian dictionary > empty-headed

  • 73 fawn

    I [fo:n] noun
    1) (a young deer.) jauns briedis
    2) (( also adjective) (of) its colour, a light yellowish brown: a fawn sweater.) rūsgana krāsa; rūsgans
    II [fo:n] verb
    1) ((of dogs) to show affection (by wagging the tail, rolling over etc).) (par suni) luncināties
    2) ((with upon) to be too humble or to flatter (someone) in a servile way: The courtiers fawned upon the queen.) lišķēt; pieglaimoties
    * * *
    jauns briedis; dzeltenbrūna krāsa; luncināt asti, luncināties; pielišķēties, pieglaimoties; dzeltenbrūns

    English-Latvian dictionary > fawn

  • 74 fellowship

    1) (an association (of people with common interests): a youth fellowship (= a club for young people).) biedrība; apvienība
    2) (friendliness.) brālība; sadraudzība
    3) (a scholarship given to a graduate student for advanced studies or for research.) (zinātniska darbinieka) stipendija
    * * *
    sadraudzība, brālība

    English-Latvian dictionary > fellowship

  • 75 fertile

    1) (producing a lot: fertile fields; a fertile mind/imagination.) ražīgs; bagāts; radošs (par iztēli u.tml.)
    2) (able to produce fruit, children, young animals etc: fertile seed.) auglīgs; dīgtspējīgs (par sēklām)
    - fertilize
    - fertilise
    - fertilization
    - fertilisation
    - fertilizer
    - fertiliser
    * * *
    ražīgs, auglīgs; dīgtspējīgas; radošs, bagāts

    English-Latvian dictionary > fertile

  • 76 filly

    plural - fillies; noun
    (a young female horse.) (jauna) ķēve
    * * *
    ķēve; draiskule

    English-Latvian dictionary > filly

  • 77 foal

    [fəul] 1. noun
    (a young horse.) kumeļš
    2. verb
    (to give birth to a foal: The mare should foal this week.) (par ķēvi) atnesties
    * * *
    ēzelēns, kumeļš; atnesties

    English-Latvian dictionary > foal

  • 78 foetus

    (a young human being, animal, bird etc in the early stages of development before it is born or hatched.) embrijs, dīglis
    * * *
    auglis, embrijs

    English-Latvian dictionary > foetus

  • 79 foolish

    1) (having no sense: He is a foolish young man.) muļķīgs
    2) (ridiculous: He looked very foolish.) muļķīgs
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > foolish

  • 80 foreboding

    (a feeling that something bad is going to happen: He has a strange foreboding that he will die young.) priekšnojauta
    * * *
    slikta zīme; ļauna nojauta, priekšnojauta

    English-Latvian dictionary > foreboding

См. также в других словарях:

  • Young — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Young (desambiguación). Young es una ciudad uruguaya del departamento de Río Negro. Posee una población de 14.521 habitantes (2004). Contenido 1 Geografía 2 Curiosidades …   Wikipedia Español

  • Young — Young, Arthur Young, Brigham Young, Charles Augustus Young, Edward Young, James Young, Owen Young, Thomas Young, módulo de * * * (as used in expressions) …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Young — ist das englische Wort für jung, jugendlich, unerfahren, neu. Young steht für: Young (Familienname), Auflistung der Familiennamen Young Young (Magazin), eine Frauenzeitschrift Young ist der Name folgender Orte: Norwood Young America, eine Stadt… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • young — [yuŋ] adj. younger [yuŋ′gər] youngest [yuŋ′gəst] [ME yonge < OE geong, akin to Ger & Du jung < IE * yuwen > L juvenis, Sans yuvan , young] 1. being in an early period of life or growth; not old 2. characteristic of youth in quality,… …   English World dictionary

  • Young — (y[u^]ng), a. [Compar. {Younger} (y[u^][ng] g[ e]r); superl. {Youngest} ( g[e^]st).] [OE. yung, yong, [yogh]ong, [yogh]ung, AS. geong; akin to OFries. iung, iong, D. joing, OS., OHG., & G. jung, Icel. ungr, Sw. & Dan. ung, Goth. juggs, Lith.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Young — refers to the quality or state of youth, or the offspring of a species.It may also refer to:People: See Young (surname) Places*Young, Arizona, United States *Young, Indiana, United States *Young, New South Wales, Australia *Young, Río Negro,… …   Wikipedia

  • Young —   [jʌȖ],    1) Andrew, amerikanischer Politiker, * New Orleans (La.) 12. 3. 1932; kongregationistischer Geistlicher, engagierte sich als Afroamerikaner in der Bürgerrechtsbewegung, in der er den gemäßigten Flügel repräsentierte, besonders für die …   Universal-Lexikon

  • YOUNG (T.) — YOUNG THOMAS (1773 1829) Médecin et physicien anglais. Il apprend le grec, le latin, l’hébreu, le français, l’italien, le persan et l’arabe. Il rédige une analyse des systèmes philosophiques connus en Grèce et se passionne pour la botanique et… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • YOUNG (E.) — YOUNG EDWARD (1683 1765) Fils d’un ecclésiastique du Hampshire, Edward Young fait d’abord ses études à Oxford, puis il suit le duc de Wharton; il écrit alors des tragédies assez verbeuses et déclamatoires, qui manquent totalement d’intensité… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • YOUNG (L.) — YOUNG WILLIS LESTER dit LESTER (1909 1959) Ayant débuté comme batteur et saxophoniste alto, Lester Young choisit ensuite le ténor et fait partie de nombreux orchestres, en particulier celui de Count Basie auprès duquel il conquiert la notoriété.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Young — Young, Brig|ham (1801 77) a US leader of the ↑Mormon religion. In ↑Illinois Mormons were being badly treated, and so they decided to move away. In 1847, Young led 5000 Mormons across the US to their new home in what later became the state of… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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