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  • 1 well-behaved

    adjective (behaving correctly: well-behaved children.) terbiyeli, uslu

    English-Turkish dictionary > well-behaved

  • 2 well behaved

    terbiyeli, efendi, uslu
    * * *
    iyi davranılmış

    English-Turkish dictionary > well behaved

  • 3 well behaved

    iyi davranılmış

    English-Turkish new dictionary > well behaved

  • 4 well

    adj. iyi, hoş, güzel, sağlıklı, iyi durumda, uygun, yerinde
    adv. adamakıllı, iyi, hoş, çok, iyice, güzelce, dikkatlice, kolayca, oldukça, epey, tamamen
    interj. öyleyse, peki, şey, ya
    n. iyi durum, kuyu, kaynak, çeşme, asansör boşluğu, merdiven boşluğu, sahanlık, bagaj, petrol kuyusu, sondaj kuyusu
    v. fışkırmak, kaynamak
    * * *
    * * *
    I 1. [wel] noun
    1) (a lined shaft made in the earth from which to obtain water, oil, natural gas etc.) kuyu
    2) (the space round which a staircase winds: He fell down the stair-well.) merdiven boşluğu
    2. verb
    ((of water from the earth or of tears) to flow freely: Tears welled up in her eyes.) akmak, boşanmak
    II 1. [wel] comparative - better; adjective
    1) (healthy: I don't feel very / at all well; She doesn't look very well; She's been ill but she's quite well now.) iyi, sağlığı yerinde
    2) (in a satisfactory state or condition: All is well now.) iyi, güzel
    2. adverb
    1) (in a good, correct, successful, suitable etc way: He's done well to become a millionaire at thirty; She plays the piano well; Mother and baby are both doing well; How well did he do in the exam?) iyi biçimde
    2) (with good reason; with justice: You may well look ashamed - that was a cruel thing to do; You can't very well refuse to go.) haklı olarak
    3) (with approval or praise: He speaks well of you.) lehinde, olumlu olarak
    4) (used (with eg damn, jolly etc) for emphasis: You can jolly well do it yourself!) bal gibi, elbette
    5) (thoroughly: Examine the car well before you buy it.) iyice, adamakıllı
    6) (to a great or considerable extent: He is well over fifty.) hayli, pek
    3. interjection
    1) (used to express surprise etc: Well! I'd never have believed it!) Ya!; Hayret!
    2) (used when re-starting a conversation, starting an explanation etc: Do you remember John Watson? Well, he's become a teacher.) eveet, şeyy
    - well-behaved
    - well-being
    - well-bred
    - well-built
    - well-done
    - well-earned
    - well-educated
    - well-fed
    - well-groomed
    - well-informed
    - well-known
    - well-made
    - well-mannered
    - well-off
    - well-read
    - well-spoken
    - well-to-do
    - well-wisher
    - as well
    - as well as
    - be just as well
    - be as well to
    - very well
    - well done!
    - well enough
    - well up in

    English-Turkish dictionary > well

  • 5 well-

    1) (in a good, satisfactory etc way etc, as in well-behaved.) iyi...
    2) (very much, as in well-known.) çok...

    English-Turkish dictionary > well-

  • 6 well-, badly- etc behaved

    adjective (good (bad etc) in manners or conduct: badly-behaved children.)...davranışlı

