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  • 1 graft

    I 1. verb
    (to fix (skin, bone etc) from one part of the body on to or into another part of the body: The doctor treated her burns by grafting skin from her leg on to her back.) transplantere
    2. noun
    (a piece of skin, bone etc which is grafted: a skin graft.) transplantat
    II noun
    1) (dishonesty in obtaining profit or good position.) korruption; bedrageri
    2) (hard work.) slid; hårdt arbejde
    * * *
    I 1. verb
    (to fix (skin, bone etc) from one part of the body on to or into another part of the body: The doctor treated her burns by grafting skin from her leg on to her back.) transplantere
    2. noun
    (a piece of skin, bone etc which is grafted: a skin graft.) transplantat
    II noun
    1) (dishonesty in obtaining profit or good position.) korruption; bedrageri
    2) (hard work.) slid; hårdt arbejde

    English-Danish dictionary > graft

См. также в других словарях:

  • Graft-de rijp — Graft De Rijp …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Graft-De Rijp — Héraldique …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Graft — may refer to:*Grafting, where the tissues of one plant are affixed to the tissues of another *Medical grafting, a surgical procedure to transplant tissue without a blood supply *Skin grafting, a type of organ transplant procedure involving skin… …   Wikipedia

  • graft — [graft, gräft] n. [with unhistoric t, for earlier graff < ME graffe < OFr, a pencil < L graphium < Gr grapheion, stylus (see GRAPHIC): from resemblance of the scion to a pointed pencil] 1. a) a shoot or bud of one plant or tree… …   English World dictionary

  • Graft — ist ein altes Wort für einen Wassergraben, Gräfte die Bezeichnung für Transplantat in der medizinischen Fachsprache Graft heißt ein Teil des Dorfes Graft De Rijp die Graft Gesellschaft von Architekten ein im 14. Jahrhundert angelegter Wasserlauf… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Graft — Graft, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Grafted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Grafting}.] [F. greffer. See {Graft}, n.] 1. To insert (a graft) in a branch or stem of another tree; to propagate by insertion in another stock; also, to insert a graft upon. [Formerly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • graft — Ⅰ. graft [1] ► NOUN 1) a shoot from one plant inserted into a slit cut into another to form a new growth. 2) a piece of living bodily tissue that is transplanted surgically to replace diseased or damaged tissue. 3) an operation in which tissue is …   English terms dictionary

  • GRAFT Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH — Unternehmensform Gründung 1998 Unternehmenssitz Berlin, Los Angeles, Beijing Unternehmensl …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Graft (surgery) — Intervention MeSH D019737 Grafting refers to a surgical procedure to move tissue from one site to another on the body, or from another person, without bringing its own blood supply with it. Instead, a new blood supply grows in after it is placed …   Wikipedia

  • graft — I noun blackmail, bribery, corruption, exploitation, fraudulent income, hush money, illegal profit, illicit profit, illicit revenue, inserere, kickback, money illegally acquired, political corruption, profiteering, property illegally acquired,… …   Law dictionary

  • -graft- — [engl. graft = pfropfen]: in der Nomenklatur von Polymeren ein kursiv gesetztes Strukturinfix zur Beschreibung von ↑ Pfropfcopolymeren, bei denen auf eine (zuerst genannte) Hauptkette Seitenketten aufgepfropft sind, z. B. Polybutadien graft… …   Universal-Lexikon

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