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См. также в других словарях:

  • Torpedo boat — Torpedo Tor*pe do, n.; pl. {Torpedoes}. [L. torpedo, inis, from torpere to be stiff, numb, or torpid. See {Torpid}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) Any one of numerous species of elasmobranch fishes belonging to {Torpedo} and allied genera. They… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • torpedo boat — ☆ torpedo boat n. a small, fast, maneuverable warship with torpedoes as its main weaponry …   English World dictionary

  • Torpedo boat — A torpedo boat is a relatively small and fast naval ship designed to carry torpedoes into battle. The first designs rammed enemy ships with explosive spar torpedoes, and later designs launched self propelled Whitehead torpedoes. They were created …   Wikipedia

  • torpedo boat — noun small high speed warship designed for torpedo attacks in coastal waters • Hypernyms: ↑warship, ↑war vessel, ↑combat ship • Hyponyms: ↑PT boat, ↑mosquito boat, ↑mosquito craft, ↑motor torpedo boat …   Useful english dictionary

  • Torpedo-boat destroyer — Tor*pe do boat de*stroy er A larger, swifter, and more powerful armed type of torpedo boat, originally intended principally for the destruction of torpedo boats, but later used also as a more formidable torpedo boat. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • torpedo-boat destroyer — [tôr pē′dō bōt΄] n. a former warship like a torpedo boat but larger and more heavily armed, originally designed to destroy torpedo boats …   English World dictionary

  • torpedo-boat destroyer — noun small destroyer that was the forerunner of modern destroyers; designed to destroy torpedo boats • Hypernyms: ↑destroyer, ↑guided missile destroyer * * * noun Etymology: torpedo boat : a large, swift, and powerful armed torpedo boat or …   Useful english dictionary

  • Torpedo boat type 35 — The Type 35 and Type 37 Torpedo boats were small destroyers (German: Flottentorpedoboot Fleet Torpedo Boat ) built for the Kriegsmarine between 1939 and 1942. They were designed to exploit a clause in the Washington Naval Treaty, which stipulated …   Wikipedia

  • torpedo-boat destroyer — /tawr pee doh boht / a vessel somewhat larger than the ordinary torpedo boat, designed for destroying torpedo boats or as a more powerful form of torpedo boat. [1890 95] * * * …   Universalium

  • torpedo-boat destroyer — /tɔˈpidoʊ ˌboʊt dəˈstrɔɪə/ (say taw peedoh .boht duh stroyuh) noun a vessel somewhat larger than the ordinary torpedo boat, designed for the destruction of enemy torpedo boats, or as a more powerful form of torpedo boat …  

  • torpedo boat — noun Date: 1810 a boat designed for launching torpedoes; specifically a small very fast boat with one or more torpedo tubes …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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