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  • 1 turn away

    vt/i I. [vt] otkloniti, otpraviti (molitelja), otpustiti (namještenika), otjerati koga II. [vi] okrenuti se od koga ili čega; [fig] ostaviti koga ili što, otuđiti se od koga ili čega; krenuti (udariti) novim putem, oprostiti se s kim
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    English-Croatian dictionary > turn away

  • 2 cat

    s [coll][abbr] traktor gusjeničar s [zool] mačka; životinja iz porodice mačaka; [fig] mačka (žena); [mar] orepak, kluba, parana (sidra); dvostruki tronog; devetorepi bič; [US] [sl] džez entuzijast / [fig] to turn a # in the pan = okretati kabanicu prema vjetru; [fig] to wait for the # to jump, see which way the # jumps = paziti otkuda vjetar puše, ne izjasniti se dok se ne vidi razvoj političkih događanja ili ne čuje javno mišljenje; to fight like Kikenny #s = boriti se do istrebljenja; to bell the # = uzeti na se opasnost zajedničkog pothvata; like a # on hot bricks = vrlo nervozno; to live like # and dog = živjeti (u zavadi) kao pas i mačka; it is raining #s and dogs kiša lije kao iz kabla; to let the # out of the bag = izbrbljati tajnu; a # may look at a king =čovjek ni pred kim ne smije gubiti svoje dostojanstvo; care killed the # = ostavi brigu, briga slijedi, udri brigu na veselje; he has not got a #s'chance = on nema nikakvih izgleda (u uspjeh); there's no room to swing a # in = nema mjesta ni da se okreneš; Tom # = mačak; # & dog Life = život (muža i žene) pun razmirica, [sl] # & mouse Act = zakon kojim se dopušta da oni koji štrajkaju glađu budu privremeno oslobođeni; when the cat's away the mice will play = kad mačke nema kod kuće, miševi se vesele
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    English-Croatian dictionary > cat

См. также в других словарях:

  • turn away — ► turn away refuse admittance to. Main Entry: ↑turn …   English terms dictionary

  • turn away — index abandon (relinquish), alienate (estrange), avert, decline (reject), depose (remove) …   Law dictionary

  • turn away — verb 1. move so as not face somebody or something (Freq. 13) • Hypernyms: ↑turn • Verb Frames: Something s Somebody s Something is ing PP Somebody s PP …   Useful english dictionary

  • turn away — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you turn someone away, you do not allow them to enter your country, home, or other place. [V n P] Turning boat people away would be an inhumane action... [V P n (not pron)] Hard times are forcing community colleges to turn away …   English dictionary

  • turn away — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms turn away : present tense I/you/we/they turn away he/she/it turns away present participle turning away past tense turned away past participle turned away to refuse to let someone come into a place Reporters… …   English dictionary

  • turn away — v. (D; intr.) to turn away from * * * [ tɜːnə weɪ] (D; intr.) to turn away from …   Combinatory dictionary

  • turn away — phr verb Turn away is used with these nouns as the object: ↑applicant …   Collocations dictionary

  • turn away from — ˌturn a ˈway from [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they turn away from he/she/it turns away from present participle turning away from past tense turned away from …   Useful english dictionary

  • turn away from — index disavow, eschew, shun Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • turn away — turn (someone/something) away to refuse to see or talk to someone, or to consider something. If anyone comes to the door, just turn them away. She has turned away every opportunity to improve her English in the last ten years …   New idioms dictionary

  • turn away from — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms turn away from : present tense I/you/we/they turn away from he/she/it turns away from present participle turning away from past tense turned away from past participle turned away from turn away from something… …   English dictionary

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