Перевод: со всех языков на язык суахили

с языка суахили на все языки


  • 1 rope

    [English Word] make rope
    [Swahili Word] -suka kamba
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] -suka
    [English Word] make rope
    [Swahili Word] -sokota kamba
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] -sokota
    [English Word] rope
    [English Plural] ropes
    [Swahili Word] kamba
    [Swahili Plural] kamba
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] ukambaa
    [English Example] she realized that her days sitting there would be spent cutting rope
    [Swahili Example] alitambua kwamba siku zake za kukaa pale zilikuwa zikikata kamba [Kez]
    [English Word] rope
    [English Plural] ropes
    [Swahili Word] sokoto
    [Swahili Plural] masokoto
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Word] sokota V
    [English Word] rope
    [English Plural] ropes
    [Swahili Word] utari
    [Swahili Plural] tari
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/10
    [English Word] rope (braided with strips of leaves)
    [English Plural] ropes
    [Swahili Word] kambaa
    [Swahili Plural] makambaa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Word] kamba
    [English Word] rope (for leading an ox attached through nose)
    [Swahili Word] ujamu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 14
    [English Word] rope (made of baobab fibers and used by nursing mothers to support the breasts)
    [English Plural] ropes
    [Swahili Word] mchinjiko
    [Swahili Plural] michinjiko
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [English Word] rope (made of plaited strips of leaves)
    [English Plural] ropes
    [Swahili Word] ukambaa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11
    [Related Words] kamba
    [English Example] a well-worn coir-rope is better than a new rope made from raffia (proverb)
    [Swahili Example] ukuukuu wa kamba si upya wa ukambaa (methali)
    [English Word] rope (strong piece of)
    [English Plural] ropes
    [Swahili Word] ngoweo
    [Swahili Plural] ngoweo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] rope for attaching a yard
    [English Plural] ropes
    [Swahili Word] hamarawi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Terminology] nautical
    [English Word] rope for hoisting a sail
    [English Plural] ropes for hoisting a sail
    [Swahili Word] ayari
    [Swahili Plural] ayari
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Terminology] nautical
    [English Word] rope made of coconut fibers
    [English Plural] ropes
    [Swahili Word] kamba ya nazi
    [Swahili Plural] kamba za nazi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Related Words] nazi
    [English Word] rope of European manufacture
    [English Plural] ropes
    [Swahili Word] kamba ya ulayiti
    [Swahili Plural] kamba za ulayiti
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Related Words] ulayiti
    [English Word] rope of the front sail
    [Swahili Word] manjali
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Terminology] nautical
    [English Word] thin rope (for fastening sails to the yards)
    [Swahili Word] kajekaje
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Terminology] nautical
    [English Word] tiller-rope
    [English Plural] tiller-ropes
    [Swahili Word] mjari
    [Swahili Plural] mijari
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] rare
    [Terminology] nautical
    [English Word] tiller-rope
    [English Plural] tiller-ropes
    [Swahili Word] mjiari
    [Swahili Plural] mijiari
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Terminology] nautical

