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  • 1 wine

    (a type of alcoholic drink made from the fermented juice of grapes or other fruit: two bottles of wine; a wide range of inexpensive wines.) víno
    * * *
    • víno
    • castovat vínom
    • pit víno

    English-Slovak dictionary > wine

  • 2 wine-bottle

    • flaša na víno

    English-Slovak dictionary > wine-bottle

  • 3 wine-cellar

    • vínna pivnica

    English-Slovak dictionary > wine-cellar

  • 4 wine-skin

    • mech na víno

    English-Slovak dictionary > wine-skin

  • 5 white wine

    English-Slovak dictionary > white wine

  • 6 Canary wine

    • kanárske víno

    English-Slovak dictionary > Canary wine

  • 7 light wine

    • lahké víno

    English-Slovak dictionary > light wine

  • 8 seasoned wine

    • vyzreté víno
    • uležané víno

    English-Slovak dictionary > seasoned wine

  • 9 sparkling wine

    • šumivé víno

    English-Slovak dictionary > sparkling wine

  • 10 table-wine

    • stolné víno

    English-Slovak dictionary > table-wine

  • 11 this wine drinks well

    • to víno sa dobre pije

    English-Slovak dictionary > this wine drinks well

  • 12 vintage

    (a wine from) the grape-harvest of a certain (particularly good) year: What vintage is this wine?; a vintage year (= a year in which good wine was produced); vintage port (= port from a vintage year). úroda vína; ročník, al. druh vína
    * * *
    • vrcholný
    • víno
    • vinobranie
    • vyzretý
    • vynikajúci
    • zastaralý
    • špickový
    • starobylý
    • starodávny
    • starý
    • úroda vína
    • týkajúci sa vinobrania
    • druh vína
    • klasický
    • archívny
    • rocník vína
    • rocník
    • rok výroby
    • oznacený rocníkom
    • mimoriadne kvalitný
    • oberanie hrozna

    English-Slovak dictionary > vintage

  • 13 connoisseur

    (an expert judge of eg art, music, wine etc: Let him choose the wine - he's the connoisseur.) znalec, -kyňa
    * * *
    • znalec

    English-Slovak dictionary > connoisseur

  • 14 import

    1. [im'po:t] verb
    (to bring in (goods etc) from abroad usually for sale: We import wine from France.) dovážať
    2. ['impo:t] noun
    1) (something which is imported from abroad: Our imports are greater than our exports.) dovoz, dovezený tovar
    2) (the act of bringing in goods from abroad: the import of wine.) dovoz
    - importer
    * * *
    • dovoz
    • dovážat
    • dosah
    • doviezt
    • import
    • importovat
    • byt dôležitý
    • mat význam

    English-Slovak dictionary > import

  • 15 palate

    1) (the top of the inside of the mouth.) podnebie
    2) (the ability to tell good wine, food etc from bad: He has a good palate for wine.) citlivý jazyk
    * * *
    • jazyk

    English-Slovak dictionary > palate

  • 16 stem

    I 1. [stem] noun
    1) (the part of a plant that grows upward from the root, or the part from which a leaf, flower or fruit grows; a stalk: Poppies have long, hairy, twisting stems.) stonka
    2) (the narrow part of various objects, eg of a wine-glass between the bowl and the base: the stem of a wine-glass / of a tobacco-pipe.) nôžka, rúrka
    3) (the upright piece of wood or metal at the bow of a ship: As the ship struck the rock, she shook from stem to stern.) po celej dĺžke
    2. verb
    ((with from) to be caused by: Hate sometimes stems from envy.) prameniť (z)
    II [stem] past tense, past participle - stemmed; verb
    (to stop (a flow, eg of blood).)
    * * *
    • vreteno
    • utesnit
    • utlacit
    • zbavit stopiek
    • zarážka
    • zastavit
    • zahradit
    • zadržiavat
    • zastavit prúd
    • zadok lode
    • zarazit
    • zadržat postup
    • zapriet
    • zadok tanku
    • stôl
    • stavat
    • stopka
    • stonka
    • upchat
    • trubicka
    • trst
    • prívrat na lyžiach
    • prestat
    • prekážka
    • kmen
    • hriadel
    • byl
    • rodokmen
    • rod
    • pätka
    • plávat
    • opriet
    • pochádzat
    • pen stromu
    • pen
    • pôvod
    • pramenit
    • koren
    • mat pôvod
    • odstopkovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > stem

