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  • 1 talent

    1. प्रतिभा
    He is an orator of great talent.
    2. प्रतिभाशाली\talentव्यक्ति
    He is the new cricketing talent.

    English-Hindi dictionary > talent

  • 2 talent

    एक प्रकार का परिणाम या मुद्रा, शक्ति, बुद्धि, गुण

    English-Hindi new dictionary > talent

  • 3 exhibit

    1. प्रदर्शन
    The museum had many exhibits of oriental art
    1. प्रदर्शन\exhibitकरना
    He exhibits a great talent

    English-Hindi dictionary > exhibit

  • 4 eye

    1. आँख
    Her eyes are beautiful.
    2. नज़र
    She has an eye for fresh talent
    3. ध्यान
    He tried to catch her eye

    English-Hindi dictionary > eye

  • 5 inborn

    1. प्रकृतिक
    He had inborn talent for music.

    English-Hindi dictionary > inborn

  • 6 inexhaustible

    1. अनन्त
    Kajol seems to have an inexhaustible, acting talent.

    English-Hindi dictionary > inexhaustible

  • 7 latent

    1. प्रच्छन्न
    Strong commitment to moral values was latent in Gandhi's political philosophy.
    2. अविकसित
    Many a children's latent talent never blossoms because of lack of opportunities.

    English-Hindi dictionary > latent

  • 8 muralant

    1. भित्तिकला
    The artisans had muralant talent.

    English-Hindi dictionary > muralant

  • 9 nurture

    1. पालन\nurtureपोषण
    They debated whether nature or nurture was more important.
    1. पुश्ट बनाना
    The nurse nurtured the patient.
    2. सिक्षा देना
    The teachers nurtured the child's talent.

    English-Hindi dictionary > nurture

  • 10 over-much

    1. अत्यधिक
    His book displays over-much talent

    English-Hindi dictionary > over-much

  • 11 pitch

    1. खेल के लिए स्थान
    The cricket pitch is wet now.
    2. तारत्व/सुर/स्वर
    A train seens to have higher pitch as the train approaches.
    3. ऊँचाई
    The dancer's talent reached the pitch of perfection.
    4. फ़ेंक/क्षेपण
    The basket ball player gave an exact pitch and the ball fell in the basket.
    5. उचनिचाव
    The ship travelled on the sea with a pitch.
    1. डामर/अलकतरा
    Pitch is a useful product in sealing gaps.
    1. स्थिर करना
    Their prices are pitched lower than those of their competition.
    2. लगाना
    Pitch the transistor to maximum.
    3. फ़ेंकना
    Pitch pebbles into that river.
    4. टप्पा\pitchखाना
    The ball pitched short.
    5. गिरना\{धडाम से\}
    The boy suddenly pitched forward out of his seat when the driver applied a sudden break.
    6. डूबना-उतराना
    The ship pitched in the sea due to tides.
    7. डेरा डालना
    We pitched camp near the river while tracking.

    English-Hindi dictionary > pitch

  • 12 potter's wheel

    1. चाक
    A potter is unable to show his talent without potter's wheel.

    English-Hindi dictionary > potter's wheel

  • 13 prophecy

    1. भविष्यवाणी
    She was born with the talent of prophecy.

    English-Hindi dictionary > prophecy

  • 14 secretary of State

    1. मंत्रि
    The Secretary of state for sports provide opportunities to the talent.

    English-Hindi dictionary > secretary of State

  • 15 tap

    1. नल
    The water was dripping from the tap.
    2. टेलिफोन\tapमें\tapगुप्त\tapसुनने\tapके\tapलिए\tapउपकरण
    Put a tap on his phone.
    1. टोंटी\tapसे\tapतरल\tapपदार्थ\tapनिकालना
    You have to tap the liquid carefully.
    2. क्षार\tapनिकालना
    He is tapping the rubber tree.
    3. निकालना
    Minerals are to be tapped.
    1. निकालना
    We have to tap the talent of the youth for their bright future.
    1. खटखटाना
    The milkman tapped the door.

    English-Hindi dictionary > tap

  • 16 uninhibited

    1. बेहिचक
    I like his natural and uninhibited acting talent.

    English-Hindi dictionary > uninhibited

  • 17 untapped

    1. अप्रयुक्त
    There are many untapped scientific talent in the country.

    English-Hindi dictionary > untapped

См. также в других словарях:

  • Talent — Talent …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • talent — [ talɑ̃ ] n. m. • talant « état d esprit » 980; lat. talentum, gr. talanton « plateau de balance » I ♦ (1170) Antiq. Poids de 20 à 27 kg, dans la Grèce antique. ♢ Par ext. Monnaie de compte équivalant à un talent d or ou d argent. La parabole des …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Talent — may refer to: *Talent, a personal gift/skill *A show business personality or group of them *Tarento, the Japanese pronunciation of the word; a variety entertainment personality in Japan *Talent agent, a person who finds jobs for actors, musicians …   Wikipedia

  • talent — TALÉNT, talente, s.n. Aptitudine, înclinare înnăscută într un anumit domeniu; capacitate deosebită, înnăscută sau dobândită, într o ramură de activitate, care favorizează o activitate creatoare. ♢ loc. adj. De talent = talentat. ♦ Persoană… …   Dicționar Român

  • talent — TALENT. s. m. Certaine quantité, certain poids d or ou d argent, qui estoit different selon les differents pays où l on s en servoit anciennement. Talent Attique. talent Babylonien. talent d or. talent d argent. grand talent. petit talent. il mit …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Talent — steht für: eine antike Währungs und Gewichtseinheit, siehe Talent (Währung) im übertragenen Sinn eine überdurchschnittliche Begabung einen Fluss in der Schweiz, siehe Talent (Fluss) zwei Eisenbahn Triebwagen für den Nahverkehr, siehe Bombardier… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • talent — I {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. u, Mc. talentncie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}{{stl 12}}1. {{/stl 12}}{{stl 7}} szczególne, wybitne uzdolnienie w jakimś kierunku, predyspozycje, zdolności : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Talent artystyczny, malarski …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • talent — UK US /ˈtælənt/ noun [C or U] ► a natural skill or ability: »The successful candidate will have both talent and drive. »The company benefited from her expertise and talents in sales. a talent for sth »He had a great talent for business. ► HR a… …   Financial and business terms

  • Talent — Sn std. (17. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. talent m., dieses aus l. talentum, das wie gr. tálanton eine Gewichtseinheit bezeichnet, eigentlich Waage , zu gr. tlẽnai aufheben, tragen, wägen (dulden). (Eine frühere, vereinzelte Entlehnung… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • talent — [tal′ənt] n. [ME < OE talente < L talentum, a coin, orig., unit of weight < Gr talanton, a unit of money, weight, orig., a balance < IE base * tel , to lift up, weigh, bear > TOLERATE: senses 2 4 from the parable of the talents… …   English World dictionary

  • Talent — Tal ent, n. [F., fr. L. talentum a talent (in sense 1), Gr. ? a balance, anything weighed, a definite weight, a talent; akin to ? to bear, endure, ?, L. tolerare, tollere, to lift up, sustain, endure. See {Thole}, v. t., {Tolerate}.] 1. Among the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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