    English-Swahili dictionary > rope

  • 2 stick

    [English Word] defensive knobbed stick
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] rungu
    [Swahili Plural] marungu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] flexible stick used to capture burrowing nearshore worms for bait
    [English Plural] flexible sticks
    [Swahili Word] telewa
    [Swahili Plural] telewa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Dialect] Kimvita
    [Terminology] marine
    [English Word] forked stick
    [English Plural] forked sticks
    [Swahili Word] kongwa
    [Swahili Plural] makongwa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] get stuck
    [Swahili Word] -ama
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] hockey stick
    [English Plural] hockey sticks
    [Swahili Word] gongo
    [Swahili Plural] magongo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] hooked stick (used to pull down branches in fruit-picking)
    [English Plural] hooked sticks
    [Swahili Word] chogoe
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] hooked stick for pulling down fruit
    [English Plural] hooked sticks
    [Swahili Word] upembo
    [Swahili Plural] pembo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/10
    [English Word] large hooked stick
    [English Plural] large hooked sticks
    [Swahili Word] ngoe
    [Swahili Plural] ngoe
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] make (legs) stick in
    [Swahili Word] -topeza
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] topea V
    [English Word] piece of stick used for twisting the rope tightening firewood
    [Swahili Word] mlio
    [Swahili Plural] milio
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [English Word] pointed stick
    [English Plural] pointed sticks
    [Swahili Word] mchokoo
    [Swahili Plural] michokoo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] -chokoa V
    [English Word] pointed stick
    [English Plural] pointed sticks
    [Swahili Word] mkonjo
    [Swahili Plural] mikonjo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] konzo
    [English Word] pointed stick
    [English Plural] pointed sticks
    [Swahili Word] mkonzo
    [Swahili Plural] mikonzo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] konzo
    [English Word] pointed stick used for opening coconuts
    [English Plural] pointed sticks
    [Swahili Word] chuo
    [Swahili Plural] vyuo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [English Word] short thick stick
    [English Plural] short thick sticks
    [Swahili Word] kibarango
    [Swahili Plural] vibarango
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Related Words] mbarango
    [English Word] short, thick stick (made from the wood of the mpweke tree)
    [English Plural] short, thick sticks
    [Swahili Word] mpweke
    [Swahili Plural] mipweke
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] mpweke N (type of tree)
    [English Word] stick
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] bakora
    [Swahili Plural] bakora
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Swahili Example] bakora ya kiskofu
    [Note] rel. crozier.
    [English Word] stick
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] fimbo
    [Swahili Plural] fimbo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Example] a stick that you don't have in hand won't kill a snake (proverb)
    [Swahili Example] fimbo ya mbali hayiuwi nyoka (methali)
    [English Word] stick
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] kijiti
    [Swahili Plural] vijiti
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] mti
    [English Example] he stops his arms, as though he had been stuck with a stick in his eye
    [Swahili Example] anasimamisha mikono, kama aliyechomwa kijiti machoni [Ma]
    [English Word] stick
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] konjo
    [Swahili Plural] makonjo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] stick
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] konzo
    [Swahili Plural] makonzo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] stick
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] mbarango
    [Swahili Plural] mibarango
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [English Word] stick
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] mkongojo
    [Swahili Plural] mikongojo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] konga V
    [English Word] stick
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] ukongojo
    [Swahili Plural] kongojo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/10
    [Derived Word] konga
    [English Word] stick
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] njiti
    [Swahili Plural] njiti
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] stick
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] ufito
    [Swahili Plural] fito
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/10
    [English Word] stick
    [Swahili Word] -ama
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] stick
    [Swahili Word] -choma
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] stick
    [Swahili Word] -kokorocha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] stick
    [Swahili Word] -korocha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] stick
    [Swahili Word] -korochakorocha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] stick
    [Swahili Word] -nata
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] stick
    [Swahili Word] -sagama
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] stick
    [Swahili Word] -tofoa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] stick
    [Swahili Word] -tofua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] stick (for digging holes)
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] mshamo
    [Swahili Plural] mishamo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [English Word] stick (stout)
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] kiwi
