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  • 101 bat

    n. yarasa; sopa, raket, bilardo sopası, beysbol sopası; hız, radarla atılan bomba; alem, vuruş
    v. vuruş yapmak, vurmak (topa); kırpmak
    * * *
    1. sopayla vur (v.) 2. yarasa (n.)
    * * *
    I 1. [bæt] noun
    (a shaped piece of wood etc for striking the ball in cricket, baseball, table-tennis etc.) sopa
    2. verb
    1) (to use a bat: He bats with his left hand.) sopa kullanmak
    2) (to strike (the ball) with a bat: He batted the ball.) (topa) vurmak
    - off one's own bat II [bæt] noun
    (a mouse-like animal which flies, usually at night.) yarasa

    English-Turkish dictionary > bat

  • 102 disgust

    n. bıkkınlık, nefret, tiksinme, iğrenme
    v. iğrendirmek, nefret ettirmek, bıktırmak, bezdirmek
    * * *
    1. nefret ettir (v.) 2. nefret (n.)
    * * *
    1. verb
    (to cause feelings of dislike or sickness in: The smell of that soup disgusts me; She was disgusted by your behaviour.) tiksindirmek, mide bulandırmak
    2. noun
    (the state or feeling of being disgusted: She left the room in disgust.) tiksinme, iğrenme
    - disgustingly

    English-Turkish dictionary > disgust

  • 103 leave/make one's mark

    (to make a permanent or strong impression: The horrors of the war have left their mark on the children.) iz bırakmak, etkilemek

    English-Turkish dictionary > leave/make one's mark

  • 104 odd man out / odd one out

    1) (a person or thing that is different from others: In this test, you have to decide which of these three objects is the odd one out.) diğerlerinden farklı olan şey/kimse
    2) (a person or thing that is left over when teams etc are made up: When they chose the two teams, I was the odd man out.) dışarıda kalan şey/kimse

    English-Turkish dictionary > odd man out / odd one out

  • 105 remain

    v. kalmak, durmak, geriye kalmak, aynen kalmak, sürdürmek, artmak
    * * *
    1. kal (v.) 2. kalıntı (n.)
    * * *
    1) (to be left: Only two tins of soup remain; Very little remained of the cinema after the fire; A great many things still remain to be done.) kalmak
    2) (to stay; not to leave: I shall remain here.) kalmak
    3) (to continue to be: The problem remains unsolved.) kalmak, hâlâ var olmak
    - remains

    English-Turkish dictionary > remain

  • 106 remnant

    n. artık, kalıntı, bakiye, parça kumaş
    * * *
    1. bakiye 2. kalıntı
    * * *
    (a small piece or amount or a small number left over from a larger piece, amount or number: The shop is selling remnants of cloth at half price; the remnant of the army.) parça, artık, fazlalık

    English-Turkish dictionary > remnant

  • 107 speed up

    hızlandırmak, çabuklaştırmak, gazlamak, gaza basmak, hız yapmak, hızını artırmak, hızlanmak
    * * *
    1. hızlan (v.) 2. hızlanan (n.)
    * * *
    past tense, past participle - speeded (-)
    1) (to increase speed: The car speeded up as it left the town.) süratini artırmak
    2) (to quicken the rate of: We are trying to speed up production.) hızlandırmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > speed up

  • 108 stubble

    n. anız, biçilen tarlada kalan kökler, traşı gelmiş sakal, fırça gibi sakal, anızlı tarla
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (the stubs or ends of corn left in the ground when the stalks are cut.) ekin kökü, anız
    2) (short coarse hairs growing eg on an unshaven chin.) hafif uzamış sakal

    English-Turkish dictionary > stubble

  • 109 abandoned

    adj. terkedilmiş, kullanılmayan, ahlaksız, haylaz
    * * *
    1. terket (v.) 2. yarıda kes 3. mahvolmuş (adj.)
    * * *
    1) (shameless: an abandoned young woman.) arsız, utanmaz
    2) (having been left without any intention of returning to or reclaiming: The police found the abandoned car.) terkedilmiş

