Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 81 scoop

    [sku:p] 1. noun
    1) (any of several types of spoon-like tool, used for lifting, serving etc: a grain scoop; an ice-cream scoop.)
    2) ((also scoopful) the amount held in a scoop: a scoop of ice-cream; a scoopful of grain.) furo
    3) (a piece of news etc that one newspaper gets and prints before the others: The reporter was sure that he had a scoop for his paper.)
    2. verb
    (to move with, or as if with, a scoop: He scooped the crumbs together with his fingers.) juntar
    * * *
    [sku:p] n 1 pá. 2 concha. 3 Naut colherão, bartedouro, alcatruz. 4 escavação, cavidade arredondada. 5 Surg espátula, cureta. 6 Amer furo jornalístico. 7 lucro. • vt 1 tirar com concha. 2 escavar, cavar, tirar (com concha). 3 Amer sl publicar uma notícia no jornal antes dos outros, dar um furo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > scoop

  • 82 scraper

    noun (a tool or instrument for scraping, especially one for scraping paint and wallpaper off walls etc.) raspador
    * * *
    [skr'eipə] n 1 avarento, pão-duro. 3 raspador, raspadeira.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > scraper

  • 83 screwdriver

    noun (a kind of tool for turning screws.) chave de parafusos
    * * *
    [skr'u:draivə] n 1 chave de fenda, chave de parafuso. 2 vodca com suco de laranja.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > screwdriver

  • 84 scythe

    1. noun
    (a tool with a long, curved blade for cutting tall grass etc.) gadanha
    2. verb
    (to cut (grass etc) with a scythe.) ceifar
    * * *
    [saið] n segadeira, foice para segar. • vi cortar, ceifar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > scythe

  • 85 shaft

    1) (the long straight part or handle of a tool, weapon etc: the shaft of a golf-club.) cabo
    2) (one of two poles on a cart etc to which a horse etc is harnessed: The horse stood patiently between the shafts.) varal
    3) (a revolving bar transmitting motion in an engine: the driving-shaft.) eixo
    4) (a long, narrow space, made for eg a lift in a building: a liftshaft; a mineshaft.) poço
    5) (a ray of light: a shaft of sunlight.) raio
    * * *
    [ʃa:ft, ʃæft] n 1 cabo, haste. 2 flecha, seta, lança, dardo. 3 raio, feixe de luz. 4 lança, varal (de carro puxado a cavalo). 5 coluna, fuste de coluna. 6 mastro (de bandeira). 7 Mech eixo, fuso, árvore. 8 cabo (de martelo, etc.). 9 haste, caule, tronco. 10 poço, escavação vertical, entrada de mina, chaminé. 11 cabo de pena. 12 cuba de alto-forno. • vt sl tratar de maneira desonesta. elevator shaft Brit/ lift shaft Amer poço do elevador.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > shaft

  • 86 shears

    noun plural (a cutting-tool with two blades, like a large pair of scissors: a pair of shears.) tesourão
    * * *
    [ʃiəz] n pl tesoura grande de podar ou tosquiar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > shears

  • 87 shovel

    1. noun
    (a tool like a spade, with a short handle, used for scooping up and moving coal, gravel etc.)
    2. verb
    (to move (as if) with a shovel, especially in large quantities: He shovelled snow from the path; Don't shovel your food into your mouth!) tirar a pazadas
    * * *
    [ʃ'∧vəl] n 1 pá. 2 escavadeira. • vt+vi trabalhar com pá, fazer com pá, dar pazadas, jogar com pá, cavar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > shovel

  • 88 sickle

    (a tool with a curved blade for cutting grain etc.) foice
    * * *
    [s'ikəl] n foicinha, foice.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sickle

  • 89 spade

    I [speid] noun
    (a tool with a broad blade and a handle, used for digging.)
    II [speid] noun
    (one of the playing-cards of the suit spades.) espadas
    * * *
    [speid] n 1 pá. • vt+vi cavoucar com pá. to call a spade a spade chamar pelo nome real, falar franca e abertamente.
    [speid] n 1 Cards espadas. 2 vulg sl pessoa negra. King of spades rei de espadas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > spade

  • 90 spanner

    (a type of tool used for tightening or loosening nuts, bolts etc.) chave inglesa
    * * *
    [sp'ænə] n 1 chave de parafuso. 2 aquele ou aquilo que rodeia ou abarca. a spanner in the works Brit coll ruína, destruição de um plano de operação. box spanner Mech chave de caixa, chave de encaixe.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > spanner