    [Swahili Plural] viwi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [English Word] stick (to a frying pan)
    [Swahili Word] -ungua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] stick (to the ground)
    [Swahili Word] -jikaza
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] reflexive
    [Swahili Example] ki-Asumini kilijikaza chini ya mihogo [Moh]
    [English Word] stick (together)
    [Swahili Word] -ambata
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] amba
    [English Word] stick (used by weavers to tighten thread)
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] mladi
    [Swahili Plural] miladi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [English Word] stick (with a hardened tip used as a hunting weapon or in pit traps)
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] ukonjo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] stick (with a hardened tip used as a hunting weapon or in pit traps)
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] ukonzo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] stick (with hardened tip used for hunting)
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] konzo
    [Swahili Plural] makonzo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] stick between two things
    [Swahili Word] -pachika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] stick fast
    [Swahili Word] -ganda
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] stick fast
    [Swahili Word] -kwama
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] stick fast
    [Swahili Word] -zinda
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] stick for sitting on when picking cloves
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] parago
    [Swahili Plural] maparago
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Word] paraga V
    [English Word] stick in
    [Swahili Word] -pachika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] fasten a knife-blade in the handle.
    [Swahili Example] pachika kisu kipinini
    [English Word] stick in (belt etc.)
    [Swahili Word] -futika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -futa
    [Related Words] -futua
    [English Word] stick in the throat
    [Swahili Word] -sama
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] stick of wood
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] banzi
    [Swahili Plural] mabanzi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] stick on
    [Swahili Word] -bandika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] stick on which one props oneself when picking cloves
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] parago
    [Swahili Plural] maparago
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] stick out
    [Swahili Word] -benua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] -benulia, -benusha, mbenuko, mbinu
    [English Word] stick set against a door to hold it shut
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] kiwi
    [Swahili Plural] viwi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [English Word] stick to
    [Swahili Word] -gandamia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] stick together
    [Swahili Word] -amba
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] ambata, ambo, ambua, ambukizo, chamba, chambo, cahambua, gamba, ngambi, uambukizo, wamba, wambiso
    [Note] rare
    [English Word] stick together
    [Swahili Word] -ambatana
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] reciprocal
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] ambata
    [English Example] the cloth has stuck to the wound
    [Swahili Example] nguo imeambatana na kidonda
    [English Word] stick together
    [Swahili Word] -shikamana
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] the rice stuck together after being cooked
    [Swahili Example] Wali ulishikamana baada ya kupikwa
    [English Word] stick used for knocking down fruit
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] pikipiki
    [Swahili Plural] mapikipiki
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -piga
    [Swahili Definition] fimbo ndogo ya kutupia mtini ili kuangusha matunda
    [English Word] stick used in rope-making
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] kileti
    [Swahili Plural] vileti
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [English Word] stick used to remove fish from larger basket type fish traps
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] palio
    [Swahili Plural] palio
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Dialect] Kimvita
    [Terminology] marine
    [English Word] stick with iron tip (for digging stones)
    [English Plural] sticks
    [Swahili Word] muo
    [Swahili Plural] miuo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [English Word] stick with something
    [Swahili Word] -gandama na
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] sticking together
    [Swahili Word] mnato
    [Swahili Plural] minato
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] nata V
    [English Word] sticks (bunch of), laid inside a cooking-pot to keep the food from burning
    [English Plural] sticks (bunches of)
    [Swahili Word] nyalio
    [Swahili Plural] nyalio
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] sticks or laths used to fill up the spaces in the framework of a house prior to plastering
    [Swahili Word] wasa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] sticks used for fortune-telling
    [Swahili Word] wano
    [Swahili Plural] mawano
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] thick stick
    [English Plural] thick sticks
    [Swahili Word] gongo
    [Swahili Plural] magongo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [English Example] he plays hockey with a thick stick
    [Swahili Example] anacheza hoki kwa gongo [Sul]
    [English Word] walking stick with the handle shaped like the bill of a hornbill
    [English Plural] walking sticks
    [Swahili Word] domo la kwembe
    [Swahili Plural] madomo ya kwembe
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6