    English-Turkish dictionary > well-, badly- etc behaved

  • 7 good

    adj. iyi, güzel, hayırlı, yararlı, sağlığa yararlı, dolu dolu, çok, uslu, sağlam, emin
    adv. oldukça
    interj. peki
    n. hayır
    * * *
    * * *
    [ɡud] 1. comparative - better; adjective
    1) (well-behaved; not causing trouble etc: Be good!; She's a good baby.) iyi, uslu, terbiyeli
    2) (correct, desirable etc: She was a good wife; good manners; good English.) iyi, doğru
    3) (of high quality: good food/literature; His singing is very good.) iyi, güzel
    4) (skilful; able to do something well: a good doctor; good at tennis; good with children.) iyi, becerikli
    5) (kind: You've been very good to him; a good father.) iyi, nazik
    6) (helpful; beneficial: Exercise is good for you.; Cheese is good for you.) yararlı, faydalı
    7) (pleased, happy etc: I'm in a good mood today.) iyi
    8) (pleasant; enjoyable: to read a good book; Ice-cream is good to eat.) hoş, iyi, güzel
    9) (considerable; enough: a good salary; She talked a good deal of nonsense.) iyi, yeterli, tatminkâr
    10) (suitable: a good man for the job.) uygun, münasip
    11) (sound, fit: good health; good eyesight; a car in good condition.) iyi, sağlam
    12) (sensible: Can you think of one good reason for doing that?) iyi, uygun
    13) (showing approval: We've had very good reports about you.) iyi, memnuniyet verici
    14) (thorough: a good clean.) baştanaşağı
    15) (healthy or in a positive mood: I don't feel very good this morning.) iyi
    2. noun
    1) (advantage or benefit: He worked for the good of the poor; for your own good; What's the good of a broken-down car?) yarar, fayda
    2) (goodness: I always try to see the good in people.) iyilik, hayır
    3. interjection
    (an expression of approval, gladness etc.) İyi!; Güzel!; Pekâlâ
    4. interjection
    ((also my goodness) an expression of surprise etc.) Aman Allahım!, Allah Allah!
    - goody
    - goodbye
    - good-day, good evening
    - good-for-nothing
    - good humour
    - good-humoured
    - good-humouredly
    - good-looking
    - good morning, good afternoon, good-day, good evening, good night
    - good-natured
    - goodwill, good will
    - good works
    - as good as
    - be as good as one's word
    - be up to no good
    - deliver the goods
    - for good
    - for goodness' sake
    - good for
    - good for you, him
    - Good Friday
    - good gracious, good heavens
    - goodness gracious, goodness me
    - good old
    - make good
    - no good
    - put in a good word for
    - take something in good part
    - take in good part
    - thank goodness
    - to the good

    English-Turkish dictionary > good

  • 8 as good as gold

    (very well-behaved.) çok uslu, melek gibi

    English-Turkish dictionary > as good as gold

  • 9 demure

    adj. ağırbaşlı, çekingen, ciddi, sözde mahcup, ölçülü
    * * *
    1. ağırbaşlı 2. uslu
    * * *
    (quiet, shy, modest and well behaved (sometimes deceptively): She looked too demure ever to do such a bold thing.) utangaç, ağırbaşlı
    - demureness

    English-Turkish dictionary > demure

  • 10 orderly

    adj. düzenli, tertipli, derli toplu, kurallı, sistemli
    n. emir eri
    * * *
    * * *
    adjective (well-behaved; quiet: an orderly queue of people.) düzenli, tertipli

    English-Turkish dictionary > orderly

  • 11 behave

    v. davranmak, hareket etmek; terbiyeli olmak, terbiyesini takınmak, görgülü davranmak; çalışmak [müh.]
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (to act in a suitable way, to conduct oneself (well): If you come, you must behave (yourself); The child always behaves (himself) at his grandmother's.) terbiyeli olmak, uslu durmak
    2) (to act or react: He always behaves like a gentleman; Metals behave in different ways when heated.) davranmak, hareket etmek
    - well-, badly- behaved

    English-Turkish dictionary > behave

См. также в других словарях:

  • well-behaved — well be haved adj behaving in a calm polite way, and not being rude or violent ▪ a well behaved child ▪ a very well behaved dog ▪ The crowd was noisy but well behaved …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • well-behaved — 1590s, from WELL (Cf. well) (adv.) + pp. of BEHAVE (Cf. behave) …   Etymology dictionary

  • well-behaved — well be|haved [ ,wel bı heıvd ] adjective a well behaved child or animal behaves in a way that is polite or gentle and does not upset people …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • well-behaved — [wel΄bē hāvd′] adj. behaving well; conducting oneself properly; displaying good manners …   English World dictionary

  • well-behaved — index civil (polite), malleable, obedient Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • well-behaved — well′ behaved′ adj …   From formal English to slang

  • Well-behaved — Mathematicians (and those in related sciences) very frequently speak of whether a mathematical object mdash; a number, a function, a set, a space of one sort or another mdash; is well behaved or not. While the term has no fixed formal definition …   Wikipedia

  • well behaved — adjective (usually of children) someone who behaves in a manner that the speaker believes is correct a well behaved child • Syn: ↑well behaved • Similar to: ↑good * * * ▶ adjective ORDERLY, obedient, disciplined, peaceable, docile, controlled,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • well-behaved — also well behaved ADJ GRADED If you describe someone, especially a child, as well behaved, you mean that they behave in a way that adults generally like and think is correct. ...well behaved little boys... The troops have been remarkably well… …   English dictionary

  • well-behaved — adjective behaving in a polite or socially acceptable way: a well behaved child | The crowd was noisy but well behaved …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • well-behaved — adjective (usually of children) someone who behaves in a manner that the speaker believes is correct a well behaved child • Syn: ↑well behaved • Similar to: ↑good …   Useful english dictionary

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