  • 91 spatula

    ['spætjulə, ]( American[) - u-]
    (a kind of tool with a broad blunt blade: Spread the icing on the cake with a spatula.) espátula
    * * *
    [sp'ætjulə] n espátula.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > spatula

  • 92 special

    ['speʃəl] 1. adjective
    1) (out of the ordinary; un-usual or exceptional: a special occasion; a special friend.) especial
    2) (appointed, arranged, designed etc for a particular purpose: a special messenger; a special tool for drilling holes.) especial
    2. noun
    (something which is special: There's a special (= a special train) due through here at 5.20.) especial
    - speciality
    - specialize
    - specialise
    - specialization
    - specialisation
    - specialized
    - specialised
    - specially
    * * *
    [sp'eʃəl] n 1 trem ou outro veículo especial. 2 pessoa ou coisa especial. 3 edição especial de jornal, edição extra. 4 Amer produto ou prato especial. • adj 1 especial, distinto. 2 particular, peculiar. 3 próprio. 4 específico. 5 diferente. 6 excepcional. 7 grande, excelente. on special Amer coll em oferta, com desconto, com preço reduzido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > special

  • 93 tin-opener

    noun ((American can-opener) any of several types of tool or device for opening tins of food.) abre-latas
    * * *
    [t'in oupənə] n abridor de lata.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tin-opener

  • 94 tweezers

    (a tool for gripping or pulling hairs, small objects etc: She used a pair of tweezers to pluck her eyebrows.) pinça
    * * *
    [tw'i:zəz] n pl pinça. • tweezer vt arrancar ou pegar com pinça.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tweezers

  • 95 versatile

    1) ((of people etc) able to turn easily and successfully from one task, activity or occupation to another: a versatile entertainer; He will easily get another job - he is so versatile.) versátil
    2) ((of a material etc) capable of being used for many purposes: a versatile tool.) versátil
    * * *
    [v'ə:sətail; v'ə:sətəl] adj 1 versátil. 2 volúvel, inconstante, variável, mutável. 3 ágil, flexível, de fácil adaptação. 4 hábil, jeitoso. 5 multiforme (talento), que tem muitas aptidões.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > versatile

  • 96 vice

    I noun
    (a kind of strong tool for holding an object firmly, usually between two metal jaws: The carpenter held the piece of wood in a vice; He has a grip like a vice.) torno
    II noun
    1) (a serious moral fault: Continual lying is a vice.) vício
    2) (a bad habit: Smoking is not one of my vices.) vício
    * * *
    [vais] n 1 vício, mau hábito, tendência habitual condenável. 2 mal, maldade. 3 defeito, falta, imperfeição. 4 imoralidade, depravação. 5 teima (de cavalo).
    [vais] n (Amer vise) torno de bancada. • vt segurar, prender em torno de bancada.
    [v'aisi] prep em vez de, em lugar de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > vice

  • 97 whet

    past tense, past participle - whetted; verb
    1) (to sharpen (a tool) by rubbing it on a grindstone or whetstone.) afiar
    2) (to make (one's appetite) keen.) aguçar
    * * *
    [wet] n 1 afiação, aguçadura. 2 tira-gosto, petiscos de entrada. 3 trago de bebida. • vt 1 afiar, amolar, aguçar. 2 excitar (alguém). 3 estimular (apetite).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > whet

  • 98 whisk

    [wisk] 1. verb
    1) (to sweep, or cause to move, rapidly: He whisked the dirty dishes off the table; He whisked her off to the doctor.) levar
    2) (to beat (eggs etc) with a fork or whisk.) bater (ovos)
    2. noun
    1) (a rapid, sweeping motion.) batedela
    2) (a kitchen tool made of wire etc, for beating eggs, cream etc.) batedor
    * * *
    [wisk] n movimento rápido e repentino. • vt+vi 1 tirar, varrer, espanar (pó, migalhas, etc.). 2 mover(-se) rapidamente, voar, chispar. 3 apanhar, pegar leve e ligeiramente, arrebatar. to whisk away a) varrer. b) dar pouca atenção a (alguém), despachar logo. to whisk off a) passar depressa um pano (para limpar o pó). b) levar ou transportar depressa.
    [wisk] n 1 espanador, vassourinha. 2 batedor de ovos. • vt bater (ovos, creme, nata).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > whisk