    English-Turkish dictionary > abandoned

  • 110 any

    adj. hiç, hiçbir; biraz, daha, her, herhangi
    adv. hiç, daha, biraz
    pron. her ne, herhangi biri, biri
    * * *
    * * *
    ['eni] 1. pronoun, adjective
    1) (one, some, no matter which: `Which dress shall I wear?' `Wear any (dress)'; `Which dresses shall I pack?' `Pack any (dresses)'.) herhangi biri, hangisi olursa
    2) ((in questions and negative sentences etc) one, some: John has been to some interesting places but I've never been to any; Have you been to any interesting places?; We have hardly any coffee left.) herhangi(bir), hiç
    2. adjective
    (every: Any schoolboy could tell you the answer.) her, herhagi bir
    3. adverb
    (at all; (even) by a small amount: Is this book any better than the last one?; His writing hasn't improved any.) hiç, hiç mi hiç
    - anyhow
    - anything
    - anyway
    - anywhere
    - at any rate
    - in any case

    English-Turkish dictionary > any

  • 111 backward

    adj. geri, geç, ters; çağdışı; gelişmemiş, yavaş öğrenen, geç kavrayan, geri kalmış; çekingen; isteksiz
    adv. geriye doğru, geri geri, geriye, geri, tersine, geçmişe
    * * *
    1. geri (adv.) 2. geri (adj.) 3. geriye
    * * *
    1) (aimed or directed backwards: He left without a backward glance.) geri, geriye
    2) (less advanced in mind or body than is normal for one's age: a backward child.) geri kalmış, yavaş(öğrenen)
    3) (late in developing a modern culture, mechanization etc: That part of Britain is still very backward; the backward peoples of the world.) az gelişmiş, geri kalmış
    - backwards
    - backwards and forwards
    - bend/fall over backwards

    English-Turkish dictionary > backward

  • 112 blank

    adj. boş; yazısız; açık; ifadesiz, anlamsız; şaşırmış; tam; görüntüsüz [tv]
    n. boşluk; yazısız kâğıt, boş kâğıt, boş numara; hedef, hedefin ortası
    v. çıkarmak, silmek, sayıyı önlemek [spor.]
    * * *
    1. boş 2. boşluk
    * * *
    [blæŋk] 1. adjective
    1) ((of paper) without writing or marks: a blank sheet of paper.) boş, yazısız
    2) (expressionless: a blank look.) ifadesiz, boş
    3) ((of a wall) having no door, window etc.) boş
    2. noun
    1) ((in forms etc) a space left to be filled (with a signature etc): Fill in all the blanks!) boşluk
    2) (a blank cartridge: The soldier fired a blank.) kurusıkı fişek
    - blankness
    - blank cartridge
    - blank cheque
    - go blank

    English-Turkish dictionary > blank

  • 113 communicate

    v. haberleşmek, iletişim kurmak, temasa geçmek, bildirmek, anlatmak, nakletmek, geçirmek, bulaştırmak, bağlantılı olmak, birbirine açılmak; dertleşmek; içini dökmek
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (to tell (information etc): She communicated the facts to him.) söylemek, anlatmak
    2) (to get in touch (with): It's difficult to communicate with her now that she has left the country.) haberleşmek, görüşmek
    - communications
    - communicative
    - communication cord
    - communications satellite

    English-Turkish dictionary > communicate

  • 114 distress

    n. üzüntü, dert, acı, ızdırap, felâket, sıkıntı; tehlike (gemi); haciz
    v. üzmek, acı vermek; sıkmak, endişelendirmek; haczetmek, el koymak
    * * *
    1. sıkıntı 2. sıkıntı ver (v.) 3. sıkıntı (n.) 4. ızdırap
    * * *
    [di'stres] 1. noun
    1) (great sorrow, trouble or pain: She was in great distress over his disappearance; Is your leg causing you any distress?; The loss of all their money left the family in acute distress.) acı, ıstırap
    2) (a cause of sorrow: My inability to draw has always been a distress to me.) üzüntü kaynağı, dert
    2. verb
    (to cause pain or sorrow to: I'm distressed by your lack of interest.) acı vermek, ıstırap çektirmek
    - distressingly

