Перевод: с английского на румынский

с румынского на английский


  • 1 distance

    1) (the space between things, places etc: Some of the children have to walk long distances to school; It's quite a distance to the bus stop; It is difficult to judge distance when driving at night; What's the distance from here to London?) distanţă
    2) (a far-off place or point: We could see the town in the distance; He disappeared into the distance; The picture looks better at a distance.) depărtare

    English-Romanian dictionary > distance

  • 2 regular

    ['reɡjulə] 1. adjective
    1) (usual: Saturday is his regular day for shopping; That isn't our regular postman, is it?) obişnuit
    2) ((American) normal: He's too handicapped to attend a regular school.) obişnuit
    3) (occurring, acting etc with equal amounts of space, time etc between: They placed guards at regular intervals round the camp; Is his pulse regular?) regulat, egal
    4) (involving doing the same things at the same time each day etc: a man of regular habits.) fă­cut cu regularitate
    5) (frequent: He's a regular visitor; He's one of our regular customers.) obişnuit
    6) (permanent; lasting: He's looking for a regular job.) permanent
    7) ((of a noun, verb etc) following one of the usual grammatical patterns of the language: `Walk' is a regular verb, but `go' is an irregular verb.) regulat
    8) (the same on both or all sides or parts; neat; symmetrical: a girl with regular features; A square is a regular figure.) regulat
    9) (of ordinary size: I don't want the large size of packet - just give me the regular one.) de di­men­­siuni obişnuite
    10) ((of a soldier) employed full-time, professional; (of an army) composed of regular soldiers.) obişnuit
    2. noun
    1) (a soldier in the regular army.) soldat de carieră
    2) (a regular customer (eg at a bar).) client obişnuit
    - regularly
    - regulate
    - regulation
    - regulator

    English-Romanian dictionary > regular

См. также в других словарях:

  • Space walk — Space walk, n. any activity by a human outside of the protective environment of a spacecraft while it is in outer space, requiring a space suit to protect the person from the vacuum and other hazards of space. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • space´walk´er — space|walk «SPAYS WK», noun, verb. –n. the act of moving or floating in space while outside a spacecraft; extravehicular motion or activity. –v.i. to move or float in space while outside a spacecraft. –space´walk´er, noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • space|walk — «SPAYS WK», noun, verb. –n. the act of moving or floating in space while outside a spacecraft; extravehicular motion or activity. –v.i. to move or float in space while outside a spacecraft. –space´walk´er, noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • space walk — space walks N COUNT When an astronaut goes on a space walk, he or she leaves the spacecraft and works outside it while floating in space …   English dictionary

  • space-walk — spaceˈ walk intransitive verb • • • Main Entry: ↑space …   Useful english dictionary

  • space walk — noun any kind of physical activity outside a spacecraft by one of the crew • Derivationally related forms: ↑spacewalk • Hypernyms: ↑activity * * * space walk noun An excursion by an astronaut outside his or her craft while in space • • • Main… …   Useful english dictionary

  • space walk — Synonyms and related words: aerospace medicine, aerospace research, aerospace science, aerospace technology, astronautics, bioastronautics, break free, escape earth, escape velocity, go into orbit, grand tour, interplanetary travel, navigate in… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • space walk — noun Any activity performed by an astronaut outside of a space vehicle in space. Syn: extravehicular activity …   Wiktionary

  • space walk — noun Date: 1965 a period of activity spent outside a spacecraft by an astronaut in space • spacewalk intransitive verb • spacewalker noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Space Walk —    When a suited astronaut exits a space vehicle to perform some function. See EVA …   The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology

  • Space music — Space music, also spelled spacemusic, is an umbrella term used to describe music that evokes a feeling of contemplative spaciousness. In fact, almost any music with a slow pace and space creating sound images could be called spacemusic. Stephen… …   Wikipedia

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