1 hover mower
2 hover
['hɒvə(r)]1) [ bird] librarsi; [ helicopter] volare a punto fisso ( over, above su, sopra)to hover around sb. — ronzare intorno a qcn
2) (vacillate)* * *1) ((of a bird, insect etc) to remain in the air without moving in any direction.) librarsi2) (to move around while still remaining near a person etc: I wish she'd stop hovering round me and go away.) gironzolare3) ((with between) to be undecided: She hovered between leaving and staying.) esitare•* * *hover /ˈhɒvə(r)/n. [u]2 (fig.) indecisione; pencolamento(to) hover /ˈhɒvə(r)/v. i.1 librarsi; librarsi a volo; volteggiare; incombere ( anche fig.): An eagle hovered over the rock, un'aquila volteggiava sopra la rupe2 (fig.) essere sospeso; essere indeciso; pencolare; essere in bilico: to hover between life and death, esser sospeso fra la vita e la morte● to hover about (o around), aggirarsi; gironzolare (intorno); attardarsi; indugiare □ to hover about (o around) sb., ronzare (o aggirarsi) intorno a q. □ (fig., con cifre) to hover around st., aggirarsi su (o fluttuare intorno a) qc.: The inflation rate will hover around 2% this year, quest'anno il tasso di inflazione si aggirerà sul 2%.* * *['hɒvə(r)]1) [ bird] librarsi; [ helicopter] volare a punto fisso ( over, above su, sopra)to hover around sb. — ronzare intorno a qcn
2) (vacillate) -
3 hover hov·er vi
['hɒvə(r)](bird) librarsi, (helicopter) volare a punto fisso -
4 hover about
stare or girare intorno -
5 hover around vi + adv
stare or girare intorno -
6 hover
I. (s.)(inform.) sovrapposizione, [effetto] camaleonteII. (v.)(inform.) posizionare, fare scorrere, puntare -
7 hovercraft hover·craft n
['hɒvəˌkrɒːft]hovercraft m inv -
8 hoverport hover·port n
['hɒvəˌpɔːt] -
9 hovering
См. также в других словарях:
Höver (Sehnde) — Höver Stadt Sehnde Koordinaten … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hover-Track-540 (полугусеничный транспортёр) — Hover Track 540 … Википедия
Hover Strike: Unconquered Lands — Hover Strike Hover Strike Éditeur Atari Corporation Développeur Atari Corporation … Wikipédia en Français
Hover! — Opening screen of Hover! Developer(s) Microsoft Publisher(s) Mic … Wikipedia
Hover ad — Hover ads are a special type of pop up ads created using Dynamic HTML, JavaScript and similar web browser technologies. Because they do not scroll with the web page, they appear to hover over the page, usually obscuring the content. Background… … Wikipedia
Hover Chamber Choir — was established in 1992 in Armenia by Sona Hovhannisyan and the students of Yerevan State Komitas Conservatory. Hover received the Gold Medal at the International Choir Olympiad in Linz, Austria in 2000, became a prize winner at the International … Wikipedia
Hover Strike — Éditeur Atari Corporation Développeur Atari Corporation Da … Wikipédia en Français
Hover — can refer to:* Float * Levitation * Hover (helicopter) nearly stationary flight in a helicopter. * Hovercraft * Hovercar * Ground effect in aircraft * Hover!, a computer game for Microsoft Windows * Hover Chamber Choir, established in 1992 in… … Wikipedia
Höver — bezeichnet: Höver (Sehnde), ein Ortsteil in der Stadt Sehnde in der Region Hannover Höver (Weste), ein Ortsteil der Gemeinde Weste (Niedersachsen) in der Samtgemeinde Bevensen im Landkreis Uelzen Höver, ist der Name von folgenden Personen: Albert … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hover! — Desarrolladora(s) Microsoft Compositor(es) Stan LePard Última versión Plataforma(s) Mic … Wikipedia Español
Hover Bovver — Entwickler Jeff Minter Publisher … Deutsch Wikipedia