    English-Turkish dictionary > distress

  • 115 dominion

    n. hakimiyet, idare, sahiplik, hükümdara ait arazi, dominyon
    n. kanada, İngiliz uluslar topluluğuna bağlı bağımsız ülke
    * * *
    1. dominyon 2. hüküm
    * * *
    1) (rule or power: There was no-one left to challenge his dominion.) hâkimiyet, egemenlik
    2) (a self-governing country of the British Commonwealth: the Dominion of Canada.) dominyon

    English-Turkish dictionary > dominion

  • 116 flood

    n. sel, su baskını, taşkın, tufan, bolluk, sel gibi şey
    v. basmak, akın etmek, istila etmek, yağdırmak, sel basmak, su basmak
    * * *
    1. taş (v.) 2. sel (n.)
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a great overflow of water: If it continues to rain like this, we shall have floods.) sel
    2) (any great quantity: a flood of fan mail.) furya, akın
    2. verb
    (to (cause something to) overflow with water: She left the water running and flooded the kitchen.) sel basmak, taşmak
    3. [-lit] verb
    (to light with floodlights.) ışıldakla aydınlatmak
    - floodlit
    - flood-tide

    English-Turkish dictionary > flood

  • 117 laden

    adj. yüklü, dolu
    * * *
    1. yükle (v.) 2. yüklü (adj.)
    * * *
    (carrying a lot; heavily loaded (with): People left the shops laden with purchases; Several laden lorries turned out of the yard.)...(ile) yüklü

    English-Turkish dictionary > laden

  • 118 lambskin

    n. kuzu derisi
    * * *
    kuzu derisi
    * * *
    noun, adjective ((of) the skin of a lamb with the wool left on it: a lambskin coat.) kuzu derisi

    English-Turkish dictionary > lambskin

  • 119 leave no stone unturned

    (to try every possible means: The police left no stone unturned to (try to) find the child.) her yolu denemek

    English-Turkish dictionary > leave no stone unturned

  • 120 miss out

    * * *
    gözden kaçır
    * * *
    1) (to omit or fail to include: I missed her out (of the list).) atlamak, unutmak
    2) ((often with on) to be left out of something: George missed out (on all the fun) because of his broken leg.) kaçırmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > miss out

См. также в других словарях:

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  • The Left Banke Too — Infobox Album Name = The Left Banke Too Type = studio Artist = The Left Banke Released = 1969 Recorded = 1967 1968 Genre = Baroque Pop Length = Label = Smash SRS 67113 Producer = Paul Leka, Michael Brown, Arthur Schroeck and Gene Radice Reviews …   Wikipedia

  • Over the left — Left Left, a. [OE. left, lift, luft; akin to Fries. leeft, OD. lucht, luft; cf. AS. left (equiv. to L. inanis), lyft[=a]dl palsy; or cf. AS. l[=e]f weak.] 1. Of or pertaining to that side of the body in man on which the muscular action of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Over the left — Over O ver ([=o] v[ e]r), prep. [AS. ofer; akin to D. over, G. [ u]ber, OHG. ubir, ubar, Dan. over, Sw. [ o]fver, Icel. yfir, Goth. ufar, L. super, Gr. ype r, Skr. upari. [root]199. Cf. {Above}, {Eaves}, {Hyper }, {Orlop}, {Super }, {Sovereign},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Over the left shoulder — Left Left, a. [OE. left, lift, luft; akin to Fries. leeft, OD. lucht, luft; cf. AS. left (equiv. to L. inanis), lyft[=a]dl palsy; or cf. AS. l[=e]f weak.] 1. Of or pertaining to that side of the body in man on which the muscular action of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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