  • 99 wrench

    [ren ] 1. verb
    1) (to pull with a violent movement: He wrenched the gun out of my hand.) arrancar
    2) (to sprain: to wrench one's shoulder.) luxar
    2. noun
    1) (a violent pull or twist.) puxão
    2) (a type of strong tool for turning nuts, bolts etc.) chave inglesa
    * * *
    [rentʃ] n 1 arranco, puxão violento, repelão, sacalão. 2 torcedura, distensão, deslocamento, luxação, torção. I gave my foot a wrench / sofri uma distensão no pé. 3 tristeza, dor (de separação ou despedida). it would be a great wrench to him if... / seria uma grande tristeza para ele se... 4 chave inglesa, chave de porca. 5 deturpação de sentido (de palavra, texto). • vt 1 arrancar com puxão violento, arrebatar violentamente ( out of). 2 torcer, distender, deslocar, luxar. 3 deturpar o sentido, desvirtuar. 4 afetar de modo entristecedor ou dolorosamente. I wrenched myself ( from) livrei-me à força (de). monkey wrench chave inglesa. single-headed end wrench chave de boca fixa. Stillson wrench chave Stillson. to wrench off arrancar de. to wrench open arrombar. to wrench something from someone arrancar alguma coisa a alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wrench

  • 100 axe

    [æks] 1. noun
    (a tool with a (long) handle and a metal blade for cutting down trees and cutting wood etc into pieces.) machado
    2. verb
    1) (to get rid of; to dismiss: They've axed 50% of their staff.) despedir
    2) (to reduce (costs, services etc): Government spending in education has been axed.) reduzir

    English-Portuguese dictionary > axe

См. также в других словарях:

  • Tool — sur scène en 2006. Pays d’origine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tool — (t[=oo]l), n. [OE. tol,tool. AS. t[=o]l; akin to Icel. t[=o]l, Goth. taijan to do, to make, taui deed, work, and perhaps to E. taw to dress leather. [root]64.] 1. An instrument such as a hammer, saw, plane, file, and the like, used in the manual… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tool — [to͞ol] n. [ME toole < OE tol, akin to ON tol < ? IE base * deu > TAW2] 1. any implement, instrument, or utensil held in the hand and used to form, shape, fasten, add to, take away from, or otherwise change something by cutting, hitting …   English World dictionary

  • Tool — (engl. ‚Werkzeug‘) bezeichnet: allgemein ein Werkzeug speziell ein PC Werkzeug (PC Tool), kleines Computerprogramm, oft Dienstprogramm Tool (Band), US amerikanische Progressive Metal Band Ort in den Vereinigten Staaten: Tool (Texas) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tool — Tool, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {tooled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {tooling}.] 1. To shape, form, or finish with a tool. Elaborately tooled. Ld. Lytton. [1913 Webster] 2. To drive, as a coach. [Slang, Eng.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tool — (t[=oo]l), v. i. [Cf. {Tool}, v. t., 2.] To travel in a vehicle; to ride or drive. [Colloq.] Boys on their bicycles tooling along the well kept roads. Illust. American. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tool — Tool, TX U.S. city in Texas Population (2000): 2275 Housing Units (2000): 1416 Land area (2000): 3.607782 sq. miles (9.344112 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.015894 sq. miles (0.041166 sq. km) Total area (2000): 3.623676 sq. miles (9.385278 sq. km)… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Tool, TX — U.S. city in Texas Population (2000): 2275 Housing Units (2000): 1416 Land area (2000): 3.607782 sq. miles (9.344112 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.015894 sq. miles (0.041166 sq. km) Total area (2000): 3.623676 sq. miles (9.385278 sq. km) FIPS code …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • tool — ► NOUN 1) a device or implement used to carry out a particular function. 2) a thing used to help perform a job. 3) a person used by another. ► VERB 1) (usu. be tooled) impress a design on (a leather book cover) with a heated tool. 2) equip with… …   English terms dictionary

  • Tool — [tu:l] das; s, s <aus engl. tool, »Werkzeug«> Programm, das bestimmte zusätzliche Aufgaben innerhalb eines anderen Programms übernimmt; Hilfsprogramm (EDV) …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • tool — [n1] instrument used to shape, form, finish apparatus, appliance, contraption, contrivance, device, engine, gadget, gizmo*, implement, job, machine, means, mechanism, utensil, weapon, whatchamacallit*; concept 499 tool [n2] person who allows… …   New thesaurus

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