  • 17 age

    [ei‹] 1. noun
    1) (the amount of time during which a person or thing has existed: He went to school at the age of six (years); What age is she?) vek, roky
    2) ((often with capital) a particular period of time: This machine was the wonder of the age; the Middle Ages.) vek, epocha, doba
    3) (the quality of being old: This wine will improve with age; With the wisdom of age he regretted the mistakes he had made in his youth.) vek, staroba
    4) ((usually in plural) a very long time: We've been waiting (for) ages for a bus.) večnosť
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) grow old or look old: He has aged a lot since I last saw him; His troubles have aged him.) (zo)starnúť
    - ageless
    - age-old
    - the aged
    - come of age
    - of age
    * * *
    • vek
    • vecnost
    • starnút
    • staroba

    English-Slovak dictionary > age

  • 18 altar

    1) (in some Christian churches the table on which the bread and wine are consecrated during the celebration of communion: The bride and groom stood before the priest at the altar.) oltár
    2) (a table etc on which offerings are made to a god.) oltár
    * * *
    • oltár

    English-Slovak dictionary > altar

  • 19 bouquet

    1) (a bunch of flowers: The bride carried a bouquet of roses.) kytica
    2) (the perfume of wine.) buket
    * * *
    • vôna
    • buket
    • aróma
    • kytica

    English-Slovak dictionary > bouquet

  • 20 brandy

    plural - brandies; noun
    (a type of strong alcoholic spirit made from wine: Brandy is usually drunk after dinner.) brandy
    * * *
    • vínovica
    • konak

    English-Slovak dictionary > brandy

См. также в других словарях:

  • WINE — WINE, fermented grape juice. (For wine in biblical times, see food .) Wine was a popular beverage in talmudic times. Produced in winepresses called bet ha gat (Tosef., Ter. 3:7), and stored in wine cellars called heftek or appotik (Av. Zar. 2:7) …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • WINE — Basisdaten Entwickler: Die Wine Autoren Aktuelle  …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • WinE — Basisdaten Entwickler: Die Wine Autoren Aktuelle  …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Wine — Basisdaten Entwickler Die Wine Autoren[1] Aktuel …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • WINE — Wine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Wine — Wine, n. [OE. win, AS. win, fr. L. vinum (cf. Icel. v[=i]n; all from the Latin); akin to Gr. o i^nos, ?, and E. withy. Cf. {Vine}, {Vineyard}, {Vinous}, {Withy}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The expressed juice of grapes, esp. when fermented; a beverage or …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wine — Wine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Wine — Pantalla de configuración de Wine …   Wikipedia Español

  • Wine.xo — Wine XO o Sugared Wine es la adaptación de Wine para Sugar. Wine es un conjunto de programas que permiten hacer funcionar en Linux programas hechos para Microsoft Windows. Firefox mostrando archivos del Diario (Journal) de la XO 1 Contenido 1 Ca …   Wikipedia Español

  • wine — (n.) O.E. win, from P.Gmc. *winam (Cf. O.S., O.Fris., O.H.G. win, O.N. vin, Du. wijn, Ger. Wein), an early borrowing from L. vinum wine, from PIE *win o , from an Italic noun related to words for wine in Gk. (oinos), Armenian, Hittite, and non… …   Etymology dictionary

  • wine — ► NOUN 1) an alcoholic drink made from fermented grape juice. 2) a fermented alcoholic drink made from other fruits or plants. ● good wine needs no bush Cf. ↑good wine needs no bush ● wine and dine Cf. ↑wine and dine …   English terms dictionary

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