    English-Swahili dictionary > stick

  • 3 hold

    [English Word] be held
    [Swahili Word] -shikwa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] passive
    [English Example] Bahati was held by the urge to see Idi
    [Swahili Example] Bahati alishikwa na hamu ya kutaka kumwona Idi [Sul], Bi Tamima alishikwa na uchungu [Moh]
    [English Word] get hold (of)
    [Swahili Word] -nasa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] mnaso, -nata, -nasia, -nasika, -nasana, -nasisha, -nasua, -naswa
    [English Word] get hold of (with a hook)
    [Swahili Word] -pemba
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] pull down coconuts.
    [Swahili Example] pemba minazi
    [English Word] get hold of something (fruit etc) with a hook
    [Swahili Word] -ngoeka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] ugoe
    [English Word] hold
    [Swahili Word] mkamato
    [Swahili Plural] mikamato
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] kamata V
    [English Word] hold
    [Swahili Word] -bamba
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] hold
    [Swahili Word] -kamata
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] -kamatia, -kamatika, -kamatana, -kamatisha, -kamatwa
    [English Word] hold
    [Swahili Word] -shika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] hold (of a ship)
    [Swahili Word] falka
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] hold (of a vessel)
    [Swahili Word] ngama
    [Swahili Plural] ngama
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Terminology] nautical
    [English Word] hold back
    [Swahili Word] -nyima
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] you must restrain yourselve somewhat.
    [Swahili Example] lazima ujinyime nafsi yako
    [English Word] hold back
    [Swahili Word] -ziwia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Note] rare
    [English Word] hold back
    [Swahili Word] -zuia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] hold back
    [Swahili Word] -zuwia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] hold by pressure
    [Swahili Word] -bana
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] bano, banzi, kibaniko, kibanzi, mbano, -bania, -banika, -banana, -banisha, -banua, -banwa
    [English Word] hold each other
    [Swahili Word] -shikana
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] reciprocal
    [English Example] holding each other's hand under the table
    [Swahili Example] hushikana mikono chini ya meza [Ya]
    [English Word] hold fast
    [Swahili Word] -bana
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] bano, banzi, kibaniko, kibanzi, mbano, -bania, -banika, -banana, -banisha, -banua, -banwa
    [English Word] hold fast
    [Swahili Word] -guya
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Note] rare
    [English Word] hold fast
    [Swahili Word] -nasa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] mnaso, -nata, -nasia, -nasika, -nasana, -nasisha, -nasua, -naswa
    [English Example] his eyes held fast when he once again came away from that girl
    [Swahili Example] [macho yake] yalinasa alipotokea tena huyu msichana [Mt]
    [English Word] hold fast
    [Swahili Word] -ng'ang'ama
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] hold in gunwale of boat for oarlock rope loop
    [Swahili Word] shalaka
    [Swahili Plural] shalaka
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Terminology] nautical
    [English Word] hold in the mouth
    [Swahili Word] -vuata
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] hold on the knee or lap
    [Swahili Word] -pakata
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] (s)he held that gown on the knee
    [Swahili Example] kalipakata lile gauni [Muk]
    [English Word] hold on to
    [Swahili Word] -nasa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] mnaso, -nata, -nasia, -nasika, -nasana, -nasisha, -nasua, -naswa
    [English Word] hold on to
    [Swahili Word] -zingatia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] hold on to (obstinately or persistently)
    [Swahili Word] -shikilia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] applicative
    [English Example] "I have said I did note take even a single oath", Nuka held on to that
    [Swahili Example] "Nimesema sijala kiapo hata kimoja", alishikilia Nunga [Ng]
    [English Word] hold oneself back
    [Swahili Word] -jinyima
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Definition] kujikataa kitu wewe mwenyewe
    [English Word] hold onto
    [Swahili Word] -shika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] hold out
    [Swahili Word] -himili
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] hamali
    [English Word] hold the tongue
    [Swahili Word] -fyata (ulimi)
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Example] wote waliufyata [Moh]
    [English Word] hold tight
    [Swahili Word] -ganda
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] hold tight
    [Swahili Word] -kaza
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] kikaza, kikazo, mkazo
    [Swahili Example] kaza kamba; kaza sukurubu
    [Note] tighten the rope; exert pressure.
    [English Word] hold tight
    [Swahili Word] -zingatia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] hold together
    [Swahili Word] -ambika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] amba
    [Related Words] ambata, ambo, ambua, ambukizo, chamba, chambo, chambua, gamba, ngambi, uambukizo, wamba, wambiso
    [English Word] hold up
    [Swahili Word] -kawilisha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] appl-caus
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -kawa
    [English Word] ship's hold
    [Swahili Word] feuli
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Terminology] nautical
    [English Word] take hold of
    [Swahili Word] -kamata
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] -kamatia, -kamatika, -kamatana, -kamatisha, -kamatwa
    [English Word] take hold of
    [Swahili Word] -paramia
    [Part of Speech] verb

