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  • 1 ship

    • ottaa
    • astua laivaan
    • alus
    • pestautua
    • pestata laivaan
    • pestata
    • kuljettaa
    • lastata laivaan
    finance, business, economy
    • laivata
    • laiva
    • lähettää
    * * *
    ʃip 1. noun
    1) (a large boat: The ship sank and all the passengers and crew were drowned.) laiva
    2) (any of certain types of transport that fly: a spaceship.) alus
    2. verb
    (to send or transport by ship: The books were shipped to Australia.) laivata, lähettää
    - shipper
    - shipping
    - ship-broker
    - shipbuilder
    - shipbuilding
    - shipowner
    - shipshape
    - shipwreck
    3. verb
    We were shipwrecked off the coast of Africa.) haaksirikkoutua
    - ship water

    English-Finnish dictionary > ship

  • 2 beam

    building / construction industry
    • orsi
    • paistaa
    • palkki
    • tukki
    • tuikkia
    • niskahirsi
    • hehkua
    • helottaa
    • hirsi
    • hohde
    • hohtaa
    • antennin säteilykeila
    • antennikeila
    • uhkua
    • valokeila
    • valonsäde
    • välkkyä
    • puomi
    building / construction industry
    • kattoparru
    • kiiltää
    • kiilua
    • kimallella
    • kimaltaa
    • kimmeltää
    textile industry
    • kangastukki
    • parru
    forest and paper industry
    • pelkka
    • parsi
    • selkä
    • malka
    • suihku
    • säteilykeila
    • sädehtiä
    • säde
    • säihkyä
    • säteillä
    • sädekimppu
    • säkenöidä
    • laivan leveys
    • poikkipuu
    • loistaa
    • luoda
    * * *
    bi:m 1. noun
    1) (a long straight piece of wood, often used in ceilings.) parru
    2) (a ray of light etc: a beam of sunlight.) säde
    3) (the greatest width of a ship or boat.) suurin leveys
    2. verb
    1) (to smile broadly: She beamed with delight.) säteillä
    2) (to send out (rays of light, radio waves etc): This transmitter beams radio waves all over the country.) lähettää

    English-Finnish dictionary > beam

  • 3 forward

    finance, business, economy
    • toimittaa edelleen
    • hyökkääjäpelaaja
    • hyökkääjä
    • innostaa
    • jouduttaa
    • helpottaa
    • huolita
    • varhaiskypsä
    • edelleen
    • edespäin
    • edistynyt
    • edemmäs
    • edistää
    • ennakko
    • esiin
    • eteen
    • etumainen
    • etutietä
    • eteen-
    • etuteitse
    • etu
    • eteenpäin
    • esille
    • siirto
    • antaa antaa tai toimittaa tiedoksi
    • arastelematon
    • päästö-
    finance, business, economy
    • termiini
    • kauemmas
    • kauemmaksi
    • keula
    • myötä-
    • nenäkäs
    • pidemmälle
    • laitahyökkääjä
    • lähettää edelleen
    • lähettää
    • loitommalle
    * * *
    'fo:wəd 1. adjective
    1) (moving on; advancing: a forward movement.) eteenpäin suuntautuva
    2) (at or near the front: The forward part of a ship is called the `bows'.) etu-
    2. adverb
    1) ((also forwards) moving towards the front: A pendulum swings backward(s) and forward(s).) eteenpäin
    2) (to a later time: from this time forward.) eteenpäin
    3. noun
    ((in certain team games, eg football, hockey) a player in a forward position.) hyökkääjä
    4. verb
    (to send (letters etc) on to another address: I have asked the post office to forward my mail.) toimittaa edelleen

    English-Finnish dictionary > forward

См. также в других словарях:

  • ship — [ship] n. [ME < OE scip, akin to Ger schiff, ON skip < IE * skeib < * skei , to cut, separate (> L scindere, to cut), extension of base * sek , to cut (> SAW1): basic sense “hollowed out tree trunk”] 1. any water vehicle of… …   English World dictionary

  • send — I verb ablegare, advance, broadcast, cast, circulate, convey, direct, discharge, dismiss, dispatch, displace, drive, ejaculate, eject, emit, emittere, export, fling, forward, freight, give, give forth, hurl, impel, issue, jaculate, launch, mail,… …   Law dictionary

  • ship — 1. To put on board a ship; to send by ship. Harrison v. Fortlage, 161 U.S. 57, 16 S.Ct. 488, 490, 40 L.Ed. 616. To place (goods) on board a vessel for the purchaser or consignee, to be transported at his risk. In a broader sense, to transport; to …   Black's law dictionary

  • send on — verb send or ship onward from an intermediate post or station in transit (Freq. 2) forward my mail • Syn: ↑forward • Derivationally related forms: ↑forwarding (for: ↑forward) …   Useful english dictionary

  • send — send, dispatch, forward, transmit, remit, route, ship are comparable when they mean to cause to go or to be taken from one place or person or condition to another. Send, the most general term, carries a wide range of implications and connotations …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Ship — [ʆɪp] noun PROPERTY ORGANIZATIONS Safe Home Income Plans association; an official organization in Britain that represents and controls companies who provide Hip S: • the Ship code of practice * * * Ⅰ …   Financial and business terms

  • Ship — Ship, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Shipped}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Shipping}.] 1. To put on board of a ship, or vessel of any kind, for transportation; to send by water. [1913 Webster] The timber was . . . shipped in the bay of Attalia, from whence it was by… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • send — W1S1 [send] v past tense and past participle sent [sent] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(by post etc)¦ 2¦(radio/computer etc)¦ 3¦(person to place)¦ 4 send (somebody) a message/signal 5 send your love/regards/best wishes etc 6¦(cause to move)¦ 7 send… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • send — /send/ verb past tense and past participle sent /sent/ 1 BY POST/RADIO ETC (T) to arrange for something to go or be taken to another place, especially by post: send sb a letter/message/card: Honestly, I get tired of sending Christmas cards. |… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • ship — index consign, deliver, dispatch (send off), send, transmit, transport Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

  • Send — Send, v. i. 1. To dispatch an agent or messenger to convey a message, or to do an errand. [1913 Webster] See ye how this son of a murderer hath sent to take away my head? 2 Kings vi. 32. [1913 Webster] 2. (Naut.) To pitch; as, the ship sends… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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