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  • 1 thrill

    [Ɵril] 1. verb
    (to (cause someone to) feel excitement: She was thrilled at/by the invitation.) henrykke
    2. noun
    1) (an excited feeling: a thrill of pleasure/expectation.) spænding
    2) (something which causes this feeling: Meeting the Queen was a great thrill.) stor oplevelse
    - thrilling
    * * *
    [Ɵril] 1. verb
    (to (cause someone to) feel excitement: She was thrilled at/by the invitation.) henrykke
    2. noun
    1) (an excited feeling: a thrill of pleasure/expectation.) spænding
    2) (something which causes this feeling: Meeting the Queen was a great thrill.) stor oplevelse
    - thrilling

    English-Danish dictionary > thrill

  • 2 kick

    [kik] 1. verb
    1) (to hit or strike out with the foot: The child kicked his brother; He kicked the ball into the next garden; He kicked at the locked door; He kicked open the gate.) sparke
    2) ((of a gun) to jerk or spring back violently when fired.) slå tilbage
    2. noun
    1) (a blow with the foot: The boy gave him a kick on the ankle; He was injured by a kick from a horse.) spark
    2) (the springing back of a gun after it has been fired.) tilbageslag; rekyl
    3) (a pleasant thrill: She gets a kick out of making people happy.) spænding
    - kick off
    - kick up
    * * *
    [kik] 1. verb
    1) (to hit or strike out with the foot: The child kicked his brother; He kicked the ball into the next garden; He kicked at the locked door; He kicked open the gate.) sparke
    2) ((of a gun) to jerk or spring back violently when fired.) slå tilbage
    2. noun
    1) (a blow with the foot: The boy gave him a kick on the ankle; He was injured by a kick from a horse.) spark
    2) (the springing back of a gun after it has been fired.) tilbageslag; rekyl
    3) (a pleasant thrill: She gets a kick out of making people happy.) spænding
    - kick off
    - kick up

    English-Danish dictionary > kick

См. также в других словарях:

  • Thrill — 〈[ðrı̣l] m. 6; umg.〉 Nervenkitzel, packende Hochspannung; →a. Kick [→ Thriller] * * * Thrill [θrɪl ], der; s, s [engl. thrill, zu: to thrill, ↑ Thriller]: Nervenkitzel. * * * Thrill [θrɪl], der; s, s [engl. thrill, zu: to thrill, ↑ …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Thrill — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El thrill o frémito es un fenómeno cardiaco que se aprecia en la palpación cardiaca. Se podría describir como la sensación de roce que percibe la mano que es comparable con el ronroneo de un gato y que tiene siempre… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Thrill-Ville USA — is an amusement park in Turner, Oregon, United States. The park is located next to the Enchanted Forest south of Salem on Interstate 5.Thrill Ville was closed for the 2008 season, and may not reopen.cite web |url=… …   Wikipedia

  • Thrill Seeker — Álbum de estudio de August Burns Red Publicación 8 de noviembre de 2005 Grabación Dark Horse Studio, Franklin, Tennessee Género(s) Metalcore Duración …   Wikipedia Español

  • Thrill — Thrill, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Thrilled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Thrilling}.] [OE. thrillen, [thorn]irlen, [thorn]urlen, to pierce; all probably fr. AS. [thorn]yrlian, [thorn]yrelian, Fr. [thorn]yrel pierced; as a noun, a hole, fr. [thorn]urh through;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Thrill — Thrill, n. 1. A drill. See 3d {Drill}, 1. [1913 Webster] 2. A sensation as of being thrilled; a tremulous excitement; as, a thrill of horror; a thrill of joy. Burns. [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Thrill — or Thrills may refer to:*Thrills, a Canadian brand of chewing gum *Thrill, a former brand of dishwashing detergent from Procter and Gamble.In music: *The Thrills, an Irish indie rock band *THE THRILL, a Japanese jazz horn and percussion band. *… …   Wikipedia

  • Thrill Kill Jack in Hale Manor — is a 2000 independent comedy film produced by the Hale Manor Collective, a trio of Connecticut filmmakers consisting of Mike Aransky, Phil Guerrette and Thomas Edward Seymour. The film parodies action/adventure flicks by following the mystical… …   Wikipedia

  • Thrill Jockey — Fundación 1992 Fundador(es) Bettina Richards Género(s) Indie rock Post rock Música electrónica País Estados Unidos …   Wikipedia Español

  • thrill — ● thrill nom masculin (anglais thrill) Série de vibrations perçues par la main placée à plat sur une région du corps. thrill [tʀil] n. m. ÉTYM. 1863, Jaccoud, dans une trad. de Graves, in D. D. L.; mot angl. « frisson, émotion, sensation ». ❖ ♦… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • thrill — vb Thrill, electrify, enthuse are comparable when they mean to fill with emotions that stir or excite physically and mentally or to be stirred by such emotions. Thrill suggests pervasion by emotions that set one atingle or aquiver (as with… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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