    English-Swahili dictionary > hold

  • 4 cut

    [English Word] act of cutting
    [Swahili Word] ukataji
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 14
    [Derived Word] kata V
    [English Word] be cut
    [Swahili Word] -katika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] intransitive
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -kata
    [English Example] this wood can not be cut
    [Swahili Example] ukuni huu haukatiki
    [English Word] be cut
    [Swahili Word] -katwa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] -kata V
    [English Word] be cut off from each other
    [Swahili Word] -tindikana
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut
    [English Plural] cuts
    [Swahili Word] chale
    [Swahili Plural] chale
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Related Words] uchale
    [English Word] cut
    [Swahili Word] chanjo
    [Swahili Plural] machanjo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] cut
    [Swahili Word] chomeo
    [Swahili Plural] machomeo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] cut
    [Swahili Word] chongo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] cut
    [English Plural] cuts
    [Swahili Word] kilingo
    [Swahili Plural] vilingo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -linga
    [English Word] cut
    [Swahili Word] chongo
    [Swahili Plural] michongo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] chonga V
    [English Word] cut
    [Swahili Word] mchanjo
    [Swahili Plural] michanjo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] -chanja V
    [English Word] cut
    [Swahili Word] mchapo
    [Swahili Plural] michapo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] -chapa V
    [English Word] cut
    [Swahili Word] mchongo
    [Swahili Plural] michongo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] -chonga V
    [English Word] cut
    [Swahili Word] pengo
    [Swahili Plural] mapengo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] cut
    [Swahili Word] tojo
    [Swahili Plural] matojo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] cut
    [English Plural] cuts
    [Swahili Word] uchale
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] cut
    [Swahili Word] -chongea
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut
    [Swahili Word] -fasili
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut
    [Swahili Word] -kata
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] kataa, kato, mkata, mkataji, mkate, mkato, mkatizo, ukata
    [English Example] constant rubbing of a rope will cut a stone (proverb)
    [Swahili Example] papo kwa papo kamba hukata jiwe (methali)
    [English Word] cut
    [Swahili Word] -keketa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Example] ikikeketwa kwa msumeno wa mapuuza [Moh]
    [English Word] cut
    [Swahili Word] -shenga
    [Swahili Plural] shenga
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut
    [Swahili Word] -tema
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Example] kumsaidia mamaake kutema, kufyeka... [Moh]
    [English Word] cut (a little of the top of something)
    [Swahili Word] -buabua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut (as with a dull knife)
    [Swahili Word] -chikicha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut (in pay)
    [Swahili Word] nakisi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] cut (only of grain)
    [Swahili Word] -fioa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut (only of grain)
    [Swahili Word] -fyoa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut (open)
    [Swahili Word] -wanga
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut (the bark of trees to obtain resin)
    [Swahili Word] -gema
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut (with an instrument)
    [Swahili Word] -chonga
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut a point
    [Swahili Word] -chongoa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut down
    [Swahili Word] -jengua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] jengo, jenzi, mjengo, mjenzi, ujenzi
    [Swahili Example] sisi kazi yetu kujenga; sio kujengua
    [English Word] cut in pieces
    [Swahili Word] -chanja
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] chop up firewood
    [Swahili Example] chanja kuni
    [English Word] cut in small pieces
    [Swahili Word] -checha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut in stone
    [Swahili Word] -chora
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut into (e.g. of a tight cord)
    [Swahili Word] -vama
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut into (e.g. of a tight cord)
    [Swahili Word] -vamia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut into small pieces
    [Swahili Word] -katakata
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -kata
    [English Word] cut notches
    [Swahili Word] -tiringa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut off
    [Swahili Word] -katisha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] causative
    [Derived Word] -kata
    [English Word] cut off (branches)
    [Swahili Word] -pagua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] pogo
    [English Example] slashing knife.
    [Swahili Example] kisu cha kupogolea
    [English Word] cut off (branches)
    [Swahili Word] -pogoa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] pogo
    [English Example] slashing knife.
    [Swahili Example] kisu cha kupogolea
    [English Word] cut off (branches)
    [Swahili Word] -pokoa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] pogo
    [English Example] slashing knife.
    [Swahili Example] kisu cha kupogolea
    [English Word] cut off someone's speech
    [Swahili Word] -kata kauli
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] kata V, kauli N
    [English Word] cut oneself
    [Swahili Word] -kunyua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] kuna V
    [English Word] cut short
    [Swahili Word] -katiza
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] causative
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -kata
    [English Word] cut someone short
    [Swahili Word] -katia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] applicative
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -kata
    [English Word] cut the hair
    [Swahili Word] -dira
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut the throat
    [Swahili Word] -chinja
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut thing
    [English Plural] cut things
    [Swahili Word] mkate
    [Swahili Plural] mikate
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] kata V
    [English Word] cut up
    [Swahili Word] -kata
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [English Word] cut up
    [Swahili Word] -pingua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut up (e.g. manioc)
    [Swahili Word] -enga
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut up (fruits)
    [Swahili Word] -chanyata
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cut up (into pieces)
    [Swahili Word] -lenga
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] feel cut to the quick
    [Swahili Word] -panda ari
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] Maksudi felt cut to the quick
    [Swahili Example] Maksuudi alipanda ari [Moh]
    [English Word] make a cut
    [Swahili Word] -vuaza
    [Part of Speech] verb

    English-Swahili dictionary > cut

  • 5 trap

    [English Word] be trapped
    [Swahili Word] -naswa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] passive
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -nasa
    [English Word] be trapped
    [Swahili Word] -nasika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] intransitive
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -nasa
    [English Word] check a trap
    [Swahili Word] -tazama mtego
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] conical fish-trap used mostly in rivers and creeks
    [English Plural] traps
    [Swahili Word] mgono
    [Swahili Plural] migono
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [English Word] fish trap
    [English Plural] fish traps
    [Swahili Word] vyero
    [Swahili Plural] vyero
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] fish trap (basketwork)
    [Swahili Word] lema
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Dialect] dialectical
    [English Word] fish-trap (kind of)
    [English Plural] fish-traps
    [Swahili Word] walio
    [Swahili Plural] nyalio
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/10
    [English Word] narrow basket type fish trap rarely used in the present day
    [Swahili Word] mnyoso
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Dialect] Kimvita
    [Terminology] marine
    [English Word] pit trap (for animals)
    [Swahili Word] rima
    [Swahili Plural] marima
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] prepare a trap for fish
    [Swahili Word] -ambika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] amba
    [English Word] release a trap
    [Swahili Word] -tegua mtego
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] rope with float used to mark the location of small basket type fish traps
    [Swahili Word] hunde
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Dialect] Kimvita
    [Terminology] marine
    [English Word] set a trap
    [Swahili Word] -tega mtego
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] set a trap
    [Swahili Word] -tega mtego
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] set a trap for
    [Swahili Word] -fyusa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] spring trap
    [Swahili Word] mtambo
    [Swahili Plural] mitambo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Dialect] archaic
    [English Word] stationary basket type fishing trap set up in a nearshore tide pool (now rarely used)
    [Swahili Word] finge
    [Swahili Plural] finge
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Dialect] Kimvita
    [Terminology] marine
    [English Word] trap
    [Swahili Word] bakunja
    [Swahili Plural] mabakunja
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Word] -teka b.
    [English Word] trap
    [Swahili Word] mnaso
    [Swahili Plural] minaso
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] nasa V
    [English Word] trap
    [English Plural] traps
    [Swahili Word] mtego
    [Swahili Plural] mitego
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Swahili Example] mtego wa panya huu [Moh]
    [English Word] trap
    [Swahili Word] shabaki
    [Swahili Plural] shabaki
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] trap
    [Swahili Word] shabuka
    [Swahili Plural] shabuka
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] trap
    [Swahili Word] -nasa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] mnaso, -nata, -nasia, -nasika, -nasana, -nasisha, -nasua, -naswa
    [English Word] trap
    [Swahili Word] -tega
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] trap (controlled by a cord)
    [Swahili Word] tanzi
    [Swahili Plural] matanzi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] trap (type of)
    [English Plural] traps
    [Swahili Word] kiunda
    [Swahili Plural] viunda
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -unda
    [English Word] trap (type of)
    [English Plural] traps
    [Swahili Word] mfyuso
    [Swahili Plural] mifyuso
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Related Words] -fyata, -fyusa
    [English Word] trap (with spring)
    [Swahili Word] mtambo
    [Swahili Plural] mitambo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [English Word] trap for
    [Swahili Word] -nasia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] applicative
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -nasa
    [English Word] what is caught in a trap
    [Swahili Word] mnaso
    [Swahili Plural] minaso
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] nasa V
    [English Word] wicker fish trap
    [Swahili Word] utata
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] wickerwork fish-trap
    [Swahili Word] dema
    [Part of Speech] noun

    English-Swahili dictionary > trap

  • 6 fasten

    [English Word] be fastened
    [Swahili Word] -fungwa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] passive
    [Derived Word] funga v
    [English Word] fasten
    [Swahili Word] -aliki
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] fasten
    [Swahili Word] -funga
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] fasten
    [Swahili Word] -kaza
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] kikaza, kikazo, mkazo
    [Swahili Example] kaza kamba; kaza sukurubu
    [Note] tighten the rope; exert pressure.
    [English Word] fasten
    [Swahili Word] -komea
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] applicative
    [Swahili Example] kishati chenyewe kinakomea tumboni [Moh]
    [English Word] fasten
    [Swahili Word] -kwesha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] fasten
    [Swahili Word] -pachika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] fasten a knife-blade in the handle.
    [Swahili Example] pachika kisu kipinini
    [English Word] fasten
    [Swahili Word] -pinga
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] fasten the door
    [Swahili Example] pinga mlango
    [English Word] fasten
    [Swahili Word] -sakamisha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] fasten
    [Swahili Word] -shikisha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] Mzee Juma fastened the tree on the sloping side of the native thatched roof
    [Swahili Example] Mzee Juma aliushikiza mti kwenye paa
    [English Word] fasten
    [Swahili Word] -shikiza
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] Mzee Juma fastened the tree to the sloping side of the native thatched roof
    [Swahili Example] Mzee Juma aliushikiza mti kwenye paa
    [English Word] fasten
    [Swahili Word] -pinza
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] causative
    [English Example] fasten a door (with a bar)
    [Swahili Example] pinza mlango [Rech]
    [English Word] fasten (a fishook to a line)
    [Swahili Word] -shimbika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] shimbiko N
    [English Word] fasten a vessel below a gash in a palm tree (in order to catch the sap)
    [Swahili Word] -umika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] fasten loosely
    [Swahili Word] -shaliki
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] fasten tightly
    [Swahili Word] -baba
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] (rare)
    [English Word] fasten to
    [Swahili Word] -bandika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] fasten together
    [Swahili Word] -shikimanisha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] fasten together
    [Swahili Word] -unga
    [Part of Speech] verb

    English-Swahili dictionary > fasten

  • 7 love

    [English Word] love
    [Swahili Word] upendo
    [Swahili Plural] mapendo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/6
    [Derived Word] penda V
    [English Word] love
    [Swahili Word] penzi
    [Swahili Plural] mapenzi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Word] penda V
    [English Example] the love for a mother
    [Swahili Example] penzi la mama
    [English Word] love
    [Swahili Word] kipendo
    [Swahili Plural] vipendo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] penda V
    [Note] rare
    [English Word] love
    [Swahili Word] upenzi
    [Swahili Plural] mapenzi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] love
    [Swahili Word] mapenzi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 6
    [Derived Word] penda V
    [English Example] If s/he loves someone and wants a friendship with him/her s/he will write him/her a love poem.
    [Swahili Example] Akimpenda mtu na kutaka urafiki naye atamwandikia shairi la mapenzi [Khan, Masomo 391]
    [English Word] love
    [Swahili Word] upendezi
    [Swahili Plural] mapendezi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] love
    [Swahili Word] -penda
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] love one another
    [Swahili Word] -pendana
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] reciprocal
    [English Example] The journey made them love one another.
    [Swahili Example] njia iliwafanya wapendane [Kez]
    [English Word] cause to love
    [Swahili Word] -pendeza
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] be loved
    [Swahili Word] -pendwa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] passive
    [English Word] I love you
    [Swahili Word] nakupenda
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] conjugated
    [English Word] mutual love
    [Swahili Word] upendano
    [Swahili Plural] mapendano
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/6
    [Derived Word] penda V
    [English Word] mutual love
    [Swahili Word] mapendano
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 6
    [Derived Word] penda V
    [English Word] love
    [Swahili Word] ashki
    [Swahili Plural] ashiki
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Note] Cf. shauku / also: ashiki
    [English Word] love
    [Swahili Word] ashiki
    [Swahili Plural] ashiki
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Note] Cf. shauku / also: ashki
    [English Word] be in love
    [Swahili Word] -ashki
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Note] Cf. shauku / also: '-ashiki
    [English Word] love
    [English Plural] loves
    [Swahili Word] haba
    [Swahili Plural] haba
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] hebu, muhebi, stahabu
    [English Word] love
    [English Plural] love
    [Swahili Word] mahaba
    [Swahili Plural] mahaba
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 6/6
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [English Example] All is the love of God, our colors are not stigmas; love is neither a bridge nor a rope; there is no cure for love
    [Swahili Example] Yote mahaba ya Mungu, rangi zetu si kashifa [Shaaban Robert, Masomo 427]; mahaba si daraja wala si kamba [Ya]; mahaba hayana dawa
    [English Word] love
    [Swahili Word] huba
    [Swahili Plural] huba
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] love
    [Swahili Word] habu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] god of love
    [Swahili Word] wahabu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] love
    [Swahili Word] -hebu
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] haba, muhebi, stahabu
    [English Word] of love
    [Swahili Word] -a kimahaba
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [Swahili Example] ulaini wa kimahaba wa Matatu ulitoweka [Muk]
    [English Word] love (passionate)
    [English Plural] love
    [Swahili Word] hawa
    [Swahili Plural] hawa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [English Word] love
    [Swahili Word] -isa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Note] rare
    [English Word] love story
    [Swahili Word] riwaya ya mapenzi
    [Swahili Plural] riwaya za mapenzi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Example] I also like reading stories of all sorts: from terror to espionage to war and horror, from those of love to devilish ones
    [Swahili Example] hupenda pia kusoma riwaya za kila aina: toka za ujambazi na upelelezi hadi za vita na maafa, toka za mapenzi hadi za majini na mashetani [Muk]
    Item(s) below have not yet been grouped within the headword love
    [English Word] deep love
    [Swahili Word] hawa ya moyo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9
    [English Word] fervent love
    [Swahili Word] hawa ya moyo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9

    English-Swahili dictionary > love

  • 8 sheet

    [English Word] sheet
    [English Plural] sheets
    [Swahili Word] demani
    [Swahili Plural] demani
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Derived Language] Farsi
    [English Definition] a rope that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind
    [Terminology] nautical
    [English Word] sheet
    [English Plural] sheets
    [Swahili Word] shuka
    [Swahili Plural] shuka
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Derived Word] shuka N
    [English Example] with their white sheets, they looked like angels
    [Swahili Example] wakiwa katika shuka zao nyeupe walionekana kama malaika [Kez]
    [English Word] sheet of paper
    [English Plural] sheets of paper
    [Swahili Word] laha
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Swahili Example] (=ukurasa)
    [Note] rare
    [English Word] sheet of paper
    [English Plural] sheets of paper
    [Swahili Word] ukurasa
    [Swahili Plural] kurasa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/10
    [Derived Word] kurasa N
    [English Word] sick sheet
    [English Plural] sick sheets
    [Swahili Word] karatasi ya matibabu
    [Swahili Plural] karatasi za matibabu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] winding sheet (for a corpse)
    [English Plural] winding sheets
    [Swahili Word] kipindo
    [Swahili Plural] vipindo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -pinda

    English-Swahili dictionary > sheet

См. также в других словарях:

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  • rope — ► NOUN 1) a length of stout cord made by twisting together strands of hemp, sisal, nylon, etc. 2) a quantity of roughly spherical objects strung together: a rope of pearls. 3) (the ropes) the ropes enclosing a boxing or wrestling ring. 4) (the… …   English terms dictionary

  • Rope splicing — A line eye spliced to a snap shackle. Rope splicing in ropework is the forming of a semi permanent joint between two ropes or two parts of the same rope by partly untwisting and then interweaving their strands. Splices can be used to form a… …   Wikipedia

  • rope — 1 noun 1 (C, U) very strong, thick string, made by twisting together many threads of nylon or other material: They tied up the prisoner with rope. | a bell rope 2 know the ropes to know how to do all the parts of a job, deal with a system etc,… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • rope — n. & v. n. 1 a stout cord made by twisting together strands of hemp, sisal, flax, cotton, nylon, wire, or similar material. b a piece of this. c US a lasso. 2 (foll. by of) a quantity of onions, ova, or pearls strung together. 3 (in pl., prec. by …   Useful english dictionary

  • rope off — verb divide by means of a rope The police roped off the area where the crime occurred • Syn: ↑rope in, ↑cordon off • Hypernyms: ↑enclose, ↑close in, ↑inclose, ↑shut in …   Useful english dictionary

  • rope — noun 1》 a length of stout cord made by twisting together strands of hemp, sisal, nylon, etc.     ↘(the ropes) the ropes enclosing a boxing or wrestling ring.     ↘(the rope) execution by hanging. 2》 a quantity of roughly spherical objects strung… …   English new terms dictionary

  • Rope Jousting — is a sporting competition between two jousters, that resembles a Tug of war. In this event, two Cinder blocks are placed a distance apart. The two jousters stand upon the blocks with a rope stretched between them. The objective for each jouster… …   Wikipedia

  • rope — [rōp] n. [ME rop < OE rap, akin to Ger reif (Goth raip) < IE * reip , rag, piece of cloth < base * rei , to tear > REAP, REEF2] 1. a thick, strong cord made of intertwisted strands of fiber, thin wires, leather strips, etc. 2. [pl.]… …   English World dictionary

  • Rope Hell — Theatrical poster for Rope Hell (1978) Directed by Kōyū Ohara[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Rope — Rope, v. t. 1. To bind, fasten, or tie with a rope or cord; as, to rope a bale of goods. Hence: [1913 Webster] 2. To connect or fasten together, as a party of mountain climbers, with a rope. [1913 Webster] 3. To partition, separate, or divide off …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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